Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.
Abuse of the fda citizen petition process: ripe for antitrust challenge?
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012 Abuse of the FDA Citizen Petition Process: Ripe for Antitrust Challenge? By Seth C. Silber,1 Jonathan Lutinski,2 and Rachel Taylon3
consumers $931 billion over the last 10 years.4
With billions of dollars at stake, generic firms
Several antitrust challenges have arisen in the
have alleged, with varying success, that their
branded counterparts have used a number of
companies blocking or delaying the introduction
different strategies to keep lower-priced
generics out of the market in order to prolong
manipulation of FDA regulatory processes.
exclusivity for their branded drug products.
Improperly impeding generic entry potentially
For example, generic firms have alleged that
costs American consumers billions of dollars, as
it is estimated that generic drug use has saved
patents—that do not, in fact, cover the drug
product that they purport to cover—in the
1 Seth Silber is a partner in the antitrust group of Wilson
FDA’s publication commonly referred to as the
Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. Prior to joining the firm,
“Orange Book.” 5 The Orange Book is the
Seth spent six years at the FTC, where he worked as a staff attorney in the Health Care Division, Assistant to the
FDA’s official listing of drugs, including the
Director of the Bureau of Competition, and as an attorney
patents that could be infringed upon by an
advisor to Commissioner (now Chairman) Jon Leibowitz.
ANDA applicant seeking to market a generic
version of the branded product.6 Regardless of
whether an Orange Book listing is proper (i.e.,
2 Jonathan Lutinski is an associate in the antitrust group of
4 See “The Generic Pharmaceutical Industry—Improving
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. Prior to joining the
Lives For Less,” The Generic Pharmaceutical Association
firm, Jonathan spent four years as a staff attorney in the
(2011), available at
Health Care Division of the FTC, where he worked
almost exclusivity on Hatch-Waxman settlements and
other investigations in the pharmaceutical sector. Jonathan’s bio is available at
5 See, e.g., In re Buspirone Patent Litig., 185 F. Supp. 2d
363, 371 (S.D.N.Y. 2002) (concerning whether Bristol-
Meyers-Squibb (BMS) made false filings with the FDA
that caused BMS’s patents to be wrongfully listed in the
Rachel Taylon is an associate in the health care group of
Orange Book in an effort to obstruct generic competition).
Kutak Rock. Prior to joining Kutak Rock, Rachel worked in the antitrust group of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich &
6 The official name for the “Orange Book” is the
“Approved Drug Products List with Therapeutic
Equivalence Evaluations.” It is available at
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
the patent actually covers the drug product for
Most recently, however, several antitrust
which it is listed), once listed, the brand may
challenges have been brought against branded
drug companies allegedly seeking to use the
infringement, obtaining an automatic 30-month
FDA citizen petition process as a tactic to
stay of final FDA approval for the generic
forestall generic entry.10 Often filed on or near
the eve of generic entry, citizen petitions can have the effect of delaying final ANDA
Generic firms have also brought antitrust
approval while the FDA sifts through and
challenges where brand firms introduce new
evaluates if the petitioners’ arguments have
patented products with minor or no substantive
merit. While, to date, the FTC has not brought
therapeutic improvements in the hopes of
an enforcement action in this area, it has
expressed concern regarding the potential for
misuse of citizen petitions. According to
pharmaceutical industry as a “product hopping”
Commissioner (now-Chairman) Jon Leibowitz,
or “switch” strategy. Because a branded drug
the citizen petition process is “susceptible to
can only be substituted for its AB-rated generic
systemic abuse. … It is no coincidence that
equivalent, these changes in formulation—and
brand companies often file these petitions at the
the subsequent shift of the market to the new
eleventh hour before generic entry and that the
formulation—may have the effect of destroying
vast majority of citizen petitions are denied.”11
the market for the previous formulation, thereby defeating potential generic competition.
Moreover, plaintiffs have brought antitrust challenges against branded companies in the context of last minute labeling changes, which have the effect of delaying or impeding the
ability of lower-priced generics to enter the
See LA Wholesale Drug co. v Sanofi-Aventis, No. 07-
market.9 Again, since a generic product needs
CIV-7343,2009 U.S. Dist. Lexis 77206 (S.D.N.Y. 2009); In re Wellbutrin XL Antitrust Litig., No. 08-2433 (E.D.
Pa. 2011), 268 F.R.D. 539 (E.D. Pa. 2010), 260 F.R.D.
equivalent, even minor changes to labeling or
143 (E.D. Pa. 2009); In re DDAVP Direct Purchaser
the products’ “use code” can have significant
Antitrust Litig., 585 F.3d 677 (2d Cir. 2009); In re
impact on the timing or ability of a generic firm
Flonase Antitrust Litig.,(No. 08-3149 (Direct), No. 08-3301 (Indirect), No. 09-1638 (Roxane) (E.D. Pa. 2008).
11 Jon Leibowitz, Fed. Trade Comm’n, text based on speech given to Generic Pharmaceutical Annual Policy
Conference, entitled “How Settlements Make Strange
7 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), §§
Bedfellows: Or How the Federal Trade Commission has
Managed to Unite the Entire Pharmaceutical Industry,”
See, e.g., Abbott Labs v. Teva Pharms. USA,432 F.
Supp. 2d 408 (D.Del. 2006) (alleging that through its
vers. See also J. Thomas Rosch, Fed. Trade Comm’n,
strategy of reformulation and relabeling, Abbott
Remarks before the World Generic Medicine Congress,
foreclosed Teva from effectively competing with its AB-
entitled “The Antitrust/Intellectual Property Interface:
Thoughts on How To Best Wade Through the Thicket in
9 Novo Nordisk v. Caraco Pharm. Labs., 601 F.3d 1359
the Pharmaceutical Context,” (Nov. 17, 2010) available at
(Fed. Cir. 2010) (alleging Novo manipulated its patent use
code in an effort to thwart anticipated generic entry).
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012 Strategy to Impede or Delay Generic Enactment of the Food and Drug Entry Through the Use of the Citizen Administration Amendments Act Petition Process
Congress enacted federal regulations that allow
In part to deal with the potential anticompetitive
individuals to express to the FDA genuine
abuse of the citizen petition process, Congress
concerns about the safety, scientific, or legal
issues regarding a product any time before, or
September 27, 2007.14 The FDAAA adds new
section 505(q) to the Federal Food, Drug, and
regulations, any person or entity, including a
pharmaceutical company, may file a citizen
citizen petitions and petitions for stay of FDA
petition with the FDA requesting that the FDA
take, or refrain from taking, any administrative
505(q)(1)(A) provides that the FDA may not
action. The petition must describe the precise
delay approval of an ANDA application because
FDA action that the petitioner requests and must
of any request to take any form of action related
include a certification that the petition “includes
to the pending ANDA unless “a delay is
all information and views on which the petition
necessary to protect the public health.” 15
relies, and that it includes representative data
Moreover, the FDAAA authorizes the FDA to
and information known to the petitioner which
summarily deny any citizen petition whose
primary purpose, as determined by the FDA, is to delay competition.16
While in most circumstances citizen petitions are filed for legitimate concerns regarding the
In a report issued in June 2011, the FDA
safety and effectiveness of new drug products,
citizen petitions also have the serious potential
to delay and/or impede competition from lower-
application may be delayed based on the filing
priced generic alternatives. For example, a
of a citizen petition.17 For example, if the
party could embark on a strategy of filing
petition cannot be summarily denied on its face,
baseless citizen petitions with the intent and
the FDA will use a “but for” test in determining
effect of using the time in which it takes the
whether the petition would be the cause of a
FDA to respond to the petition (i.e., the process,
delay for approval of a particular ANDA. If,
rather than the outcome) to delay generic entry.
Additionally, citizen petitions can also be used
14 Public Law 110-85 (as amended by Public Law 110-
strategies, such as product hopping, to thwart
generic entry. For example, a branded firm
16 21 USC 355(q)(1)(E) states, “If the Secretary
could file a citizen petition in an effort to “buy
determines that a petition … was submitted with the
time” to shift the market to a new formulation of
primary purpose of delaying the approval of an [ANDA]
the branded product, impeding generic entry on
and the petition does not on its face raise valid scientific
or regulatory issues, the Secretary may deny the petition at any point based on such determination…”
FDA, Guidance for Industry: Citizen Petitions and
Petitions for Stay of Action Subject to Section 505(q) of
the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (June 2011)
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
regardless of the petition, the ANDA would not
FDA 2010 report to Congress under 505(q)(3)
be ready for final approval, then section
505(q)(1)(A) would not be implicated.18 If,
While the enactment of the FDAAA will likely
however, the ANDA would be ready for
curb some of the most egregious abuses of the
approval but for the petition, then the FDA will
citizen petition process (i.e., delays of 1-2 years
next determine if a delay of final approval is
while the brand files a series of successive and
necessary to protect the public health.19 If so,
baseless citizen petitions as in Flonase
the Agency will delay the ANDA application
discussed below),23 there is still some potential
until the public health concern is resolved.
for the anticompetitive use of citizen petitions to
delay generic competition. For example, a
determines a delay is necessary to protect public
carefully crafted citizen petition, drafted by a
health, the FDA will take final agency action on
party with sophisticated regulatory counsel, may
be able to successfully attempt to implicate
To help assess whether the FDAAA effectively
issues relating to public health—such as
curbs abuses in the citizen petition process,
“whether a proposed generic drug product is
Section 505(q)(3) requires the FDA to submit an
bioequivalent to the reference listed drug” or
annual report to Congress. That annual report
“whether an indication can be safely omitted
provides relevant data on petitions covered by
from the labeling because that indication is
the provisions of the Act and whether these
protected by a patent”24—as a pretext to delay
petitions have delayed approval of pending
Moreover, certain types of petitions are
provided to Congress on July 29, 2010, the FDA
stated that “[a]lthough FDA now has 2 years of
Notably, the FDAAA does not apply to petitions
experience implementing section 505(q), it
that “relate solely to the timing of approval of
believes it may still be too early to make a
determination as to whether section 505(q) is
exclusivity provision at section 505(j)(5)(B)(iv)
effectively discouraging petitions submitted
of the Act.”25 In addition, pursuant to the FDA
with the primary purpose of delaying approval
guidance issued earlier this year, Section 505(q)
of an ANDA or 505(b)(2) application.”22 The
Id. In determining if public health is at issue, the agency
considers “[i]f the application were approved before the Agency completed the substantive review of the issues in
23 According to the FDA’s reports to Congress, only two
the petition and, after further review, the Agency
ANDAs were delayed by 505(q) petitions from
concluded that the petitioner’s arguments against approval
September 27, 2007 through September 30, 2008 and only
were meritorious, could the presence on the market of
one ANDA was delayed by a 505(q) petition from
drug products that did not meet the requirements for
October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009. Id. See also
approval negatively affect the public health?”
FDA Report to Congress, “Delays in Approvals of
Applications Related to Citizen Petitions and Petition for
FDA Guidance at 3 (discussing Section 505(q)(1)(F)).
Stay of Agency Action for Fiscal Year 2008,” (Apr. 28,
22 FDA Report to Congress, “Delays in Approvals of
Applications Related to Citizen Petitions and Petitions for
Stay of Agency Action for Fiscal Year 2009,” (Jul. 29,
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
will not apply to petitions submitted before
One of the most significant hurdles for plaintiffs
September 27, 2007. To the extent that a
in this area, however, continues to be bypassing
plaintiff sued a defendant—based on a scheme
Noerr-Pennington immunity. The Noerr-
to monopolize a particular market dating back
Pennington doctrine generally immunizes
several years—it is possible that petitions filed
efforts to petition the government from antitrust
before this cut-off date may have caused delay
liability.27 The doctrine is based on the premise
that parties should be able to exercise their First
Amendment right to petition the government without penalty. However, not all conduct is
Finally, a branded firm may still be able to delay
generic approval while the FDA considers whether the relevant citizen petition implicates
While petitioning is generally protected, a party
issues of public health.26 In the high stakes
is not entitled to Noerr-Pennington immunity
world of pharmaceuticals, even relatively short
where the petitioning activity “ostensibly
delays of a few days or a couple weeks can cost
directed toward influencing governmental action
generic firms and consumers millions of dollars
[ ] is a mere sham to cover … an attempt to
in lost sales and overpayment of prescription
interfere directly with the business relationships
drugs, respectively. Thus, with the relatively
of a competitor….” Noerr, 366 U.S. at 144. In
small costs of filing a citizen petition, brands
other words, when the sole goal of petitioning is
may still utilize this tactic as a strategy to extend
to interfere with the business of one’s rival, it is
their drugs’ life cycles, particularly when
not protected. To prove that the petitioning is a
coupled with other exclusionary tactics used to
sham, a plaintiff must demonstrate that it is both
maintain and extend their monopolies for
objectively and subjectively baseless.28
The sham exception to Noerr-Pennington was first set forth in the Supreme Court’s decision in
Analyzing Citizen Petition Under the Professional Real Estate Investors, Inc. v. Antitrust Laws Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., 508 U.S. 49,
An antitrust plaintiff alleging that a branded
60 (1993). In that case, the Court explained that
firm is using the citizen petition process to
under the objective prong the plaintiff must
show that the petition is “objectively baseless in
particular drug faces a number of challenges,
the sense that no reasonable [party] could
including the establishment of relevant market
realistically expect success on the merits.”
definition, market power, and antitrust injury.
However, to the extent that “an objective [party] could conclude that the [petition] is reasonably
26 See Section 505(q)(1)(B). If the FDA determines that a
calculated to elicit a favorable outcome, the
delay of approval of an ANDA or 505(b)(2) application is
[petition] is immunized under Noerr, and an
necessary to protect the public health, the FDA is required
antitrust claim premised on the sham exception
to provide to the applicant not later than 30 days after
making the determination: (1) that notification that the
27 E. R.R. Presidents Conference v. Noerr Motor Freight,
determination has been made, (2) if applicable, any
Inc., 365 U.S. 127, 144 (1961). See also United Mine
clarification or additional data that the applicant should
Workers v. Pennington, 381 U.S. 657 (1965).
submit to the petition docket to allow FDA to review the petition promptly, and (3) a brief summary of the specific
28 Professional Real Estate Investors, Inc. v. Columbia
substantive issues raised in the petition which form the
Pictures Indus., Inc., 508 U.S. 49, 60 (1993) [hereinafter
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
must fail.”29 Moreover, under the subjective
conduct on the PTO in procuring the ‘398
prong, the Court determined that plaintiffs must
patent; (2) improperly listing the ‘398 patent in
show that the subjective intent of the petitioning
the Orange Book; (3) filing and prosecuting a
party is to inhibit competition rather than to
petition the government for redress. If the
Laboratories and Teva Pharmaceuticals, who
plaintiff is able to prove both prongs, the
had each filed ANDAs for desmopressin; and
relevant petitioning activity will not be entitled
(4) filing a sham citizen petition with the FDA
to further delay approval of generic desmopressin. The crux of the Plaintiffs’
Recent Cases Challenging Citizen
complaint was that lower-priced generic entry
Petition Under the Antitrust Laws
was significantly delayed as a result of
In recent years, there have been several cases
brought by generic firms alleging that branded
Ferring’s citizen petition, filed on February 2,
firms have used the citizen petition process as a
2004 while Ferring was prosecuting its patent
way to impede generic entry and maintain and
infringement suit against Barr, requested that
extend their monopoly power. In these cases,
the FDA require Barr to submit additional
plaintiffs allege that the branded companies
testing to demonstrate bioequivalence to
pursued baseless petitioning activity for which
DDAVP.31 Specifically, Ferring wanted the
the singular goal was to impede competition,
FDA to require Barr to conduct and submit
rather than to influence the FDA to take action.
more tests—pharmacodynamic (“PD”) studies
These cases are discussed in more detail below.
measuring urine osmolarity—in order for Barr to establish the bioequivalence of Barr’s
In re DDAVP Direct Purchaser Antitrust Litigation
On February 18, 2005, direct and indirect
bioequivalence tests did not adequately address
purchasers (collectively, “Plaintiffs”) of
safety and efficacy of oral desmopressin therapy
DDAVP (desmopressin acetate tablets), an
for nocturnal enuresis in children. On July 1,
antidiuretic prescription medication, filed
2005, FDA rejected Ferring’s citizen petition.
complaints against Ferring B.V., Ferring
The FDA stated that Ferring “offer[ed] no
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (collectively “Ferring”),
information) that any of [its] proposed changes
complaints alleged that Ferring, the owner of
were needed” and denied Ferring’s petition in
U.S. Patent No. 5,047,398 (“‘398 patent”),
which claims to cover DDAVP, and Aventis,
In dismissing all claims by the direct and
indirect purchasers of DDAVP, the district court
(collectively, “Defendants”), unlawfully monopolized the market for desmopressin
31 See Ferring B.V. v. Barr Labs., Inc.,No. 7:02-CV-
tablets by: (1) committing fraud or inequitable
9851, 2005 WL 437981, at 10 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 7, 2005); Ferring B.V. v. Barr Labs. Inc., 437 F.3d 1181 (Fed. Cir.
32 See FDA Letter Rejecting Ferring Citizen Petitions
30 Complaint, Meijer, Inc. et al. v. Ferring B.V. et al., No
(July 1, 2005) [hereinafter “Ferring FDA Rejection
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
found that Ferring’s citizen petition did not rise
sham citizen petition with the FDA. Aventis
to the level of sham petitioning.33 Indeed, the
had the exclusive right to market Arava in
court found that the citizen petition was “First
10mg, 20mg, and 100mg strengths until March
Amendment protected activity even though
delay of Barr’s access to the market was
permission to sell generic versions of 10mg and 20mg Arava, but not 100mg Arava.
The Second Circuit, however, reversed. The Court disagreed with the district court’s
Nearly one year later, on March 31, 2005,
apparent rationale that “plaintiffs could not
Aventis filed a citizen petition with the FDA.
plausibly show the petition to be a sham, i.e.,
The citizen petition, filed on the eve of final
objectively and subjectively baseless.”35 In its
generic approval for 10mg and 20mg Arava,
rejection of Ferring’s citizen petition, the FDA
requested that the FDA not approve any ANDA
had “found that the citizen petition ‘had no
for generic leflunomide unless the ANDA (1)
convincing evidence’ and lacked ‘any basis’ for
contained bioequivalence studies confirming
its arguments.”36 Moreover, in finding that the
that five of the generic applicants 20mg
leflunomide tablets are bioequivalent to one 100
inequitable conduct, the district court noted that
mg Arava tablet, or (2) sought approval to
the petition may have been a “hardball litigation
market the 100 mg loading dose strength of
tactic, motivated by a desire to keep out
Arava. The FDA denied Aventis’ citizen
competition for as long as possible after the
petition on September 13, 2005 and, on the
expiration of the patent.” The court found these
same day, approved ANDAs for six generic
allegations to be enough for the plaintiff to
manufacturers to market generic leflunomide.
plausibility demonstrate that the citizen petition
In denying the citizen petition, the FDA noted
that Aventis’ request for relief “seem[ed] to be
submitted a settlement to the court in which
based on a false premise,” namely that if a
Ferring and Aventis agreed to pay $20.25
generic manufacturer recommended the 100 mg
loading dose as part of its label it either had to
Louisiana Wholesale Drug Co. v. Sanofi-
produce its own 100 mg tablet, or recommend
using five 20 mg tablets. Aventis “seem[ed] to ignore a third possibility” that a generic
Drug wholesaler Louisiana Wholesale filed a
leflunomide product could simply recommend a
complaint against Aventis, alleging that Aventis
100 mg loading dose in the label that it did not
unlawfully delayed generic competition to its
itself manufacture. The FDA noted that it was
drug Arava (leflunomide) through the filing of a
“not uncommon” for makers of brand drugs to reference in their labels drugs made by other
33 PRE, supra note 28; In re DDAVP Direct Purchaser
manufacturers. Moreover, there was nothing in
Antitrust Litig., No. 05-cv-2237, slip op. at 15 (S.D.N.Y.
the FDCA or the regulations that requires a
generic applicant to seek approval for all
35 In re DDAVP Direct Purchaser Antitrust Litig., 585
Louisiana Wholesale alleged that, as a result of
Aventis’ citizen petition, which was both
objectively and subjectively baseless, generic
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
competition to Arava was delayed from March
Flonase all filed suit claiming that GSK filed a
2005 to September 2005, or a period of at least
series of sham citizen petitions in order to delay
the entrance of Roxane Laboratories’ generic Flonase.41
In denying Aventis’ motion to dismiss,38 the court found that Aventis’ conduct could fall
In 1994, the FDA approved the NDA for GSK’s
within the “sham” exception to Noerr-
Flonase nasal spray for sale within the United
Pennington immunity. The court found
States. After a six-month extension, GSK’s
exclusive right to market Flonase in the United
Wholesale, specifically that Aventis as a
sophisticated pharmaceutical manufacturer
meantime, Roxane Laboratories filed an ANDA
familiar with FDA regulations and practices
seeking approval to market an AB-rated generic
could have had no reasonable belief that its
citizen petition was viable. Indeed, Aventis had
During the period of May 2004 through June
in the past referred to other drugs and strengths
2005, GSK made a series of petitions to the
on its own generic and brand labels when
FDA regarding the FDA’s approval of ANDAs
Aventis itself did not manufacture either the
for Flonase. On February 22, 2006, the FDA
responded with a 24-page letter rejecting GSK’s
However, after a full trial on the merits, the jury
entire series of petitions stating, among other
things, that “GSK is not permitted to shield its
Additionally, Louisiana Wholesale’s motion for
market share when the Agency has reasonably
a reversal of the verdict or new trial was
products may be approved.”42 The same day the FDA issued this determination to GSK, it
In re Flonase Antitrust Litigation
approved Roxane Laboratories’ ANDA for
Flonase, previously one of the nation’s top-
selling drugs, is a steroid nasal spray produced
rejection letter, GSK filed suit in Maryland
by Defendant SmithKline Beecham Corporation
asking for a temporary restraining order
(later known as GlaxoSmithKline or GSK) with
(“TRO”) and preliminary injunction seeking to
the active ingredient fluticasone propionate. Roxane Laboratories (a generic manufacture of
41 The three suits are: (1) direct purchasers of Flonase in
Flonase), and indirect and direct purchasers of
American Sales Co., Inc. v. SmithKline Beecham Corp.,
No. 08-cv-3149 (E.D. Pa. July 3, 2008); (2) indirect
37 Complaint at 7, LA Wholesale Drug Co., Inc. v. Sanofi-
purchasers of Flonase in IBEW-NECA Local 505 Health
Aventis, No. 07-cv-7343 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 17, 2007).
& Welfare Plan v. SmithKline Beecham Corp., No. 08-cv-
3301 (E.D. Pa. July 14, 2008); and (3) a generic
See LA Wholesale Drug Co., Inc. v. Sanofi-Aventis,
manufacturer of FP in Roxane Labs., Inc. v. SmithKline
No. 07-cv-7343(HB), 2008 WL 169362, 1 (S.D.N.Y. Jan.
Beecham Corp., No. 09-cv-1638 (E.D. Pa. April 17,
18, 2008) (motion to dismiss); LA Wholesale Drug Co.,
2009). The suits are grouped up under In re Flonase
Inc. v. Sanofi-Aventis, No. 07-cv-7343(HB), 2008 WL
Antitrust Litig. [hereinafter Flonase Litig.].
4580016, (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 14, 2008) (summary judgment).
FDA Letter Rejecting GSK Citizen Petitions at 24 (Feb.
Judgment, LA Wholesale Drug Co., Inc. v. Sanofi-
22, 2006) [hereinafter “GSK FDA Rejection Letter”],
Aventis, No. 07-cv-7343 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 9, 2008).
40 LA Wholesale Drug Co., Inc. v. Sanofi-Aventis, 2009!documentDetail;D=FDA-
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
reverse the FDA’s denial of its citizen petition
request, explaining that it “is desirable” to issue
and to enjoin Roxane Laboratories sale of
the final guidance before ANDA approval but
generic Flonase. The court originally granted
“it is not always possible” to do so.45
the TRO, but, on March 6, 2006, it denied
In Request 2, GSK requested the FDA require
GSK’s motion for a preliminary injunction.
ANDAs to include data from perennial allergic
GSK moved for summary judgment in all three
rhinitis (PAR) and perennial non-allergic
suits claiming that its conduct of filing citizen
rhinitis (PNAR) studies.46 The court reasoned
petitions was immune from antitrust liability
that genuine issues of fact remain as FDA
under the Noerr-Pennington doctrine. On June
guidance cannot require ANDA applicants to
2, 2011, the court denied GSK’s motion for
perform specific tests unless the tests are
required by law. Additionally, the FDA rejected this request stating that there is no reason that
drug performance would be different in PNAR
plaintiffs had provided enough evidence to
fulfill the second, subjective prong necessary to demonstrate sham petition. Thus, the only issue
In Request 3, GSK requested the FDA to require
pharmacokinetic data to be collected over the
“objectively baseless” in that GSK could not
entire dosage interval of in vivo tests.48 The
realistically expect its petitions to succeed. In
court stated that this petition could be a sham by
reasoning through each of the series of six
pointing both to the FDA’s rejection letter
citizen petitions filed by GSK, the court found
stating that four consecutive samples during the
that genuine issues of material fact remained as
dosage are sufficient and to expert evidence
to whether GSK’s conduct was objectively
baseless and therefore constituted a “sham.”
In Request 4, GSK requested the FDA to
In Request 1, GSK requested the FDA to refrain
reconsider its in vitro test for plume geometry
from approving ANDAs prior to issuing final guidance on nasal aerosols and nasal sprays and a statistical appendix.44 The court responded
that this request could be objectively baseless
45 GSK FDA Rejection Letter, supra note 42, at 22.
based on evidence that the FDA is not obligated
46 The FDA approved Flonase to treat the nasal symptoms
to issue any guidance and ANDA applicants are
of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR), PAR and PNAR. The
not required to use the guidance. Additionally,
2003 Draft Guidance provided that an ANDA could be
in regard to issuing the statistical appendix, this
approved to treat all three indications even if the application only included data from SAR patients.
request is often impossible as the FDA often
lacks data to do so. The FDA also rejected this
GSK FDA Rejection Letter, supra note 42, at 12.
48 The FDA analyzes pharmacokinetic data generated
from a single dose treatment over time. The 2003 Draft
43 See Flonase Litig., supra note 41.
Guidance required an applicant to take measurements at
least four consecutive times during the dose interval.
In 1999 the FDA issued a draft guidance entitled Draft Guidance for Industry: Bioavailability and
49 GSK FDA Rejection Letter, supra note 42, at 13-14
Bioequivalence Studies for Nasal Aerosols and Nasal
(“FDA believes that four consecutive sampling times
Sprays for Local Action [hereinafter 2003 Draft
using the maximum clinical dose is sufficient to detect
Guidance]. This guidance was amended in 2003, but was
whether two [FP] nasal spray suspension products [are
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
and container shelf life.50 The plaintiffs
standards were sufficient to ensure public
submitted evidence that plume geometry is a
relevant factor for ANDA applicants as well as
Finally, the court looked at the Maryland
pointed to the FDA’s letter stating the same.51
lawsuitin which GSK had filed for a TRO and
The plaintiffs also argued that GSK’s proposed
preliminary injunction.54 GSK argued that
alternative test for shelf life was impossible and
because it was granted the TRO, the lawsuit was
directed the court to the FDA’s letter stating that
not objectively baseless. The court rejected this
its method for testing shelf life was sufficient.52
assertion finding that a court’s granting of a
Therefore, the court found that genuine issues of
TRO does not, by itself, establish an objective
basis for petitioning activity. Furthermore, the
In Request 5, GSK requested the FDA
reconsider its endorsement of the geometric
preliminary injunction, and the plaintiffs’
mean ratio method. Here the court responded
evidence of baseless citizen petition, raise
that genuine issues remained because GSK’s
genuine issues of fact as to whether the
criticisms were irrelevant to Flonase because the
Maryland lawsuit was objectively baseless.55
request was relevant for solution-based nasal
The court therefore denied GSK’s motion for
sprays and Flonase is a suspension based spray.
summary judgment because genuine issues of
In Request 6, GSK asked the FDA to tighten
fact remained on whether GSK’s citizen petition
specifications for droplet size distribution
constitute a sham and are not entitled to Noerr-
(DSD) which measures the size of individual
Pennington immunity. This suit is still pending.
droplets in the spray and spray pattern (SP) which describes the cross-sectional shape of the
In re Wellbutrin XL Antitrust Litigation
spray emitted.53 The court reasoned that
On January 7, 2011, purchasers of Wellbutrin
genuine issues of fact remained because these
methods are proprietary and therefore differ
Corporation.56 The plaintiffs sued Biovail, the
producers of Wellbutrin XL (a once-a-day
antidepressant) for conspiring to prevent generic
presented expert testimony stating the existing
54 Glaxo Grp. Ltd. v. Leavitt, No. 06-cv-649 (D. Md. Feb.
23, 2006). Responses to citizen petitions constitute final
agency action and are subject to immediate review by the
Plume geometry describes the cross-sectional shape of
the spray emitted from the device, measured on a plane parallel to the direction of the spray.
55 The court denied GSK’s Motion stating, “If I had any
hesitation, and a man without hesitation is a dangerous
GSK FDA Rejection Letter, supra note 42, at 18
man, I understand that. But if I had any hesitation
(“Studies in literature have indicated that the spray angle
whatsoever that you had any kind of likelihood of
is one aspect of product performance that determines
prevailing in this case, I would not hesitate. But I simply
where in the nasal cavity drug is deposited.”).
don’t have it. … I just don’t see any likelihood that you’re
52 GSK FDA Rejection Letter, supra note 42, at 17
going to prevail.” Prelim. Inj. Hr’g 124:4-17 Mar. 6,
(“[FDA studies] are adequate to ensure that generic
versions of the [FP] nasal spray product preserve identity,
56 Second Amended Consolidated Class Action Compl.
strength, quality, and purity over their shelf life.”).
and Jury Demand for End Payors, In re Wellbutrin XL
53 DSD and SP provide an internal measure of the
Antitrust Litig., No. 2:08-cv-2433 (E.D. Pa. Jan. 7, 2011)
production quality of any given batch of a drug.
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
versions of Wellbutrin XL from entering the
Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Trent Lott (R-Miss)
market. Specifically, the plaintiffs allege that
the defendants have: (1) filed three sham patent
litigation cases, (2) filed a sham listing with the
The case is currently pending in the Eastern
Orange Book, (3) filed a baseless FDA citizen
District of Pennsylvania61 and the court has yet
petition, and (4) formed potentially illegal
to reach the question of whether Biovail’s
citizen petition will be given immunity under
In reference to the citizen petition, the plaintiffs
alleged that Biovail submitted its citizen petition requesting the FDA to require ANDA applicants
“Plus” Factors that Make
to perform additional studies beyond those
Monopolization Claims Based on
previously submitted to prove bioequivalence.
Citizen Petition Theory More Likely to
Specifically, Biovail requested that the ANDA
Survive Motion to Dismiss or
prove bioequivalence to not only Wellbutrin
Summary Judgment
XL, but also Wellbutrin IR and Wellbutrin SR. The plaintiffs complained that FDA regulations
While there is a high standard to prove the sham
exception to Noerr-Pennington immunity, as
bioequivalence to the referenced listed drug and
therefore the requests were baseless.57 Further
successfully survived at the motion to dismiss
the plaintiffs claimed the citizen petition was a
and/or summary judgment stages. While there
sham because “it relied on unsubstantiated
is no “formula” for a successful claim for
theories, lacked scientific support, misapplied
monopolization based on the filing of baseless
governing legal and regulatory standards, and
citizen petition, the courts have discussed
was nothing more than a last-minute attempt to
certain factors that make the success of these
In denying the citizen petition, the FDA stated
Suspect Timing
that the brand manufacturers did not have “the
In considering whether the sham exception has
right to be free of generic competition” once the
been met, courts look to the timing of the filing
patents had been held unenforceable, and that “Biovail [should] not be permitted to shield its
market share.”59 In turn, the plaintiffs claimed
60 Wellbutrin Compl., supra note 56, at 3.
that this citizen petition delayed approval of its
61 The indirect purchasers were recently granted class
ANDA for four months. Notably, according to
certification. See Meijer Inc. et al. v. Biovail Corp. et al.,
a letter sent by United States Senators Debbie
No. 2:08-cv-0243 (E.D. Pa. Aug. 11, 2011).
62 There are two additional case filed recently which
claimed a brand manufacturer filed a sham citizen
petition. In re Ditropan XL Antitrust Litig., No. M:06-CV-
01761-JSW (2007) was dismissed on standing grounds
and the court never reached an analysis of the citizen
59 FDA Letter Rejecting Biovail Citizen Petition at 16
petition. In New Mexico UFCW Union’s and Emloyers’
(Dec. 14, 2006) [hereinafter “Biovail FDA Rejection
Health and Welfare Trust Fund v. Astellas Pharma U.S., Inc., Case No. 1:11-cv-11621 (D. Mass. Sept. 14, 2011),!documentDetail;D=FDA-
the plaintiffs claim that Astellas filed a baseless citizen
petition to extend its market exclusivity of Prograf.
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
of the citizen petition. Courts have reasoned
Relief Requested Contrary to FDA Regulations
that a NDA holder filing a citizen petition on the
and Practice
Another significant factor is whether the party
For example, in Louisiana Wholesale discussed
filing the citizen petition made requests for
above, the court seemed to suggest that the
relief with the FDA that were contrary to FDA
regulations and practice. Arguments made by
determining whether it was a sham. In deciding
sophisticated parties in the face of clear and
whether triable issues of fact existed with
contradictory FDA regulations may provide
respect to the “reasonability and viability” of
further evidence of an objectively baseless
Aventis’s citizen petition, the court held that
For example, in rejecting Aventis’ motion for
circumstances surrounding Aventis’ filing “one
summary judgment, the Louisiana Wholesale
year after the generic manufacturers submitted
court found it significant that Aventis’ citizen
their ANDAs for FDA approval when no new
petition requested relief that it knew was
health and safety information on the loading
contrary to FDA regulations and practice. First,
dose or leflunomide in general and no new FDA
Aventis demanded that generic manufacturers
regulations on labeling had occurred.”
produce their own 100 mg tablets in order to
Although it would seem that the timing would
succeed with their ANDAs, but Aventis knew
be more probative in determining the brand’s
that the FDA permitted generics to receive
subjective state of mind in filing a citizen
approval for some—but not all—dosage
petition (i.e., whether the petition raise
strengths of a branded drug, and cited nothing to
legitimate safety issues or was intended as a
contrary. Second, Aventis demanded that if the
vehicle to delay generic entry), it appears that
generics tried to substitute five 20 mg tablets to
the court considered this as part of the threshold
question of whether the petition was objectively
demonstrate bioequivalence between those
tablets and the 10 mg tablet. But again, Aventis
Additionally, in Flonase the court noted that
GSK did not file its first citizen petition until
2004, on the eve of potential generic entry and
strengths of the same drug. Finally, Aventis
insisted that the generics not be able to reference
Laboratories had filed its ANDA application.
the 100 mg loading dose in the label, but
Indeed, as the plaintiffs complained, “… just
days after the expiration of the statutory
manufacturers to cross-reference other drugs or
exclusivity period for GSK’s Flonase, and on
other dosages because it did so in two other
the eve of what could have been the FDA’s
instances. Not only did Aventis cross-reference
approval of Roxane Laboratories’ ANDA, GSK
other drugs in manufacturing other brands and
filed the first in a series of objectively baseless
generics, but also, with respect to its own
authorized generic leflunomide product, Aventis did not produce a generic 100 mg loading dose
and referenced the brand tablet in the label.
63 Complaint of Roxane Laboratories, Inc. at 7, Roxane
In Flonase, the plaintiffs contended that GSK’s
Labs., Inc. v. SmithKline Beecham Corp., No. 09-cv-1638 (E.D. Pa. April 17, 2009) [hereinafter “Roxane Compl.”].
requests did not address the adequacy of Roxane
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
Laboratories’ ANDA, present any evidence that
of generic competition” once the patents had
been held unenforceable, and that “Biovail
bioequivalence, or raise any public health
[should] not be permitted to shield its market
share.”65 In Flonase the FDA stated, “[t]he
Rejection Letter, the FDA stated that the tests
policies behind the Hatch-Waxman dictate that
GSK should not be permitted to shield its
bioequivalence were sufficient. The plaintiffs in
market share when the Agency has reasonably
DDAVP, made the same types of claims stating
that the citizen petition lacked scientific basis
products may be approved…”66 The court in
and was contrary to current practices. The FDA
Flonase also took into account the Maryland
specifically stated that the citizen petition
Court’s outright rejection to GSK’s request for a
requests made in DDAVP lacked “any basis” for
The FDA’s response to citizen petition
The vast majority of companies involved in
these law suits are large pharmaceutical
determination if a petition is considered
companies which have substantial experience in
objectively baseless. Obviously if the FDA
takes action based on the citizen petition, the
regulations. In turn, there is an expectation that
petition will not be found to be baseless.68 On
the other hand, as is present in these cases, the
practices and procedures. Therefore, if the
fact that the FDA strongly criticized the requests
citizen petition requests action that the company
may tend to show that a petition is objectively
knows is contrary to FDA practice, courts may
baseless and therefore not entitled to Noerr-
use this as a telling factor that the petition was
Pennington immunity. While not expressly
baseless and part of a scheme to delay generic
called out as a factor, the courts in these cases
have recited and quoted extensively from the language contained in the FDA’s letters
Tone of FDA Rejection of Citizen Petition
The tone of the FDA rejection letters also
65 Biovail FDA Rejection Letter, supra note 59, at 16.
appears to play a role in plaintiffs surviving a
dispositive motion. When the FDA harshly
GSK FDA Rejection Letter, supra note 42, at 24.
criticizes the citizen petition filer, the court may
67 The court denied GSK’s Motion stating, “If I had any
use it as a relevant factor in making its decision.
hesitation, and a man without hesitation is a dangerous man, I understand that. But if I had any hesitation
For example, in DDAVP, the FDA found that
whatsoever that you had any kind of likelihood of
the citizen petition lacked “any basis” and “had
prevailing in this case, I would not hesitate. But I simply
don’t have it. … I just don’t see any likelihood that you’re going to prevail.” Prelim. Inj. Hr’g 124:4-17 Mar. 6,
Further, in Louisiana Wholesale, the FDA noted
that Aventis’ requested relief “seem[ed] to be
68 Although the plaintiffs in Louisiana Wholesale
based on a false premise.” Additionally in
successfully passed the preliminary motions stage, the
Wellbutrin, the FDA stated, that the brand
defendants were able to present evidence at trial showing
manufacturers did not have “the right to be free
the FDA took action based in part on one of the citizen petition requests. This is one factor the court later pointed
out in subsequently denying Plaintiffs JNOV after the jury
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
rejecting the branded firms’ citizen petition.
defendants may have strong arguments that their
Clearly, a strongly worded rejection from the
citizen petition, even if baseless, had no adverse
FDA—chastising petition for the lack of
foundation for the citizen petition filed—is
Although the four factors reviewed above are
likely to play a role in the fact finders’ analysis
certainly not all a court takes into account in its
decision, facts that represent egregious
Petition Actually Caused Delay
examples of most or all of these factors have pushed courts to find that claims based on the
In all four of the cases above, the courts found it
filing of baseless citizen petition can, in some
important that the FDA granted final approval
circumstances, survive dispositive motions and
of the ANDAs on the same day as it rejected the
brand manufacturer’s citizen petition, suggesting that the citizen petition was indeed
holding up generic entry and competition.
The abuse of the citizen petition process is an
Indeed, the court in Louisiana Wholesale
area of flux in the world of pharmaceutical
specifically remarked on the FDA’s statement
antitrust. With the enactment of the FDAAA,
that it would not grant the generic ANDA
there is a potential that the most egregious
applicants approval while it addressed the
abuses of the ANDA process are likely to be
Aventis’ citizen petition. Moreover, in Flonase,
the FDA seemed likely to approve Roxane’s
approval of a pending ANDA application, as a
generic, then reversed its thinking and issued a
result of a citizen petition, unless “a delay is
deficiency based on the citizen petition, and
necessary to protect the public health.” 70 That
finally approved the ANDA based primarily on
said, it appears that the jury is still out on
whether the FDAAA will effectively eliminate
While a consideration of whether the citizen
the potential for anticompetitive use of citizen
petition actually delayed generic entry may
petitions to impede or delay generic entry.
relate more to the establishment of antitrust
According to the FDA’s most-recent report to
injury—rather than the establishment of the
Congress, it is “too soon to determine whether
sham exception to Noerr-Pennington
section 505(q) is discouraging petitions
immunity—it is important to note that causation
submitted with the primary purpose of delaying
approval of an ANDA.”71 Moreover, there are
monopolization challenges based on the filing of
baseless citizen petitions. In other words, to the
extent that other factors—such as failure to
exclusivity as well as agreements that predate
September 2007, which, as discussed above,
issues—may have caused delay in the generic
could be relevant as part of a continued
firm’s ability to obtain FDA approval,
conspiracy to monopolize a particular drug market.
69 Conversely, a letter from the FDA tending to show that petitioner’s argument had legitimate bases that were
carefully considered by the FDA is also likely to factor
into the judge’s analysis, as it tends to show that the citizen petition was not objectively baseless.
71 FDA Report to Congress, supra note 22.
Antitrust Health Care Chronicle January 2012
To the extent that the FDAAA does not fully reign in the anticompetitive use of citizen petitions, there are several examples of cases filed in recent years that have survived dispositive motions—bypassing Noerr-Pennington immunity and proceeding through discovery—based on this conduct. Synthesizing those cases, it is apparent that several of the “plus” factors described above are predictive of whether a monopolization claim based on the manipulation of the FDA regulatory process through the filing of baseless citizen petitions is likely to be viable. While only time and continued monitoring of the FDAAA will tell whether these types of abuses are likely to be eradicated in the future, it is clear that potential plaintiffs pursuing these types of claims should emphasize these “plus” factors in any prospective litigation.
1. Paralysis of intestinal muscle contractions is called: A) distention or contraction of hollow organs. B) the hunger associated with anorexia. C) high temperatures in infants. 3. Pain felt at a location other than its origin is: 4. Shock may occur with an acute abdomen because: A) acute abdomen causes internal hemorrhage. B) fluid shifts from the bloodstream into body tissues. C) abdominal
Victor AGADJANIAN, Lusotopie 1999, pp. 415-423 As Igrejas ziones no espaço sóciocultural de Moçambique urbano presente estudo trata das Igrejas de tipo pentecostal em Maputo, Moçambique, que são popularmente conhecidas pelo termo bantui-zado de (ma)zione (zionista). A análise centra-se na zona urbana Oe periférica da Grande Maputo, deixando fora a problemática das Igrejas