Food allergy protocol

1.1 Children entering school at the K-2 level should not be expected to self-advocate or use wise judgment with regard to their health. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to educate their child regarding his/her food allergies and any other health issues, and work collaboratively with school staff to promote the child's ability to access his/her education safely and successfully. It is the responsibility of the school staff to reinforce the parent/guardian education process and to promote a school environment which fosters awareness of allergies/sensitivities in a manner that enhances the child's ability to access his/her education in a safe, reasonable manner.
2.0 Grades 3 - 5
2.1 At the intermediate level, children will be expected to assume more responsibility in self advocating and self monitoring, with the guidance and support of parents, teachers, nurses and other building staff. However, the school will review each student's individualized needs and abilities in making a determination as to the level of self advocacy a particular student may be expected to perform. A child with nut allergies will generally be expected to utilize the peanut/tree nut table in accordance with parental wishes, and the child will generally be expected to take a more proactive role by: 2.1.a Frequent hand washing; 2.1.b Making food choices based on their known allergies; 2.1.c Immediately notifying adult staff if an ingestion of concern occurs; 2.1.d Immediately notifying adult staff if he/she notices any symptoms of an allergic reaction, whether or not he/she thinks an exposure occurs; 2.1.e Learning how to self administer an epi-pen as needed; 2.1.f Knowing where epi-pens are stored for his/her use. 3.0 In addition, students Grades 6 - 12 will generally: 3.1 With the guidance, support, and education of the parent, reinforced by school staff, the 3.1.a Be knowledgeable about his/her food allergy, and be independent in 3.1.b Be proactive in assessing the environment, and protecting one’s self from
4.0 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Scarborough School Department
4.1.a Notify school administration and the school nurse of their child’s allergy, severity of symptoms, and provide other pertinent health information. 4.1.b Provide a physician-signed Allergy Action Plan, up-to-date medications and supplies, and updated photos of their child to the school at the beginning of each school year, and as needed throughout the school year. 4.1.c Promptly update staff regarding any changes in the child’s health status. 4.1.d Notify the school of their willingness to have their child's name and allergy information shared with their child's peers and their parents. 4.1.e Provide a special snack the child may choose instead of classroom group 4.1.f Notify their child's bus driver of their child's allergy, the location of emergency medication, and any request for preferential seating.
5.0 Staff Responsibilities
5.1.a Notify all parents of children enrolled in specific classrooms of the presence of students with life-threatening allergies/sensitivities and the requested precautions to be taken. 5.1.b Post common signage at main entrances to the building to alert incoming persons of the life-threatening allergies/sensitivities of students in the building. 5.1.c Post common signage at the entrance to each classroom in which an affected student attends to alert incoming persons of the life-threatening allergies/sensitivities of students in the room. 5.2.a Post common signage at main entrances to the building to alert incoming persons of the life-threatening allergies sensitivities of students in the building 5.3.a Upon parental request, confer with parents to discuss the type of allergy, severity of symptoms noted to date, and treatment plan. 5.3.b Confer with parents on an ongoing basis as needed. 5.3.c Review treatment plan, physician orders and medications to promote accuracy and compliance with School policy and protocol. 5.3.d Train all regularly employed instructional/support staff in the building to assist in the recognition of symptoms of severe allergic reaction. 5.3.e Provide food allergy information to nutrition staff. 5.3.f Provide all appropriate medications and Allergy Action Plan (i.e. benadryl, 5.3.g Provide Allergy & Sensitivity Protocol to parents of newly registered or newly diagnosed students with allergies or sensitivities. Scarborough School Department
5.3.h Notify classroom teachers about students with allergies/sensitivities, their treatment plans, and any special classroom safety protocols. Notify pertinent staff of students with life-threatening allergies/sensitivities. Train and supervise identified designees on how to use the epi-pen. 5.4.a Send the allergy information letter to all K-8 classroom parents annually and as 5.5.a.1 Familiarize themselves with the students who have been identified as 5.5.a.2 Enter allergy information into the nutrition computer program to alert nutrition staff of students with life-threatening allergies/sensitivities when the student checks out through the lunch line. 5.5.a.3 Use separate utensils and area to make peanut/tree nut containing 5.6.a.1 Train custodial staff regarding need for special cleaning of a peanut/tree nut table in the cafeteria (i.e. cleanse table with separate cloths and cleaning product, label table as peanut/nut free, put table away in a manner that minimizes after-school use), and of special cleaning needs in specific classrooms. 5.7.a Have a method of promptly communicating emergency calls. 5.7.b Upon parent request, provide preferential seating for students with life- threatening allergies/sensitivities at the front of the bus. 5.7.c Know the location of emergency medications, such as epi-pens. 5.8.a.1 When requested, confer with the nurse about specific needs of the Scarborough School Department
5.8.a.2 Notify the nurse and parent of upcoming field trips in a timely 5.8.a.2.1 Collaborate with the nurse and other school officials to determine the appropriate protocol for the participation of a student with known life-threatening allergies/ sensitivities, including having an assigned trained delegate accompany the student on the trip and carrying a Medical/epi-pen bag. 5.8.a.2.2 Confer to discuss the necessity of a cell phone or other communication device to be available on the trip for emergency calls if necessary. 5.8.a.3 Take field trip packs containing the necessary supplies as referenced in 5.2.f needed for the allergic child on all field trips. 5.8.a.4 Be trained in recognition of allergic symptoms. 5.8.a.5 Maintain current information about children with life-threatening allergies/sensitivities in the sub-folder. Identification form should include a photograph of the allergic child and information pertaining to current classroom practices, location of emergency medication, and a list of trained school staff members who have been designated to inject the child with an epi-pen. 5.8.a.6 Make reasonable accommodations so that students with life- threatening allergies/sensitivities will not be excluded from school activities unless necessary. 5.8.a.7 Inform classroom volunteers about the students with life-threatening allergies/sensitivities and preventative safeguards. 5.8.b In addition to the above at the K-5 level teachers will: 5.8.b.1 Review all lesson plans that will involve food consumption and discuss with parent and school nurse as necessary in advance to prevent food sensitivity exposure. 5.8.b.2 Monitor the peanut/tree nut table to limit exposure to harmful 5.8.b.3 Remind the student with life-threatening nut allergies for which a teacher is responsible, to sit at the peanut/tree nut table at lunch, in accordance with parental request. 5.8.b.4 Remind parents that no group snacks are permitted without prior consultation and approval of the teacher. 5.8.c Additionally, teachers at the K-2 level will: 5.8.c.1 Upon parental request, have children with life-threatening nut allergies sit at a peanut/tree nut-free table during snack time. 5.8.c.2 Have all children wash hands after snack, lunch, and recess. Scarborough School Department
6.1 The school shall develop a general emergency response plan in which: 6.1.a An allergic child will always be accompanied to the clinic by a staff member if signs of an allergic reaction are evident. 6.1.b Emergency response services will be notified first, and parents/guardians second, in the case of an anaphylactic reaction. 6.1.c If possible, a staff member will accompany the child to the hospital until the 6.1.d After an emergency requiring the use of an epi-pen, the principal, nurse, teacher, parent/guardian, and student as appropriate, will discuss the incident and the student's allergy action plan. Scarborough School Department


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