Microsoft word - api customer communication - english - final.doc

Dear Valued Customer: In 2010 Abbott completed the acquisition of Solvay Pharma Canada, Inc. (now known as Abbott Products Inc.). We are pleased to inform you that we are now fully integrating all products and processes into Abbott’s product portfolio. If you have been purchasing products directly from Abbott in the past, the only change for you will be that you will now be able to purchase both Abbott and Abbott Products Inc. products directly from Abbott. If you have been purchasing Abbott Products Inc. products from a wholesaler or distributor, through electronic data interchange (EDI) or through the CPDN network, there will be changes to your ordering, returns and financial transactions. These changes are described in detail below. Please share this information with all departments in your organization that will be affected by these changes. Effective January 4, 2011, please place all orders directly with Abbott. Between now and January 4, please continue to place orders as you normally would, keeping the following timeline in mind. Wednesday, December 22, 2010  The last day to place orders through Abbott Products Inc. Customer Service. Orders placed with Abbott Products Inc. prior to 3:00 p.m. (EST) will be processed and shipped in the usual manner.  No orders for Abbott Products Inc. products will be processed or shipped during  Abbott Products Inc. products will not be available through CPDN. Final orders will be shipped from CPDN December 28, 2010.  All backorders with Abbott Products Inc. will be cancelled on December 23,  As of December 22, 2010 at 3 p.m. (EST), Abbott Products Inc. will no longer be able to accept EDI transactions for product purchases.  Beginning January 4, 2011, your EDI group may begin including all products with their normal communication to Abbott. NARCOTIC & CONTROLLED DRUG ORDER PROCESSING: Effective January 4, 2011, for customers ordering narcotic/controlled drugs (other than in Newfoundland), please address scripts as follows: Tel.: (905) 712-7234 Toll Free: 1-866-456-7770 Fax: 1-800-768-1976 For Newfoundland-based customers, please address scripts as follows: For Kadian and Ultiva products: PRODUCTS LISTING: The attached product listing identifies the OLD Abbott Products Inc. product codes and the NEW Abbott product codes. Effective January 4, 2011, the following payment terms will apply to all products purchased from Abbott. Terms: Retail: 1% 15 days, Net 30, Hospitals and others: Net 30. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The most current version of the Standard Terms and Conditions can be found on under Contact us/Customer Service/Ordering Information. Abbott Products Inc. products will be affected by a change in return policy as follows: As of January 4, 2011, Abbott’s return policy will take effect. This policy is consistent with Abbott’s current Standard Terms and Conditions. Please note that Marinol and Influvac are non-eligible items for return. All other Abbott Products Inc. products will be creditable up to six months post-expiry. 1. All qualified Abbott pharmaceutical products up to six months post-expiry are eligible for a 100% credit. Expired part-bottles in their original container will be 2. All requests for authorization for the return of controlled drugs or narcotics must be made to the servicing distribution centre’s Qualified Person In Charge (QPIC). All qualified Abbott controlled drugs and narcotics up to six months post-expiry 3. For credit to be issued, all returns must be approved by a customer service representative prior to shipment. Products not purchased through Abbott directly should be returned to the point of purchase. 4. NON-ELIGIBLE ITEMS: The following merchandise is sold on a non-returnable basis: Diagnostic products, Hydrasorb, Survanta, Norvir capsules, Kaletra capsules and oral solution, Synagis, Humira, Calcijex, Lupron 14 days, Nimbex, Prevacid capsules, Prevacid FasTab, Marinol and Influvac. (514) 832-7333 or 1-800-567-2226 Fax: 514-832-7251 INVOICE PAYMENTS, CREDIT & ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE OPERATIONS: Effective January 4, 2011, invoices for purchases of Abbott Products Inc. products will reflect Abbott lockbox information. There are no changes to the Abbott lockbox addresses. You will receive combined invoices for Abbott and Abbott Products Inc. products. All remittance and resolution will be handled by Abbott Accounts Receivable.  Invoices for shipments made by Abbott Products Inc. prior to January 4, 2011 should be paid to the Abbott Products Inc. lockbox.  December 22, 2010 will be the last day of operation for Abbott Products Inc. Customer Relations and Accounts Receivable. Abbott will be responsible for resolution of claims and invoices for all Abbott Products Inc. receivables after this (514) 832-7189 or 1-800-465-8242 ext. 7189 Fax: 514-832-7852 We are looking forward to continuing to provide you with the high levels of products and customer service that you have become accustomed to when partnering with Abbott – a global, broad-based health care company devoted to the discovery, development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical products, including nutritionals, devices and diagnostics. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and healthy holiday season and New Year. Thank you for your continued business. Director, External Operations Abbott Laboratories, Limited ABBOTT PRODUCTS INC. / PRODUITS ABBOTT
(formerly/anciennement Solvay Pharma Inc. )
Product name
Product number /
Nom du produit
Code de produit
2.5 g gel per unit dose packet / 2,5 g de gel 01011903
5.0 g gel per unit dose packet / 5,0 g de gel par sachet à dose unique 01023002
60 actuations of 1.25 g of gelUne pompe à dose mesurée, permettant 60actionnements, chacun délivrant 1,25 g de gel 0W314099
inactivatedVaccin antigrippal, antigène de surface, inactivé 0W003751
† Registered Trademark used under license by Abbott Products Inc., Markham, ON L3R 0C9
® Registered Trademark used under license by Abbott Products Inc., Markham, ON L3R 0C9
Lipidil † Registered Trademark Fournier Industrie et Santé S.A. Licensed use by Fournier Pharma Inc., Montréal, QC H3A 2R7
* Abbott Products Inc. acting as an agent for FOURNIER PHARMA INC.
† Marque déposée utilisée sous licence par Abbott Products Inc., Markham, ON, L3R 0C9
® Marque déposée utilisée sous licence par Abbott Products Inc., Markham, ON, L3R 0C9
Lipidil † Marque déposée Fournier Industrie et Santé S.A., utilisée sous licence par Fournier Pharma Inc., Montréal, QC H3A 2R7
* Abbott Products Inc./Produits Abbott agissant en tant qu'agent pour FOURNIER PHARMA INC.



BUNDESVERFASSUNGSGERICHT - 2 BvR 633/11 - IM NAMEN DES VOLKES a) den Beschluss des Oberlandesgerichts Karlsruhe b) den Beschluss des Landgerichts Heidelberg § 8 Abs. 2 Satz 2 in Verbindung mit § 12 Abs. 1 Satz 1, § 15 Abs. 1 des baden-württembergischen Gesetzes über die Unterbringung psychisch Kranker (Unterbringungsgesetz - UBG) vom 2. Dezember 1991, GBl S. 794 hat das Bundes

Microsoft word - immune system problems in the canine.doc

Immune System Problems in Canine © 2008 by Fred Lanting [Note: the original appearance of this article included “the GSD and Other Breeds” in its title, but since then I’ve had many reports of dogs of different breeds being similarly affected, with demodecosis and thyroid insufficiency at the top of the complaint list.] The German Shepherd Dog is a very popular breed. In fact, it is Nu

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