
QM&T January 2004 Newsletter
Quality Management & Training Limited - website Medical Devices - ISO 13485 Standard
Who will run the Internet?
Register” a meeting in Geneva will define body parts that wear out is also increasing, hence the need for medical devices i.e. the of the global electronic medium known as spare parts. According to an article in the Business Standards, BSI’s magazine, there governments getting together, discussing Manufacture of these types of devices is and hopefully agreeing on some principles be in charge of running the Net’s vital infrastructure. The United States, Europe and other English-speaking partners such as Australia favour the existing private- India, South Africa and others all want a crucial that companies have the relevant recognised international body to run the discuss quality related issues. According CMMI for Software and Systems
to a news article in the IQA’s – “Quality Process Improvement
Professional” magazine, a new group has integration of the models for Software and Integrated (CMMI), is a powerful tool to organisation in a structured and visible professionals in the UK and US. For more Standards” or “Quality Professional” disciplines and is based on those processes QM&T January 2004 Newsletter
Quality Management & Training Limited - website separate parts to BS EN 71. For example, Part six (BS EN 71-6) covers age warning individual process or on a relevant set of processes. In either case a series of levels equipment and is a new addition this year. process. Different types of toys, and even different parts of the same toy, must meet forward for the key disciplines and they certain specifications outlined in BS EN 71 before they can be considered safe for setting a teddy bear alight to check that it does not burn too quickly, and (BS EN 71- materials, which create the greatest risk, Company Newsletters
relationship with your customers and also generating sales. According to an article Poor Quality Pictures Using CCTV
in “The Guardian” a newsletter is a good always been the difficulty of determining standard. Newsletters can be in the form the identity of the suspect as the quality of of printed-paper or electronic. Whichever the film has been often poor. The research is to be carried out by Sheffield University audience’s attention. In the case of the paper version, it must grab the customer’s system that can identify a face caught on attention before they throws it in the bin, CCTV and match it with that of a suspect. or in the case of the electronic version, it has to be pretty distinctive to avoid being database of the facial variations among the general public. The pictures will be used emails received. QM&T can offer help calculate the frequency of sets of facial characteristics. The results should help material and any special offers. For more picture and the suspect. This could mean that a suspect is not detained unfairly or Toy Safety Standard
that an offender that is guilty of a serious Christmas is the busiest period for buying toys, and it is important for customers to look out for the European Standard BS EN produce results that can be used in court in 71 on toys and packaging. Standards play that the toy has been tested to European toy safety standards. There are eight QM&T January 2004 Newsletter
Quality Management & Training Limited - website
Parent’s Appearance can Influence
their Children’s Health
Spam Index, a monthly report that surveys that health related messages accounted for results were published in the Journal of The research suggested that having a short increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. This reinforces the continues to be a major problem facing the healthy weight throughout their life. For Internet. The UK introduced its anti-spam law early in December and President Bush also signed the so-called Can-Spam bill, Mobile Phone Crackdown
which is the first federal law regulating It was recently reported that the Scotland Yard have launched a new initiative to cut widespread distribution of parental control mobile phone crime, using a specialist unit mobile phones are reported lost or stolen, Recognition of ISO/TS 16949:2002 - We
once a call has been made to the police, are Unanimous
that handset would be blocked across all In the usually highly competitive world of can still be used abroad, where criminal the automotive industry, unanimity seems gangs steal the handsets to be exported to to have broken out, well at least in the aren’t subsidised as they are in the UK. With the new initiative it is hoped that joined forces to agree the quality criteria internationally to stop the handset being strongly urging their suppliers (I think in automotive speak, this means “you will do it”) to meet the requirements of ISO TS Top Spammers are the Pill Pushers
reading between the lines this effectively surprising the pornography-oriented spam, supplier to vehicle manufacturers a single actually decreased over that same period. QM&T January 2004 Newsletter
Quality Management & Training Limited - website recognised by all IATF-participating companies. ISO/TS 16949:2002 was released in March 2002 and is based on ISO 9001:2000. The benefits of this standard include: Improved and consistent registrar oversight and auditor training Process based audits, focusing on customer satisfaction Improvements learned through QS9000 implementation More information on this standard can be obtained from



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