CYP2D6 worldwide genetic variation shows high frequency ofaltered activity variants and no continental structureJohanna Sistonena, Antti Sajantilaa, Oscar Laoc, Jukka Coranderb,Guido Barbujanid and Silvia Fusellia,d
Background and objective CYP2D6, a member of the
highest in the Americas. Patterns of variation, within
cytochrome P450 superfamily, is responsible for the
and among populations, are similar to those observed for
metabolism of about 25% of the commonly prescribed
other autosomal markers (e.g. microsatellites and protein
drugs. Its activity ranges from complete deficiency to
polymorphisms), suggesting that the diversity observed
excessive activity, potentially causing toxicity of medication
at the CYP2D6 locus reflects the same factors affecting
or therapeutic failure with recommended drug dosages.
variation at random genome markers. Pharmacogenetics
This study aimed to describe the CYP2D6 diversity at the
Methods A total of 1060 individuals belonging to 52
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2007, 17:93–101
worldwide-distributed populations were genotyped at
Keywords: CYP2D6, genetic variation, genotyping, polymorphism
12 highly informative variable sites, as well as for gene
deletion and duplications. Phenotypes were predicted on
Departments of aForensic Medicine, bMathematics and Statistics, University ofHelsinki, Finland, cDepartment of Forensic Molecular Biology, Erasmus University
the basis of haplotype combinations.
Medical Center, DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands and dDepartment of Biology,University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Results and conclusions Our study shows that (i)
Correspondence and requests for reprints to Johanna Sistonen, Department of
CYP2D6 diversity is far greater within than between
Forensic Medicine, P.O. Box 40 00014 University of Helsinki, FinlandTel/fax: + 358 9 191 27450/27518;
populations and groups thereof, (ii) null or low-activity
variants occur at high frequencies in various areas of the
world, (iii) linkage disequilibrium is lowest in Africa and
Received 21 April 2006 Accepted 6 August 2006
function variants. These findings raise several questions
Physiological responses to the same drug treatment are
of evolutionary and applied relevance. First, such a high
known to vary substantially between different indivi-
diversity can hardly be maintained by a simple mechan-
duals. In addition to external factors, these differences
ism of directional selection common to all populations, or
depend on variation at genes coding for proteins involved
by genetic drift alone. As a consequence, more complex
in the transportation of the drug to its site of action, its
processes must be envisaged, and any explanation of the
interaction with the target, and its metabolism. Among
observed diversity must account for the local occurrence
the genes coding for drug-metabolizing enzymes, CYP2D6
at substantial frequencies of null or reduced-activity
(MIM 124030), a member of the cytochrome P450
variants. Second, CYP2D6 sequence diversity is clearly
superfamily, is one of the best characterized. It is
associated with phenotypic variation in the gene’s
responsible for the metabolism of about 25% of commonly
expression and activity, which in turn is part of a complex
used drugs belonging to classes such as antidepressants,
network of interactions of extreme pharmacogenetic and
neuroleptics, b-blockers and antiarrhythmics [1]. The
pharmacogenomic interest. A third question bears on the
CYP2D6 gene is highly polymorphic with more than 50
interpretation of human diversity in general, which has
recently been and still is the subject of intense debate
cyp2d6.htm). The phenotypic consequences of this varia-
(for reviews, see e.g. [3–8]). Some studies of neutral
tion are considerable. The CYP2D6 enzyme activity
markers described a gradation of genetic diversity in the
ranges from complete deficiency to ultrarapid metabo-
geographical space, with allele frequencies forming clines
lism, possibly giving rise to profound toxicity of medica-
over much of the planet [9,10]. Geographic structuring,
tion or therapeutic failure with recommended drug
however, is also evident [11,12], which is interpreted by
some authors as evidence that a concordant clustering ofgenotypes in major continental or subcontinental clusters
Previous genetic studies showed high levels of CYP2D6
is both possible, and useful for medical practice [13]. In
polymorphism, both within and between populations [2],
particular, the main focus of the challenging debate about
and a surprisingly high frequency of null and reduced-
individual’s ancestry and drug response [14–16] seems to
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
be the possibility to develop ethnically tailored therapies
namely |D0| [24] and R2 [25]. Only polymorphic sites
[17–19]. More detailed studies including a high number
with minor-allele frequencies higher than 5% in the
of populations from different geographic origins, however,
region were considered and included in the LD analyses
are needed to clarify to what extent the relationship
[26]. The significance of associations between poly-
between genetics and geography will be of practical use in
morphic sites was determined by the Fisher’s exact test
and Bonferroni correction, to account for multiplecomparisons. Both measures of LD and Fisher’s exact
This study is the first detailed description of CYP2D6
test were calculated using DnaSP 3.99 [27]. The
diversity at the global level, based on a mini sequencing
phylogenetic relationships of haplotypes were repre-
method identifying polymorphism at 12 highly informa-
sented in a tree form using the software TCS [28].
tive variable sites, as well as gene deletion and duplica-tions. The systematic use of the same genotyping
technique allowed us to generate comparable data for
The prediction of enzyme activity corresponding to each
all populations sampled. Spatial patterns of CYP2D6
haplotype (Fig. 1) was based on results obtained from
variation could be inferred from the analysis of haplo-
previously published studies (for reference see http:// To assess the differences inCYP2D6 metabolism among regions of the world we used
a conventional classification of phenotypes that is basedon the assumption of dominance, in which the phenotype
is determined by the most efficient haplotype in the
We genotyped 1060 individuals belonging to 52 globally
genotype. In this way four phenotypic categories were
distributed populations. These Human Genome Diver-
recognized, namely poor (PM), intermediate (IM),
sity Panel samples were obtained from the Centre
extensive (EM) and ultrarapid metabolizers (UM) [29];
d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain [20]. The sample
two decreased-function variants or a combination of one
set actually includes 1064 individuals, but four French
decreased-function variant and one nonfunctional variant
individuals had to be excluded from the analyses because
were classified as IM, whereas UM was defined as a
we could not amplify their DNAs. In some of theanalyses, the population samples were grouped into eightlarge geographical regions, namely Subsaharan Africa,North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Central/South
Asia, East Asia, Oceania and the Americas. This grouping
follows the original Centre d’Etude du PolymorphismeHumain
Panel) with the exception of dividing Asia into two regions.
CYP2D6 genotypingAlthough the terminology differs in different studies, in
this paper we shall refer to the whole set of polymor-
phisms on a chromosome by the term haplotype. Geno-
100 1023 1659 1661 1707 1846 2549 2613-15 2850 2988 3183 4180 Dup activity
typing was performed following a recently described
protocol based on long PCR and single nucleotide primer
extension reaction [21]. Position 1659 was added to the
original 11-plex reaction described before. This geno-
typing protocol allowed the identification of CYP2D6
variants highly represented in different human popula-
tions (i.e. *2, *4, *10, *17, *29, *39 and *41) and variants,
even if rare, known to be responsible for low or null
metabolic activity (i.e. *3, *6 and *9) [2] as well as the
whole gene deletion (*5) and duplications. All haplotypes
not showing any of the mutations of interest were
CYP2D cluster on chromosome 22 and CYP2D6 inferred haplotypes. Schematic representation of CYP2D6 gene duplication (a), gene
Linkage disequilibrium and network of haplotypes
deletion (b), normal CYP2D cluster (c) and CYP2D6 exons (white
Haplotypes were inferred from genotypes using the
boxes) (d). Inferred haplotypes are named as suggested by theguidelines of Human Cytochrome P450 (CYP) Allele Nomenclature
software PHASE v2.1 [22,23]. Linkage disequilibrium
Committee. Three new haplotypes (*1661, *4180, *1661xN) were
(LD) was tested between each pair of polymorphic sites
in each geographical region by calculating two statistics,
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CYP2D6 worldwide genotyping Sistonen et al.
carrier of an active gene duplication on one chromosome
some pairwise comparisons and most of the R2 values
in conjunction with a functional variant on the other
were below 0.3, whereas all tests reached Bonferroni-
corrected statistical significance in the other geographicalregions. At the other extreme was Oceania for which
estimating LD was impossible because only one mutation
We quantified genetic diversity at three levels, namely
(1661G > C) was sufficiently polymorphic. The generally
between members of the same population, between
high values of LD and the significance of the association
populations of the same region and between geographical
tests allow us to rule out a relevant role of intra-locus
regions, by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA [30]),
recombination in shaping CYP2D6 molecular variation, at
using Arlequin v2.0 [31]. We typed the CYP2D6 locus in
least after the human migration out of Africa.
the same global sample that was analysed for 377autosomal microsatellites short tandem repeats (STRs)
This observation is also supported by the network of
by Rosenberg et al. [11], and to compare the results we
haplotypes shown in Fig. 3a, in which the phylogenetic
chose the same grouping of populations. F statistics,
relationships between different variants are unambi-
analogues of Wright’s F statistics that take the evolu-
guously defined with the only exception of one loop
tionary distance between individual haplotypes into
connecting haplotypes *1 and *39. Above and beyond the
account, were estimated. These results were compared
clear topology of the tree, another important feature is
that the fully functional haplotypes *1 and *2 were the
ST values estimated from phenotypic variation.
most frequent variants and widely distributed in different
geographical regions. The network also shows that
Matrices of geographic (great-circle) distances and
derived variants leading to null or impaired metabolic
genetic distances were calculated between all pairs of
activity such as *4, *10, *17 and *41 could reach a
populations [32]. In estimating geographic distances, we
relatively high frequency in Europe, East Asia, Africa and
considered the likely routes of human migration out of
Western Eurasia, respectively. Haplotypes *3 and *9 were
Africa, following the criteria by Ramachandran et al. [33].
restricted to Europe, although they did not reach
Genetic distances were estimated as pairwise F
polymorphic frequencies ( > 1%). Haplotype *6 was also
distances. Geographic and genetic distances were com-
subpolymorphic, but chromosomes carrying this mutation
pared by means of nonparametric Mantel test of matrix
were found both in Europe and in the Middle East. The
correlation [32,34]. Geographic patterns of CYP2D6
Mozabite population from North Africa had the highest
single-haplotype diversity were summarized by a spatial
frequency of gene duplications. The high values of
autocorrelation statistic, I, estimated by the software
functional-variant duplication in the Mozabites and the
Near East is consistent with previous studies showingsimilar results in East Africa and the Middle East[35–37]. The Oceanian populations seem to be the
outliers in the distribution of haplotype frequencies,
showing mostly haplotype *1 and the gene duplication
The inferred haplotypes of 1060 individuals genotyped
*1xN, the latter associated with high metabolic activity.
for CYP2D6 are shown in Fig. 1 and their frequencies in
The only frequent mutation we detected in this region
different populations in Table 1. In addition to the
was the synonymous substitution 1661G > C in the
already known combination of single nucleotide poly-
Papuan population. Oceania and America only showed
morphisms (SNPs) (,
full-functional variants at high frequencies, determining a
we identified three new haplotypes that bear only one
predominant high metabolic activity of CYP2D6 in these
By comparing variation at the coding region, as inferred
When pairs of polymorphic sites were tested for the
from our 12 polymorphic sites, with the chimpanzee
presence of LD, the statistic |D0| was = 1 for 78
(Pan troglodytes) sequence (GenBank accession number
comparisons out of 82 with four exceptions in Africa
DQ282164), we could identify what can be tentatively
and Middle East owing to the presence of the four
considered as a candidate ancestral haplotype, namely
possible combinations of mutations 1661–2850 (Africa),
*4180. This result should be taken cautiously. Indeed, the
100–1661 and 1661–1846 (Middle East) and 1661–4180
chimpanzee sequence contains several differences with
(both geographical regions). The values of R2 are shown
respect to the human sequence available in GenBank
in Fig. 2. Subsaharan Africa displayed the highest
(accession number AY545216), most of them occurring in
diversity, with eight frequent polymorphic positions. By
DNA regions not assayed by the method used for this
contrast, only three to six variable sites reached the minor
study. As a consequence, reliably rooting the human
allele frequency > 5% in the other regions. Africa was the
CYP2D6 tree seems to require a more extensive survey of
only continent where association was insignificant for
its diversity than allowed by 12 SNPs only.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CYP2D6 haplotype frequencies in single populations and geographically defined groups of populations
NE, north-east; SE, south-east; SW, south-west. The haplotype frequencies in geographically defined groups of populations are in bold. Each group consists ofpopulations listed above e.g. SubSaharan Africa includes Biaka Pygmies, Mbuti Pygmies, Mandenka, Yoruba, Bantu NE, Bantu SE, SW and San. The only exception isMozabite which represents alone the geographical region North Africa. aNumber of chromosomes. bIncluding one *4B haplotype. cIncluding haplotypes carrying only 4180G > C, 1661G > C or 1661G > C in duplicated gene.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CYP2D6 worldwide genotyping Sistonen et al.
more homogeneous for CYP2D6 than for STRs, so thatalmost 100% of the CYP2D6 variation was accounted for
by its within-population component (FST = 0.00). The
high variance between populations of the Middle East
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 1661
was entirely due to the presence of the highly divergent
and geographically distant sample from North Africa, the
Mozabites (28.3% of gene duplications). Oceania seemed
to harbour more variation for CYP2D6 than for STR
markers but this value was due to the presence of a silent
mutation (1661G > C) that does not influence the
protein structure; when the analysis was based on the
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 1661
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 1661
phenotypes, variance within Oceania was zero. The
among-population variance estimated for CYP2D6 in
America did not differ from those observed in other
regions, whereas in the study by Rosenberg et al. [11]
America showed the highest value. By and large, in the
AMOVA analysis neither CYP2D6 phenotypes nor haplo-types showed any evident difference from neutral STRs.
Schematic representation of pairwise linkage disequilibrium inSubsaharan Africa, Middle East, Europe, Central/South Asia, East Asiaand America. The colour of the square represents the range of R2
values: black for R2 > 0.6; grey 0.6 Z R2 Z 0.3; white R2 < 0.3.
As a preliminary test, we compared a matrix of normalized
Significant values of the association: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01;
***P < 0.001 after Bonferroni correction. Mozabite population
CYP2D6 genetic distances, FST/(1-FST), with the matrix
representing North Africa was excluded from this analysis because of
of geographic distances between populations by means of
Mantel test assuming an out of Africa model. The Mantelpermutation test showed that the correlation is close tosignificance (P = 0.05), but explains a small fraction ofthe total variation (r = 0.18), a result consistent with thelow variances previously observed between populations
Phenotypic variationDistribution of CYP2D6 phenotypes predicted from
and continents. To test whether the genetic diversity
genotypes is shown in Fig. 3b. Europe was characterized
observed for CYP2D6 corresponds to that inferred from
by the highest frequency of PM phenotypes (8%) and it
neutral markers, we compared the CYP2D6 genetic
was actually the only continent in which the distribution
distance matrix with a genetic distance matrix estimated
is approximately bimodal [29]. In all other cases the
using 377 autosomal STRs [11]. Positive and statistically
distribution was unimodal, but the only common feature
significant correlation was observed between the two
was the predominance of the EM class. The second most
matrices (r = 0.37; P < 0.01) and after controlling for the
common metabolic group in North Africa, Oceania,
geographic distance (r = 0.21; P < 0.05).
Middle East and America was UM (40, 26, 12 and 8%,respectively). Furthermore, all Oceanian and American
The analysis of spatial autocorrelation was repeated
individuals belonged to either the UM or the EM class
twice: (i) considering all the populations (data not
which predicts high metabolic capacity, whereas PMs
shown) and (ii) considering only populations in Africa
were completely absent. Common decreased-function
and Eurasian continent (Fig. 4). Coefficients estimated at
variants, *10, *17 and *41, led to higher number of IMs in
large distances are affected by the small number of
East Asia, Africa and Middle East than in other regions.
samples in Oceania and the Americas, and by their
This characteristic has already been described in previous
extreme geographical position. We placed more confi-
studies with respect to Africa and Asia [2], but the
dence in the analysis of the samples of the old world,
screening of haplotype *41 allowed us to identify a
whose distribution is both denser and more regular. The
relevant number of IMs also in the Middle East.
full function and worldwide represented haplotypes *1and *2 showed significant autocorrelation coefficients
only in few distance classes, and the overall pattern did
When the whole sample was analysed considering seven
not suggest any clear interpretation (Fig. 4a). Conversely,
regions (Table 2), the differences between regions
clear worldwide clines were apparent for haplotypes *4,
accounted for 9.3% of the total variance, a result
*10, *17, and, in part, *41 (Fig. 4b and c), all of them
consistent with estimates based on neutral autosomal
associated with null or decreased metabolism. These four
markers [9,38,39]. CYP2D6 variances among regions were
haplotypes, each showing its maximum frequency in a
similar to those estimated from 377 STRs by Rosenberg
different region (respectively Europe, East Asia, Sub-
et al. [11]. Europe and Central/South Asia seemed to be
saharan Africa and Western-Central Asia), decrease in
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CYP2D6 haplotype and phenotype diversity in different geographical regions. (a) CYP2D6 haplotypes are represented in a network. The size of thecircle is proportional to the haplotype frequency in the whole dataset. Mutations separating haplotypes are marked in the figure. Double linescorrespond to gene duplication. The altered enzymatic activity related to a haplotype is represented as follows: increased (m), decreased (k),null ( – ). (b) Frequency of CYP2D6 phenotype classes is shown in different geographical regions. Phenotypes are predicted from genotypesfollowing the model described in Material and methods. UM: ultrarapid metabolizers; EM: extensive metabolizers; IM: intermediate metabolizers;PM: poor metabolizers.
frequency with distance from there, suggesting that these
disequilibrium is lowest in Africa and highest in the
regions were the likely centers where these haplotypes
Americas; and (iv) despite the metabolic role of CYP2D6,
making it susceptible to selection, the spatial patterns ofdiversity appear clinal, and very similar to those shown by
Previous genetic assessments of the CYP2D6 genevariation have been performed in limited number of
All our results suggest that the diversity observed at the
populations and often with varying genotyping protocols
CYP2D6 locus reflects the same factors affecting variation
or interests [2]. To shed light on global variation at this
at random genome markers. High CYP2D6 genetic
locus, we focused on a detailed molecular study consist-
variances within populations are in good agreement with
ing of 52 widely distributed populations from all
those estimated in studies of neutral markers (reviewed
continents. Our study shows that (i) CYP2D6 diversity
in [8]). Patterns of LD are consistent with the results of
is far greater within than between populations and groups
studies suggesting that through their longer evolutionary
thereof; (ii) null or low-activity variants occur at high
history, African populations have had a greater potential
frequencies in various areas of the world; (iii) linkage
for recombination to reduce the LD generated by new
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CYP2D6 worldwide genotyping Sistonen et al.
AMOVA, analysis of molecular variance. aIn Rosenberg et al. [11], number of populations = 6 (Bantu populations together).
mutations or founder effects [40,41]. The broad geo-
data). FST values did not differ significantly over 10
graphic cline of CYP2D6 diversity parallels those observed
populations originating from Africa, Europe and Asia
by Serre and Paabo [10], Ramachandran et al. [33] and,
(FST = 0.09 based on sequences, and FST = 0.10 based on
with protein markers, by Cavalli-Sforza et al. [42].
SNPs) and in six non-African samples (FST = 0.08 basedon sequences, and FST = 0.09 based on SNPs), but the
Typically, differences in the patterns of diversity shown
12 SNPs used for the present study underestimated
by different markers are attributed either to chance or to
variation in the four African samples (FST = 0.02 based on
selection. Inferring selection was not the aim of the
sequences, and FST = 0.00 based on SNPs). Therefore,
present study; however, the homogeneous geographic
we cannot rule out that a fraction, which we cannot
distribution of haplotypes *1 and *2 could be regarded as
quantify, of African diversity passed undetected in this
the result of a long-term selective pressure maintaining
study. This may explain why continent-specific haplo-
the high frequency of haplotypes coding for a full-
types were observed only in Europe, and not in Africa.
function enzyme. Also, local high frequencies of null or
Africa, however, is at one extreme of the area affected by
reduced-activity haplotypes may indeed be due to
the cline, and so greater diversity there could only
selective pressures affecting the local populations. Selec-
increase the significance of the pattern observed. There-
tion, however, can hardly account for the global patterns
fore, we cannot rule out that ascertainment bias has
of CYP2D6 variation. Indeed, these patterns were very
affected some of our results, but the geographic cline
similar to those described for neutral markers, both by
observed is significant despite, not because, that possible
AMOVA and by autocorrelation analysis. This suggests
that the global CYP2D6 diversity was largely shaped bythe same combination of gene flow and drift events that
As for these spatial patterns, series of founder effects in
shaped the diversity of most other genome regions.
the course of an expansion from Africa can explain thecorrelation between genetic and geographic distances
Statistics estimated from SNP data may suffer from
[33,43]. The autocorrelation patterns observed in this
ascertainment bias. The genotyping system used in this
study show that CYP2D6 diversity can be described as
study allowed us to identify 12 possible mutations of
clinal. The overall geographic gradient largely reflects the
CYP2D6 gene, together with the whole-gene deletion and
gradients shown by the four common haplotypes deter-
duplication. Typing of SNPs known to be polymorphic in
mining a null or reduced metabolism. Each of these
certain populations may lead to underestimation of
haplotypes shows its maximum in a different region of the
genetic variation in other populations. This is especially
true in the case of pharmacogenetic genes, mainlycharacterized in European and North American indivi-
Furthermore, we ascertained how many different groups
duals of European ancestry. To quantify approximately
of populations were supported by CYP2D6 data from this
the ascertainment bias, we compared the values of FST
study. To this aim, we used Bayesian analysis of
estimated from complete coding CYP2D6 sequences, and
population structure (BAPS) [44,45], a Bayesian Monte-
from 12 SNPs, in samples coming from an analysis of
Carlo Markov chain approach, that allowed to assign
CYP2D6 sequence diversity (Fuselli et al., unpublished
single populations to a nonpredefined number of groups.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
populations of different continents (data not shown). Therefore, it is hardly surprising that the 11 CYP2D6
clusters do not overlap with those described in any other
study focused on human genetic variation at a worldwide
level [9,11,14]. Contrary to what has been claimed by
some authors [15], there is no guarantee that by analysinga given set of genetic markers, one can obtain information
Although the aim of this study was not to replace
genotype/phenotype correlation studies, our descriptionof inferred phenotypes may be of significance for
pharmacogenetic applications. Altered CYP2D6 meta-bolic activity has been associated with adverse drugreactions [1] or even fatal intoxications [46,47]. In the
1678 3027 3977 4983 6399 7643 8993 10 293 11 340 15 622
majority of cases, metabolism mediated by CYP2D6contributes to inactivation of a drug. For some drugs,
however, CYP2D6 catalyses the conversion of a prodrug
into an active compound. Thus, adverse reactions can be
caused not only by a slower than normal metabolic rate,
but also by ultarapid metabolism [48]. Our resultshighlight the relevance of the UM phenotype class
represented in each of the eight geographical regionsconsidered in this study, being the second most common
group of individuals in North Africa, Middle East,Oceania and America. On the other hand, Europeanpopulations showed the highest frequencies of the PM
phenotype, and about one chromosome out of six carriedthe null-function haplotype *4. We, however, cannot
exclude an underestimation of population/region-specific
1678 3027 3977 4983 6399 7643 8993 10 293 11 340 15 622
variants (either not tested or unknown) that could
conceivably lead to a phenotype other than the one
CYP2D6 is of great interest for clinical practice because itis responsible for the metabolism of many commonly useddrugs, and its genetic polymorphism can have a strong
effect on the substrate. On the basis of our study, CYP2D6genetic variants related to altered metabolic activity are
highly represented in different regions of the world. Thedevelopment of ethnically tailored therapies, however,
seems difficult to realize owing to the fact that there areonly few rarely observed region-specific haplotypeschanging the phenotype characterized to date and most
1678 3027 3977 4983 6399 7643 8993 10 293 11 340 15 622
of the variants seem to be geographically dispersed overall continents. Furthermore, population admixture is
Spatial autocorrelation analysis in populations from the old world. x-axis:
common or quickly increasing in many populations, which
higher limit of geographic distance classes (in kilometers). y-axis:Autocorrelation index I. Filled symbols indicate significant values.
should be also taken into account when applying resultsobtained from pharmacogenetic studies [49]. Even ifCYP2D6 polymorphism represents an excellent exampleof the potential clinical implications of pharmacogenetic
Sampled populations were clustered using 50 parallel
research [50], most of the drug effects and treatment
simulation chains over 20 000 iterations. Stability and
outcomes are determined by the interaction of multiple
convergence of the analysis was ensured by considering
genes [51]. Naturally, more knowledge on various factors
five replicates of the simulation runs. The analysis
affecting the drug response has to be obtained before the
showed that 10 clusters out of 11 identified included
pharmacogenetic approach can be extensively used in the
either some but not all populations of a continent, or
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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