BONE DENSITY QUESTIONNAIRE Date: _____/_____/______ Please answer the following questions. If you are unsure how to answer a question, please leave the space blank and a staff member will assist you. Answers are confidential medical record information and are important to assist in the correct interpretation of your bone density examination. Name: ______________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/______ Referring Physician: ________________________________ Sex: Female______ Male_______
Race: (Please circle one that applies) African-American – Asian – Caucasian (White) – Hispanic – Other ___Yes ___No… Is there a chance that you are pregnant? ___Yes ___No… Have you had a barium X-ray in the last 2 weeks? ___Yes ___No… Have you had a nuclear medicine scan or injection of an X-ray dye in the last week? ___Yes ___No… Did you take any calcium supplements today?
(If you answered yes to any of the above, speak to the Technologist.)
GYNECOLOGICAL HISTORY ___Yes ___No… Are you postmenopausal? ___Yes ___No… Did your menopause occur before the age of 45? ___Yes ___No… Have you had a hysterectomy? If so, when? ___________________ ___Yes ___No… Have you had your ovaries removed? If so, when? ______________ ___Yes ___No… Do you take hormone therapy in any form at this time? If, so, what type? (Circle one that applies) Premarin – Estrogen – Birth Control
___Yes ___No… Are you currently taking any type of contraception by shot (such as Depo-Provera) that is intended to stop your periods? MEDICAL HISTORY ___Yes ___No… Have you ever had a Bone Density (DEXA) Scan before?
If so, when? ________________________ Where? ______________________________
___Yes ___No… Have you taken Cortisone or Prednisone orally for over 3 months? (Circle all that apply) ___Yes ___No… Do you take thyroid medicine? If so, which do you have (Circle one that applies) Hypothyroidism – Hyperthyroidism
___Yes ___No. Do you take calcium (including TUMS), multivitamins and/or Vitamin D? (Circle all that apply)
If so, how long?_________________________ How much (Dosage)?________________
___Yes ___No… Do you take any of the following medicine for osteoporosis? (Circle one that applies)
Actonel – Boniva – Evista – Fosomax – Miacalcin Nasal Spray
If so, how long? ________________________ How much (Dosage)? _______________
___Yes ___No… Do you have family history of osteoporosis? ___Yes ___No… Has either parent had a hip fracture? ___Yes ___No… Have you had a confirmed diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis? ___Yes ___No… Have you ever fractured any bones after the age of 40 (excluding hands, feet, and skull)?
If so, which Bones? ________________________ How? __________________________
___Yes ___No… Do you currently smoke? ___Yes ___No… Do you drink 3 or more alcoholic beverages daily? ___Yes ___No… Do you exercise regularly? (Walking, Running, Weight Lifting, or Weight Bearing)
Fortbildungsreferat bei der Kreisärzteschaft Calw am 6. November 2002 Einleitung: In den letzten Jahren wurden 8 neue Antikonvulsiva mit unterschiedlichen Wirkmechanismen zu Behandlung von epileptischen Anfällen im Erwachsenenalter zugelassen. Die Indikation lautet in der Regel: Zusatz-Behandlung („add-on“) von komplex-fokalen Anfällen, die schwierig einzustellen sind. Wenige Medika
So kommen Sie gut ausgestattet durch den UrlaubDr. Rosalinde klap-fenberger-Schaffer ist Apo thekerin mit Urlaub – schönste Zeit im Jahr Jetzt beginnt sie wieder — die sommerliche Reisezeit. Vor lauter Vor-freude und Urlaubsvorbereitungen sollten hilfreiche Medikamente für lindert eine kühlende, antihistaminische den Fall des Falles im Urlaubsgepäck nicht vergessen werd