Standard Commodity Classification No. of Japan
This product is easy to take, fine granules made from
the extract of “ogonto”listed in“SHOKANRON”.
Storage・Caution Keep a container tightly closed in a dry area away from
Date of listing in the NHI reimbursement price October 1986
Expiration date Use before the expiration date indicated on the label or the outer package.
CONTRAINDICATIONS ( Ogonto is contraindicated in
(1) When this product is used, the patient’s“SHO”(con-
stitution/symptoms) should be taken into account.
The patient’s progress should be carefully monitored,
and if no improvement in symptoms/findings is obse-
[1-3: These diseases or symptoms may be aggravated.]
rved, continuous treatment should be avoided.
(2) Since this product contains Glycyrrhiza, careful atte-
ntion should be paid to the serum potassium level,bl-
7.5g/day of SANWA Ogonto extract fine granules contains
ood pressure,etc., and if any abnormality is observed,
4.0g of a dried extract of the following mixed crude drugs.
(3) When this product is coadministered with other Ka-
mpo-preparations(Japanese traditional herbal medi-
cines),etc.,attention should be paid to the duplicatio-
SHO:The term“SHO”refers to a particular pathological
status of a patient evaluated by the Kampo diagnosis,a-
nd is patterned according to the patient’s constitution,s-
ymptoms, etc. Kampo-preparations(Japanese tradition-
al herbal medicines) should be used after confirmation
that it is suitable for the identified“SHO”of the patient.
Precautions for coadministration ( Ogonto should be ad-
Ogonto is fine granules, yellow-brown color, it has charac-
ministered with care when coadministered with the fol-
teristic smell, and it tastes sweet and bitter.
Ogonto is indicated for the relief of intestinal catarrh, dy-
ur as a result of hy- potassium excreti-
The usual adult dose is 7.5g/day orally in 3 divided doses
before or between meals. The dosage may be adjusted ac-
cording to the patient’s age and symptoms.
This product has not been investigated(drug use investiga-
tions, etc.)to determine the incidence of adverse reactions.
Therefore, the incidence of adverse reactions is not known.
(1) Clinically significant adverse reactions
1) Pseudoaldosteronism: Pseudoaldosteronism such as
hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, retention of
sodium/body fluid, edema, increased body weight,etc.
may occur. The patient should be carefully monitore-
d (measurement of serum potassium level, etc.), and
if any abnormality is observed, administration shoul d be discontinued and appropriate measures such as
administration of potassium preparations should be
2) Myopathy: Myopathy may occur as a result of hypo-
kalemia. The patient should be carefully monitored,
and if any abnormality such as weakness, convulsio-
n/paralysis of limbs, etc. are observed, administrati-
on should be discontinued and appropriate measure-
s such as administration of potassium preparations
Because elderly patients often have reduced physiological
function, careful supervision and measures such as reduc-
5. Use during Pregnancy, Delivery or Lactation
The safety of this product in pregnant women has not be- en established. Therefore, the product should be used in pregnant women, women who may possibly be pregnant only if the expected therapeutic benefits outweigh the p- ossible risks associated with treatment.
6. Pediatric Use The safety of this product in children has not been estab- lished. [Insufficient clinical data.] PACKAGING Bottles of 500g 2.5g×300 packets Manufactured and Distributed by:
6-1, Hiraide-Kogyo-Danchi, Utsunomiya-city, Tochigi 321-0905, Japan
H.E. Professor Olugbemiro Jegede Secretary General Association of African Universities (AAU) Accra – GHANA An invited Keynote Speech at the Special Congregation for the Award of First and Higher Degrees and the Presentation of Prizes of the 6th Convocation Ceremony Holding at Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria on Friday July 22, 2011 Page 1 of 11 Introductio
SCREENING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES FOR AN ESTROGENIC POLLUTANT: DDT L. Graham and M. Campbell Cooperative Research Programs, 107 Foster Hall, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, MO65109; Phone (573) 681-5312. ABSTRACT Soil samples collected from three farm communities in southeast Missouri were analyzed for thepresence of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites, using com