Maigne lydia

MAIGNE Lydia : assistant professor in medical physics, University Blaise Pascal – LPC UMR6533
CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand (France) since 1 September 2006. Date of birth : 26/08/79
Nationality : French
Marital status : single
PCSV team, Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire UMR 6533 CNRS/IN2P3 - Université Blaise Pascal EDUCATION
LÉON BÉRARD CANCER CENTRE, LYON (FRANCE) : 2005/2006 Trainee medical physicist. Completed basic professional training in Medical Physics
Thesis title : Personalized dosimetry using GATE Monte Carlo simulations on a grid architecture. Application in ocular brachytherapy. UNIVERSITY PAUL SABATIER, TOULOUSE III (FRANCE): UNIVERSITY BLAISE PASCAL, CLERMONT-FERRAND (FRANCE): 2000/2001 Master 1 in physics and chemistry 1997/2000 Licence in physics and chemistry

2012: Member of the laboratory of Excel ence (LabEx) PRIMES (Physics, Radiobiology, Medical

Imaging and Simulation). Activities in WP5: Modeling and Simulation

January 2012 : Coordinator of the DOGME project (
DOsimetry through GATE Monte Carlo
simulations for an innovative targeted radionuclide therapy of MElanoma). 2 years project funded
by the Physics, Mathematics and Engineering sciences applied to the Cancer Research national
April 2011: Coordinator of the GINSENG project (Global Initiative for Sentinel E-health Network

on Grid). 3 years project funded by the French National Research Agency to enable a grid sentinel
network for e-health, epidemiology and health watch.
January 2010 : Team leader of the Computing Platform for Life Sciences group

July 2009 : Coordinator of the Sentinel Network for cancer surveil ance in Auvergne. Grid
infrastructure dedicated to cancer screening and epidemiology in Auvergne.
Member of the GEANT4 DNA steering committee
for the development of DNA models and the
validation of EM physic processes at very low energy.
Member of the OpenGATE steering committee for the development of a Monte Carlo simulation
platform based on GEANT4 dedicated to SPECT, PET and radiation therapy.  Development and validation of the platform for radiation therapy using electrons and
Member of the scientific council of Laboratory of Excel ence (LabEx) P2IO (Physique des 2 Infinis
et des Origines)

Member of EGI (Enabling Grids for E-science) project and member of the French National Grid


Responsible for the partnership with industries for the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire

December 2010: IN2P3 valorization prize for the applied research of the PCSV team on biomedical
informatics on grid, on in-silico drug discovery, and on the sentinel grid network for cancer
November 2009
: Citation prize for the OpenGATE collaboration paper “GATE: a simulation toolkit
for PET and SPECT”, Phys. Med. Biol., 49 (2004) 4543-4561” that has received the largest number of citations in the preceding five years in Physics in Medicine and Biology.
TEACHING ACTIVITIES (200 hours/year)

University Blaise Pascal:

Department of Thermodynamics and Energy
Master 2 in Nuclear Physics and Medical Physics
 Medical physics courses : Monte Carlo calculations, particle interactions, medical

Master 2 in medical physics :

2012 – Modeling of a Varian Novalis TX linac for dynamic arctherapy using the Monte Carlo
simulation platform GATE in a grid environment. 2011 – Dosimetry in ocular brachytherapy using 106Ru ophthalmic applicators: GATE Monte Carlo
simulations and experimental measurements using radiochromic films. 2010 – Dosimetry in radiation therapy using electrons and photons: GATE Monte Carlo
simulations. Validation with experimental measurements and treatment plans using ISOGray TPS. 2010 – Dosimetry in radiation therapy using electrons: experiments using different detectors
(diode, thermoluminescence and ionization chamber) 2009 – GATE Monte Carlo simulation in radiation therapy, simulation of a VARIAN linac and
comparisons with IsoGray treatment planning system. 2009 – Experimental measurements of dose deposited in anthropomorphic phantoms in radiation
2007 – GATE Monte Carlo simulation of small animal SPECT scans using iodine 131.

Master 1 et 2 in radiation technology physics:

2011 – Dosimetry through GATE Monte Carlo simulations based on mouse CT scans for innovative
targeted radionuclide therapy of melanoma. 2010 – Dosimetry through GATE Monte Carlo simulations based on mouse digital phantoms for
innovative targeted radionuclide therapy of melanoma. 2009 – Optimization of quality control for ocular brachytherapy treatments using ruthenium 106
2008 – Measurements and quality control using radiochromic films for ocular brachytherapy using

PhD thesis:
2012-2015 – Sébastien Cipière
A mediation system in the medical community based on engineering models and ontologies and 2011-2014 – Trung Quang Pham
Validation of physical and radiochemical models involved in DNA irradiation using the GEANT4 2009-2011 - Yann Perrot
Evaluation of the dose deposited by electron irradiation in voxelized phantoms using GATE and 2008-2011 – Paul De Vlieger
Creating a management of distributed medical databases in a grid environment. Application to the 2004-2007 – Cheick Oumar Thiam
Dosimetry in radiation therapy and brachytherapy using Monte Carlo simulations on a grid

Y Perrot, D Donnarieix, V Breton and L Maigne, " Validation of GATE 6.0 for radiation therapy using
6 and 20 MeV electron beams", accepted for publication in Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics S Jan, D Benoit, E Becheva, T Carlier, F Cassol, P Descourt, T Frisson, L Grevillot, L Guigues, L Maigne, C Morel, Y Perrot, N Rehfeld, D Sarrut, D R Schaart, S Stute, U Pietrzyk, D Visvikis, N Zahra, I Buvat, "GATE V6: a major enhancement of the GATE simulation platform enabling modelling of CT and radiotherapy", Phys. Med. Biol. 56 (2011) 881-901. L Maigne, Y Perrot, D R Schaart, D Donnarieix, V Breton, “GATE/GEANT4 validation for mono- energetic electron dose point kernels and pencil beam kernels between 15 keV and 20 MeV”, C. Quantin, G. Coatrieux, F. A. Allaert, M. Fassa, K. Bourquard, J-Y. Boire, P. De Vlieger, L. Maigne, Vincent Breton, « New advanced technologies to provide decentralised and secure access to medical records: case studies in Oncology », Cancer Informatics, 2009:7 217–229. (Publication vue V. Breton, A. Da Costa, P. De Vlieger, Y-M Kim, L. Maigne, R. Reuillon, D. Sarramia, T. N. Hai, H. Q. Nguyen, D. Kim, Y.-T. Wu, “Innovative in silico approaches to address avian flu using grid technology", Innovative in silico approaches to address avian flu using grid technology, Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets, Volume 9, Number 3 (2009) 358-365. (IF 2.052) C. Thiam, V. Breton, D. Donnarieix, B. Habib and L. Maigne, “Validation of dose deposited by low energy photons using GATE/GEANT4”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Phys. Med. Biol. 53 (2008) C.O. Thiam, L. Maigne, B. Habib, D. Donnarieix, J.Arnold, V. Breton, « Simulation Monte Carlo des dépôts de doses en radiothérapie et curiethérapie et déploiement sur grille de calcul », Radioprotection, vol. 42, p 43-64, 2007. L.Maigne, D. Hill, P. Calvat, V. Breton, R. Reuillon, D. Lazaro, Y. Legré, D. Donnarieix, "Parallelization of Monte Carlo Simulations and Submission to a Grid Environment", Parallel Processing Letters journal, Vol. 14, No. 2 (June 2004), p 177-196. S. Jan, G. Santin, D. Strul, S. Staelens, K. Assié, D. Autret, S. Avner, R. Barbier, M. Bardiès, P.M. Bloomfield, D. Brasse, V. Breton, P. Bruyndonckx, I. Buvat, A.F. Chatziioannou, Y. Choi, Y.H. Chung, C.Comtat, D.Donnarieix, L.Ferrer, S.J. Glick, C.J. Groiselle, D. Guez, P.-F. Honoré, S. Kerhoas-Cavata, A.S. Kirov, V. Kohli, M. Koole, M. Krieger, D.J. van der Laan, F. Lamare, G. Largeron, C. Lartizien, D. Lazaro, M.C. Maas, L. Maigne, F. Mayet, F. Melot, C. Merheb, E. Pennacchio, J. Perez, U. Pietrzyk, F.R. Rannou, M. Rey, D.R. Schaart, C.R. Schmidtlein, L. Simon, T.Y. Song, J.-M. Vieira, D. Visvikis, R. van de Walle, E. Wieërs, and C. Morel, “GATE: a simulation toolkit for PET and SPECT”, Phys. Med. Biol., 49 (2004) 4543-4561. (IF 2.784) (2009 Prize for the Highest cited paper) J. Montagnat, F. Bellet, H. Benoit-Cattin, V. Breton, L. Brunie, H. Duque, Y. Legré, I.E. Magnin, L. Maigne, S. Miguet, J.-M. Pierson, L. Seitz, T. Tweed, “Medical images simulations, storage, and processing, on the European DataGrid testbed”, Journal of Grid Computing, 2004. D. Lazaro, I. Buvat, G. Loudos, D. Strul, G. Santin, N. Giokaris, D. Donnarieix, L. Maigne, V. Spanoudaki, S. Styliaris, S. Staelens and V. Breton, “Monte Carlo simulation of a CsI(Tl) gamma camera dedicated to small animal imaging using GATE”, Phys. Med. Biol., 49 271-285, 2004. (IF 2.784)

S. Cipière, P. De Vlieger, D. Sarramia, D. R. C. Hill, L. Maigne, Development of a metamodel for
medical database management on a grid network. Application to Health Watch and epidemiology for cancer and perinatal health, 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, to be published IEEE Computer Society Press, USA, May 2012. Y. Perrot, L. Maigne, V. Breton, D. Donnarieix, Validation of GATE 6.1 for targeted radiotherapy of metastic melanoma using 131I-labeled benzamide, Third European Workshop on Monte Carlo Treatment Planning of the European Workgroup on MCTP, Séville, May 2012 (to be published). Sarramia, D., L. Maigne, V. Breton, L. Deroussi and B. Louvet, "Simulation Approach for Systems Radiation Biology", in Proceedings of the 25th European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM), Guimaraes, 2011, p. 381-386. Y. Perrot, D. Donnarieix, V. Breton and L. Maigne, Validation of GATE 6.0/GEANT4 for radiation therapy dosimetry. Impact of simulation parameters on dose calculation. International Workshop on Recent Advances in Monte Carlo Techniques for Radiation Therapy, Montreal, Québec, Canada, June 2011. Y. Perrot, V. Breton, D. Donnarieix and L. Maigne, Radiotherapy monte carlo dosimetry using GATE/GEANT4 : validation study in anthropomorphic phantom, proceedings of ESTRO conference 2010, Radiotherapy & Oncology, volume 96, Supplement 1, S491, Barcelona, September 2010. P. De Vlieger, J-Y. Boire, V. Breton, Y. Legre, D. Manset, J. Revillard, D. Sarramia and L. Maigne, Sentinel e-health network on grid: developments and chal enges, proceedings of HealthGrid 2010 conference, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2010, 159: 134-146, Paris, July 2010. P. De Vlieger, J Y Boire, V Breton, L Maigne, D Manset, J Revillard, Cancer Sentinel project: a grid network for distributed medical data management on Cancer, proceedings of the 5th EGEE User Forum, Upssala, March 2009. Y. Perrot, V. Breton, D. Donnarieix and L. Maigne, “Validation of electron radiotherapy beams using GATE/GEANT4 in voxelised phantoms”, proceedings of the European Workshop on Monte Carlo Treatment Planning, Cardiff, October 2009. U. Quast, T.W. Kaulich, A. Ahnesjö, J.T. Alvarez-Romero, M. Andrássy, M. Bambynek, D. Donnarieix, D. Flühs, F. Hensley, H.M. Kramer, L. Maigne, D.C. Medich, F. Mourtada, E. Schüle, H.J. Selbach, C. Soares, E. van Dijk, G.A. Zakaria, “Need for International Standardization of Clinical Dosimetry for Photon Radiation Sources for Brachytherapy and Calibration in Terms of Absorbed Dose to Water”, proceedings of the Medical physics and biomedical engineering World congress, IFMBE proceedings, vol 25, Munich, September 2009. Y. Perrot, V. Breton, V. Chassin, D. Donnarieix and L. Maigne, “Validation of electron radiotherapy beams using GATE/GEANT4 in voxelised phantoms”, Radiotherapy & Oncology, Volume 92 Supplement 1, p S71, ESTRO conference, Maastricht, August 2009. P. De Vlieger, J-Y. Boire, V. Breton, Y. Legré, D. Manset, J. Revillard, D. Sarramia, L. Maigne, « Grid- enabled sentinel network for cancer surveil ance », proceedings of HealthGrid 2009 conference, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009; 147:289-94, Berlin, July 2009. Diarena M, Nowak S, Boire JY, Bloch V, Donnarieix D, Fessy A, Grenier B, Irrthum B, Legré Y, Maigne L, Salzemann J, Thiam C, Spalinger N, Verhaeghe N, de Vlieger P, Breton V., « HOPE, an open platform for medical data management on the grid. », proceedings of HealthGrid 2008 conference, Stud. Health Technol. Inform. 2008;138:34-48, Chicago, June 2008. L.Maigne, C.O. Thiam, D. Donnarieix, V. Breton, « Beta ray point source dose distributions using GATE/GEANT4. Application to a 106Ru ocular brachytherapy treatment », Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 88, supplement 2, p 403, ISSN 0167-8140, September 2008. M. Diarena, L. Maigne, S. Nowak, V. Breton, « Grid based telemedecine application for Monte Carlo dosimetric studies », EGEE’07 conference, Budapest, Hongrie, 1 - 4 October 2007 L.Maigne, V. Breton, D. Donnarieix, Z. Elbitar, A. Fessy, C.O. Thiam, « Développement d'un système d'information pour l'utilisation d'images médicales pour les simulations Monte Carlo GATE sur grille de calcul », Bulletin du cancer, Vol. 94, p32-33, numéro spécial, March 2007. L.Maigne, D. Donnarieix, C.O. Thiam, V. Breton, R. Barbeira, A. Falzone, “GATE Simulation for medical physics with the Genius portal”, Challenges and Opportunities of Healthgrids Proceedings of Healthgrid 2006, (vol. 120) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, p 392, ISBN 1-58603- D. Donnarieix, L. Maigne, C.O.Thiam, F. Bacin, V. Breton, « Curiethérapie oculaire : Dosimétrie par simulations GATE sur grille de calcul », Bulletin du cancer, Vol. 93, p142, March 2006. D. Visvikis, M. Bardiès, S. Chiavassa, C. Danford, A. Kirov, F. Lamare, L. Maigne, S. Staelens, R. Taschereau, “Use of the GATE Monte Carlo package for dosimetry applications”, International Conference on Imaging Technologies in Biomedical Sciences (ITBS) 2005, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 569 (2006) 335-340. S. Staelens, J. De Beenhouwer, D. Kruecker, L. Maigne, F. Rannou, L. Ferrer, Y. D’Asseler, I. Buvat, I. Lemahieu, “GATE: improving the computational efficiency”, International Conference on Imaging Technologies in Biomedical Sciences (ITBS) 2005, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics L. Maigne co-author part of the HealthGrid White Paper col aboration, “The HealthGrid White Paper”: chapter 4 on Computational Models of the Human Body, and demonstration on “Parallel Submissions of GATE Monte Carlo simulations to the EGEE Grid Infrastructure using the Genius web portal”, From Grid to Healthgrid, Proceedings of HealthGrid 2005, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (vol. 112) IOS Press ISBN: 1-58603-510-X, 2005. V. Breton, C. Blanchet, Y. Legré, L. Maigne & J. Montagnat, “Grid technology to biomedical applications”, Proceedings of High Performance Computing for Computational Science, VECPAR 2004 conference, 28-30 June 2004, Valencia, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 3402 , L.Maigne, D. Donnarieix, V. Breton, « Parallelization of Monte Carlo simulations and submission to a grid environment », Healthgrid conference 2004, abstract booklet, Clermont-Ferrand. L. Berger, V. Breton, D. Donnarieix, D. Lazaro, L. Maigne, “Computation of P1 problem using the Monte Carlo code GATE” in Intercomparison on the usage of computational codes in radiation dosimetry, QUADOS Conference, 14-16 July 2003, Bologna, Italy, proceedings G. Gualdrini and P. L. Maigne, D. Donnarieix, V. Breton, Y. Legré, “Use of a calculation grid to run Monte Carlo simulation programs with the Geant4 Software in ocular brachytherapy”, 42èmes journées scientifiques de la SFPM, Juin 2003, Reims, France, proceedings dans Physica Medica, Vol. XIX, N°3,

Breton V, Maigne L, Sarramia D and Hill D, Collaborative Computational Technologies for
Biomedical Research, Wiley Series on Technologies for the Pharmaceutical Industry Sean Ekins,
Series Editor, Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-0-470-63803-3, 2011
L. Maigne co-author part of the HealthGrid White Paper collaboration, “The HealthGrid White
Paper”: chapter 4 on Computational Models of the Human Body, and demonstration on “Parallel
Submissions of GATE Monte Carlo simulations to the EGEE Grid Infrastructure using the Genius
web portal”, From Grid to Healthgrid, Proceedings of HealthGrid 2005, Studies in Health
Technology and Informatics (vol. 112) IOS Press ISBN: 1-58603-510-X, 2005.

Débat public : comment utiliser les données de santé? Conférence Nationale de Santé, Clermont-Ferrand, February 2010. International Workshop on Grid computing applications for Vietnam, Hanoï, December 2010 GATE/GEANT4 simulations on the EGEE grid infrastructure BEGRID conference, Brussels, October 2009 Life sciences applications on a computing grid infrastructure CampusGrid conference, Vienne (Autriche), February 2008 Geant4 tutorial conference, Paris, June 2007 Life sciences applications on a computing grid infrastructure EUMedGrid workshop, Malte, November 2007 Life sciences applications on a computing grid infrastructure EUMedGrid workshop, Tunis, November 2007 Four seas conference, Istanbul, September 2004 GATE a simulation toolkit for PET and SPECT
Training course on GATE and Grid computing, Alger, Algeria, May 2012. GATE/GEANT4/Grid tutorial, training course on GATE, GEANT4 and Grid computing, Seoul, Korea, Summer training course on GATE, GEANT4 and Grid computing, Seoul, Korea, July 2010. Geant4 tutorial, Dakar, Sénégal, October 2009. GATE tutorial, Geant4 tutorial, ROOT tutorial Do-Son ACGRID school, Hanoï, Vietnam, September 2009 GATE/GEANT4 simulations on the EGEE grid infrastructure Medical physics courses PREFALC program (Programme Régional France – Amérique latine – Caraïbes), in Bogota (Columbia) and Lima (Perou), February 2009.


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FACT SHEET Ringworm (Tinea) Ringworm is a fungal infection. It can affect anyone’s scalp (tinea capitis), beard (tinea barbae), body (tinea corporis), groin/perineal area (tinea curis) or feet (tinea pedis. Treatment is different and will be specific to the different fungi and the affected areas. Symptoms: Body: Ringworm appears as single or multiple flat, reddish round-sha

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Report available online: Water-Quality Data for Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in U.S. Streams, 1999- 2000 By KIMBERLEE K. BARNES, DANA W. KOLPIN, MICHAEL T. MEYER, E. MICHAEL THURMAN, EDWARD T. FURLONG, STEVEN D. ZAUGG, AND LARRY B. BARBER U.S. Department of the Interior Gale A. Norton, Se

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