El crimen transnacional se compone de actos criminales y
Fecha: sábado 21 de septiembre
transacciones que traspasan las fronteras nacionales y que violan
las leyes de más de un país. Este curso se centrará en la
naturaleza y el alcance de los delitos transnacionales como el
Lugar: Salón de Usos Múltiples
narcotráfico, la trata de personas, el lavado de dinero y las redes
del crimen organizado, incluyendo a las pandillas transnacionales.
Se hará énfasis en los factores micro y macro que facilitan este
Horario de sesiones: 8:00 a.m. a
tipo de delitos, en los diferentes modelos de la delincuencia
10:00 a.m.; 10:30 a.m. a 12:30 m.; 1:30 p.m. a 3:30 p.m.; y 4:00 p.m. a
organizada y los retos en el desmantelamiento de las redes
criminales que se aprovechan de las oportunidades del mundo
Inversión: $300.00
Además, se analizarán las implicaciones para la acción
internacional coordinada incluyendo: la promoción del estado de
derecho, los tratados bilaterales y multilaterales, la realización de
patrullajes transfronterizos, el fomento de la cooperación policial
regional, y la promoción de la cooperación entre el poder judicial y
otras organizaciones internacionales en el control y la prevención
El curso será impartido por Mangai Natarajan*, PhD, profesora de John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York, autora del libro International Crime and Justice (McGraw-Hill, 2005) y de otros 10 libros sobre policía y crimen, principalmente el narcotráfico, el abuso de drogas, y la violencia doméstica. Mangai Natarajan es autora de más de 50 artículos sobre crimen orga
nizado y crimen transnacional, y es miembro del Comité
Editorial de las revistas Crime Science Journal- Springer y Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency – Sage.* Professor Mangai Natarajan (1991, PhD, Criminal Justice School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey) is an active policy-oriented researcher who has published widely in three areas: drug trafficking; women police and
domestic violence. She is one of the leading women researchers on drug trafficking and her edited volume with Professor Mike Hough of Kings College, London, (Illegal Drug Markets: From Research to Policy, 2000) is widely cited. Her article (2006) on “Understanding the Structure of a Large Heroin Distribution Network” uses wiretap data col ected in New York and is published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Since her doctoral work comparing the work and ambitions of women officers in India and
the United States, she has continued to study the role of women police in India. She has incorporated her two decades of
empirical research on women policing into a soon to be published book titled Women Policing in a Changing Society: Back Door to Equality (Ashgate Publishing, UK). In 2005, she served as editor for the encycl opedia Women Police for Ashgate Publishing, UK and an encyclopedia on Domestic Violence: The Five Big Questions for Ashgat e Publishing, UK was recently published (June 2007). She is currently working on three volumes: Drugs of Abuse-The International Scene (Vol. 1); Prevention and Treatment of Drug Abuse (Vol. 2); and The Drugs and Crime Connection (Vol. 3) for the Library of Drug Abuse and Crime (Ashgate Publishing,
UK). Her wider academic interests revolve around crime theories that promote crime reduction policy thinking and her related areas of expertise include Social Network Analysis, Crime Mapping and Crime Analysis, Problem Oriented Policing and Situational Crime Prevention. Dr. Natarajan is not only an active researcher but is also a dedicated teacher in the undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. programs and is the founding coordinator of the International Criminal Justice Major, one of the fast growing and popular majors at John Jay. She recently published a text for use in the major titled International Crime and Justice (McGraw-Hill, 2005), consisting of 50 short chapters that she commissioned from experts.
Caso clínico Taquicardia paroxística supraventricular por sobreingestade salbutamolL. MARTÍNEZ MENGUAL, M.C. CUADRILLERO QUESADA, C. MENÉNDEZ ARIAS, N. FERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ, Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital de Cabueñes. Gijón Introducción: La taquicardia es el hallazgo más frecuente Introduction: Synus tachicardia is the most frecuent cli- tras la ingestión de una dosis de sal
DIRETTIVA 2008/39/CE DELLA COMMISSIONE del 6 marzo 2008 che modifica la direttiva 2002/72/CE relativa ai materiali e agli oggetti di materia plastica destinati a venire a contatto con i prodotti alimentari (Testo rilevante ai fini del SEE) loro inclusione nell’elenco comunitario è scaduto il 31 di-cembre 2006. È quindi possibile fissare la data a decor-rere dalla quale l'elenco