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Aliskiren (Tekturna®)
Aliskiren is a recently-approved, first-in-class Adverse effects associated with aliskiren are for the antihypertensive agent. It is approved for the most part mild. Excessive reductions in blood treatment of hypertension as monotherapy or in pressure have occasionally been reported, as has combination with other antihypertensive agents. angioedema. Diarrhea is reported in approximately 2.3% of patients who take aliskiren. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW
Aliskiren is a direct renin inhibitor. Renin is a
substance that is secreted by the kidney in response Aliskiren is the first drug in its class. to decreased blood flow in the kidney. Renin secretion is the first step in a sequence that results in the COMPARISON TO OTHER TREATMENTS
generation of angiotensin I, followed by angiotensin II, There are no clinical trials comparing aliskiren to other a substance that causes blood vessel constriction, treatments for hypertension. Most clinical trials sodium retention and aldosterone secretion. Other evaluate aliskiren in combination with existing antihypertensives have been developed that work on therapies. For this reason, aliskiren is likely to be used other steps in this sequence; aliskiren is the first direct as add-on therapy, at least initially. A 2004 article in renin inhibitor to be marketed. Aliskiren is initiated at the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 150 mg once daily; the dose may be increased to 300 suggests that aliskiren may have synergistic effects mg in patients who do not have an adequate response with valsartan, so combinations of aliskiren with angiotensin receptor blockers may be advantageous; no other combination appears to be distinctively WHAT YOU MAY NOT KNOW
advantageous. Aliskiren costs at least 35% more than High-fat meals reduce the absorption of aliskiren; other commonly used antihypertensive therapies. patients should take the drug consistently with regard Therefore, patients with prescription insurance will to meals. Aliskiren should be discontinued in patients likely be required to try and fail several other who may be pregnant due to the risk of fetal harm. medications before coverage for aliskiren will be Concomitant use of atorvastatin increases overall exposure to aliskiren by 50%.

does not reflect insurance co-payments as these vary with only and are not intended to be thought of as dose equivalents.

Prescribing information: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology article suggesting synergy with valsartan: Explanation of the renin-angiotensin system and its effect on blood pressure: DISCLAIMER
This publication is intended to provide key practical information regarding this drug product in a brief format. It does
not contain sufficient information upon which to base formulary or other medication use policy decisions.
The information provided was developed by the Center for Drug Policy at the
University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics and published by the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.


Tsdnc proceedings 2010 - adjusted.pmd

Nutritional and Animal Welfare Implications to Lameness Jan K. Shearer1 Department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine Abstract metalloproteinase enzymes and peripartumhormones, such as estrogen and relaxin. Theimplications of this are that in addition to feedingfermentive disorders occurring secondary to theand nutrition, dairy farmers must pay particularconsu

Ärztliches labor dr

Wissenschaftliche Laborinformation Nr. 28 Juni 2001 PRÄANALYTIK, TEIL III: MEDIKAMENTE UND LABORWERTE / SERUM ODER PLASMA / KAPILLARBLUT / URIN / STABILITÄT VON ANALYTEN 1. Arzneimittel und Laborwerte Die Einnahme von Medikamenten kann auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise das Ergebnis einer Laboruntersuchung beeinflussen, wobei in-vivo- (Einflußgrößen) von in-vitro-Effekten (Störfaktoren)

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