Animal Conservation. Print ISSN 1367-9430
Safety of meloxicam to critically endangered Gyps vulturesand other scavenging birds in India
D. Swarup1, R. C. Patra2, V. Prakash2, R. Cuthbert3, D. Das2, P. Avari2, D. J. Pain3, R. E. Green3,4,A. K. Sharma1, M. Saini1, D. Das1 & M. Taggart5
1 Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
2 Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India
3 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy, Bedfordshire, UK
4 Conservation Biology Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
5 School of Biological Sciences, Department of Plant and Soil Science, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
NSAID; meloxicam; diclofenac; Gyps vulture;
Widespread veterinary use of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenacis responsible for the population collapse of three species of Gyps vulture in south
Asia; these species are now critically endangered. Vultures die when they consume
carcasses of livestock that contain lethal residues of diclofenac. National and
international conservation organizations have urgently recommended that diclo-
fenac be banned and replaced with alternative drugs that are relatively safe to Gyps
vultures and other scavenging birds. We tested the safety of the NSAID meloxicamon the oriental white-backed vulture, long-billed vulture and a range of other
scavenging birds in India (Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus, cattle egret
Bubulcus ibis, house crow Corvus splendens, large-billed crow Corvus machror-hynchos and common mynah Acridotheres tristis). Meloxicam was administered by
oral intubation [at 0.5 and 2.0 mg kgÀ1 vulture body weight (bw)], or throughfeeding with muscle or liver tissue (at 0.3 to 2.1 mg kgÀ1 vulture bw) frommeloxicam-treated buffalo Bubalus bubalis. We estimate that 2.0 mg kgÀ1 bw isthe maximum likely exposure in the wild. All 31 Gyps vultures and the 20 otherscavenging birds given meloxicam survived. Feeding behaviour remained normaland there were no significant differences between the treated and control groups inbody mass, or the blood haematology and biochemistry parameters monitored,including those known to be affected by diclofenac (uric acid levels and alaninetransferase activity). Meloxicam is used to treat a wide range of livestock ailmentsand is licensed and manufactured in India. We recommend that meloxicam beintroduced as rapidly as possible across the Indian sub-continent as an alternativeto diclofenac.
as in experimentally dosed vultures (Oaks et al., 2004; Shultzet al., 2004; Swan et al., 2006a). Population modelling
The major role played by the veterinary drug diclofenac in
demonstrates that just 0.1–0.8% of carcasses need to con-
the population collapse of Gyps vulture species endemic to
tain lethal levels of diclofenac to have caused the observed
south Asia is now well supported by several lines of evidence
decline in vulture numbers, and that the proportion of dead
(Green et al., 2004; Oaks et al., 2004; Shultz et al., 2004).
vultures showing post-mortem evidence of diclofenac poi-
soning is consistent with it being the sole or major cause of
(NSAID), is routinely used in India, Nepal and Pakistan
the observed population declines (Green et al., 2004). In
for the management of pain and inflammation in injured
2003, populations of three Gyps vulture species, which used
and diseased livestock (Oaks et al., 2004). Vultures are
to number tens of millions, had collapsed to less than 5% of
exposed to diclofenac when they consume the carcasses of
their levels in the early 1990s (Gilbert et al., 2002; Prakash
livestock that were dosed with the drug shortly before death.
et al., 2003; Green et al., 2004), and continue to decline at
Consumption by vultures of diclofenac-contaminated tis-
22–48% a year (Green et al., 2004). The three affected
sues results in renal failure, and they die within days of
species [oriental white-backed vulture (OWBV) Gyps benga-
exposure with clinical signs of extensive visceral gout. These
lensis, long-billed vulure Gyps indicus and slender-billed
clinical signs and residues of diclofenac have been found in a
vulture Gyps tenuirostris] are all now listed as critically
high proportion of vultures found dead in the wild, as well
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2007 The Authors. Journal compilation c
National and international organizations agree that a
information on blood haematology and biochemistry of
rapid ban on the veterinary use of diclofenac within the
meloxicam-treated birds and also on the safety of melox-
Indian sub-continent is essential to prevent the extinction of
icam to scavenging species other than Gyps vultures,
these species (Anon., 2006). To help facilitate a ban on
namely: Egyptian vultures, cattle egrets, large billed crows
veterinary diclofenac, it is necessary to identify alternative
C. macrorhynchos and house crows and common mynahs.
NSAIDs that are relatively non-toxic to vultures and can be
Lastly, in order to replicate the natural route of exposure
used to replace diclofenac for the treatment of livestock. The
and to ensure that there are no toxic meloxicam metabolites
results of questionnaire surveys of zoo and veterinarians on
produced by livestock, we fed G. bengalensis and G. indicus
the clinical treatment of vultures identified the NSAID
muscle and liver tissues from buffalo Bubalus bubalis that
meloxicam as a suitable potential alternative, with 39 birds
had been dosed with double the highest normal veterinary
from six species of Gyps vulture known to have been treated
with this drug (Cuthbert et al., in press). In a phasedprogramme of safety testing on the closely related African
white-backed vulture Gyps africanus, meloxicam was admi-nistered to vultures by oral dosing or through the consump-
tion of tissues from meloxicam-dosed cattle (Swan et al.,2006b). A total of 43 birds were treated and 40 birds received
The trials were held at the Vulture Conservation Breeding
meloxicam doses that were higher than the maximum levels
Centre (VCBC), Haryana State, India. Meloxicam testing
of exposure they would theoretically be exposed to in the
was undertaken over three phases between June 2005 and
wild. There were no mortalities after dosing with melox-
April 2006. Safety testing was undertaken on OWBV and
icam, and levels of alanine transferase (ALT) and uric acid
long-billed vultures permanently held captive at the VCBC.
in the blood, which increase in diclofenac treated birds
Individuals from the five other scavenging species were
before death (Swan et al., 2006a), remained constant
captured from the wild and held at the centre for the
throughout the trials (Swan et al., 2006b). To confirm the
duration of the trials. All individuals spent a minimum of
safety of meloxicam to Asian vulture species, the final phase
of testing treated G. bengalensis and G. indicus within India:
Details of the numbers of birds treated and the experi-
and again, all birds survived (Swan et al., 2006b).
mental schedule for the three phases of safety testing are
With the decline in vulture numbers across Asia, there are
presented in Table 1. Birds in phases I and II were adminis-
increased feeding opportunities for other scavengers. Live-
tered meloxicam 0.5% (Melonex, each millilitre containing
stock carcasses in India now attract large numbers of feral
Meloxicam BP 5 mg; marketed by Intas Pharmaceuticals
dogs, leading to an increase in their population (Anon.,
Ltd, Ahmedebad, India) as a single dose by oral gavage,
2006), where formerly Gyps vultures would have dominated
with the gavage tube flushed with 2 mL of water. In phase I,
(Houston, 1983). Excluding Gyps vultures, raptors and
doses of meloxicam administered by gavage were 0.5 or
other scavenging bird species observed on carcasses include
2 mg kgÀ1. In phase II, all birds were dosed at 2 mg kgÀ1. A
cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus, Egyptian vulture
dose of 2 mg kgÀ1 meloxicam was selected for safety testing,
Neophron percnopterus, red-headed vulture Sarcogyps cal-
as this is the estimated maximum likely exposure in the wild
vus, steppe eagle Aquila nipalensis, black kite Milvus mi-
(see Swan et al., 2006b). To minimize the risk to the birds in
grans, cattle egret Bubulcus ibis, house crow Corvus
phase I, meloxicam dosing was staggered, with injured non-
splendens, jungle crow Corvus machrorhynchos and common
releasable birds treated first. The initial two non-releasable
mynah Acridotheres tristis. Two of these species (Egyptian
birds were first treated at the lowest dose of 0.5 mg kgÀ1,
vultures and red-headed vultures) have recently undergone
along with one sham-dosed control bird (treated with
rapid population declines, possibly as a result of diclofenac
distilled water). After 48 h, no apparent ill effects of the
poisoning (Cuthbert et al., 2006). Other scavenging species
treatment were observed, and hence, a further three birds
within the region that may also potentially come into
were dosed at 0.5 mg kgÀ1, and two non-releasable birds
contact with contaminated carcasses include greater and
were given a 2 mg kgÀ1 dose. After another 48 h, the last
lesser adjutants Leptoptilos dubius and Leptoptilos javanicus,
three birds were also dosed at 2 mg kgÀ1 (along with two
which are both globally threatened. As a consequence, and
because there is inter-specific variation in the toxicity of
In phase III of safety testing, vultures were given tissues
NSAIDs (Anderson, Piper & Swan, 2005), it is vital that any
from buffalo treated with a course of meloxicam. To ensure
alternative to diclofenac is safe, at the likely exposure levels,
that vultures received tissues with high meloxicam levels,
to Gyps vultures and also safe, or of low toxicity, to other
buffalo were administered a 5-day course of meloxicam with
daily subcutaneous injections at a dosage of 1.0 mg kgÀ1
In this study, we present the results of safety testing of
body weight (bw), which is twice the highest normal veter-
meloxicam on critically endangered Gyps vulture species
inary dose. Two animals were slaughtered 8 h after the last
and other scavenging birds within India. Data on clinical
dose, when meloxicam concentrations in liver and muscle
observations and survival of G. bengalensis and G. indicus
tissues were likely to be the highest. Two entire livers were
after oral treatment with meloxicam have already been
collected along with samples of muscle tissue from through-
presented in Swan et al. (2006a,b). Here, we present further
out the body of both animals. Muscle samples were not
Animal Conservation 10 (2007) 192–198 c
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Table 1 Experimental schedule for meloxicam safety testing indicating the phase of study, species, treatment, dose administered, route of
administration and the sample size of birds. Species treated are: Oriental white-backed vulture Gyps bengalensis, long-billed vulture Gyps indicus,
Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus, cattle egret Bubulcus ibis, crow species (house Corvus splendens and large-billed crow Corvus
macrorhynchos) and common myna Acridotheres tristis
Data in phase I are also reported in Swan et al. (2006b), bw; body weight.
taken from around the meloxicam injection site. Single
istry were measured 48 h after dosing. For birds in phases I
samples of muscle, liver and kidney tissue were taken from
and II, blood samples were taken before dosing (at 0 h) and at
each of the two slaughtered buffalo for meloxicam analysis.
48 h following treatment by oral gavage. In phases I and II,
Treated buffalo liver and muscle tissues were fed to seven
body mass was recorded at 0 h (to the nearest 0.1 kg), and
and 14 vultures, respectively. The seven birds given liver
retaken at 7 days and 48 h, respectively. In phase III, blood
(which contained meloxicam levels over six times higher than
samples and body mass were only taken at 48 h, as it was
those found in muscle; see ‘Results’) were all non-releasable
highly likely that the disturbance from handling would have
individuals, and included the three non-releasable birds used
stopped the birds from feeding. No blood samples were taken
in phase I of testing. These seven birds were habituated to
from common mynahs as their small size did not allow
feeding on uncontaminated (NSAID-free) liver for 1 week
sufficient blood to be collected for blood haematology and
before the experiment, to ensure that they were used to
biochemistry analysis. In all three phases, birds were ob-
consuming liver tissue. Birds fed buffalo tissues were housed
served for a period of 7 days for signs of toxicity and
in aviaries holding three and four birds (fed liver), and five
abnormal feeding behaviour. Blood samples were collected
and nine birds (fed muscle). In order to ensure that all birds
by direct veno puncture from the brachial or median meta-
had access to food and to quantify the amount taken, muscle
tarsal veins. The blood haematology and biochemistry para-
and liver tissue was cut into small pieces between 20 and 30 g
meters quantified were as follows: total erythrocyte count
in mass (mean mass = 26.3 Æ 2.6 g, n= 100). Feeding was
(TEC), packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb), mean
filmed so that the number of pieces consumed and mass of
corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin
liver ingested could be estimated for each bird. Vultures
(MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
given muscle tissue were observed during feeding and the
(MCHC), total leucocyte count (TLC), % heterocytes and
crops of all birds (in both treatments) were observed after
% lymphocytes as per the standard methods (Jain, 1986).
feeding to ensure that they had taken a meal. A further five
Uric acid (Span Diagnostics, Surat, India), creatinine (Tech-
vultures were fed a whole skinned goat Capra hircus to serve
opharmachem, M.I.E., Haryana, India), total protein (Quali-
as a control group. Goats are kept by VCBC for 7 days
gens Diagnostics, Mumbai, India), albumin (Qualigens
before slaughter to ensure that they are free from diclofenac
Diagnostics), ALT (Span Diagnostics) and aspartate trans-
or other NSAIDs (M. Taggart, unpubl. data).
ferase (AST) (Span Diagnostics) were estimated spectropho-tometrially (ECIL Model UV5704SS) using standard kits.
Extraction of meloxicam from tissues/plasma was
achieved using 0.5 g of sample extracted using 2 mL of
NSAIDs act rapidly and Gyps vultures treated with diclofe-
HPLC-grade acetonitrile (MeCN). The sample was weighed
nac died within 2 days of treatment (Swan et al., 2006a).
into a new glass test tube, MeCN was added and the mixture
Consequently, observations on toxicity and blood biochem-
was homogenized for 30 s using an Ultra Turrax IKA T8
Animal Conservation 10 (2007) 192–198 c
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Homogenizer (IKA Labortiehnik, Germany). The mixtures
oral gavage at doses of 0.5 mg kgÀ1 (n = 5) and 2.0 mg kgÀ1
were then centrifuged at 1000 Â g for 5 min and the super-
(n = 30), or through feeding on muscle tissue (n = 14) or
natant was filtered using disposable PTFE/PE syringe filter
liver tissue (n = 7) taken from buffalo dosed with meloxi-
units of 0.45 mm. The filtered extract was then stored in
cam. The two slaughtered buffalo had meloxicam tissue
crimp top LC vials at À20 1C until analysis. Meloxicam
residues of 12.79 and 6.97 mg kgÀ1 in the liver, 17.09 and
levels were determined by LC–ESI/MS (liquid chromato-
12.03 mg kgÀ1 in the kidney and 1.82 and 1.16 mg kgÀ1 in
graphy–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry) using an
muscle tissue. Vultures given liver consumed an average of
Agilent 1100 series instrument 1946D (Agilent, Santa Clara,
0.41 Æ 0.21 kg of liver tissue (range 0.21–0.83 kg), exposing
CA, USA). The instrument was calibrated using six stan-
birds to an estimated mean meloxicam dose (using the
dards ranging from 25 to 1000 mg LÀ1 in meloxicam concen-
average of the two liver values) of 1.00 Æ 0.52 mg kgÀ1 bw,
tration, generated using meloxicam sodium salt (Sigma-
with minimum and maximum doses ranging from 0.5 to
Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA, M3935). The calibration was
2.1 mg kgÀ1 bw for individual birds. The two groups of five
linear across this range, with an r2 value of at least 0.99.
and nine vultures given muscle tissue consumed on average
Meloxicam was monitored by the MS at the mass/charge
0.76 and 1.49 kg, respectively, and were exposed to an
ratio of 352 in the positive ion mode. Chromatographic
average meloxicam dose of 0.3 and 0.5 mg kgÀ1 bw.
separation was achieved on the LC using a Waters Xterra
No adverse reaction to the drug was observed in any of
(Waters Xterra, Milford, MA, USA) MS C18 column
the six species treated with meloxicam, and all 51 birds
(3.9 mm  150 mm, 5 mm). Samples and standards (20 mL)
remained alive and healthy throughout the 7-day-experi-
were subjected to a binary gradient elution profile using
mental period. For the Gyps vultures treated in phases I and
0.1% acetic acid in water and 100% MeCN. The flow rate
III, the survival of all individuals treated with meloxicam is
was set at 0.7 mL minÀ1. The limit of quantification (LOQ)
a statistically significant difference from the result of treat-
for this technique (back calculated to wet tissue/plasma
ing G. bengalensis with diclofenac (0 death from 31 expo-
concentration) was found to be 7 mg kgÀ1.
sures for meloxicam versus 16 deaths from 24 exposures fordiclofenac; the two-tailed Fisher exact test, Po0.0001). Thedifference in survival is significant regardless of the route of
administration (feeding tissues from treated livestock, 0/21
In phases I and II, the effect of meloxicam dosing on each
deaths for meloxicam vs. 13/20 deaths for diclofenac, the
blood haematology and biochemistry parameter was ana-
two-tailed Fisher exact test Po0.001; by gavage, 0 deaths
lysed by two-way ANOVA, with Treatment (meloxicam or
from 10 exposures for meloxicam vs. three deaths for four
control) and Period (pre- and post-dosing) as the main
exposures for diclofenac; the two-tailed Fisher exact test,
effects and Treatment  Period as an interaction effect. In
P = 0.051). The ten meloxicam-dosed vultures from phase I
phase III, where blood parameters for the three groups (liver,
(6 Â G. bengalensis and 4 Â G. indicus) were still alive
muscle, control) were only measured at 48 h, the results were
11 months after dosing, suggesting no long-term deleterious
analysed by one-way ANOVA. Because of the large number
effect of a single meloxicam dose on survival. All 20
of variables measured, we used a Bonferroni correction to set
experimental and 18 control birds of the four other scaven-
an appropriate P value for exploratory data analysis. In
ging species (phase II) were successfully released into the
total, 15 haematological and blood biochemistry variables
wild 21 days after the end of the trial, providing a total
were analysed for OWBV, Egyptian vultures and cattle
period of 4 weeks of observation following dosing with
egrets. Values for PCV, MCV and MCHC could not be
meloxicam. Feeding behaviour of all meloxicam-dosed birds
obtained for crows at 48 h because of the small blood volume
remained normal throughout the 7 days of post-dose ob-
available for analysis, and 12 variables were analysed for
servation for all three phases of the study. There was no
crows. We had an a priori expectation that uric acid and
significant change in body mass for any meloxicam-dosed
ALT levels would increase and body mass would decline if
birds in phases I and II (ANOVA for Treatment  Period;
meloxicam had toxic effects similar to diclofenac (Swan
phase I, Gyps vultures, F2,29=0.00, P=0.998; phase II,
et al., 2006a), and as a result we did not apply the Bonferroni
Egyptian vulture, F1,17=0.00, P=0.978; cattle egret,
correction and used P = 0.05 as the significance level for
F1,17 =0.19, P=0.670; crows, F1,19 =0.02, P=0.897; com-
these parameters. For the remaining variables, P was set at
0.00384 (0.05/13) for OWBV, Egyptian vultures and cattle
There was no significant effect of meloxicam on uric acid
egrets and 0.005 (0.05/10) for crows. We compared the
levels (Figs 1 and 2) during any phase of the study (ANOVA
survival of Gyps vultures in these experiments with
for Treatment  Period, uric acid F2,20=0.13, P =0.879,
G. bengalensis dosed with diclofenac administered either by
for Gyps vultures in phase I; and P40.334 for Egyptian
oral gavage or through feeding on tissues of livestock treated
vultures, cattle egrets and crows in phase II). There was no
with a veterinary course of the drug (Oaks et al., 2004).
significant difference in serum uric acid and ALT activity at48 h following feeding with meloxicam-dosed liver, melox-
icam-dosed muscle or untreated goat tissues (phase III; One-way ANOVA; uric acid, F2,12=0.24, P=0.791; ALT,
Over the course of all three phases of the study, a total of
F2,9 =1.50, P=0.274). Nor was there any significant differ-
51 birds were dosed with meloxicam, administered either by
ence between the route of meloxicam administration
Animal Conservation 10 (2007) 192–198 c
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Figure 1 Effect of administration of meloxi-
cam on serum uric acid levels and alanine
transferase (ALT) activity in Gyps bengalensis
for birds dosed with meloxicam by oral gavage
at 0.5 and 2.0 mg kgÀ1 (phase I), given muscle
and liver tissues from meloxicam-dosed buffa-
lo Bubalus bubalis (phase III) with vultures
receiving estimated doses of 0.3–0.5 mg kgÀ1
(muscle) and 0.5–2.1 mg kgÀ1 (liver), and for
control birds (phase I). Values are arithmetic
means Æ one standard error for uric acid and
ALT measured before dosing (unshaded) and
at 48 h after dosing (shaded). Values before
dosing are unavailable for birds receiving mus-
cle and liver tissues, and only values at 48 h
ison, data are presented for G. bengalensis
0.25–2.5 mg kgÀ1 (Oaks et al., 2004), with uric
acid levels measured, before death, at 1 h
(unshaded) and 24 h (shaded) after dosing.
ALT levels are shown for African white-backed
vultures Gyps africanus administered diclofe-
nac by gavage at 0.8 mg kgÀ1 (Swan et al.,
2006a,b), measured at 4 h (unshaded) and 24 h
Figure 2 Effect of administration of melox-
icam on serum uric acid levels and alanine
transferase (ALT) activity in Egyptian vultures
Neophron percnopterus, cattle egrets Bubul-
cus ibis and crow species (house crow Cor-
vus splendens and large-billed crow Corvus
machrorhynchos) for birds dosed with melox-
icam by oral gavage at 2.0 mg kgÀ1 and sham-
dosed control birds. Values are arithmetic
means Æ one standard error for uric acid and
ALT measured before dosing (unshaded) and
at 48 h after dosing (shaded). There were no
significant (Po0.05) Treatment  Period in-
teractions in uric acid and ALT for any spe-
increase in ALT activity in Egyptian vultures
(P = 0.033) in both control and meloxicam-
Animal Conservation 10 (2007) 192–198 c
2007 The Authors. Journal compilation c
(muscle, liver or gavage) and uric acid levels at 48 h (phase I
six bird species, including Cape griffon vultures Gyps
and III; One-way ANOVA, F2,18=0.13, P=0.879). There
coprotheres, indicates that meloxicam is very rapidly meta-
was a significant increase in ALT activity in Egyptian
bolized in birds with a half-life of less than one hour and will
vultures following dosing (F1,16=5.72, P=0.033); how-
be completely eliminated within one day (Baert & De Backer
ever, this was found in both the meloxicam-dosed and
2003; V. Naidoo, pers. comm.). The clinical treatment of
control groups, and there was no significant interaction
vultures and scavenging birds with meloxicam further sup-
between Treatment  Period (F1,16=1.00, P=0.334). Ana-
ports the safety following long-term exposure, with drug
lysis of all other haematological and blood biochemistry
treatments lasting between 1 and 120 days and no reported
parameters (with significance levels set at P/k; where k
adverse effects (Cuthbert et al., in press).
represents number of variables i.e. 13 or 10) found no
To be a suitable alternative to diclofenac, it is essential
significant effect of meloxicam treatment for Gyps vultures
that meloxicam is effective for the treatment of livestock.
in phases I and III, or for Egyptian vultures, cattle egrets
Meloxicam is a second-generation NSAID with preferential
and crows in phase II. Unadjusted P values suggest that for
COX-2 inhibition, conferring analgesic, antipyretic and
Egyptian vultures, the total leucocyte count increased and
anti-inflammatory properties and a reduced risk of adverse
the % lymphocytes decreased over the course of the experi-
effect on renal functioning (Engelhard et al., 1995; Brater,
ment (F1,17=8.95, P=0.010 and F1,17=10.76, P =0.005,
2002). Meloxicam is used to treat a variety of veterinary
respectively), possibly due to the stress (as a result of capture
ailments and for cattle, horses and pigs, its use is recom-
and handling) observed for this species. However, there was
mended for the treatment of acute respiratory infection,
no significant interaction between meloxicam treatment and
diarrhoea, lameness, inflammation of acute and chronic
period for these two parameters (F1,17 =3.03, P=0.104 and
musculo-skeletal disorders, and for the treatment of mastitis
in combination with antibiotic therapy (EMEA, 2006). Clinical trials demonstrate the efficacy of meloxicam to be
similar to or better than other NSAIDs tested (Noble &Balfour, 1996; del Tacca et al., 2002; Deneuche et al., 2004;
The results of this study demonstrate the safety of the
Friton et al., 2004). Meloxicam is already licensed and
NSAID meloxicam to India’s critically endangered Gyps
manufactured as a veterinary drug in India and Nepal, and
vultures and to several other scavenging bird species. All of
is available at an affordable price. Given these factors, we
the birds dosed with meloxicam survived the trials, and the
recommend that meloxicam be introduced as rapidly as
vultures tested in the first stage of the trials remain alive and
possible across the Indian sub-continent as an alternative
healthy nearly one year after treatment. No sub-lethal
to diclofenac to reduce the risk to Gyps vultures and other
effects of meloxicam could be detected, with no change
observed in feeding behaviour or body mass, or any increasein uric acid and ALT levels related to treatment, as occurredin vultures dosed with diclofenac (Swan et al., 2006a). There
was an increase in ALT activity in Egyptian vultures for
We would like to thank the Additional Director General of
both meloxicam-dosed and control groups, although the
Forests (Wildlife), Ministry of Environment and Forests,
observed increase is markedly different from the six-fold
and the Chief Wildlife Warden, Haryana State, for granting
increase in ALT following dosing with diclofenac (Figs 1
permission to undertake safety testing on vultures, and to
and 2). While ALT levels do increase following diclofenac
the Director, and Joint Director (Research), Indian Veter-
dosing causing renal damage (Swan et al., 2006a), ALT is
inary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Assistant Director Gen-
generally not considered to be organ specific in birds (Camp-
eral (Animal Health) Indian Council of Agricultural
bell, 2004) and the increase in Egyptian vultures may have
Research, New Delhi, for granting permission for carrying
resulted through muscular damage, possibly as a result of
out this study. This work was funded by the UK Govern-
handling. No detectable differences were found for a wide
ment’s Darwin Initiative for the Survival of Species, with
range of other blood variables that would indicate ill health
additional financial support from the Royal Society for the
or damage to liver and/or kidney function. The five species
Protection of Birds, Bombay Natural History Society and
tested in this study are from the orders Falconiformes,
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research. We acknowl-
Ciconiiformes and Passeriformes, indicating that meloxicam
edge technical assistance extended by Mr Brijesh Tyagi T-3
appears to be safe to a taxonomically diverse group of birds.
Division of Medicine, IVRI, Izatnagar, and advice from
Information from a survey of veterinarians and zoological
Prof. Gerry Swan, and Dr Vinny Naidoo University of
institutions on the clinical treatment of vultures, raptors and
other scavenging birds confirms that meloxicam is of lowtoxicity to a wide range of birds: over 700 birds from60 species are known to have been treated with meloxicam
and yet there have been no reported instances of mortality(Cuthbert et al., in press). Repeated long-term exposure to
Anderson, M.D., Piper, S.E. & Swan, G.E. (2005). Non-
meloxicam, as may occur among scavenging birds in the
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use in South Africa and
wild, is unlikely to alter these conclusions, as research on
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EDWARD FROST (A Vintage Vignette by John P. Rankin, September 1, 2009) Don Frost of Athens submitted a story about his ancestor Edward Frost in the book “ Heritage of Madison County, Alabama ” (1998). Don wrote that Edward was born around 1770 in Bedford County, Virginia. He was a son of Reverend John Frost. Edward married Amilla Roberts in 1791 in Washington County, Virginia. Amilla was
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