
yabicoja = unknown, MM 1, 90 (1877). YAG = synthetic gem garnet Y3Al2[AlO4]3, Chudoba EIV, 105 (1974). YAGaG or YAGG = synthetic garnet Ga3Al2[GaO4]3, Bukanov 364 (2006). yagawaralite = yugawaralite, Strunz & Nickel 867 (2001). yagilita = libethenite ?, Domeyko II, 259 (1897). yagite = yagiite, MM 39, 931 (1974). yahalom = massive quartz ± red hematite ± brown goethite, Bukanov 408 (2006). yahlom = diamond or actinolite or jadeite or (OH)-rich grossular, de Fourestier 383 (1999). yakoond = red gem Cr-rich corundum, Bukanov 409 (2006). yaksintos = corundum, Bukanov 48 (2006). yakund = corundum, Bukanov 48 (2006). yakutite = diamond + inclusions, Read 243 (1988). yalakomite = magnesite + quartz, Horváth 290 (2003). Yalck = talc, Clark 683 (1993). YAlG = synthetic gem garnet Y3Al2[AlO4]3, Nassau 224 (1980). yamaguchilite = REE-P-Hf-rich zircon, MM 25, 647 (1940). yamagutilith = REE-P-Hf-rich zircon, AM 25, 439 (1940). yamatoite (discredited) = Mn-rich goldmanite, AM 50, 810 (1965); 51, 1825 (1966); MR 32, 377 (2001). Yamazuchilith = REE-P-Hf-rich zircon, Chudoba EII, 957 (1960). Yamile = Cr-rich beryl, MR Supplement 38, 156 (2007). Yamuguchilit = REE-P-Hf-rich zircon, MM 35, 1160 (1966). Yanit = nontronite or celadonite, Chudoba RI, 70 (1939); [EI,741]. yanolite = violet axinite, Dana 6th, 527 (1892). yanolithe = violet axinite, Egleston 37 (1892). yanshainshite = P-Ca-Fe-(OH)-rich thorite, AM Index 41-50, 18 (1968). yanshainshynite = P-Ca-Fe-(OH)-rich thorite, AM 46, 1200 (1961). yanshinsinshynite = P-Ca-Fe-(OH)-rich thorite, AM Index 41-50, 18 (1968). yanshynshite = P-Ca-Fe-(OH)-rich thorite, MM 32, 986 (1961). yanshyshit = P-Ca-Fe-(OH)-rich thorite, Chudoba RII, 57 (1971). yantar = amber, Thrush 1249 (1968). yanthosiderite = goethite, AJM 1, 15 (1995). yanzhongite = kotulskite, AM 61, 185 (1976); MM 43, 1055 (1980). YAP = synthetic perovskite YAlO3, AG 21, 479 (2003). yaqui onyx = calcite (marble), Read 243 (1988). yargon = red-brown zircon, Bukanov 98 (2006). Yarkand jade = actinolite or tremolite, Bukanov 403 (2006). Yarlungit = yarlongite, LAP 34(5), 49 (2009). yaroslavite = carlhintzeite ?, Ferraiolo 44 (2003). Yarra-Yarra opal = opal, Bukanov 150 (2006). yarroshite = Mg-rich melanterite, AM 26, 136 (1941). yaspeh = massive quartz + hematite, de Fourestier 383 (1999). Yava onyx = banded calcite, Read 243 (1988). Y.B.20 = Ca-rich montmorillonite, Robertson 35 (1954). Y-bastnaesite = bastnäsite-(Y), Pekov 36 (1998). yberisilite = hingganite-(Y), AM 71, 605 (1986). Yb-montmorillonite = Yb-exchanged montmorillonite, CCM 30, 115 (1982). Y-Ca carbonate = kamphaugite-(Y), de Fourestier 383 (1999). yedlinite (Moore et al.) = gainesite, AM 68, 1022 (1983). yeelimite = ye'elimite, Nickel & Nichols 250 (1991); MR 39, 134 (2008). yellow arsenate of nickel = xanthiosite, Egleston 372 (1892). yellow arsenate of silver = xanthiosite or aerugite, Egleston 371 (1892). yellow arseniate of nickel = xanthiosite, Clark 7666 (1993). yellow arsenic = orpiment, Chester 292 (1896). yellow ashover spar = yellow fluorite, Read 243 (1988). yellowberyl = brown gem quartz-mogánite mixed-layer, Bukanov 138 (2006). yellow blood salt = kafehydrocyanite, Pekov 108 (1998). yellow-cake = uraninite, PDF 41-1422. yellow clay ironstone = goethite, Egleston 192 (1892). yellow coal = S-rich resin, Thrush 1249 (1968). yellow cobalt ochre = erythrite + pitticite, de Fourestier 383 (1999). yellow copper = chalcopyrite, Dana 6th, 1112 (1892). yellow copperas = copiapite, Dana 6th, 964 (1892). yellow copper ore (?) = aurichalcite, Chester 195 (1896). yellow copper ore (Kirwan) = chalcopyrite, Egleston 76 (1892). yellow copper pyrites = chalcopyrite, Egleston 76 (1892). yellow corundum = yellow asteriated gem corundum, Thrush 1249 (1968). yellow diamond = N-rich diamond, L. Barron, pers. comm. yellow earth (Jameson) = chalcopyrite, Egleston 76 (1892). yellow earth (?) = goethite ± halloysite-10Å, Des Cloizeaux I, 209 (1862). yellow earthy cobalt = erythrite + pitticite, Dana 6th, 78 (1892). yellow germanite = germanocolusite, Pekov 91 (1998). yellow gold = Ag-Cu-rich gold, Webster & Jobbins 109 (1998). yellow gold glance = krennerite, Egleston 178 (1892). yellow iron ochre = chalcopyrite, Egleston 373 (1892). yellow iron ore = chalcopyrite, Egleston 76 (1892). yellow ironstone = goethite ± ferrihydrite, László 140 (1995). yellow jagut = yellow topaz, Bukanov 81 (2006). yellow lead ore = wulfenite, Dana 6th, 1134 (1892). yellow lead-spar = wulfenite, Dana 6th, 989 (1892). yellow menac ore = titanite, Bukanov 219 (2006). yellow mercury mineral = kleinite, Dana 7th II, 87 (1951). yellow metal = gold, Thrush 1249 (1968). yellow mineral resin = amber, Egleston 331 (1892). yellow molybdenated lead ore = wulfenite, Egleston 371 (1892). yellow ocher = goethite ± ferrihydrite ± halloysite-10Å, Dana 6th; 250, 695 (1892). yellow ochre = goethite ± ferrihydrite ± halloysite-10Å, Clark 766 (1993). yellow ore (Allen) = chalcopyrite, Egleston 76 (1892). yellow ore (Ballard) = carnotite, Thrush 1249 (1968). yellow ore of tellurium = sylvanite, Clark 691 (1993). yellow oxide of tungsten = tungstite, Egleston 353 (1892). yellow pyrites = chalcopyrite, Bates & Jackson 745 (1987). yellow quartz = heated yellow gem Fe3+-rich quartz, Egleston 280 (1892). yellow ratsbane = orpiment, Thrush 1249 (1968). yellow ruby = yellow gem Cr-rich spinel, Bukanov 75 (2006). yellow sapphire = yellow gem corundum, Egleston 300 (1892). yellow silvan ore = krennerite, Papp 137 (2004). yellow silver ore = krennerite, Egleston 178 (1892). yellow star sapphire = yellow asteriated gem Cr-rich corundum, Bukanov 48 (2006). yellow sulphuret of arsenic = orpiment, Dana 6th, 35 (1892). yellow sulphuret of copper = chalcopyrite, Egleston 76 (1892). yellow sylvan ore = krennerite, Egleston 178 (1892). yellow tabulae = narsarsukite, Petersen & Johnsen 73 (2005). yellow tellurium = sylvanite, Dana 6th, 1131 (1892). yellow topaz = topaz or heated Fe3+-rich quartz, Bukanov 81, 132 (2007). yellow yttrotantalite = fergusonite-(Y), Egleston 125 (1892). Yenerit = boulangerite, AM 33, 716 (1948). yénite = ilvaite, Dana 6th, 541 (1892). yenshanite = Pt-rich vysotskite, AM 60, 737 (1975); MM 43, 1055 (1980). yeremeyevite = jeremejevite, Dana 6th, 875 (1892). Yeremeyewit = jeremejevite, Goldschmidt IX text, 191 (1923). yergasovaite = vergasovaite, MA 3078 (1999). yeschef = actinolite or tremolite or jadeite, Egleston 15 (1892). yeschem = actinolite or tremolite or jadeite, Egleston 15 (1892). yeso = gypsum, MM 20, 359 (1925). yeso-espatico = transparent gypsum, de Fourestier 384 (1999). yeso-fibroso = fibrous gypsum, Egleston 373 (1892). yetmanite = yeatmanite, Clark 766 (1993). yftisite-(Y) = yftisite, Fleischer 202 (1987). yftisite (discredited) = Y4TiO(SiO4)2F6, AM 72, 1041 (1987). YGaG or YGG = synthetic garnet Y3Ga2[GaO4]3, Bukanov 364 (2006). yifengite = (Nb,Mn,Ta,W)4O8, IMA 1997-006. YIG = synthetic garnet Y3Fe2[FeO4]3, Chudoba EIV, 105 (1974). yihsünite = yixunite, Mitchell 203 (1979). yinghelite (IMA 1984-014) = konderite or inagyite, IMA 1994-028. yingjiangite = phosphuranylite, IMA Abstracts 35 (2000). ying yu = jadeite, MA 50, 3806 (1999). ying yü = jadeite, MAC short course 37, 231 (2007). yiyangite (IMA 1988-003) = unknown, An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 58, 457 (1987). yodargirita = iodargyrite, Novitzky 171 (1951). yodobromita = I-Cl-rich bromargyrite, Novitzky 171 (1951). yoduro de plata = iodargyrite, Novitzky 171 (1951). yofotierite = yofortierite, MR 23, 266 (1992). Yogo sapphire = dark-blue corundum, Thrush 1250 (1968). yohnstonolita = Mn-rich pyrope, de Fourestier 384 (1999). yohnstrupita = rinkite, de Fourestier 384 (1999). yokosukaite = nsutite, AM 48, 952 (1963); 50, 1142 (1965). yokosukalite = nsutite, MM 39, 931 (1974). yoksukaite = nsutite, AM Index 41-50, 239 (1968). yoksukalite = nsutite, AM Index 41-50, 139 (1968). yonolite = violet axinite, Chester 292 (1896). yoshikawaite = dypingite, PDF 29-857. you (Chinese) = actinolite or gem jadeite, MM 1, 90 (1877). youngite = Zn-Pb-Fe-Mn-S, MM 1, 152 (1877); 2, 88 (1878). you stone = actinolite or jadeite, Egleston 15 (1892). yowah nüsse = opal-CT, de Fourestier 384 (1999). yowah nut = opal-CT, Thrush 1250 (1968). ypoléime = pseudomalachite, Dana 6th, 794 (1892). yron = iron, Clark 327 (1993). yslandspaat = transparent calcite, Macintosh 31 (1988). yster = iron, Macintosh 89 (1988). ystercordieriet = sekaninaite, Council for Geoscience 762 (1996). ysterkies = pyrite, Macintosh 104 (1988). ysterkordiëriet = sekaninaite, Council for Geoscience 762 (1996). ysterpiriet = pyrite, Council for Geoscience 757 (1996). ytriogranate = Y-rich andradite, de Fourestier 384 (1999). ytrocerina = Ce-rich tveitite-(Y), Domeyko II, 501 (1897). ytrocolumbite = samarskite-(Y) ?, MM 25, 647 (1940). ytro-columbo-tantalite = Ta-rich samarskite-(Y) ?, MM 25, 647 (1940). ytroilmenita = samarskite-(Y), de Fourestier 384 (1999). Ytrotantalit = yttrotantalite-(Y), Doelter IV.3, 1172 (1931). Ytterbit = gadolinite-(Y), Dana 6th, 509 (1892). ytterbium = xenotime-(Y), Kipfer 154 (1974). Ytterby mineral = fergusonite-(Y), Egleston 125 (1892). ytterbyte = gadolinite-(Y), Clark 767 (1993). ytter-carbonate = tengerite-(Y), Egleston 341 (1892). Yttererde = xenotime-(Y), Kipfer 154 (1974). Yttererdensilikatapatit = britholite-(Y), MM 32, 986 (1961). Yttererde-Silicat = keiviite-(Y) or thalénite-(Y) ?, Egleston 373 (1892). Ytterflusspath = tveitite-(Y), Clark 767 (1993). Ytterflussspat = tveitite-(Y), Doelter IV.3, 352 (1930). Ytterflussspath = tveitite-(Y), Dana 6th, 182 (1892). yttergarnet = Y-rich andradite, Dana 6th, 443 (1892). Yttergranat = Y-rich andradite, Dana 6th, 437 (1892). ytterite = gadolinite-(Y) or tengerite-(Y), Clark 767 (1993). Yttersilikatapatit = britholite-(Y), de Fourestier 384 (1999). Ytterspat = xenotime-(Y), Doelter III.1, 559 (1914). Ytterspath (?) = tengerite-(Y), Dana 7th II, 275 (1951). Ytterspath (Glocker) = xenotime-(Y), Dana 6th, 748 (1892). Ytterstein = gadolinite-(Y), Haditsch & Maus 242 (1974). Yttersten = gadolinite-(Y), Chester 292 (1896). Yttertantal = yttrotantalite-(Y), Egleston 374 (1892). yttertantalite = yttrotantalite-(Y), Egleston 374 (1892). yttopyrochlore-(Y) = zero-valent-dominant pyrochlore, de Fourestier 42 (1994). Yttralox = synthetic (Y,Th)2O3, O'Donoghue 529, 840 (2006). yttria carbonatée = tengerite-(Y), Lacroix 135 (1931). yttria fluate = tveitite-(Y), Dana 6th, 182 (1892). yttria fluatée = tveitite-(Y), Egleston 374 (1892). yttria garnet = Y-rich andradite, Clark 768 (1993). yttria hydro-phosphatée = xenotime-(Y), Egleston 372 (1892). yttrialite = yttrialite-(Y), AM 72, 1042 (1987). yttrianite = yttrialite-(Y), MM 30, 748 (1955). yttria ochre = unknown, Egleston 373 (1892). yttria phosphate = xenotime-(Y), Egleston 372 (1892). yttria phosphatée = xenotime-(Y), Lacroix 135 (1931). yttria silicate = xenotime-(Y), Atencio 81 (2000). yttria spar = tengerite-(Y) or xenotime-(Y), Egleston 341, 372 (1892). yttroaluminite = synthetic Y3Al5O12, PDF 9-310. yttriobetafite = zero-valent-dominant pyrochlore, Clark 686 (1993). ytrrio-epidote = Y-rich epidote, Deer et al. 1B, 122 (1986). yttriogarnet = Y-rich andradite, MM 29, 997 (1952). yttrio-orthite = allanite-(Y), EJM 18, 554 (2006). yttriotantalite = yttrotantalite-(Y), de Fourestier 384 (1999). yttrious oxide of columbium = yttrotantalite-(Y), Egleston 374 (1892). yttrite = gadolinite-(Y) or tengerite-(Y), Chester 293 (1896). Yttrium Aluminium Garnet = synthetic gem Y3Al2[AlO4]3, Nassau 224 (1980). yttrium-apatite = Y-rich apatite, MM 12, 394 (1900). Yttrium-Bastnäsit = bastnäsite-(Y), Chudoba EIV, 105 (1974). yttrium-bastnaesite = bastnäsite-(Y), Aballain 16 (1973). yttrium calcium fluoride = tveitite-(Y), Dana 7th II, 37 (1951). Yttriumcalciumfluorit = tveitite-(Y), Doelter IV.3, 349 (1930). yttrium-garnet = Y-rich andradite, Clark 768 (1993). Yttrium Garnet = synthetic gem Y3Al2[AlO4]3, Nassau 224 (1980). Yttrium-Granat = Y-rich andradite, Strunz 369 (1970). yttrium iron garnet = synthetic Y3Fe2[FeO4]3, Read 243 (1988). Yttriumkalziumfluorid = tveitite-(Y), Kipfer 155 (1974). yttrium niobium oxide = fergusonite-(Y), Kipfer 200 (1974). yttrium-orthite = allanite-(Y), MM 29, 996 (1952). yttrium phosphate = xenotime-(Y), Kipfer 200 (1974). yttrium silicate = xenotime-(Y), Atencio 81 (2000). Yttriumsilikat = xenotime-(Y), Kipfer 155 (1974). yttrium spar = xenotime-(Y), Bukanov 246 (2006). yttroalumite = synthetic garnet Y3Al2[AlO4]3, AM 36, 522 (1951). yttroapatite (Marchenko et al.) = Y-rich fluorapatite, AM 82, 209 (1997). yttroapatite (Omori & Konno) = hypothetical apatite Y3.33(PO4)3F, AM 47, 1195 (1962). yttrobetafite-(Y) (Kalita) = zero-valent-dominant pyrochlore, CM 48, 693 (2010). yttrobetafite-(Y) (Meyer & Yang) = oxycalciobetafite, CM 48, 693 (2010). yttrobritholite = britholite-(Y), MM 33, 1157 (1964). yttrocalcite (Fedorov) = fluorapatite, MM 14, 413 (1907). Yttrocalcit (Glocker) = tveitite-(Y), Dana 6th, 182 (1892). Yttrocarsit = yttrocrasite-(Y), Kipfer 155 (1974). yttroceberyite = hingganite-(Y), Fleischer & Mandarino 223 (1991). yttroceberysite-(Y) = hingganite-(Y), CM 44, 1560 (2006). yttrocererite = Ce-rich tveitite-(Y), Dana 6th, 182 (1892). Yttroceriocalcit = Ce-rich tveitite-(Y), Hintze I.2, 2556 (1913). Yttrocerit = Ce-rich tveitite-(Y), Dana 6th, 182 (1892). yttrocolumbite = yttrocolumbite-(Y), AM 72, 1042 (1987). yttrocolumbite-(Y) (questionable) = samarskite-(Y) or fergusonite-(Y) or fergusonite-ß-(Y), Strunz & Nickel 867 (2001). yttro-columbo-tantalite = Ta-rich samarskite-(Y) ?, AM 25, 155 (1940). yttrocrasite = yttrocrasite-(Y), AM 72, 1042 (1987). yttrocrasite-(Y) (questionable) = polycrase-(Y), Dana 7th I, 793 (1944). yttroepidote = Y-rich epidote, MM 37, 967 (1970). Yttrofluorit = Y-enriched fluorite, CM 44, 1560 (2006). Yttroflusspath = Y-enriched fluorite, Clark 769 (1993). Yttroflussspat = Y-enriched fluorite, Doelter IV.3, 352 (1930). Yttroflussspath = Y-enriched fluorite, Dana 7th II, 33 (1951). yttrogarnet = synthetic gem garnet Y3Al2[AlO4]3, AM 36, 519 (1951). Yttrogranat = synthetic gem garnet Y3Al2[AlO4]3, Chudoba EII, 435 (1955). Yttrogummit = altered Y-rich uraninite, Dana 6th, 893 (1892). yttrohatchettolite = zero-valent-dominant pyrochlore, AM 62, 408 (1977). Yttroilmenit = yttrotantalite-(Y) or samarskite-(Y), Dana 6th; 738, 739 (1892). Yttrokras = yttrocrasite-(Y), Strunz 207 (1970). Yttrokrasit = yttrocrasite-(Y), Doelter III.1, 51 (1913). Yttrokrasit-(Y) = yttrocrasite-(Y), Weiss 278 (1998). Yttrokras-(Y) = yttrocrasite-(Y), Weiss 281 (1994). Yttromanganoilmenit = Mn2+-Y-rich ilmenite, Chudoba EIII, 381 (1966). yttromelanocerite = Y-rich melanocerite-(Ce), MM 33, 1157 (1964). yttromicrolite = Y-Nb-rich microlite + Nb-rich tantalite, AM 67, 156 (1982). Yttromikrolith = Y-Nb-rich microlite + Nb-rich tantalite, Weiss 281 (1994). Yttroniobit = samarskite-(Y) or yttrotantalite-(Y), Strunz 589 (1970). yttro-orthite = allanite-(Y), MM 23, 639 (1934). yttroparisite = Y-rich parisite-(Ce), MM 26, 343 (1943). Yttrophosphat = xenotime-(Y), Haditsch & Maus 242 (1974). yttropirochloor = zero-valent-dominant pyrochlore, Council for Geoscience 787 (1996). yttropyrochlore-(Y) (Kalita) = zero-valent-dominant pyrochlore, CM 48, 688 (2010). yttropyrochlore-(Y) (Tindle & Breaks) = oxyyttropyrochlore-(Y), CM 48, 693 (2010). yttroseriet = Ce-rich tveitite-(Y), Council for Geoscience 787 (1996). Yttrosilikatapatit = britholite-(Y), Nambu et al. 62 (1970). Yttrospat = xenotime-(Y), Haditsch & Maus 242 (1974). Yttrosynchisit = synchysite-(Y), Chudoba EIII, 381 (1966). yttrosynchysite = synchysite-(Y), MM 35, 1160 (1966). Yttrotantal (original spelling) = yttrotantalite-(Y), Dana 6th, 738 (1892). yttrotantalite (Ekeberg) = yttrotantalite-(Y), AM 72, 1042 (1987). yttrotantalite (Nordenskiöld) = fergusonite-(Y), Dana 6th, 729 (1892). yttrotantalite brun = zero-valent-dominant pyrochlore, ?, de Fourestier 385 (1999). yttrotantalite noire = yttrotantalite-(Y), Des Cloizeaux II, 230 (1893). Yttrotitanit = Y-Fe2+-rich titanite, Dana 6th, 717 (1892). Yttro-Titanpyrochlor = oxycalciobetafite, Kipfer 155 (1974). yttrotungstite = yttrotungstite-(Y), AM 72, 1042 (1987). Yttrozererit = Ce-rich tveitite-(Y), Clark 769 (1993). Ytrotantalit = yttrotantalite-(Y), Doelter IV.3, 1172 (1931). yu = actinolite or tremolite or jadeite, Egleston 15 (1892). yü = actinolite or tremolite or jadeite, Egleston 15 (1892). yuanfulite = yuanfuliite, Dana 8th, 537 (1997). yu che = actinolite or tremolite or jadeite, Egleston 15 (1892). Yucatanbernstein = amber, Doelter IV.3, 941 (1931). yu-en stone = antigorite, Bukanov 325 (2006). yugavaralite = yugawaralite, Schumann 25 (1997). yugsporite = yuksporite, MA 54, 3179 (2003). yuksportlaite = Na10K12Ca23Sr2Ba[(Ti6Nb4MnFe)(OH)12Si48O152], IMA 2001-023. yu hua shi = quartz-mogánite mixed-layer ± red hematite, de Fourestier 385 (1999). yui ko lu jade = green actinolite, Webster & Anderson 965 (1983). yukonite = arseniosiderite ? Dana 7th II, 953 (1951); CM 47, 39 (2009). Yünan-Jade = albite + Cr-rich eckermannite + kosmochlor + chromite + natrolite, Schumann 156 (1997). Yunan-Jade = albite + Cr-rich eckermannite + kosmochlor + chromite + natrolite, Schumann 271 (1997). yunnan jade = jadeite, Read 244 (1988). Yün-nan jade = jadeite, O'Donoghue 349 (2006). yurmenite = menshikovite, IMA SVN94-1. yu-shih = actinolite or tremolite or jadeite, Dana 6th, 371 (1892). yu-shy = actinolite or tremolite or jadeite, Bukanov 256 (2006). yussur = lignite (low-grade coal), Bukanov 361 (2006). yu-stone = actinolite or tremolite or jadeite, Dana 6th, 371 (1892). yu yen shi stone = antigorite, Deer et al. III, 177 (1962). yu yen stone = antigorite, Deer et al. III, 174 (1962).

Source: http://www.minrec.org/pdfs/Ypdf.pdf


UTILITARIAN FLORA Their Families, Genus & Species (Binomial Names), Utility & OriginFrom: Simmonds, N.W. 1976. Evolution of Crop Plants. Longman, London & New York. Kingdom - FUNGI Division - ASCOMYCOTA Class - PEZIZOMYCETES Tuber aestivum - Black Summer Truffle [Culinary fungus < Europe] Tuber magnatum - White Truffle [Culinary fungus < Europe] Tuber melanospo

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