Trinity-Pawling School
Health Center
700 Route 22
Phone 845 855-4848
Pawling, New York 12564
Fax 845 855-4851

[email protected]
Emergency Care Plan – Allergy
School Year 2011-2012

Student Name___________________________

Birthdate ___________________________ Grade ________

Identified Allergen(s) (drug/food/environmental) ___________________________________________________
History of Asthma

yes (w/ asthma, student has no
higher risk of severe reaction)

Contact Info:

Mother’s name _________________________ Phone (h) _______________ (w/c)________________

Father’s name _________________________ Phone (h)_______________ (w/c)_______________
Emergency contact ______________________ Phone (h)_______________ (w/c)________________

Parent signature _________________________
Date _______________
To be completed by a healthcare professional
If the student is e xperiencing the following symptoms, administer the indicated medication:

Give Checked Medication
General: Dizziness, loss of consciousness, feeling of panic or doom, chills ……………….( ) Epinephrine ( ) Benadryl
Mouth: Itching, tingling, swelling of lips, tongue, and/or mouth ………………………….( ) Epinephrine ( ) Benadryl
Breathing: Shortness of breath, wheezing, congestion, coughing, tightness in throat ….( ) Epinephrine ( ) Benadryl
: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea…………………………….….( ) Epinephrine ( ) Benadryl
Hives, swelling on face or extremities, rash……………………….………….( ) Epinephrine ( ) Benadryl
Treatment sho uld be initiated IMMEDIATELY following exposure without waiting for symptoms to appear.
Treatment sh
ould be initiated only if symptoms (indicated above) appear.
Epinephrine: Inject intramuscularly - Epipen, 0.3 mg
Give __________________________________________ (dosage/route)
Give __________________________________________ (medication/dosage/route)
Please check one of the following:
Student is capable of self-administration the following medication(s) ………………( ) Epinephrine ( ) Benadryl
Student is NOT capable of self-administration the following medication(s) .…….( ) Epinephrine ( ) Benadryl
Student c arries the following with him at all times………………………….…….( ) Epinephrine ( ) Benadryl
s signature ___________________________
Date _______________________________
Physician’s name (print) ________________________
Phone number ______________________
If Epi-pen is administered, call 911 immediately!


PROTECTIVE ORDERS IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LITIGATION Introduction Protective orders, or confidentiality orders, are court orders restricting access to confidentialinformation disclosed in the course of litigat ion. Their purpose is to protect sensitiveinformation, such as trade secrets, from the public or from business competitors, while at thesame time allowing opposing parties to access


ANTIMICROBIANOS: TABLA DE DOSIS EN NEONATOLOGIA Dosis ( mg/kg/dosis ) e intervalos de administración ( hrs ) ANTIBIÓTICO Peso <1200 g 1200-2000 g > 2000 g >45 SEM EG Observaciones Edad 0-7 días >7 días 0-7 días >7 días > 1 MES Encefalitis herpética : 20 c/ 8 Aciclovir Varicela: 10 c/ 8 Varicela

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