Put into the light with :: SOLDEC PHOTOVOLTAIC
What are you doing if the costs for heat generation or cooling go to the sky? The solution: the world innovation SOLDEC RONDO with electricity, heat, insulation and shadowing.
SOLDEC RONDO is a solar multifunctional roof Your Advantage with optimal usage of the daylight. !!/PNOLMÄJPLU[KH`SPNO[[LJOUVSVN`
SOLDEC RONDO looks like a round glass lid on the roof, on which a photovoltaic plant is set on. :: additional building heating The appliance tips toward the sun to use the light- or warmthenergy optimally. :: generation of electricity, primal energy saving to approximately 13642 kWh per year (WWSPJH[PVUÄLSK& !!:LSMZ\MÄJPLUJ`LUZ\YLZPUKLWLUKLUJL of electricity and other raw material
SOLDEC can be used as well in trade and Industry as in private houses. :: best heat insulation :: modular built system, therefore YL[YVÄ[ Studies and awards Report to the energetically and light technolo- gically effectiveness through the Solar Institute Jülich, drawn up by Prof. Dr. Klemens Schwarzer and Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Göttsche. The trial plant SOLDEC LINEA was tested in a four-year trial operation on a passive house near Augsburg and gained an Innovation Award in the year 2004. Convenient in summer In summer the photovoltaic lid opens towards the sun to win heat energy and produce electricity, but Robert & Thomas Wittmann protects the window against too much solar heat and Consulting Service, constructional engineering so avoids the heating-up of the interior room. Gersthofer Straße 9 D-86368 Hirblingen Light falls indirectly via the mirror at the back side of www.soldec.de the damper through the window. How do you react, if you want to use daylight, but without the disadvantages like heat loss or excessive heating? The answer: the world innovation SOLDEC RONDO with electricity, heat and shadowing.
SOLDEC RONDOLZWLJPHSS`KL]LSVWLKMVYÅH[ Economical at every season roofs, can as a roof light be set in as well for daylight technology as also for building heating. In summer the Soldec Rondo turns over the With a light power of more than 400 bulbs (à 100W) course of the day always together with the sun and the heat output of 6 kW this product is an unbe- that the glass panels were shadowed – that H[HISLHSSPUVULZVS\[PVUQ\Z[MVYLULYN`LMÄJPLU[ÅH[ means generation of electricity and protection roof buildings. against the sun in one! Additionally the lid on the glass panels closes
SOLDEC RONDO enables a primal energy saving after sundown and protects against thunderstorm of just under 13642 kWh, because it is usable as a and noise. Heliostat, photovoltaic plant, glass roof and insu- lation element. By the use of the up side mounted 2-axial controllable mirror the sun shines the whole 0U^PU[LY[OLYLÅLJ[VYKPYLJ[ZHZT\JOZ\USPNO[PU the building as possible. day through – always exactly from top. After sundown the lid on the glass panel closes like the door of a freezer and keeps the heat ener- gy inside. For comparison A SOLDEC RONDO with the diameter of 2.80m replaces 14 to 16 roof light domes of 1.20m x 1.20m (both systems: 6m² glass area). 0M`V\VUS`^V\SK\ZLHY[PÄJPHSSPNO[PUZ[LHKVM daylight, you would need 400 bulbs for it à100W, that is 40kW. Costs / Charges Depending on the execution between 5500 € for the introduction version up to 28 000 € as the ideal Convenient in winter ZVS\[PVUHTVK\SHYYL[YVÄ[[PUNPZWVZZPISL In winter the heliostat lid opens toward the sun, to YLÅLJ[^P[O[OLTPYYVYHZT\JOSPNO[HZWVZZPISLPU[V the building. Robert & Thomas Wittmann A heat output of about 6kW, achieved from direct Consulting Service, Constructional Engineering and diffuse radiation, kept the inside temperature of Gersthofer Straße 9 an experimental building at 20 degrees below zero D-86368 Hirblingen outside temperature without additional heating at 23 www.soldec.de degrees above zero.
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