Darwin in Light of 150 Years of Error (Part 2) Darwin Failed to Recognize the Limits of Change
Charles Darwin did not always believe in evolution. In fact, at one time he
believed in God as the Creator. He wrote in his autobiography: “Whilst on board
the Beagle I was quite orthodox, and I remember being heartily laughed at by sev-
eral of the officers (though themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as an unan-
swerable authority on some point of morality” (1958, p.85, parenthetical item in
orig.). But as he grew older, he changed his view and began to think that natural
forces created the world. He described his “deconversion”: “Thus disbelief crept
over me at a very slow rate, but was at last complete. The rate was so slow that I
felt no distress, and have never since doubted even for a single second that my
conclusion was correct” (p. 87). Sadly, one of the reasons for his change in think-
ing came from a misunderstanding of the Bible.
In Darwin’s day, the Church of England misunderstood the biblical ac-
count of Creation. The book of Genesis says that animals multiply “according to
their kind” (Genesis 1:21). However, the Church of England confused the biblical word “kind” with the word “species.” The Church of England taught that God had
created every separate species in the world. This idea was called the “fixity of spe-
cies.” The problem with this view was that it simply is not true; they had misun-
Evening Worship……. 5:00 P.M. derstood the Bible (Garner, 2009).
Darwin Finches
When Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands, he discovered some-
thing that greatly interested him. He found several different species of finches
which were unique to the islands. The basic differences between these species was
the size and shape of their beaks. Some of the finches had short thick beaks, used
to crack open seeds, while others had long, thin beaks that could be used to catch
insects or drink nectar from flowers. As he studied the birds, he came to the con-
clusion that the finches were very similar and must have been related. In fact, Dar-
win believed that the species had originally diverged from a single species of
birds. He guessed that long before he had arrived on the islands, a storm must
have blown this flock of birds to the Galapagos Islands. To give a very simplified
version of Darwin’s hypothesis, he thought the birds with long beaks stayed to-
gether and ate insects, while the birds with short beaks were able to survive in dif-
ferent places on the islands where they could find seeds. Eventually, due to
drought, climate change, and environmental pressures, each group became its own
species through the process of natural selection. Darwin also thought that if nature
could change one species of finch into several different species, then it could
change an amoeba into a man. Here Darwin made a major mistake in his thinking.
He did not realize that small changes have limits.
Page 2 The Forest Hill News June 16, 2009
Darwin in Light of 150 Years of Error (continued from page 1)
In recent years, two researchers have become
after all. In the same article for Science, the Grants
well-known for their trips to the Galapagos Islands to
alluded to research done in 1977 when a drought
study Darwin’s ideas about the Galapagos finches. In
struck the same island and killed many of the finches.
the July 14 issue of Science, Peter and Rosemary
The Grants noted: “Most finches died that year, and
Grant presented a paper titled “Evolution of Character
mortality was heaviest among those with small
Displacement in Darwin’s Finches.” The thesis of the
beaks” (2006, emp. added). Thus, if G. fortis keeps
article is that one particular species of finches
“evolving” a smaller beak size, a major drought in the
(Geospiza fortis) “evolved” a slightly smaller beak
future could easily spell the bird’s demise.
due to the arrival of a larger-beaked finch (G. magni-
Scientific observation has never produced a
rostris) competing for larger seeds of the Tribulus cis-
single shred of evidence that proves even the possibil-
toides plant during a severe drought (Grant and Grant,
ity of “huge genetic changes turning one kind of ani-
mal into another.” In fact, all the observable evidence
Randolph Schmid, an Associated Press author
proves that every living organism multiplies
who reviewed the Grants’ article, opened his summary
“according to its kind” exactly as stated in Genesis
of their findings with these words: “Finches on the
1:24, small changes in beak size, body weight, or skin
Galapagos Islands that inspired Charles Darwin to de-
velop the concept of evolution are now helping con-
(from Reason & Revelation, A Monthly Journal of
firm it—by evolving” (2006). Notice the subtle ma-
Christian Evidences, Feb, 2009, Vol. 29, No. 2)
neuver Schmid made in his introduction: he commin-
gled two distinct definitions of evolution into his state-
ment, falsely equating the two. The generally accepted definition for the concept of evolution proposed by
Darwin is “huge genetic changes turning one kind of
animal into another,” often called Darwinism. But the “evolving” accomplished by the finches on the Gala-
pagos Islands was simply “small changes within the
same kind of organism.” Unfortunately, evolutionists
often use this type of sleight-of-hand tactic.
Schmid interviewed Robert Fleischer, a scien-
tist who works with the Smithsonian’s National Mu-
A seminar exposing the myth of evolution
seum of Natural History, who stated that the Grants
“microevolution” (small changes within the same kind of organism). Yet, the titles of the articles by both
Schmid and the Grants misleadingly imply that Dar-
winian evolution has been proven by the finch re-
search—and Schmid goes so far as to assert this bold claim in his introductory paragraph.
What do the finches really prove? They prove
that finches stay finches, and the only documented
July 1 - Dinosaurs: The Poster Children of Evolution
kind of “evolution” is that of small changes within the
same kind of organism. The Grants have been study-
ing the finches for 33 years, and this change in beak
July 8 - Dinosaurs: The Poster Children of Evolution
size, which amounted to about .6 millimeters in beak
length and .8 millimeters in beak depth (“Study: Dar-
win’s…,” 2006), was “the strongest evolutionary
change seen in the 33 years of the study” (Grant and
Grant, 2006). Even more ironic is the fact that this
July 22 - Creation: In Six Days or Six Billion Years?
“evolutionary” change to a smaller beak that allegedly
helped the finches to survive might not be so helpful
Page 4 The Forest Hill News June 16, 2009
The 2009 Vacation Bible School is now history. Our thanks to all the tireless efforts of the teachers, their assistants, those who operated the craft room, those who prepared and served snacks, and our coordina-tors. The relevant theme, “Design Demands a Designer,” was well received by those in attendance. Many visitors were present for this year’s VBS, which increased our overall attendance from past years. This was greatly encouraging. We are especially grateful to Bobby O’Dell, who preaches for the Woodland Hills congregation, for leading the kids in song everyday. He was a great big hit. Many thanks to all those involved in our work teams. Recently I attended my work team meeting, which took place on our grounds. Lyle Summitt who is our captain hosted all of us to a crawfish boil. Exciting time and good eating. Our captains do a great job organizing these gatherings and we appreciate all who participate. Most importantly these meetings involve not only fellowship, but they present opportunities to serve the Lord. This Lord’s day, the Memphis School of Preaching graduation will take place. Brother Tony Lawrence, evangelist of the Bybee Branch Church of Christ in McMinnville, Tennessee will be our guest speaker. He will preach during the Bible Study hour at 9:30am, again during worship at 10:30am, and during the commencement exercises that will begin at 6:00pm. Twenty-two students will receive their certificate of completion of studies. Congratulations to all of them!
The Forest Hill News
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