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Transport of “Excepted” Lithium Batteries by TNT Express
Regulatory requirement summary based on: The 50th/2009 edition of the IATA DGR (Part 1 if the relevant Packing Instructions) for Air transport The 2009 edition of the ADR (Special Provision 188) for Road transport in ADR affiliated countries (mainly Europe) For road transport in non-ADR countries (i.e. outside Europe) please consult the relevant local regulatory requirements. The 2008 edition of the IMDG Code (Special Provision 188) for Sea transport Each cell or battery must be of the type proven to meet the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3. (the manufacturer of the battery should be able to confirm whether this is the case) Any person preparing or of ering cells or batteries for transport must receive adequate instruction on the relevant requirements commensurate with their responsibilities. (i.e. the shippers must know & understand the regulatory requirements) Lithium batteries identified by the manufacturer; FORBIDDEN
that have the potential of producing a dangerous evolution of heat, fire or short circuit The outer packaging must be strong and must conform to IATA DGR, and Lithium ION = Maximum Watt-hour rating
Lithium METAL = Maximum lithium content
The Watt-hour (Wh) rating must be marked on the outside of the battery Batteries: 100 Wh case except for batteries manufactured before 1 January 2009 which may be transported without this marking until 31 December 2010 Batteries: 2 gram = aggregate lithium content Each cell or battery must be packed in inner packaging(s) that completely enclose the cell or battery. Each cell or battery must be protected so as to prevent short circuits (including protection against contact with conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit) Each package must be capable of withstanding a 1.2 m drop test in any orientation without: damage to cells or bat eries contained therein shifting of the contents so as to allow battery to battery (or cell to cell) contact Lithium ION - Maximum weight per package: 10 kg Gross
Lithium METAL - Maximum weight per package: 2.5 kg Gross
The equipment must be equipped with an effective means of preventing accidental activation. Cells and batteries must be protected so as to prevent short circuits. Unless the battery is afforded equivalent protection by the equipment in which it is contained, the equipment must be packed in strong outer packaging that is constructed of suitable material of adequate strength and design in relation to the packaging’s capacity and its intended use. Each package must be labelled with a completed lithium battery handling label. It must contain: • The statement “Lithium ion battery” or “Lithium metal battery” • A telephone number where more information on the shipment Design: see example. The border of the label must have red diagonal hatchings. Text and symbols black on a white background. Minimum dimensions: 120 × 110 mm 4 cells or 2 batteries (or less) that are contained in Each package must be marked with (an indication that); the package contains “Lithium Ion” or “Lithium Metal” cells or batteries as appropriate a flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking if necessary A telephone number where more information on the shipment and it’s content can be obtained Each consignment must be accompanied by a document indicating that: • the package contains lithium ion/metal cells or batteries (as applicable); the number of lithium cells or batteries that are contained in the device. the package must be handled with care and that a flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged; regulatory requirement for packages containing 4 cells or 2 batteries (or special procedures should be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and a telephone number for additional information. Express for all shipments of “excepted” lithium batteries from Ad Hoc shippers.
(The next page contains a transport document template that is in line with these requirements if fully completed.) must contain the telephone number of the shipper must contain the statement: “Excepted” Lithium Batteries as per part 1 of the IATA DGR PI must contain the statement: “Excepted” Lithium Batteries as per Special Provision 188 Shipments containing lithium batteries that are not compliant with the applicable requirements above cannot be shipped as “Excepted” Lithium
Batteries and consequently these shipments must be declared and shipped as ‘full’ Dangerous Goods.

Due to local regulations, air transport of Lithium Metal Batteries is restricted from, to and through the United States. For further information please consult the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations . Created by: TNT Express Operations Excellence - Dangerous Goods Department Version: March 2009 Transport Document for “Excepted” Lithium Batteries
This document is enabled for electronic completion in Word SHIPPER: (insert the name & address of the shipper)
CONSIGNEE: (insert the name & address of the receiver)
TNT CONNOTE NUMBER: (insert the TNT Consignment Note Number)
Battery type: Lithium (1) batteries
Number: (2) batteries and/or (3) cells
Description: (4)
batteries contained in equipment + spare batteries ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
¨ This package must be handled with care ¨ A flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged ¨ Special procedures should be followed in the event the package is damaged including FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CALL:
DATE: (insert date)
(provide a telephone number that can be used in case more information is needed on this shipment and/or it’s content) PLACE: (insert place)
I hereby declare that the contents of this shipment are accurately described above and are in all respects in NAME: (insert name)
proper condition for transport according to the applicable international and national governmental regulations. I declare that all of the applicable air transport SIGNATURE:
The 50th/2009 edition of the IATA DGR (Part 1 if the relevant Packing Instructions) for Air transport The 2009 edition of the ADR (Special Provision 188) for Road transport in ADR affiliated countries (mainly Europe) The 2008 edition of the IMDG Code (Special Provision 188) for Sea transport For road transport in non-ADR countries (i.e. outside Europe) please consult the relevant local regulatory requirements. Air transport of Lithium Metal Batteries is restricted from, to and through the United States, please consult the IATA DGR for more information.

Source: http://www.tntkoeriers.nl/etc/medialib/tnt_express_media/fi_fi/download_documents/support.Par.0027.File.dat/TNT_Requirement_Lithium_Batteries_March_09.pdf

Microsoft word - d074-09.doc

En Logroño, a 15 de septiembre de 2009, el Consejo Consultivo de La Rioja, reunido en su sede, con asistencia de su Presidente, D. Joaquín Espert Pérez-Caballero, y de los Consejeros D. Antonio Fanlo Loras, D. Pedro de Pablo Contreras, Dª Mª del Carmen Ortiz Lallana y D. José María Cid Monreal, así como del Letrado-Secretario General D. Ignacio Granado Hijelmo, siendo ponente Dª Carmen O

Microsoft word - r8427910.rtf

SICHERHEITSDATENBLATT Dieses Sicherheitsdatenblatt wurde gemäß Anhang II der Verordnung 1907/2006/EG erstellt. SIGMA RENOVA ISOFARBE WV 1. BEZEICHNUNG DES STOFFES BZW. DER ZUBEREITUNG UND DES UNTERNEHMENS Produktinformation Handelsname Empfohlener Anwendungsbereich PPG Coatings Deutschland GmbH Klüsenerstraße 54 44805 Bochum Notrufnummer +31 (0)20 407521

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