Iso/iec directives, iec supplement

Allocated project number 91/61249-2-11/Ed.1
Title of proposal:
MATERIALS FOR INTERCONNECTION STRUCTURES - Part 2: Sectional specification set for
reinforced base materials clad and unclad - Section 11: Polyimide, brominated epoxide modified
or unmodified, woven E-glass reinforced laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning
test), copper-clad.
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MATERIALS FOR PRINTED BOARDS AND OTHER INTERCONNECTION STRUCTURES - Part 2-11:Sectional specification set for reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - Polyimide, brominated epoxidemodified or unmodified, woven E-glass reinforced laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burningtest), copper-clad.
(Titre F):MATERIAUX POUR CIRCUITS IMPRIMES ET AUTRES STRUCTURES D’INTERCONNEXION - Partie 2-11: Collection de spécifications intermédiaires pour les matériaux de base renforcés recouverts ou non defeuille conductrice - Feuilles stratifiées renforcées en polyimide et tissu de verre de type E époxyde bromémodifié ou non modifié, plaquées cuivre, d’inflammabilité définie (essai de combustion verticale).
The project is assigned to Proposed target date for submission of a CD: The date and place of the first PT or WG meeting are: . or arrangements for electronic operations are annexed The list of experts nominated is annexed Proposals for further modifications are given in annex A 91/216/NP
Mr. Douglas J. Sober
40 Industrial Park Drive
Franklin, New Hamshire 03235
T: 603-934-5642 Ext. 5283F: 603-934-7240E-Mail: [email protected] MEMBERS:
Mr. Hans Joachim Renke,
Platanenallee 129,
D-42897 Remscheid,
Mr. Yoshihiro Nakamura
Hitachi Chemical Co.,Ltd
1500 Ogawa,
Ibaraki 308-8521
Tel: +81-296-20-2217Fax: +81-296-28-6128E-mail: [email protected] Mr Sten Olsson,
Polyclad Europe AB,
Tel: +46 435-385 19,fax: +46 435-386 90,E-mail: [email protected] Mr P M Jones
Ramsey Road,
Leamington Spa,
Warwickshire, CV 31 1PG
United Kingdom
Tel 01926 744403Fax 01926 744411E-mail: [email protected] National
Proposed change
The glass transition temperature is The glass transition temperature is Accept with modificationdefined as “200 minimum”.
Some denaturated polyimides havelower Tg.
All titles of this specification series Replace „interconnecting Structures“ Accept interconnection structures instead of Replace „Sectional Specification set“„interconnecting structures“. by Sectional specification set instead of For section 11 we propose the Accept„Sectional Specification set“. following corrected title:The expression „epoxide modified or Polyimide, modified or unmodified,unmodified“ is wrong. woven E-glass reinforced laminatesheets instead of „sheet“. sheets of defined flammabilitylaminate sheets (vertical burning test), copper clad.
instead of „laminated sheet“.
It should be added „reinforced“.
We propose a better formulation of This specification gives requirements Acceptthe 1. sentence of this paragraph. for properties of copper-clad woven E-The kind of burning test is not object glass reinforced polyimide, modifiedof the scope. or unmodi-fied, laminate sheets ofWe propose the following text: defined flammability, in thicknesses of0,05 mm up to 3,20 mm.
Is it correct, that the flammability It shall be checked whether therating is produced by brominated fire flammability rating is produced by theretardants? addition of brominated compoundsreally.
The glass transition temperature re- Delete the sentence Not acceptedquired is not object of the scope, as The glass transition temperature .
we have two different glass transitiontemperatures in the same standard(for modified and unmodifiedmaterial).
Proposed change
The expression „property For the requirements of some Not accepted requirements“ is misleading. The properties several classes ofexpression „may have“ is wrong. performance are specified.
They have it indeed. The sentence islinguisticly not correct. Therefore wepropose to change the 1. sentence asfollows: „default“ is no adjective. The otherwise the wrong class of material Not accepted expression „will be supplied“ is not can be supplied.
correct. We propose the followingtext: It is missing a material designation. To designate the material, the Not acceptedWe propose to add the following reference PI-GC-TG. may be used.
sentence: The flammability grade will be addedby a hyphen, e.g.
The title of the cited standard IEC The correct title is: Accept60194 is not correct.
Printed board design, manufactureand assembly - Terms and definitions.
The glass transition temperature The 1. paragraph of this sub-clause Accept with modificationrequired is not object of this sub- should read:clause. Change this paragraph as Polyimide resin, modified orfollows: unmodified, bonded E-glass fabriclaminate. The glass fabric shall be asspecified in IEC 61249-6-3. It is not necessary to give here the Delete title of the standard cited in Copper foil (for the manufacture ofincomplete form. It is sufficient to copper-clad materials).
give the number.
This sub-clause is heavily to Delete this sub-clause.
understand as the title of IEC 61249-6-3 is called. Furthermore this sub-clause is not ne-cessary as itscontent is treated in sub-clause 3.1,for the reinforcement belongs to theinsulating base. If we want to se-parate resin system, reinforcementand copper cladding, we mustreplace „insu-lating base“ by resinsystem.
Replace „None required“ by Acceptnot specified.
Proposed change
There are test methods which are not The requirement values shall be Not accepted but test methods will specified after the test methods are be complete „property The requirements for the electrical Accept requirements“ is misleading. properties are given in table 1.
Therefore we propose to change thisparagraph as follows: The expression „properties require- Delete requirements.
ments“ is misleading. Therefore wepro-pose to write „Electricalproperties“.
We shall give the conditioning to be Add after „Surface resistance“ Accept after damp heat and recovery.
We shall give the conditioning to be Relative permittivity after damp heat Accept with modification carried out before measuring. and recovery (at 1 MHz) Corresponding to the relative Add at the end of the text: Accept with modification permittivity we should give the (at 1 MHz).
Replace the addition in brackets by Accept (only for material thicknesses < 0,5 Replace the addition in brackets by Accept (only for material thicknesses 0,5 Average value 5,4 instead of Average value 0,035 instead of National
Proposed change
In this sub-clause several material Add a new sub-clause in clause 3 for Not acceptedclas-ses are listed. These classes defining the several material classesshould be defined in clause 3. And it for the appearance of copper-cladshould be ex-pressed that these sheets.
classes apply only for theappearance of copper-clad sheets.
This paragraph is absolutely For any area of 300 mm x 300 mm the Not acceptedincompre-hensible.
size of each indentation, normally the length, shall be determined and toeach length shall be assigned a pointvalue according to the following list.
Instead of „material class“ we should The total point count for any area of Not acceptedsay appearance class. 300 mm x 300 mm shall be calculated This sentence should be changed as to determine the appearance classfollows: Instead of „material class“ we should Replace „class of material“ by Accept with modificationsay appearance class. appearance class.
This sentence should be changed asfollows: The formulation „For thick foil .“ is For foil thicknesses 70 µm the Accept with modification inde-fined. We propose the following maximum scratch depth shall not The formulation „shall not be counted Scratches with a depth less than 5 % Not acceptedunless .“ is heavily to understand.
of the nominal thickness of the foil areper-mitted except this depth is 10 µmor more.
Raised areas are not the impressions Add after „usually“: Accept with modification it-self, but caused by the impressions caused by.
of the press plates.
Raised areas cannot be caused by This paragraph should read: Not accepted foreign particles under the foil: During Raised areas are usually caused bythe pressing process the prepreg im-pressions in the press plates usedresin melts and therefore such during manufacturing.
particles will not left as raised areasin the copper foil.
Also blisters will not left under the foilafter the pressing process, they maybe produced in other processes only.
Proposed change
Blisters under the foil are not Not acceptedpermitted.
The expression „being impressions of Raised areas caused by impressions Accept with modificationdefects“ is linguisticly wrong. We in the press plates . instead ofpropose the following text: „Raised areas being impressions ofde-fects in the press plates .“.
We have here a further material class The two classes system for the Accept with modificationsystem which is independent from material appearance must be totallyappearance class called above. So reworked.
we have two material classes, an If the two class system forinden-tation class and a bump class. appearance is to be maintained, theWe mean, such a double class class system for raised areas has tosystem for the material appearance is be improved.
very difficult to handle.
Furthermore the class system forraised areas is not understandable:We have 5 classes and 3 criterions.
Why do we need 2 classes A and Xfor the same height and length ofraised areas and 2 classes B and Cfor the same height and length of another extend? We cannot understandit.
And what is with the number of theraised areas?If we want to introduce a pointsystem, it is necessary to give pointsfor all relevant surface defects, sothat results only one appearanceclass.
Surface waviness: 5μm should be We will propose an appropriate value Accept pending recommendation “Release film“ should be add to As underlined.
Proposed change
During the curing process no gases Delete the last sentence of this para- Not acceptedother than steam will be released. graph or give a correct explanation.
And steam doesn’t produce variationsof gloss. Therefore we propose: „Thickness“ and „tolerance“ should Replace „Nominal thickness and Not accepted be written in the plural form because tolerance“ bythere is not only one thickness and Nominal thicknesses and tolerances.
one tolerance.
Replace „Tolerance requirement“ by Accept We don’t know a master sheet. There Replace „master sheet“ by Accept „cut-to-size panel“ is a pleonasm. A Replace „cut-to-size panel“ by Accept with modification panel is a cut to size sheet. If we cut panel.
a panel, we get printed board sizes.
But that isn’t meant when you say„cut to size panel“.
We cannot see the reason, why for The thicknesses and tolerances do Not accepted panels only the outer 13 mm are not apply to the outer 25 mm of theexclud-ed from the thickness trimmed sheet or the panel asmeasurement. For in the most cases manufactured and delivered by theat least one edge of the panel is an manufacturer.
edge of the trimmed sheet.
We propose the following text for thissentence: The horizontal line between the line Delete the horizontal line between the Accept blocks 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 4 and 5 have line blocks 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 4 and 5 to be deleted in the range of column in the range of column 1 and 2. (See1 and 2.
The horizontal line between the line Delete the horizontal line between Accept blocks 1 and 2 have to be deleted in theline blocks 1 and 2 in the range of „IEC 61189-2“ has to be written Replace „IEC 61189-2“ by Accept National
Proposed change
For twist measurements the Replace „longest side Mm“ by Not accepted reference is the diagonal length, not (longest side resp. diagonal length the longest side. Therefore we mm).
propose: Replace „with maximum foil thickness Accept 105 µm“ bywith a maximum foil thickness of 105µm.
Replace „with maximum foil thickness Accept difference 70 µm“ bywith a maximum foil thicknessdifference of 70 µm.
Replace „shall be subject“ by Not accepted In tables 4 and 6 of this standard the Integrate the Note in the table, or do Accept notes belonging to the corresponding not integrate the Notes of table 4 andtable are integrated in the table, in 6 of this standard in the tables, but dotable 3 not. We can do it or not, but it in all tables and in all standards ofwe should do it in all tables and all this series in the same manner.
standards of this series in the samemanner.
The requirements are too much The requirements shall be “optional” Not accepted Peel strength after heart shock of 20 18μm 0.8 N/mm 18μm 0.8 N/mm 35μm 1.0 N/mm 70μm 1.2 N/mm National
Proposed change
We should introduce „Peel strength Introduce a line Peel strength as Not acceptedas received“ (test method 2M13) in received in the table with the followingthe table with the following data:requirements: ≤ 12 µm: ≥ 0,6 N/mm² Column 3: ≥ 0,6 N/mm² 18 ≥ 0,8 N/mm² Column 4: ≥ 0,8 N/mm² ≥ 1,0 N/mm². Column 5: ≥ 1,0 N/mm² „IEC 61189-2“ should be set within Replace „IEC 61189-2“ by Accept brackets according to the other (IEC 61189-2).
Delete the line „Temperature 260 °C“, Delete the line „Temperature 260 °C“. Not acceptedas for this temperature norequirements are specified; thereforeit is not necessary.
The formulation „provided that the Replace „provided that the depth of Accept with modification depth of delamination may not be delamination may not be larger than“larger“ is not correct.
byprovided that the depth ofdelamination is not larger than.
The text of this paragraph is not When tested in accordance with test Accept with modificationcorrect: The dimensional stability has method 2X02 of IEC 61189-2, theno nomi-nal value and has no dimen-sional stability of the testedtolerance.
The citation of a test method in the table 5.
given form is not correct.
„in accordance with“ instead of„in accordance to“.
We should give max. two requirementclasses.
We propose the following text: The table shall be written in the form Accept with modificaitongiven beneath.
Proposed change
The sub-clauses 6.8 and 6.9 should The proposed new arrangement of Not acceptedbe arranged newly. The laminate sub-clauses 6.8 and 6.9 and ansizes and the belonging tolerances to improved wording, including table 6it should be treated in the same sub- and 7, is given beneath.
Please do not write „cut panels or„cut-to-size panels“. That arepleonasms, as a panel is already cut-to size. A cut-to-size panel is aprinted board format.
Replace the format „1065 x 1155“by1060 x 1150. Delete the formats„1065 x 1155“ and „1065 x 1280“.
Replace in table 6 „Tolerancerequire-ment“ by Tolerance.
The chapter „Rectangularity ofpanels“ gets now the number 6.9.
The rectangularity is not a tolerance.
Replace „after removal“ by Acceptafter complete removal.
The adjective „dielectric“ is not Delete „dielectric“.
necessary. That the base material isa dielectricum, is trivial.
In line 1 we read: The specimens Replace in line 1 „specimens“ by Accept with modification shall be inspected, in line 3 we read: panels.
The panels shall be inspected. Whatis correct?We propose: A weave texture is not an Delete „weave texture“ or change it to Not accepted The formulation of this paragraph is Opaque foreign fibres are less than 15 Not acceptednot clear. We propose: mm in length; their number is inaverage not more than 1 per 300 mmx 300 mm area.
The formulation of this paragraph is Opaque foreign inclusions other than Not accepted fibres are not longer than 0,50 mm.
Opaque foreign inclusions less than0,15 mm in length are not be counted.
And the number of opaque foreigeninclusions between 0,50 mm and0,15 mm in length is in average notmore than 2 per300 mm x 300 mmarea
Proposed change
The formulation of this paragraph is Voids . have a longest dimension Not acceptednot clear. We propose: less than 0,075 mm; their number isnot more than 3 in a 3,5 mm diametercircle.
We cannot see the reason why the The text of this line block shall read Not accepted flexural strength measurement has to as follows: Flexural strenth(applicable to sheets 1,0 mm in Accept with modificationnominal thickness).
We cannot see the reason why the The text of this line block shall read Accept with modification flexural strength measurement at as follows: elevated temperature has to be Flexural strenthlimited to the length direction and at elevated temperature of 200 °Cwhy the lower limit for thickness is (applicable to sheets 1,0 mm in The test method 2C08 is intended for The 1. paragraph of this sub-clause Not accepted flexible materials; that is an other shall read:thing than thin material. When the laminate is tested in accor-We give an improved text proposal: dance with test method 2C06(thickness 0,5 mm) or 2C08(thickness < 0,5 mm) of IEC 61189-2,the flammability shall be as given intable 9.
In the IEC form the correct Replace „V-0“ by FV0.
The given form of the table is not The table shall be written as given Not acceptedcorrect: The features „flaming beneath.
combustion .“ and so on areproperties, not test methods. Thetable is to be completed by the partfor thin materials.
In the IEC form the designations of Replace „V-0“ by FV0 and „V-1“ by Accept the two flammability classes are FV0 FV1.
Proposed change
Replace „0,05“ by ≥ 0,05.
We mean the correct requirements The requirements shall be written in Accept ≤ 3,00 instead of „< 3,00“ and so on. Please write this table as given But we cannot understand, that for all beneath .
thicknesses the value is equal (≤ In the given form the wording of this When the laminate is tested in accor- Accept with modificationparagraph is illogical. dance with test method 2N01 ofWe propose the following text: IEC 61189-2 the following measlingrequirements shall be met (table 11).
Test method of “2M03: Cure factor” is Requirement of “cure factor” shall be Accept with modification “optional” until the “Test 2M03” is We should differ in the requirements Column 3 should be divided into the Not accepted of Tg between modified PI (Tg ≥ 200 parts „modified PI“ and „unmodified°C) and unmodified PI (Tg ≥ 250 °C) Replace „No requirement“ by Accept with modification Replace „all inspection“ by Not accepted It is not practical to limit the test Delete the following sentence.
house to an IEC approved laboratory. “Qualification testing shall be Replace „lot by lot inspection“ by Not accepted National
Proposed change
We cannot understand the expression Replace „In process parameter Not accepted „In process parameter control“. control“ by„In process“ means: during the Process parameter control.
process. And which parameter aremeant? Add at the end of the text the Accept with modificationfollowing sentence:Normally such a certificate shall notinclude any test results.
Paragraph 1, 2, 3 and 5 concern For our proposed arrangement and Accept with modificationmarking, paragraph 4 concerns changing of this clause see beneath.
packaging. We propose a betterarrangement.
It is not good to say „if other than“. In Delete in each case „if other than .“.
a order we should call the wishedrequire- ments explicitly.
Please do not write „property require- Replace „material property Accept with modification ments“. This expression is requirements“ bymisleading. Meant is „requirements requirements for material properties.
for properties“.
The content of this sentence is Replace this sentence by Accept with modificationcorrect if the typical data are given For materials according to thisfactually, but we cannot find such standard typical values to thedata. When such data are unknown, following properties exist not yet; theywe must write: are to be included in this annex.
Typical values are to be included.
We propose: There is a fear that the stated values Delete Annex A.
are mis-understanded as requirementvalues.
There is a fear that the stated values Delete Annex B.
are mis-understanded as requirementvalues.
The following properties are not Delete these properties.
specified in this standard:solderability;permittivity as received;dissipation factor as received.
Replace „Moisture absorption“ by Accept National
Proposed change
The adjective „dielectric“ is not Delete „Dielectric“.
The qualification and conformance Delete Annex C.
inspection are stated as a guideline.
We consider these items are not tobe included as a guideline.
Table 3 - Bow and twist requirements
Test method
Panel dimension
Table 5 - Dimensional stability requirements
Test method
Dimensions of laminates
Sheet sizes
Sheet sizes are the matter of agreement between purchaser and manufacturer. However therecommended sizes are the following: 915 mm x 1220 mm1060 mm x 1150 mm1000 mm x 1000 mm1000 mm x 1200 mm The length resp. width of the sheets as delivered by the supplier shall not deviate from thenominal dimensions by more than +25/0 mm.
Panel sizes
The panel dimensions shall be, when delivered, in accordance with the purchaser’sspecification.
For panels manufactured according to the purchaser’s specification the tolerances of lengthand width shall be as given in table 6. The normal tolerances shall apply unless otherwisespecified by the purchaser.
Table 6 - Size tolerances for panels
Panel size
Rectangularity of panels
For panels manufactured according to the purchaser’s specification the rectangularity shall beas given in table 7. The normal deviations shall apply unless otherwise specified by thepurchser.
Table 7 - Rectangularity of panels
Test method
Table 9 - Flammability requirements
Test method
Flammability (vertical burning test)
1. Flaming combustion time after each application of theflame for each test specimen 2. Total flaming combustion time for the 10 flameapplications for each set of five specimens 3. Glowing combustion time after the second removal ofthe flame 4. Flaming or glowing combustion up to the holdingclamp 5. Dripping flaming particles that ignite the tissue paper Flammability (vertical burning test)
(applicable to materials < 0,5 mm in thickness) shall either not ignite after 15 sappli-cation of flame or theflame is extinguished beforereaching the upper gauge mark.
Table 10 - Water absorption requirements
Test method
Packaging and marking
Sheets and panels shall be packed in a manner, which will provide adequate protection againstcorrosion, detoriation and physical damage during shipment and storage.
If not otherwise specified in the order, laminate sheets or panels shall be marked with themanufacturer’s designation and lot number. This marking may be contain also the followingdata: • Material type designation according to this standard; • Nominal thickness of the copper-cladding on each side.
The marking shall remain legible during normal handling, but shall be readily removable priorto the use of the material.
Laminates with asymmetric copper foil on both sides shall be marked on the side with theheavier copper foil.
Packages of sheets or panels shall be marked in a manner to clearly identify the content.


Prevalence, trends, and factors associated with antipsychotic polypharmacy among medicaid-eligible schizophrenia patients, 1998–2000

Antipsychotic Polypharmacy Among Medicaid Patients Prevalence, Trends, and Factors Associated With Antipsychotic Polypharmacy Among Medicaid-Eligible Schizophrenia Patients, 1998–2000 Rahul Ganguly, Ph.D.; Jeffrey A. Kotzan, Ph.D.; L. Stephen Miller, Ph.D.; Klugh Kennedy, Pharm.D.; and Bradley C. Martin, Ph.D. Received Aug. 15, 2003; accepted Feb. 17, 2004. From the Department

yabicoja = unknown, MM 1, 90 (1877). YAG = synthetic gem garnet Y3Al2[AlO4]3, Chudoba EIV, 105 (1974). YAGaG or YAGG = synthetic garnet Ga3Al2[GaO4]3, Bukanov 364 (2006). yagawaralite = yugawaralite, Strunz & Nickel 867 (2001). yagilita = libethenite ?, Domeyko II, 259 (1897). yagite = yagiite, MM 39, 931 (1974). yahalom = massive quartz ± red hematite ± brown goethite, Bukanov 408 (2006). y

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