role in the production and health of cartilage, the soft
Are you one of the 38 million American adults that
rubber-like padding that cushions the ends of bones and
suffer from some form of joint discomfort? Has your
prevents them from grinding painfully against each other
joint mobility declined due to an overly active lifestyle,
as the joint moves. It also helps develop ligaments,
The US Center for Disease Control predicts that
the number of adults suffering from joint discomforts
glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans, two vital
building blocks of cartilage. Usually the joints make
sufficient glucosamine to keep the cartilage in good
shape, but as we age, we lose some of the glucosamine
and other substances. The cartilage can dry out,
deteriorate, crack, or become thin from wear. Left
exposed, the joints may become inflamed, stiff, swollen,
deteriorate. This can be caused by recurring joint
tender and painful – a condition known as osteoarthritis
stress, physical injuries, or heredity. This is usually
or degenerative joint disease. (This condition is caused
accompanied by agonizing pain and limited mobility.
by the breakdown of cartilage. It is characterized by
The current methods for treating joint discomfort
are operations, such as knee or hip replacements,
Creatine Monohydrate is an amino acid compound
aspirin/ibuprofen, prescription drugs, and nutritional
that is stored in muscle tissue where it is used to create
supplements. Three supplements that seem to provide
the energy required by muscles. It is essential to muscle
effective joint pain relief are Chondroitin Sulfate,
contraction and helps in the muscle-building process.
Glucosamine Sulfate, and Creatine Monohydrate. Health Benefits
Chondroitin is a complex carbohydrate found in the
Chondroitin Sulfate is a powerful anti-inflammatory
connective tissue of all mammals. In the cartilage that
that seems to promote flexibility in tendons, ligaments,
cushions the joints, chondroitin will draw fluid into the
and cartilage. Glucosamine Sulfate appears to support
tissues; an important property, as there is no blood
the regeneration of cartilage and helps lubricate joint
supplied to cartilage. This fluid draws important
surfaces for easier movement. Creatine Monohydrate
nutrients to the area, making the cartilage spongier and
appears helpful for improving muscle strength and
more capable of absorbing shocks. Chondroitin also
shields healthy cartilage from early deterioration bypreventing the production of certain enzymes that
Advanced Joint Formula
weaken connective tissue and overpowering other
enzymes that stop nutrients from reaching the cartilage.
joint mobility and relieve the pain.
Many researchers are convinced that chondroitin
can strengthen the protein strands that make up
connective tissue. Some evidence has shown that,
because it contains complex sugar molecules called
glycosaminoglycans, it can reduce inflammation and
repair cartilage, especially if the tissue has not been
totally damaged. Chondroitin seems to play an active
“pain buster” ingredients – Chondroitin
role in reducing the pain that often accompanies joint
problems. Chondroitin has also been used to treat torn
ligaments and tendons because of its positive effect on
Citrate and Magnesium for bone development, and 4)
Lipase and Amylase to enhance the delivery of the other
Glucosamine is a natural substance created by the
ingredients and to help in inflammatory conditions.
body and found in certain foods. It plays an important
pain by taking the combination. In contrast, only
Supplement Facts
54.3% of the patients in the placebo group experienced
In a double blind, four-week study conducted in
China, 178 Chinese patients with knee osteoarthritis
were divided into two groups. One group took a daily
dose of 1500 mg of Glucosamine Sulfate and the other
took 1200 mg of ibuprofen daily. The researchers
monitored the level of pain for knees when they were at
rest, during movement, and under pressure. The
amount of swelling and mobility were also measured. Both groups experienced a significant reduction in pain
Suggested dosage: For usual adult dosage: take two
symptoms. Researchers observed from the results that
capsules twice daily with meals, or as needed.
the glucosamine group tended to: 1) have greatersymptom reduction, 2) experienced the positive
Scientific Studies
benefits of the treatment for a longer period after it was
An article in a 2003 issue of Drugs and Aging
stopped, and 3) have significantly less adverse side
documents the results of seven studies designed to
evaluate the efficacy of using glucosamine inosteoarthritis cases. In two such placebo-controlled
studies, 414 patients with osteoarthritis were monitored
Matheson Anna J., Perry Carolina M. “Glucosamine: A Review
during a three-year period. The patients taking
of it Use in the Management of Osteoarthritis.” Drugs and
glucosamine in this long-term study experienced greater
Aging (20:14 pages 1041-1060). Adis International:Pennsylvania; 2003.
improvements in joint structure changes and a decreasein symptom severity compared to the placebo group.
Retzlaff Kimerly J. “Glucosamine: Arthritis pain’s natural foejust got more street credibility at the American College of
In other double-blind studies where glucosamine was
Rheumatology’s annual scientific meeting.” Better Nutrition.
evaluated against ibuprofen and/or an arthritis drug
(piroxicam), patients taking glucosamine experienced
Qiu G.X., Gao S.N., Giacovelli G., Rovati L., Setnikar I. “Efficacy
relief of symptoms that were equal to or better than the
and Safety of Glucosamine Sulfate versus Ibuprofen in
patients in the non-glucosamine group. Further,
Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis.” Arzneimittelforschung
patients in the glucosamine group had much lower
incidents of gastrointestinal disturbances, fatigue, and
skin problems than those taking ibuprofen or arthritisdrugs. The overall conclusion of the authors of the
Clouatre Dallas, “Glucosamine Sulfate and ChondroitinSulfate.” Keats: Illinois; 1999.
article was that in the short-term clinical studies theyreviewed that glucosamine provided effective relief of
Health Canada Monograph – Glucosamine.
symptoms associated with osteoarthritis of the knee.
Health Canada Monograph – Chondroitin Sulfate.
And, that glucosamine showed potential for modifying
Health Canada Monograph – Calcium.
the progression of joint-related conditions.
Sahelian MD Ray, Tuttle Dave, “All About Creatine.” Avery
In a study involving 1258 patients with knee joint
Publishing Group: New York; 1998.
conditions conducted by the University of Utah in SaltLake City, researchers evaluated the results of five
Toews Victoria Dolby, “User’s Guide to Glucosamine andChondroitin.” Basic Health Publications: California; 2002.
different treatments – glucosamine, chondroitin, amixture of glucosamine and chondroitin, an arthritisdrug (Celebrex), and a placebo. At the end of sixmonths, researchers noted that patients taking the
Contact Information: R-Garden Inc., 1-800-800-1927
mixture of glucosamine and chondroitin saw the most
The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This product
improvement. Further, 79.2% of the patients with
is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any
severe pain experienced a minimum 20% reduction in
OBES SURG (2010) 20:1654–1659DOI 10.1007/s11695-009-0050-1Nutritional and Pharmacologic Challengesin the Bariatric Surgery PatientMitsi H. Lizer & Heather Papageorgeon &Troy M. GlembotReceived: 9 July 2009 / Accepted: 30 November 2009 / Published online: 27 January 2010# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010Abstract The purpose of this study was to describeimmediate-release for
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