Microsoft word - 2013 - new patient form history.doc
Name__________________________________ Birthdate __________________ Age ______ Sex M / F
Patient’s Employer __________________________________________Occupation ______________________
Primary Doctor _______________________________ Primary Dr. Telephone # _________________________ Areas of Interest Regarding Your Skin:
How did you hear about us?
Salon Web/Google Facebook Pride Guide Groupon
Referral Program – Please let us know who told you about Flawless so we can reward them with some Flawless Dol ars!
_____________________________________________________________________________ How to contact you: We take your privacy very seriously. If we need to contact you regarding your care, please identify the best way to reach you. If we are unable to speak directly with you, please list spouse, family members or friends with whom we can speak regarding your appointments, surgical dates, or other personal health information.
Telephone #_________________ Relationship______________
Whom should we contact in the event of an emergency?
Telephone #_________________ Relationship______________
Current Medical Conditions
Have you ever seen a physician for any of the fol owing conditions? (Check all that apply)
Please list any other conditions for which you are or have been under a physician’s care: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Current Medications: Are you taking any of the fol owing medications? (Check all that apply.)
Please list any other medications you are presently taking: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Please list any known al ergies to medication, foods, etc: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ (*) Are you pregnant, possibly pregnant or considering pregnancy in the near future? ______Yes ______No (*) Are you lactating?
Skin Protocol: Please circle the category that best describes your skin color and tendency to sunburn:
I. Very white or freckled always sunburn. II. White usual y sunburn II . White to Olive sometimes sunburn IV. Brown rarely sunburn V. Dark Brown very rarely sunburn VI. Black never sunburn
Please circle the category that best describes your skin type:
I. Problematic (Acne, Psoriasis, Rosacea, Eczema) II. Oily II . T-zone or Combination Skin IV. Normal V. Dry VI. Sensitive (Al ergic reactions to some skin care products)
Previous Cosmetic Facial Treatments:
I have answered these questions truthfully and will notify ALC of any changes in medications or my physical conditions. I have received or viewed on-line a copy of the ALC Privacy Policy. If I have given permission to leave detailed messages, fax or e-mail information regarding my care, and/or discuss my medical care with specific family and/or friends, I understand that I am granting a waiver of my privacy rights under HIPAA. If I decide to change these instructions, I wil notify ALC in writing as soon as possible. If I have given my email address above, I understand that email is not privacy protected.
Patient Signature________________________________________ Date ___________________ Patient Name_____________________________________________ DOB_________________
CHILDREN’S SERVICES ASTHMA ACTION PLAN (To be updated at least annually and as needed) For children in childcare, kindergarten, preschool, family day care and out of school hours care Instructions To be completed by parents/guardians in consultation with their child’s doctor. Parents/guardians should inform the children’s services that their child attends immediate
Erwerb und Vererbung vonLiegenschaften im Ausland Immer mehr Menschen können es sich leisten, in Sondertestament) nicht der bessere Weg ist, muss in Frankreich, Italien oder Spanien ein Haus oder eine jedem Einzelfall überprüft werden. Viele Eigentü- Wohnung zu erwerben. Schon der Kauf einer Lie- mer wenden sich an lokale Notare, Rechtsanwälte genschaft im Ausland ist mit z