Microsoft word - nice 0pportunity or threat jmm jul '00.doc
NICE: Opportunity or threat? Ginette Camps-Walsh is an international marketer who has worked in pharmaceutical and medical device companies for over 20 years. She was formerly the UK head for a pharmaceutical and medical device company specialising in radiology and is now a director of a health care company. She founded the Chartered Institute of Marketing Health Care Group and co-
ordinates their quarterly meetings. Key words 'economic appraisal', 'healthcare', 'medical devices', NICE, pharmaceuticals Abstract The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) was first introduced to us in the UK Government white paper ‘ The New NHS – Modern, Dependable’ in December 97. Its purpose was “ to give a strong lead on clinical and cost-effectiveness, drawing of new guidelines and ensuring they reach all parts of the health-service”… “ The new NHS will have quality at its heart” and “quality and efficiency”…. “will go hand in hand”. The White Paper only set out a vision. We had to wait until ‘A First Class Service’ was launched at the NHS Conference in July ’98 to learn how NICE was to be implemented in England and Wales. This showed how the ‘Horizon Scanning Centre at Birmingham University would alert the UK Department of Health to new interventions in health care. The Department of Health would then decide which of these ‘new interventions’ would be processed through NICE. It is useful to note that a ‘new intervention’ is not confined to a pharmaceutical product or medical device it can be a surgical or medical intervention. The SHTAC will carry out a similar responsibility for assessment in Scotland. Further guidance was then given in the document ‘Faster Access To Modern Treatment – How NICE Appraisal Will Work”, which actually hardly mentioned patients access at all. It set in detail what the NICE assessment process would be. Additional guidelines were set in December ’99 on the criteria for selection of technologies for appraisal. NICE is not however, the first economic appraisal scheme for medical products. Germany and Scandinavian countries already have similar systems. As the costs of healthcare escalate, it is likely that other developed countries will wish to assess the costs and economic impact of new treatments, as they become available. NICE APPRAISALS
• The Use of Taxanes for Ovarian
of wisdom teeth, artificial hip joints and
• Coronary Artery Stents - 'Patients
was the first. This went through the ‘fast
track’ and it was decided that it would
normally receive a coronary artery stent. If a patient is suitable for both
that it was cost effective in treating high-
• The Removal of Wisdom Teeth -'The
costs of healthcare escalate it is likely
to assess the costs and economic impact of new treatments, as they become
• Artificial Hip Joints - 'The best
are the possible opportunities? There are
treatment of disease is very attractive. If
could be properly assessed this would be
treatments for different patient groups.
centre. In hospital medicine especially,
if a patient’s referral is to a surgeon, the
treatment is likely to be surgery e.g. gynaecology. This may not be the most
including drugs, are often cheaper and have less morbidity. The patient can
Two Examples
countries to slow down the escalation in
Interventional Radiology versus
overall expenditure. Inflation in health
Vascular Surgery.
Peripheral ischaemia can be treated very
higher than the RPI. This not only gives
health insurance, who have to raise their
intervention in acute critical peripheral
rehabilitate an amputee in the first year.
only offer amputation rather than referral
to license lytic agents for the treatment
of peripheral vascular disease. The cost
Raising Standards
coronary stents will increase the market
patients access to the best possible care
health care system) to the ‘best’. This
Care for the Elderly
Social services and the provision of care
of Taxanes in ovarian cancer should lead
secondary and tertiary health treatments
Similarly the guidance on artificial hips
could result in very different treatment
required for patients with Alzheimer’s
been reviewed to date it is difficult and
Economic data
expensive to launch a new product in the
workforce suffered flu; the effect on the
about the effects on industry, it should
be concerned about the cost implications
also means longer waiting lists and less
How would a positive recommendation from NICE be implemented?
effectiveness is possibly a greater threat
are usually shorter, profit margins lower
and the clinical evidence requirements to
(Taxanes, artificial hips), it is not clear
Industries) tried to have medical devices
identify medical devices six years before
Work with Patient Groups
Successful political lobbying at all parts
Effect on NHS Resources
If a new innovation does have a positive
changes in staffing and training that may
Start Adding Economic Evaluation to THE WAY FORWARD Clinical Trials
Europe presents the health care industry
view them as opportunities. It is time to
View NICE as an Opportunity
NICE is here and likely to spread to even
designed with cost effectiveness as well
attitude to view it as an opportunity and
large-scale trials. These could show that
a new class of drug is say better than a
Make Strategic Alliances
Certain products for a particular disease
promotion – a particular diagnostic test
followed by a certain drug and treatment
positioned against surgical interventions,
with a medical device is better than the
treatment say from surgery to drugs will
resourcing. This will need to be planned
For those that can’t avoid it the major
threat will come if NICE insists on huge
Influencing the Assessment Process
It is important that NICE is influenced to
take a sensible approach for the good of
Opt Out
only look at ‘high risk’ patients. As
discussed earlier the economic impact of
flu is far greater. Influence needs to be
together and keeping a low profile. This
assurance to the public that NICE is not
Become the Patient’s Protector
being used as a political tool to reduce
holes in assessments must be highlighted
Work Together
public perception. Is it not time that this
Developing New Marketing Channels
Suppliers of ‘life-style’ drugs will be
considering ‘POM’ to ‘P’ (Prescription
vital to the success of later assessments
E Commerce
Viagra is being sold, directly to the public through the Internet, although
Health Insurance Companies and the
obviously huge potential to exploit this
Private Sector Promotion Directly to Industry
is an opportunity for pharmaceutical and
negative NICE review, could be satisfied
Relenza for its workforce than to have a
protracted periods. Glaxo have tried this
approach; others could follow their lead.
Direct Selling to Other Markets
likely to spread to other countries and is
Could we sell cognitive enhancers direct
Sengupta, M. and Dalwani, R. (Editors). 2008 Proceedings of Taal2007: The 12th World Lake Conference: 918-922 Use of Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms (Pao) For Treatment Of Phosphate Sludge Shyam S. Bajekal and Neelam S. Dharmadhikari Department of Microbiology, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad, Vidyanagar, KARAD – 415 124. (Maharashtra, India) E-mail: ABST
CITALOPRAM Y ESCITALOPRAM: VALORACIÓN Y RECOMENDACIONES SOBRE LAS DOSIS MÁXIMAS RECIENTEMENTE ESTABLECIDAS POR LA AGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DEL MEDICAMENTO Y PRODUCTOS SANITARIOS (AEMPS). Recientemente la AEMPS ha publicado una nota de seguridad sobre el escitalopram , advirtiendo del riesgo de que la ya conocida posibilidad de prolongación del QT sea dosis dependiente, y por ello dismi