Microsoft word - administration of medication feb 2011.doc
Administration of Medication Policy 1. Objective This policy covers the use of medications at Annie Dennis Children’s Centre (ADCC) and all the relevant paperwork and procedures that are involved in administering these medications and clearly identifies the procedures required for the administration of medication at the centre. It recognises the need for the appropriate management and administration of medication to ensure that all children are cared for in a safe and healthy environment. 2. Definitions Medication: Includes any substances that are obtained from a pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription, any over-the-counter substances, and any natural remedies. Medication book: A legally binding document once completed and signed by a parent/guardian authorises staff to administer medication to children at ADCC. Staff: Includes permanent, agency, casual, long and short term appointments
3. Purposes and Scope This policy applies to the committee, staff and the parents/guardians of the children enrolled at ADCC.
4. Information to parents/guardians and staff The centre will make a copy of the Medication Policy available to parents/guardians upon enrolment.
o A summary of the Policy is provided in the Parents Handbook.
o A copy of this Policy is provided to both current and new staff
o A copy of this Policy is displayed in the Centre’s staff room
o A copy of this Policy will be attached to the front of each room’s
o A copy of this policy will be available on the centre’s website,
There are a limited number of medications stored in the centre’s first aid kit. These include:
• ventolin with space chamber (see Asthma Policy)
• auto adrenalin injecting device (see Food Allergy and
These are kept for use in an emergency and do not replace the need for parents/guardians to provide medication specific for their children with known conditions. Paracetamol and other forms of analgesic will not be kept on the premises for general use, The staff’s role as first aid officers does not extend to dispensing of medicines such as paracetamol and they will not be included in the Centre’s first aid kit ( 22/8/07). If it is required, parents/guardians must supply it and the below stated procedures must be followed. 6. Medication Procedures 6.1 Parent/guardian responsibilities The centre manages the administration of medication by relying on an accurate and up to date Medication Authorisation Sheet for each affected child. Where parents/guardians with lawful authority require centre staff to provide medication to their child, they will:
o notify a staff member that their child requires medication
o accurately complete the details on their child’s Medication
Authorisation Sheet. Each of the centre’s children’s room maintains a separate medication sheet for each child. (Children’s Services Regulations2009, Division 4, Reg 36 (1))
o ensure the Medication Authorisation Sheet includes the:
o circumstances in which medication is to be given
o time of next dosage to be administered
o ensure if the medication is prescribed, that the bottle has the
name of the prescribing doctor on the label (Children’s Services Regulations 2009, Part 6, Division 4, Reg 83 (3)
o ensure the medication is in the original container, bearing the
original label and instructions in English and is within the expiry or use by date. Staff will not administer any medication that does not meet these requirements (Children’s Services Centre’s Regulations2009, Part 6, Division 4, Reg 83 (3))
o provide a letter from the doctor if a child requires medication(s)
longer than the recommended time indicated on the container eg 48 hrs,and
o sign the Medication Authorisation Sheet daily for every dose that
was administered to the child. This procedure is to be completed for every dose and day that the medication is required.
6.2 Staff responsibilities Centre staff will:
o store the medication that the parents/guardians have authorised in
the medication cabinet or in a securely latched fridge.
o check that all details of the Authorisation Medication Sheet are
correct and complete as per the requirements noted above. If any of these sections are not complete then staff will not administer medication.
o ensure the child’s name appears clearly on the medication, the
dosage is correct, the time between dosages is correct, the name of the medication is correct and the expiry date on the container is current.
o ensure that each time the medication is administered, the staff
member administering the medication has the dosage checked by another staff member. After administration of medication, staff will enter details in each child’s individual Medication Authorisation Sheet. This will include the dose, time, date, name and signature of staff person who administered the medication and the name and signature of the staff person who checked the dosage. (Children’s Services Regulations 2009:36)
o under no circumstances give children a dosage of medication other
than that prescribed on the authorised container
o not administer any medication that the child has not had before.
To ensure children do not have an adverse reaction to a new medication, children should not attend the centre for the first 24 hours after the new medication has been administered (Also see the Exclusion from Childcare Policy.)
o seek support from the coordinator or parent/guardian directly if
there is doubt about the medication or the Authorisation Medication sheet is incorrectly completed
o delay the administration of medication if the instructions or entries
o other than for first aid purposes, only give medication at the
authorisation of the parent/guardian in the form of the Medication Authorisation Sheet, and
o ensure only permanent staff members administer medications to
If a child requires ongoing administration of medication for a specific condition, in addition to completing the Medication Authorisation Sheet as above, the parent/guardian is required to supply the centre with a diagnosis of the condition including (a) a doctor’s letter of why and for how long the child requires the medication and (b) a management plan. If the condition is known, this should be supplied at the time of enrolment. This written consent will be kept in the child’s individual file and the parent/guardian must update it every 3 months. If a child has a condition that requires management but does not require medication, the parent/guardian should similarly supply a doctor’s letter and management plan. 8.
o provide well labeled medication containers
o complete the authorisation medication sheet accurately
o inform staff of the medication needs of their children, and
o be responsible for their personal adherence to this policy.
o administer medications accurately and safely
o advise parents with information regarding the use and administration of medications, and
o be responsible for their personal adherence to this policy.
o ensure that all staff are aware and understand all procedures
regarding the administration of medications, and
o be responsible for implementing, enforcing and evaluating this
9. Breaches of this Policy Staff who fail to adhere to the procedures set out in this policy may be liable to counseling or disciplinary action.
The Administration of Medication policy is linked to the National
Outcome 3: children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical
Date: Approved by the COM 20 February 2008 Next review date: February 2010 Date Approved by the COM 16 February 2011 Next review date February 2013
• Victorian Children’s Services Regulations 2009 • Childcare and Children’s Services Health, Vol 2nr 4 November 1999 • Child and Youth Health (2004)
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