
The magic of saving a life
‘Super-pill’ can stop
diabetes in its tracks
‘simpler than you think ‘
NEW YORK: Scientists say the inno- job.
“We are physicians from different specialties with a specific interest in public health advocacy and promotion. We, also, aim to increase awareness among the Kuwaiti public regarding a variety of dis- a d d e d to m e t fo r m i n , t h e c u r re n t eases and conditions and to rectify the misconceptions they may have. Since our group consists of multiple physicians we decided to write under the pen name of L’homme en Blanc.” KUWAIT: Ever wondered how it might feel to check for response by tapping the per- using an automated external defibrillator
to save a life? You probably think only fire- s o n a n d s h o u t i n g ; s e co n d l y yo u m u s t or AED. This is a device that sends an elec- trical shock to the heart to jumpstart it. In get to do that. Well, you’re wrong. Today of a pulse in a patient. Checking for a pulse Kuwait, not all public areas have AED’s t r e a t i n g s e r i o u s l y o v e r - w e i g h t we’ll shift gears a little from teaching you is a skill that requires practice on a patient available but the avenues and 360 mall do.
or mannequin but is easy to acquire. If no how to save others. Let us tell you that as and you are trained in BLS don’t forget to physicians with a lot of experience in that field, that feeling is one of the most fulfill- continues until professional help arrives. ing things life has to offer and is actually then you move to the algorithm of “CAB” T h e g o a l o f t h i s we e k s a r t i c l e i s t o encourage you all to get trained and certi- B y n ow yo u’re p ro b a b l y wo n d e r i n g and breathing. We could explain all these p u b l i s h e d i n t h e j o u r n a l C e l l what is this magical thing that we’re talk- three steps to you but it’s actually better l i ve s a n d t r a i n i n g i s s i m p l e a n d e a s y.
ing about? It’s called BLS, which stands for seen and practiced than read. However, at Centers for training are available in Kuwait e x p e r i m e n t s o n m i c e , t h e t e a m basic life support. It refers to the act of this point I have to emphasize the impor- o n e o f w h i c h i s l o c a te d i n t h e Ku w a i t UK, said: “Type 2 diabetes is a serious s u p p o r t i n g a n u n c o n s c i o u s tance of compressions, which are basically Medical Association. It provides BLS train- c o n d i t i o n , s o i t ’s i m p o r t a n t t h a t patient’s breathing and circulation ing that is certified by the American Heart the same way as existing treatments.
in order to preserve their life until profes- w i t h b o t h h a n d s i n t e r l o c k e d.
Association (AHA). For Further information D r I r a Ta b a s , o f t h e C o l u m b i a sional help arrives and is basically an algo- yo u c a n v i s i t t h e A H A o f f i c i a l we b s i te rithm and a set of skills that anyone can of BLS since what they do is push the heart York, said: “MK2’s compatibility with learn that’ll help them deal with a situa- tion will mean a lot to the person you are tion in which a person’s life is endangered.
the circulation, so basically doing the job saving and to his/her entire family. Stay a b l e f o r Ty p e 2 d i a b e t e s i s m e t - collapsing. Upon this event the first step is A n o t h e r i m p o r t a n t a s p e c t o f B L S i s

Source: http://news.kuwaittimes.net/pdf/2013/nov/24/p29.pdf


Department of Pharmacy PUBLICATION - INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL JOURNALLepidium Sativum L. seeds Pharmacology 1827-synthesis of some novel 2- Pharmaceutica 6837A K Sen, Mrs. B Dhanya characterization of NV Shah, SP Chauhan, evaluation of taste yl) methyleneamino]-5- substituted-2-[(4-methylpiperzine-1-yl) methyl]-2H-1, 2, 4-triazole 3(4H)-thionesAK Seth, Ujjwal Sahoo A Review on “Absorbent


Rev Esp Endocrinol Pediatr 2011; 2 (Suppl) doi: 10.3266/Pulso.ed.RevEspEP2011.vol2.SupplCongSEEPAdvances in the diagnosis, treatment and molecular genetics of pituitary tumors in childhoodConstantine A. Stratakis, MD, D (Med) Sci. Section on Endocrinology Genetics, Program on Developmental Endocrinology Genetics (PDE-GEN), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Huma

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