Thompson Recreation Epi-Pen Individualized Emergency Treatment Plan
Child’s Name_________________________________________________ Date of Birth ________________
Child’s Address ___________________________________________________________________________
Physician’s Name _____________________________________________ Phone ______________________
Physician’s Address ________________________________________________________________________
NO Food Allergy: __________________________________________________ IF PATIENT INGESTS OR THINKS HE/SHE HAS INGESTED THE ABOVE NAMED FOOD: Anaphylaxis can occur up to 2 hours following ingestion of a food allergen
A. PROCEDURES FOR EMERGENCY TREATMENT: (check one) _____ Administer medication before symptoms occur if patient ingests or thinks he/she has ingested the above named food (if bee sting allergy - if stung) _____ Observe patient for symptoms and administer medication if symptoms occur (circle symptoms below)
B. MEDICATION TO BE ADMINISTERED (please number in the order to be followed and circle appropriate medicine) _____Administer adrenaline: Epi-Pen Jr. Epi-pen Sr. _____Administer Benadryl ____ tsp or Atarax ___ tsp swish and swallow _____Other:________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____Transport to ER (Call 911) _____Contact parents C. If FOOD ALLERGY, PLEASE INDICATE LEVEL OF CONTACT WHICH MAY CAUSE A REACTION:: _____Ingestion
E. SYMPTOMS OF ANAPHYLAXIS (circle all those that apply to this child) Chest tightness, cough, shortness of breath, wheezing
Hives or swelling Itchy mouth, itchy skin
Tightness in throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness
Physician’s Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date____________________
************************************************************************************************* FOR EPI PENS SELF ADMINISTRATION ONLY (Grade 5 and up): I have instructed this student in the proper use of an Epi-pen. It is my opinion that this child be allowed to carry and self-administer the epi-pen in the event of a sever reaction
I give permission for Thompson Recreation/Purely Recreation/Adventure Camp personnel to administer the above medication, as indicated, to my child. Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date ___________________
I request that my child, named above, be allowed to self administer the above ordered medication. I understand that my child will be responsible for transporting the pharmacy labeled medication to Thompson Recreation events and maintaining it in his/her control.
Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date ___________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print) ___ _________________________________________________________________________
LITERATURE STUDY GUIDE FOR ENGLISH HOME LANGUAGE A Resource To Use In Preparation For The 2012 NSC Examination To analyse how word choices, imagery and sound devices affect mood, meaning To analyse how verse and stanza forms, rhyme, rhythm and punctuation shape GENEROUS When I am generous I am using all I have to glorify God, because it al belongs to Him. “I ha
“A realization that we all differ in opinion, desires and preferences creates a better understanding and empathy for others. Self-knowledge improves self-confidence, as it brings a realization that each person has unique strengths and attributes. When we know our strengths, weaknesses, preferences and abilities, we can filter criticism more effectively. A strong sense of self gives us the confid