Compounded meds meet patients’ unique needs
medicine needs, a pharmacy that offers when Brayden will be able to be off the
compounding can be invaluable and special prescription.”
play a major role in their overall health.
Luckily, local residents don’t have to found Perry Pharmacy for them. “It had
go far to find this service. Compounding to be a compounding pharmacy,” said
is offered at Perry Pharmacy, which is Brandy. In talking about Brayden, she
owned by pharmacists Steve and Tracy said at first it was like a roller coaster,
The pharmacy art of compounding is they make every day count. Last year she
the method of preparing medications home schooled Brayden, but this year
to meet each prescriber’s and patient’s he is going to a Home School Academy.
unique needs. Compounding can be “This way he has some interaction with
critical in the health of people who are a few children, but not a whole lot of
allergic to commonly used fillers, dyes kids,” said Brandy.
The medication compounded at Perry Pharmacy has
made a difference in Brayden Fisher’s life since his liver
Another customer, Rana McCoy, a transplant two years ago. He is pictured with Perry
produced medications or who need vocal music teacher and musician, tried Pharmacy’s co-owner, pharmacist Tracy Anderson, who
medications in different strengths or lots of things before discovering that compounds the anti-rejection drug.
Tracy Anderson, D. Ph, has been specific needs.
“A lot of stuff on the market,” McCoy
a time, compounding was not widely said, is ‘one size fits all,’ but each body
used, but there has been a resurgence is different.” McCoy said dosage for
of the practice and it is becoming more an individual is a trial and error method
Tracy has practiced the art of com- and her physician to make sure that she
pounding for several years. She attends gets the dosage that is best for her.
pounding yearly to be familiar with the personalized” and says that her whole
“Compounding,” Tracy said, “is a said “Tracy is a great asset who is always
special interest of mine and adds some up on current medications and how they
excitement to my job.” As a compound- affect the body.”
cians to provide solutions to solve medi- pounded specifically for a person’s
cation needs of her customers. She says needs, including capsules, creams,
she enjoys seeing how compounding ointments, lotions, dental preparations,
makes a difference in the lives of cus- dermatological specialties, discontin-
tomers and she particularly enjoys using ued combination medications, topical
In compounding, Tracy formerly nausea, pediatric, podiatric, preserva-
crushed the medications by hand but tive free, sugar-free, physical therapy
now uses an electric mortar and pestle. and transdermal formulations, combi-
She hand fills each capsule, pulling them nation dosages, lip balms, nasal sprays
apart and then rejoining the two pieces and solutions, oral suspensions, otic
insufflations, solutions and suspensions,
Compounding has made a differ- rectal enemas and suppositories, throat
ence in the life of one Perry Pharamcy sprays, topical powders and sprays,
customer, 6-year-old Brayden Fisher. urethral inserts and vaginal creams and
Brayden underwent a liver transplant suppositories.
medicine, Imuran, that is beneficial in are medicated lollipops. Medications
keeping his body from rejecting his new can even be placed in hard, sugar-free
liver. His mother, Brandy, said she really candies to make it easier for children to
enjoys coming to Perry to get his medi- take.
employees are so personable. “They discuss compounding with anyone who
make us feel like family,” said Brandy. believes the art can help them. She will
“It takes time to make Brayden’s medi- also work with physicians in regard to
cine. When I call and come over to get it preparing medications specifically for a
from Lahoma, they always have it ready person’s needs.
Estimativa da Composição Corporal por Espectroscopia de Impedância Bio-Elétrica Bipolar em Indivíduos com Sobrepeso e Obesidade Carlos Eduardo Brasil Neves , Márcio Nogueira de Souza (Orientador), Defesa de Tese de Doutorado, Programa de Engenharia Biomédica/COPPE-UFRJ, Abril/2006 A análise por impedância bio-elétrica, por ser simples, segura, rápida e portátil, tem sido uti
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