Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.
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PROFORMA FOR MANDATORY DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ABOUT ACCREDITED PROGRAMMES BY INSTITUTIONS TO BE INCLUDED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE INFORMATION BROCHURE, DISPLAYED ON THEIR W EBSITE AND TO BE SUBMITTED TO NBA EVERY YEAR WELL BEFORE THE ADMISSION PROCESS. The following information is to be published in the information Brochure besides being hosted on the institution’s official Website as fixed content. Name of the Programme : M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Approved intake : M. Pharm 10 + 2 (QIP)
B. Pharm 100 +15NRI students Fees charged (per annum) in Rs. :
Pass percentage during the last 5 years:
Teacher Student ratio
No. of Faculty Members Faculty Profile Qualification No. of Faculty Experience of Faculty Number of Faculty with Details of individual faculty members : Name, Photograph, Date of Birth,
Industrial Consultancy, Research and Development (during the past 5 years)
Amount of Industrial Consultancy earned (in lakhs of Rupees) : 18.1lakhs
No. of sponsored research projects completed
No. of sponsored research projects in progress
No. of papers published in International journals
No. of papers published in National journals
No. of papers presented in International Conferences/ Seminars : 6
No. of papers presented in National Conferences/Seminars : 26
No. of International Conferences conducted
No. of Training Programmes / Short Term Courses conducted : 3
Placement Record for the previous year :
Names and Details of companies who visited the campus
Number of Students placed through campus recruitment
Budget Allocation for the Programme (in Rs. ) Recurring : 60.00/- lakhs Non Recurring : 65.00/- lakhs Maintenance of equipments : 9.00 /- lakhs New initiatives and future vision, if any:
Because of our flexibility, our department is developing and standardizing newer and
simpler methods of invitro activity screening of substances. In the future it has been
envisioned to come out with a candidate compound from both synthetic and natural
sources using Molecular Modeling and Natural-product isolation techniques.
Note : Suppression and / or misrepresentation of information would attract
appropriate penal action. FACULTY PROFILE Name : Dr. S. Sankar Date of Birth : 13.05.1966 Highest Qualification : M .Pharm; Ph.D Academic Performance : B.Pharm Date of Joining : 02.09.1987 S tatus on date of joining : Lecturer S alary on date of joining Present Status : Professor S alary as on date : 55,103 /- No. of promotions since Date of joining Professional Experience : 21Years Achievement since date of joining Patent cell ordinator, Coordinator No of Project Guided Interested fields : Antineoplastic drugs, drugs affecting reproductive physiology : Dr. M .J.N. Chandrasekar Date of Birth : 05.06.1965 Highest Qualification Academic Performance Date of Joining : 01.07.1990 S tatus on date of joining : Lecturer S alary on date of joining : 8,000/- Present Status : Professor S alary as on date : 54500/- No. of promotions since date of joining Professional Experience : 18 Years Achievement since date of joining Bio safety committee, No of Project Guided Interested fields : Polymeric Drug Delivery system FACULTY PROFILE : M d. Afzal Azam Date of Birth : 02-08-1963 Highest Qualification : M . Pharm. Academic Performance : B.Pharm. Date of Joining : 01.07.1988 to April 1996 & then 10-10-2005 S tatus on date of joining : Lecturer S alary on date of joining : 8,000/- Present Status : Asst.Professor S alary as on date : 39,388/- No. of promotions since date of joining Academic Experience : 11 Years Achievement since date of joining No of Project Guided Interested fields : Heterocyclic Chemistry FACULTY PROFILE : R.Kalirajan (alias) Manivannan Date of Birth : 23.07.1972 Highest Qualification : M .Pharm Academic Performance : B.Sc. (chem) - First class Date of Joining : 06.07.2006 S tatus on date of joining : Asst.Professor S alary on date of joining : 21,670 /- Present Status : Asst.Professor S alary as on date : 43,170/- No. of promotions since date of joining Professional Experience : 10Years Achievement since date of joining Cultural committee No of Project Guided Interested fields : M edicinal Chemistry FACULTY PROFILE : B. R. Prashantha Kumar Date of Birth : 12.06.1974 Highest Qualification : M .Pharm, PGDB Academic Performance : B.Pharm Date of Joining : 19.04.2004 S tatus on date of joining : Lecturer S alary on date of joining : 14,000 /- Present Status : Assistant Professor S alary as on date : 39,000/- No. of promotions since date of joining Professional Experience : 6.0 Years Achievement since date of joining No of Project Guided : 7 Batches Interested fields : Synthetic Chemistry/ Drug Designing for various targets FACULTY PROFILE Name : B. Gowramma Date of Birth : 25.05.1974 Highest Qualification : M .Pharm Academic Performance : B.Pharm Date of Joining : 19.07.2006 S tatus on date of joining : Lecturer S alary on date of joining : 14,630 /- Present Status : Lecturer S alary as on date : 26,153 /- No. of promotions since date of joining Professional Experience : 08 Years Achievement since date of joining No of Project Guided Interested fields : Analytical and Synthetic Chemistry FACULTY PROFILE : P. Nagarajamurthy Date of Birth : 06.05.1954 Highest Qualification Academic Performance Date of Joining : 01.12.1981 S tatus on date of joining : Lecturer S alary on date of joining Present Status : Lecturer S alary as on date : 35,460/- No. of promotions since date of joining Professional Experience : 27 Years Achievement since date of joining No of Project Guided Interested fields : Inorganic Chemistry FACULTY PROFILE : M rs. S.Jubie Date of Birth : 05.07.1978 Highest Qualification : M .Pharm Academic Performance : B. Pharm Date of Joining : 18.06.2007 S tatus on date of joining : Lecturer S alary on date of joining : 18,160/- Present Status : Lecturer S alary as on date : 23.600/- No. of promotions since date of joining Professional Experience : 7.3 Years Achievement since date of joining No of Project Guided Interested fields : Synthesis of novel medicinally important heterocyclic FACULTY PROFILE : M rs. S.Gomathy Date of Birth : 17.05.1982 Highest Qualification : M .Pharm Academic Performance : B. Pharm Date of Joining : 22.10.2008 S tatus on date of joining : Lecturer S alary on date of joining : 18,160/- Present Status : Lecturer S alary as on date : 20,800/- No. of promotions since date of joining Professional Experience : 10 M onths Achievement since date of joining No of Project Guided Interested fields : Synthetic Chemistry FACULTY PROFILE : M r. Neeraj Agrawal Date of Birth : 14.4.1978 Highest Qualification : M .Pharm Academic Performance : B. Pharm Second Date of Joining : 21.10.2008 S tatus on date of joining : Lecturer S alary on date of joining : 19,547/- Present Status : Lecturer S alary as on date : 21,000/- No. of promotions since date of joining Professional Experience : 4 .8 Years Achievement since date of joining No of Project Guided Interested fields : Synthetic Chemistry / Polymeric drug delivery systems List of Publication :
1. Dr. S. Sankar:
National: 1
1. Comparitive molecular similarity indices analysis for predicting anti-HIV
activity of phenyl ethyl thiourea (PET) derivatives.Veerasamy Ravichandran,
B. R. Prashantha Kumar, Sundaram Sankar and Ram Kishore Agrawal,
Medicinal Chemistry Research, 17, 1 (2008)
International: 8 1. Predicting anti-HIV activity of 1,3,4-thiazolidinone derivatives: 3D-QSAR
approach, V. Ra vichandran, B.R. Prashantha Kumar , S. Sankar and R.K.
Agrawal, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 44, 1180 (2009).
2. Microwave induced Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity of some Thiazine
derivati ves of 2-substituted Benzimidazoles, R.Kalirajan, A.Justin,
S.S.Dinesh Narayanan, G.Venkatesh, S.Sankar, K.Elango, International Journal of Pharma Research, Vol.2(2), Jan-jun 2009, 39-41.
3. Synthesis and diuretic evaluation of some Theophylline
derivati ve,S.Jubie,R.Kalirajan, B.Gowramma, S.Sankar,K.Chandraprakash
and B.Suresh, International J.of Chemical Sciences,5(5), 2223(2007)
4. Design and evaluation of ethyl cellulose sustained release matrix tablets of
Thiophylline, D.Nagasamy Venkatesh, S.Sangeetha, MK.Samantha,
S.Sankar,B.Suresh, International J.Pharm.Sci.nanotech., 1(1), 60(2008)
5. Nano particles: A re view , D.Nagasamy Venkatesh, S.Sangeetha,
MK.Samantha, S.Sankar,S.Karthick, B.Suresh Asian J.of
6. Solid dispersions: A unique technique to improve the aqueous solubility of
poorly soluble drugs- D.Nagasamy Venkatesh, S.Sangeetha,
MK.Samantha, S.Sankar,K.Elango,Int.J.Pharm.Res.1(1), 5, (2008)
7. De velopment and invitro evaluation of sustained release matrix tablets of
Theophylline using hydrophilic polymer as release retardant,. D.Nagasamy
Venkatesh, N.Jawahar,GNK.Ganesh,R.Suresh kumar,V.Senthil,
MK.Samantha,S.Sankar,K.Elango, Int. J Pharma Sci. &
8. Design and invitro evaluation of Alginate beads of Aceclofenac,
D.Nagasamy Venkatesh, S.Sangeetha,Jawahar,R.Suresh
kumar,S.Karthick,M.Umesh,RM.Valliappan,R.Vasantha Suresh,
2. Dr.MJN.Chandrasekar :
National : 10
1. Determination of Bergenin in Caesalpinia Digyna by HPLC.
M.J.N. Chandrasekar, R.Srinivasan, T.Somesh, N.Mahadevan, M.J.Nanjan
And B. Suresh, Natural products: An Indian JI,(1-2),1, 2005.
2. Determination of Bergenin in Caesalpinia Digyna Rottlu by RP-HPLC
method. M.J.N. Chandrasekar, R.Srinivasan, R.Gopinath, M.J.Nanjan and
B. Suresh, Analytical Chem., An Indian JI., 2, 2006.
3. Chemoprotective effect of ph yllanthes maderaspatenis against cisplatin
induced nephro and genotoxicity.M.J.N.Chandrasekar, Praveen Bommu, M.J.
Nanjan and B.Suresh, Pharmaceutical Biology, Vol. 44(2), 2006, 100-106.
4. Synthesis, antitubercular and antimicrobial activity of some 3-aryl-(4-(4’-(2” –
,6”-dichlorophenyl) amino/benzyl carbaxamido-5-mercapto-1,2,4- triazoles,
Indian Journal of Heterocyclic chemistry,
M.J.N.Chandrasekar,GurubasavrajV.Pujar,K.V.Manohar, H.Udupi,M.N.Purohit.
5. Effect of Phylanthus maderaapateniss, A dietary supplement on cisplatin
Induced clastogenicity in cultured human lymphocytes,
M.J.N.Chandrasekar,Praveen Bommu,M.J.Nanjan and B. Suresh. The
6. Investigating the anti inflammatory and analgesic activity of leaves of Wedelia
chinensis(Osbeck) Merr. In standard experimental animal.
M.J.N.Chandrasekar, S.Suresh, kumar, T.Sivakumar and B. Suresh.
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical research,Vol.12,2006,123-129,
7.Free radical scavenging activity of Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker-Gawl
R.Srinivasan,M.J.N.Chandrasekar M.J.Nanjan, B.Suresh Journal of Natural
8.Antioxidant Acti vity Of Caesalpinia Digyna Root R.Srinivasan,
M.J.N.Chandrasekar M.J.Nanjan, B.Suresh Journal of Ethnopharmacology,
9. In vitro and in vivo studies on HPMC-K100M matrices containing naproxen
sodium M. J. N. Chandrasekar, S. Mahesh Kumar, Gopinath R, Srinivasan R
M. J. Nanjan and B.Suresh, Drug Delivery Vol 14, Nov, 2007, 163-169.
10.Phyllanthus maderaspatensis , a dietary supplement for the amelioration of
adriamycin-induced toxicity and oxidative stress in mice Praveen Bommu,
Chandrasekar Moola Joghee Nanjan, Nanjan Moola Joghee, Satishkumar
Muthureddy Nataraj and Suresh Bhojraj Journal of Natural Medicines, Vol 62 No
International: 3
1. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Eclipta Alba in rats.
M.J.N.Chandrasekar, S.Suresh kumar, T.Sivakumar and B.Suresh, Ancient
Science of life, XXIV (3), 7941, 2005.
2.Pharmacognostical and Microbiological studies on different species Belonging
to the family of Asteracea. M.J.N. Chandrasekar,S.Suresh
kumar,T.Sivakumar,P.Perumal and B.Suresh, M.J.N. Chandrasekar,
S.Sureshkumar,T.Sivakumar and B.Suresh, International Chemical Science,
3.Antimicrobiological studies on different essential oils of Wedelia Species
(W.chinensis, W.rilobata and W.biflora) and Eclipta alba (Asteraceae). Asian
Journal of Chemistry, Vol.19,(6),2007,4674-4678. M.J.N.Chandrasekar
S.Suresh kumar,R.Kanagasabail, T.Sivakumar, R.Thiruvenkata subramaniam
Md. Afzal Azam National: 9
1. Md. Afzal Azam, S. K. Sahu, M. Banerjee, P. Choudhary, S. Sutradhar and P. K.
Misro, Synthesis and biological evaluation of 3-(Phthalimidoethyl)-4(5-substituted
isoxazoline and pyrazoline) substituted benzanilides, J. Indian Chem. Soc., May
2009, 86, 498-503.
2. Md. Afzal Azam, S. K. Sahu, D. K. Dash and M. Banarjee, Spectrophotometric
estimation of celecoxib in bulk and its formulation, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 86, 2009,
3. Md. Afzal Azam, S. K. Sahu and M. Banerjee, Synthesis, characterization and
biological evaluation of Schiff’s base transition metal complexes with celecoxib and
sulfomethoxazole, J. Pharm. Res., June 2009, 2(6), 1155-1158.
4. Md. Afzal Azam, M. Baneerjee and S. K. Sahu, Synthesis, Anti-arthritic and anti-
inflammatory of some new isoxazoline analogs: It’s mechanism of action, J. Chem.
5. Md. Afzal Azam , S. Gomathy, F. Alam, and B. Suresh, Synthesis and antimicrobial
activity of some 6-arylidene-3-aryl2,3,3a,4,5,6-
hexahydrocyclopenta[c]pyrazoles/oxazoles, Indian J. Heterocylic Chem., Dec’
6. Md. Afzal Azam, Br Prasanth Kumar, S. Shalini, B. Suresh, Synthesis and
biological screening of some {[(4,6-disubstituted pyrimidine-2-yl)thio]methyl}-n-
phenyl1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-amine, Indian J. Pharm. Sci., 70 (5), 2008, 672-677.
7. Md. Afzal Azam, Y. S. R. Reddy, J. T. Leonard, B. Suresh and I. E. Chakravarth y,
Synthesis and Pharmacological activities of 2-methyl quinolyloxy prop ylamines,
Indian J. Pharm. Sci., 2007, 69(1), 112.
8. Md. Afzal Azam, S. K. Sahu, M. Banerjee, p. Choudhary, S. Sutradhar, P. K.
Panda and P. K. Misro, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 3-
(Phthalimidomethyl)-4-(5-Substituted Isoxazoline and Pyrazoline) Substituted
Benzanilides, Indian J. Chem. Soc., 2007, 69 (1), 112-114.
9. Md. Afzal Azam, S. K. Sahu, S. K. Mishra, R. K. Mohanta, P. K. Panda,
Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity of 2-phenyl-3,5-diphenyl (substituted)-6-aryl-
3,3a,5,6-tetrahydro-2H-pyazolo [3,4-d] thiazoles, Indian J. Pharm. Sci., September
International: 3
1. Md Afzal Azam, S. K. Sahu, M. Banerjee, D. Sahu, C. C. Behera, G.C.
Pradhan, Synthesis,Analgesic and Antimicrobial Activities of Some Novel
Isoxazole Derivatives, Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci., 2008, 7(2), 113-118.
2. Md. Afzal Azam, S. K. sahu, M. Banerjee, S. Acharrya, C. C. behera, and S.
Scii, Synthesis, Characterization and Biological activity of 2-methyl-3-
aminoquinazoline- 4(3H)-ones Schiff bases, J. Braz. Chem. Soc., July 2008,
3. Md. Afzal Azam , S.K. Sahu, M. Banerjee, A. Samatray and C. Behera,
Synthesis, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of some
No vel pyra zoline, Trop. J. Pharm. Res., June 2008, 7(2), 961-968.
Mr. R.Kalirajan : National : International : 12
1. Anti Nociceptive and Anti epileptic evaluation of N-Mannich bases of some
substituted Benzotriazoles, V.Rajamanickam, P.Sivasubramaniyam, M.Palanivelu,
R.Kalirajan, V.Sivakumar and K.Anandarajagopal, International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 4(4), 1048-1052, 2006.
2. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some Chalcone derivatives, R.Kalirajan,
M.Palanivelu, V.Rajamanickam, G.Vinothapooshan and K.Anandarajagopal, International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 5(1),73-80, 2007.
3. Synthesis and biological evaluation of some theophylline derivatives. S.Jubie,
International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 5(5),2007,2223-2228.
4. Synthesis and anesthetic activity of Some Mannich bases of P-Dimethylamino
benzylidene acetanilide, R.Kalirajan, S.Jubie, B.Gowramma, B.Suresh, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 20(7), 5289-5292, 2008.
5. Simultaneous determination of Rabeprazole and Domperidone in Dosage forms by
RP-HPLC, R.Kalirajan, K.Anandarajagopal, Seena mary Mathew, S.Jubie,
B.Gowramma and B.Suresh, Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 1(2), 232-235, 2008.
6. Comparative Evaluation of Theophylline microsphere prepared using various
biodegradable polymers, G.Vinothapooshan, N.Jawahar, , R.Kalirajan, S.Jubie,
and B.Suresh, International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 6(3), 1526-1534, 2008.
7. synthesis and biological evaluation of some heterocyclic derivatives of chalcones,
R.Kalirajan, S.U.Sivakumar, S.Jubie, B.Gowramma and B.Suresh, International Journal of Chem tech research- Vol.1,No.1, Jan-Mar 2009, 27-34.
8. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of some 2-Azetidinone derivatives
S.Jubie*, B.Gowramma, Nitin K.Muthal, R.Kalirajan, S.Gomathi and K.Elango, , International Journal of Chem tech research- Vol.1,No.2, Apr-jun 2009, 153-157.
9. Microwave induced Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity of some Thiazine
derivatives of 2-substituted Benzimidazole, R.Kalirajan, A.Justin, S.S.Dinesh
narayanan, G.Venkatesh, S.Sankar, K.Elango, International journal of Pharma Research, Vol.2(2), Jan-jun 2009, 39-41.
10. Synthesis and biological evaluation of Mannich bases of 2-substituted
Benzimidazoles, R.Kalirajan, Chitra, S.Jubie and B.Gowramma Asian Journal of Chemistry , Vol.21(7),2009, 5207-5211.
11. Synthesis of Quinazolone derivatives with Nitrogen mustards as possible
Anticancer agents, B.Gowramma, R.Kalirajan, S.Jubie Asian Journal of Chemistry
12. Synthesis, Anticancer activity of some 2-(Bis-(2-chloroethyl) aminoacetyl)-3,5-
disubstituted 1,2-pazolines, B.Gowramma, S.Jubie, R.Kalirajan, S.
Gomathy and K.Elango, International Journal of Chem.Tech. Research, Vol.1,
Mr. B. R. Prashanthakumar : National : 5
1. Synthesis and antihistaminic activity of fexofenadine analogues, Prashantha
kumar. B. R , Satish N. K, Karvekar M.D, H.S. Na veen and B. Gouda. Indian
2. Microwave assisted synthesis of Pyra zoline derivatives
and their antiangiogenic and antioxidant activities, Anand T, Badami S,
Prashantha Kumar B R, Santhosh kumar, S Ravi and Durai Anand Kumar T
Indian.Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry,16(4), 2007,333.
3.Serum glucose and triglyceride lowering activity of some novel
glitazones against dexamethasone induced hyperlipidemia and insulin
resistance,B. R. Prashantha Kumar, T.K. Pra veen, M.J. Nanjan, M.D.
Karvekar, B.Suresh Indian Journal of Pharmacology 39(6), 2007,299.
4.QSAR Study on Thiazolidine-2,4-dione Derivatives for their Antih yperglycemic
Acti vity, B. R. Prashantha Kumar and M. J. Nanjan, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 70 (5): 2008, 565-571.
5. A Azam, BR Prashantha Kumar, S. Shalini, B. Suresh, Synthesis and biological
screening of some {[(4,6-disubstituted pyrimidine-2-yl)thio]methyl}-n-phenyl1,3,4-
thiadiazole-2-amine, Indian J. Pharm. Sci., 70 (5), 2008, 672-677.
International : 15
1.Novel Biginelli dihydropyrimidines with potential anticancer
acti vity: A parallel synthesis and CoMSIA study, B.R.Prashantha Kumar,
Gopu Sankar, R.B. Nasir Baig and Srinivasan Chandrashekaran, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009 (In pressDOI:10.1016/j.ejmech.2009.05.014).
2 .Predicting anti-HIV activity of 1,3,4-thiazolidinone derivatives: 3D-QSAR
approach, V. Ravichandran, B.R. Prashantha Kumar , S. Sankar and R.K.
Agrawal, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 44, 2009,1180.
3. Synthesis of novel Hantzsch dihydropyridines and Biginel i
dihydropyrimidines of biological interest: a 3D-QSAR study on their
cytotoxicity, B. R. Prashantha Kumar, Pankaj Masih, E. Karthikeyan, Ankur
Bansal, Suja, P. Vijayan. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 18, (2009) [DOI
4. Facile Microwave-Assisted Paral el Syntheses of N-Substituted 1,4-
Dihydropyridines of Biological Interest, B. R. Prashantha Kumar, Pankaj
Masih, Chris Raju Lukose, Nimmy Abraham, D. Priya, Rinu Mary Xa vier,
Kesiya Saji, and Laxmi Adhikary Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 46, 2009,
5. Microwave-Assisted, Solvent-Free,Paral el Syntheses and Elucidation of
Reaction Mechanism for the Formation of Some Novel Tetraaryl Imidazoles
of Biological Interest, B. R. Prashantha Kumar, Gyanendra Kumar Sharma, S.
Srinath, Mohamed Noor, B. Suresh, and B. R. Srinivasa Journal of Heterocyclic
6. Microwave assisted syntheses of thiazolidine-2,4-dione motif and
microwave induced efficient synthesis of 5-Benzylidene-thiazolidine-2,4-dione
and 5-Benzylidine-2-thioxo-thiazolidine-4-one compounds, Prashantha Kumar
B. R, M. D. Karvekar, L. Adhikary, M. J. Nanjan and B.Suresh.Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 43, 2006, 897.
7. Synthesis and biological activity of some substituted 2-phenyl-quinazolin-4-
ones. N.M.Raghavendra* , M.S.Niranjan, P.Venkatesh, B.R.Prashanth
kumar, Narendra B.Gowda and M.S.Sripathi, Asian Journal of Chemis try,
Vol.17, No.1, 57-65, 2005.
8. Anti osteoporosis activity of Spirulina , B. R. Prashanth Kumar,
P.Venkatesh, N. M. Ragavendra and Narendra B. Gouda, European
Bulletin of Drug Research, Vol. 41(1), 53, 2005.
9. Syntheses, CoMFA study and biological evaluation of 1,4-
Dihydropyridines, Prashantha Kumar B R, Yu varaj S, Gyanendra kumar
Sharma, M J Nanjan and B Suresh Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 5(1),
10.CoMFA Study on Thiazolidine-2,4-dione Derivatives
for their Antihyperglycemic Activity, B. R. Prashantha Kumar, Bijoy J. Desai,
J. Vergheese, Praveen TK, B.Suresh and M. J. Nanjan Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 5(3), 2008, 79.
11.“Drug Price in India after GATT implementation” Prashantha Kumar B. R,, Canada, 2005 (Article won the second prize out of 124
12.Comparitive molecular similarity indices analysis for predicting anti-HIV
activity of phenyl ethyl thiourea (PET) derivatives.Veerasamy Ravichandran,
B. R. Prashantha Kumar, Sundaram Sankar and Ram Kishore Agrawal,
Medicinal Chemistry Research, 17, 2008, 1.
13. Anees A Siddiqui, Ramadoss Rajesh, Mojahid-ul-islam, Veerachamy alagarsamy,
Subramanian N Meyanathan, Bommenahalli Prashantha Kumar and Bhojraj
Suresh, Synthesis, Antiviral, Antituberculostic and antibacterial activities of some
novel 4-(4-substituted phenyl)-6-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-(substituted imino)
Pyrimidines. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research, 64, 17, 2007.
14.B. R. Prashantha Kumar, M. Soni and MJ Nanjan, Analysis of physicochemical
parameters for the drugs from nature, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2009 (In
15.B. R. Prashantha Kumar and MJ Nanjan, Comparitive Molecular similarity Indices
Analysis on Glitazones, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2009 (In press).
Mrs. Jubie. S : International Journals : 11
1. Synthesis and biological evaluation of some theophylline derivatives. S.Jubie,
R.Kalirajan, B.Gowramma, S.Sankar, K.Chandraprakash and B.Suresh.
International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 5(5),2007,2223-2228.
2. Synthesis and biological evaluation of some 2-azetidinone derivatives. S.Jubie,
B.Gowramma, Nitin K.Muthal, R.Kalirajan, S.Gomathy and K.Elango,.
International Journal of Chem Tech Research, 1(2),2009,153-157.
3. Anti-Arthritic activity of bark extracts of Alangium Salviifolium wang. S,.Jubie,
N.Jawahar,Ruby Koshy, B.Gowramma and B.Suresh. Rasayan Journal of
4. Synthesis and biological evaluation of some mannich bases of Chalcone
derivatives. R.Kalirajan, S.Jubie, B.Gowramma and B.Suresh. Asian Journal of
5. Effect of Leaf galls of Piprum Nigrum Linn.against carageenan induced
inflammation in Albino rats. R.Rajesh, L.Sathiyanarayanan, S.Arulmozhi,
S.Jubie, Sarfaraz Md. Journal of Natural Remedies,Vol.7/2 (2007)229-233.
6. Simultaneous determination of Rabeprazole and Domperidone in Dosage
forms by RP-HPLC. R.Kalirajan, Ananda Raja Gopal, Seena mary Mathew,
B.Gowramma ,S.Jubie and B.Suresh. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 1(2),
7. Synthesis and biological evaluation of some heterocyclic derivatives of
chalcones R.Kalirajan,S.U.Sivakumar, S.Jubie, B.Gowramma and B.Suresh.
International Journal of ChemTech Research,1,Jan-March 2009,27-34.
8. Comparative Evaluation of Theophylline Microsphere prepared using a various
Biodegradable Polymers. G.Vinothapoosan, N.Jawahar, R.Kalirajan, S.Jubie,
K.S.Remya and Prasanth S.Wake. International Journal of Chemical Sciences,
9. Polymorphism; A Dissolution Rate Enhancement Technique of Nitrendipine.
N.Jawahar, R.Sureshkumar, D.Nagasamy Venkatesh, S.Jubie, M.K.Samanta
and B.Suresh. Research J.Pharm.and Tech, 1(3); July-sept.2008.
10. Synthesis of quinazolinone derivatives with nitrogen mustards as possible
anticancer agents, B.Gowramma,S.Jubie, R.Kalirajan, and B.Suresh, Asian J.
11. Synthesis and biological evaluation of Mannich bases of 2-substituted
benzimidazoles, R.Kalirajan,M.Chitra, S.Jubie, B.Gowramma and B.Suresh,
Asian J.of Chemistry, 21(7),2009, 5207-5211.
National : 4
1. Antiinflammatory activity of Dodonaea Viscosa Linn leaf extracts.Alagarsamy.V,
Venkat narayanan, Thangathirupathy.A, Amuyhalakshmi.S, Jubie.S and
2. Diuretic activity of whole plant extracts of Cardiospermum halicacabium Linn,
K.Chandraprakash, I.J.Kuppast, C.Manjunath, N.Jawahar and S.Jubie.
PH.COG. MAGAZINE,vol.4,issue13, Jan-Mar.2008.
3. In vivo evaluation of single dose tetanus toxoid vaccine formulation with
Rao,A.Balasubramanian, N.Jawahar and S.Jubie. Indian Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences,Jan-Feb,2008,11-15.
4. Preparation and characterization of PLGA Nanoparticles containing an
Mrs. B. Gowramma : National : 1
1. Synthesis,anticancer activity of some 1-(bis N,N-(chloroethyl)aminoacetyl)-3,5-
disubstituted 1,2-pyrazolines, B.Gowramma, S.Jubie, R.Kalirajan, S.Gomathy
and K.Elango, Journal of Pharm.Tech.Res.,1(2),April-June- 2009, 347-352.
International : 7
1. Synthesis of quinazolinone derivatives with nitrogen mustard as possible
Anticancer agents, B.Gowramma, S.Jubie, R.Kalirajan, S.Gomathy and
K.Elango, Asian Journal of heterocyclic chemistry, 21(7), May-2009,5235-
2. Synthesis of 2-[Bis-2(chloroethyl)amino) acetamide]-5-substituted-1,3,4-
thiadiazole as possible alkalyting anticancer agents, B.Gowramma,
V.Murugan, K.Sumanth Prabhu, E.P.Kumar, B.Suresh and VM.Reddy, Asian J.of
3. Synthesis biological evaluation of some heterocyclic derivatives of
chalcone,R.Kalirajan,S.U.Sivakumar,Jubie.S, B.Gowramma and B.Suresh
International J.of Chem Tech Research,(1),2009,27-34.
4.Synthesis and diuretic evaluation of some Theophylline derivative,S.Jubie,
R.Kalirajan, B.Gowramma, S.Sankar,K.Chandraprakash and B.Suresh. International
J.of Chemical Sciences, (5),2007,2223-2228.
5. Synthesis and anesthetic activity of some mannich bases of P –dimethulamino
benzyldine acetanilide, B.Gowramma,R.Kalirajan,S.jubie, and B.Suresh, Asian J.of
6.Simultaneous determination of Rabeprazole and domperidone in dosage forms
b y RP-HPLC, R.Kalirajan, K.Anandrajagopal, Seema Mary
Mathew,Gowramma,S.Jubie, and B.Suresh, Rasayan J.of Chemistry,1(2),2008,232-
7.Synthesis and biological evaluation of Mannich bases of 2-substituted
benzimidazoles, R.kalirajan,M.Chitra, S.Jubie, B.Gowramma and B.Suresh, Asian
Mrs.Gomathy.S : National : International : 04
1. Synthesis and anti-microbial activity of some 6-arylidene-3-aryl-2, 3, 3a, 4,
5, 6- hexah ydrocyclopenta [c] Pyrazoles/oxazoles. Md. Afzal
azam, S. Gomathy, F.alam and B.Suresh Indian Journal of Heterocyclic
Chemistry. Vol.18, Oct-Dec., 2008, pp-157-160.
2. Anti-inflammatory activity of Myristica fragrans roots in Wister rats. A
Shanish antony, B. Samuel thavamani, S.Gomathy, E.P.Kumar,
R.Vadivelan, K.Elango andB.Suresh. Ad vanced Pharmacol.Toxicol. Vol.9
3. Synthesis and anticancer activity of some 1-(BisN, N-(chloroethyl) –
Aminoacetyl)-3, 5-Disubstituted 1, 2-Pyrazolines. B.Gowramma,
S.Gomathy, S.Jubie, R.Kalirajan and K.Elango.
4. Synthesis and biological evaluation of some 2-Aze tidinone derivatives.
S.Jubie, B.Gowramma, Nitin K.Muthul, R.Kalirajan, S.Gomathy and K. Elango.
International Journal of Chem. Tech. Research, 1(2), 2009, 153-157.
Seminar / Conferences / Symposia attended by the faculty S. Sankar National: 8 International: 1
1. Participated in the 56th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, Kolkata, 2004.
2. Participated in the DBT sponsored seminar on Intel ectual Property rights in
bioinformatics and biotechnology, Pondicherry, 2005.
3. Workshop on Sequence Analysis and Molecular Simulation, sponsored by
4. Participated in the confederation of Indian Industry-sponsored seminar on
Intellectual property Rights, Coimbatore,2006.
5. workshop on Advanced Topics in Protein-Ligand Interactions using Auto
Doc-3 suite, sponsored by Jigsaw solutions, 2007
6. Second International conferences and Indo-Candian satel ite symposium
on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Technology, Practice and Natural Health
products at JSS College of Pharmacy,Ooty 24-26 February 2007.
7. Symposium on Global Prospective on Pharma Patents, sponsored by
8. Seminar on Export Opportunities for Pharma SMEs, sponsored by
9. Workshop on technopreneur promotion programme at the PSG college of
Dr.MJN.Chandrasekar National : Nil International: 1
1.Second International conferences and Indo-Candian satellite symposium
on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Technology, Practice and Natural Health
products at JSS College of Pharmacy,Ooty 24-26 February 2007.
Md.Afzal Azam National: Nil International: 1
1. Second International conferences and Indo –Canadian satellite Symoosium on
Pharmceutical Sciences, Technology, Practice and Natural health products at
JSS college of Pharmacy, Ooty during 24th – 26th February 2007.
National: 6 International: 1
1.Jubie.S workshop on Drug design and discovery sponsored by Indian
2. National seminar on cancer-biology and development of new chemical entities
organized by PSG college of Pharmacy, Coimbatore from 20 – 22 November
3. 60th Indian Pharmaceutical congress held at new Delhi from December 12-14
2008 and presented a paper on synthesis and biological evaluation if some
4.Presented a scientific paper on the “Spectrometric determination of astemizole and
its formulations” in 11th APTI-con vention at Bangalore. September – 2006.
5.Presented a scientific paper on “Microwave synthesis of some novel
benzimidazole substitiuted fluroquinolones and their antimicrobial evaluation” in
2nd IPA students congress, July 9-11,2009.
6.Jubie.S,Microwave synthesis of some novel benzimidazole substituted fluro
quinolones and their evaluation, Acharya & B.M.Reddy college of Pharmacy,
7.Second International conferences and Indo –Canadian satellite Symoosium on
Pharmceutical Sciences, Technology, Practice and Natural health products at JSS
college of Pharmacy, Ooty during 24th – 26th February 2007.
Gowramma. B National: 5 International : 1
Comparative bioavailability study of amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid by
HPLC- ESI mass spectroscopy presented in 59th Indian Pharmaceutical
Congress on 20th to 23rd December held at Varanasi 2007.
Synthesis , anticancer activity of p yra zolines derivatives with nitrogen mustard
moiety presented in PSG college of Pharmacy, Coimbatore from 20 – 22
3. Second International conferences and Indo –Canadian satellite Symoosium on
Pharmceutical Sciences, Technology, Practice and Natural health products at
JSS college of Pharmacy, Ooty during 24th – 26th February 2007.
4. Gowramma B, National seminar on cancer-biology a development of new
chemical entities, sponsored by PSG college of Pharmacy, 2008.
5. Gowramma B, workshop on phytochemical investigation by spectral Methods,
sponsored by Karpagam University, 2009.
6. Gowramma.B, Synthesis and biological evaluation of some novel4-
thiazolidionones bearing1,3,4-thiadiazole nucleus, PSG college of Pharmacy,
R.Kalirajan National : 3 International: 1
1.Microwave induced synthesis and antimicrobial activity of Thiazine
derivati ves of Benzimidazole, 60th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, New
2. Identification of Phytochemicals using spectroscopic Techniques held at
karpagam Academy of higher education on 6-7March,2009.
3. Second International conferences and Indo –Canadian satellite Symoosium on
Pharmceutical Sciences, Technology, Practice and Natural health products at
JSS college of Pharmacy, Ooty during 24th – 26th February 2007.
4. Kalirajan R, workshop on phytochemical investigation by s pectral Methods,
sponsored by karpagam University, 2009.
Neeraj Agrawal National : 4 International : 1
1. Oral presentation on “Synthesis of 2-Hydroxypropyl Methacrylate-Diclofenac
Conjugate as Polymeric Prodrug. Its Characterization and in-vitro drug release
studies.” in 58th IPC held at Mumbai in Dec. 2006.
2. Oral presentation on “ Diclofenac –HEMA conjugate, Synthesis and
Characterisation” in IUPAC Sponsored Second International Symposium on
Green/Sustainable Chemistry held at Delhi in January 2006.
3. Poster presentation Anti-HIV,peg-didanosine conjugates:
Synthesis,characterization & in-vitro drug release studies, Acharya & B.M.Reddy
college of Pharmacy, Bengaluru, July - 2009.
4.Poster presentation on Emerging role of Pharmacist during Antibiotic Therapy
and Pharmacy Education : Recent Trends and its impact on society held at
Rajendra Institute of Technology and Sciences, on 29-30 September – 2007,at
5. Attended APTI 12th annual national convention held at Punjab University, on
DR.S .Badami. 1.*Antioxidant properties of Grewia tiliaefolia, Shrishailappa Badami, Mahesh Kumar
Gupta, Ramanathan M, Elango K and Suresh B. Oriental Pharmacy and
Experimental Medicine, 2005, 5(1), 16-20.
2. Microwave Assisted Rapid Quantitative Analysis of Aspirin, Calcium carbonate and
Riboflavin, Shrishailappa Badami*, Natasha Joseph Chelapureth, Deepa S,
Sandhya Deepa E, Elna Merilla Bose, Vijeesh Govindan and Suresh B Indian
Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2005, 39(2), 97-99.
3.Use of microwave technology in Pharmaceutical chemistry practicals part –II:
Synthesis of few more organic compounds. Badami S, Saravanan R, Sunil
V.Sharma, and B.Suresh. Indian journal o0f Pharm. Educ, Res. 39(4), 2005.
4.New microwave methods for rapid quantitative and qualitative analysis and loss on
drying, S. Badami, S. Ramaswamy, S. V. Sharma, R. K. Choksi, S. H. Dongre and
B. Suresh, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2005, 67(3), 307-310.
5.* Antioxidant Activity of Aporosa lindleyana Root, Shrishailappa Badami, Sujay
R. Rai and Suresh B, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 101, 180-184, 2005.
6. In vitro antioxidant properties of Solanum pseudocapsicum leaves extracts,
Shrishailappa Badami, Om Prakash Yadav, Santhosh Kumar H Dongre, Suresh B,
Indian Journal of Pharmacology ,37(4),251-252,2005.
7.In-vitro antioxidant activity of various extracts of Aristolochia b racteolata leaves,
Shrishailappa Badami*, Christy K. Jose, Choksi, Rakshit Kumar K, Santosh Kumar
H. Dongre, Jagadish P. C, and Suresh B. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental
8. Microwave assisted rapid quantitative analysis of aspirin, calcium carbonate and
Riboflavin. Badami S., Natasha Joseph C, Deepa S, Sandhya Deepa E, Elna
Merilla Bose, Vijeesh G, and Suresh B. Indian Journal of Pharm Sci, 39(2), 2005.
9. Antitumor activity and antioxidant status of the methanol extract of Careya
arborea Bark against Dalton’s Lymphoma Ascites – induced ascitic and solid
tumor in mice.Senthilkumar N, Badami S, Santhoshkumar H.Dongre and Ashok
G, Journal of Pharmacol. Sci. 103, 12-23, 2007.
10. Antitumour activity of the Methanol extract of H ypericum hookericum stem
against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma in Swiss Albino Mice. Santhoshkumar
H.Dongre, Badami S., Senthilkumar N., and Raghu Chandrasekhar H.
Journal of Pharm., Sci., 103, 354-359, 2007.
11.Microwave assisted efficient synthesis and antifungal evaluation of
some N-Phenyl-3-(substituted Phenyl) propenamides, Indian Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education and Research,41(2),140- 145,2007. Prabodh
Chandra Sharma, Sunil V. Sharma,S.Badami, Archana Sharma and
12.Comparative evaluation of conventional and microwave extraction of plant
Phenolics from five plants. Badami S., Manju Mary Cherian, Dongre
Santhoshkumar H. Indian Journal of Pharm. Educ. Res. 41(3), 2007.
13. Pre-coital and post-coital anti-implantation and abortifacient activities of
Aristolochia bracteolate Lam. Aerial parts, Journal of Natural
Medicines,61(3), 302-306, 2007. S.Badami, Satish Kumar Muthureddy
Nataraj, Pavan Kumar Puvvada, Saraswathi B. Patil, Elango K.,
Subburaju T., Chinnaswamy K., and B.Suresh.
14. Antioxidant potential of five Ksheerapaka’s and Kashaya’s,
Ayurvedic decoctions, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge,6(3),
423-425,2007.S.Badami,M.Sangeetha,V.Latha, N.Archana and
15. Ant implantation activity of Schleichera oleosa (Lour) Oken and
Tephrosia purourea(L.) Pers. In female albino rats, Geobios,34
(2-3),153-156,2007.RajanS, Sethuraman M, Mukherjee P.K.,
16. Microwave assisted rapid extraction of red dye from Caesalpinia
Sappan heart wood, Natural Product Research, 21(12), 1091-
1098, 2007. S.Badami, B.Geetha, Sunil V.Sharma, S.Rajan and
17. Microwave assisted synthesis of pyrazoline derivatives and their
antiangiogenic and antioxidant activities. Indian journal of heterocyclic
18. Potent In vitro cytotoxic and antioxidant activity of Careya arborea Bark
Extracts. Ph ytotherapy Res., 21, 492-495, 2007.
1. Synthesis and Evaluation of some new nitrogen Mustards as possible
anticancer agents. V.Murugan, R.M.Anand, Manjiri A.Kulkarni, B.Suresh
and V.Malla Reddy., Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 15,2005.
2. Synthesis of 2-{“Synthesis of 2-{[Bis-(2-chloroethyl)amino]methyl}- 6,8-
dinitro -1-(4-substituted phenyl)-1H-Quinazolin-4-one Derivatives as
Possible Antineoplast Agents, V. Murugan, Manjiri Kulkarni, R.M.
Anand, E.P. Kumar,B. Suresh and V.M. Reddy (Communicated to
3. 3-D QSAR Co MFA Study of Nitrogen Mustards Possessing New Chemical
Entities as Possible Anticancer Agents; R. M. Anand, V. Murugan, Sunil
V. Sharma and B.Suresh (Communicated Indian Journal Pharmaceutical
4. Synthesis of 1,5-Benzooxazepine Derivatives as Potent Neuroleptic
Agents,V.Murugan, G. Shivakumar, M. Ramanathan and B. Suresh
(Communicated to Indian Journal Pharmaceutical Sciences,2005).NP22
5. New UV Spectrophotometric Determination of Fluconazole in
Pharmaceutical formulations; R. M. Anand, T. Renjit Kumar, K. G.Lalitha
and V.Murugan (Communicated to Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical
6. “A Surve y of Medicinal Plants in Kollimalai Hil Tracts, Tamilnadu, India”
R.M.Anand,N.Nanadakumar, L.Karunakaran,M.Ragunathan and
V.Murugan. (Accepted in Natural Products of Radiance, 2005)NP24
7. Synthesis of 2-[(Bis –(2-Chloroethyl) amino) Acetamido]-5-substituted-1,
3,4 - thiadiazole as possible alkylating anticancer agents. Asian Journal of
Chemistry, Vol -18 , No.3, 2006. B.Gowramma, K.Sumathi,V.Murugan,
Grants received
1. Dr.S.Badami received Rs. 16.15 lakhs from DBT, Investigation of anticancer
2. Dr. S.Sankar received Rs 8 lakhs from AICTE to wards EDP programme.
3. Dr.MJN. Chandrasekar received Rs. 18.9 lakhs from DST – Argentine S&T
cooperation programme, Targeting anticancer macromolecular prodrugs.
4. Dr.MJ.Nanjan received Rs. 15 lakhs from DST, Targeting macromolecular prodrugs
Seminar/Conferences/Symposia organized by the institute
1. Quality improvement programme on Modern Trends in Pharmaceutical
Chemistry 7-20February 2006, Sponsered by All India Council for Technical
2. Quality Improvement programme on Approaches to Drug Development 30
March-6April, 2007, Sponsered by All India Council for Technical Education,
3. Quality Improvement programme on Trends in Drug discovery and drug
development 9-22 February, 2008., Sponsered by All India Council for
1. Sankar S, workshop on IPR, sponsored by the confederation of Indian Industry,
2. Sankar S, workshop on sequence analysis and Molecular simulation,
3. Jubie.S workshop on Drug design and discovery sponsored by Indian
4. Sankar S, workshop on Advanced Topics in Protein-Legand Interactions using
Auto Doc-3 suite, sponsored by Jigsaw solutions, 2007.
5. Sankar S, symposium on Global Prospective on Pharma Patents, sponsored by
6. Sankar S, seminar on export opportunities for Pharma SMEs, sponsored by
7. Jubie S, National seminar on cancer-biology a development of new chemical
entities, sponsored by PSG college of Pharmacy, 2008.
8. Jubie S, 60th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, 2008.
9. Gowramma B, National seminar on cancer-biology a development of new
chemical entities, sponsored by PSG college of Pharmacy, 2008.
10. Gowramma B, workshop on phytochemical investigation by spectral Methods,
11. Kalirajan R, workshop on phytochemical investigation by spectral Methods,
12. Sankar S, workshop on fund generation practices sponsored by PSG – STEP,
13. Jubie.S,Microwave synthesis of some novel benzimidazole substituted fluro
quinolones and their evaluation, Acharya &B.M.Reddy college of Pharmacy,
Synthesis,characterization & in-vitro
drug release studies, Acharya & B.M.Reddy college of Pharmacy,
15. Gowramma.B, Synthesis and biological evaluation of some novel4-
thiazolidionones bearing1,3,4-thiadiazole nucleus, PSG col ege of Pharmacy,
Conference / Seminars attended 2008 -09 S . Sankar
1. “Tolerance – Free preparation of Dossiers for pharmaceutical product registration in
regulated markets”, Venkatesh.P, Prince Francis, Sankar.S,Dhamodaran P, Elango K,
paper presented at the conference in Advanced App roaches in formulation
development and drug targeting held at PSG college of Pharmacy Coimbatore, 2008.
2. “The post coital anti – implantation activity of the plant Derris brevipes var. coriacea
baker” , Venkatesh.P, Prince Francis, Sankar.S,Dhamodaran P, Elango K,
paper presented at the international herbal conference held at Al-Almeen college of
Pharmacy, Bengaluru 2009. Jubie.S
1. National seminar on cancer-biology and development of new chemical entities organized
by PSG college of Pharmacy, Coimbatore from 20 – 22 November 2008.
2. 60th Indian Pharmaceutical congress held at new Delhi from December 12-14 2008 and
presented a paper on synthesis and biological evaluation if some indane 1,3 dione
3. Presented a scientific paper on in “Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Some
Theophylline Derivatives” Second International Conference and Indo Canadian Satellite Symposium on Ph. Sciences, Technology, Practice and Natural Products (Feb. 2007) held at JSSCOP, Ooty.
4. Presented a scientific paper on the “Spectrometric determination of astemizole and its
formulations” in 11th APTI-convention at Bangalore. September – 2006.
5. Presented a scientific paper on “Design and optimization of slow release suppositories of
theophylline using 22 factorial design” in 11thAPTI-convention at Bangalore.September – 2006.
6. Presented a scientific paper on “Synthesis and biological evbaluation of some derivatives
of 4-thiazolidinones and 2 azetidinones” in 60th IPC Newdelhi. December 12-14, 2008.
7. Presented a scientific paper on “M icrowave induced synthesis and antimicrobial activity
of thiazine derivatives of benzimidazole” in 60th IPC Newdelhi. December 12 -14, 2008.
Gowramma. B 1.
Synthesis and anticancer activity of 2- alkyl-3-aryl–4(3H)-quinazoline derivatives with
Pharmaceutical congress on 2nd to 4th December at Hydrabad 2005.
Comparative bioavailability study of amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid by
HPLC- ESI mass spectroscopy presented in 59th Indian Pharmaceutical
Congress on 20th to 23rd December held at Varanasi 2007.
Synthesis , anticancer activity of pyrazolines derivatives with nitrogen mustard moiety
presented in PSG college of Pharmacy, Coimbatore from 20 – 22 November 2008.
R.Kalirajan 1. Anti-Nociceptive evaluation of novel newly synthesized 1-[2-(1H- Tetrazol
5yl)ethyl]1H- Benzo[d]1,2,3-triazole Iind International conference Ooty Feb
2. Targetting of small molecules anticancer drugs to the tumor and its vasculature
using cationic liposomes;lessons from gene therapy Poster presentation in 2 nd
International conference Ooty, Feb 2007
3. M ultiple sequence alignment using an Exhaustive and Greedy algorithm
Poster presentation in 2nd International Conference, Ooty, February 2007.
4. Theoretical spectral pair in Tandem M ass Spectroscopy - Protemics Poster
presentation in 2nd International Conference, Ooty, February 2007.
prevention Poster presentation in 2nd International Conference, Ooty, February
6. M icrowave induced synthesis and antimicrobial activity of Thiazine derivatives of
Benzimidazole, 60th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, New Delhi, 2008
7. Synthesis and Evaluatin of antimitotic activity of 3-Oxoindoline derivatives of 2-Phenyl
Quinazoline, 60th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, New Delhi, 2008
MD.Afzal Azam
1. Synthesis and biological screening of some {[(4,6-disubstituted pyrimidine-2-
yl)thio]methyl}-n-phenyl 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-amine, Second International conferences
and Indo –Canadian satellite Symoosium on Pharmceutical Sciences, Technology,
Practice and Natural health products at JSS college of Pharmacy, Ooty during 24th –
2. Synthesis and biological activities of 2-substituted benzimidazole-metal complexes,
Second International conferences and Indo –Canadian satellite Symoosium on
Pharmceutical Sciences, Technology, Practice and Natural health products at JSS
college of Pharmacy, Ooty during 24th – 26th February 2007.
Neeraj Agrawal
1. Oral presentation on “Synthesis of 2-Hydroxypropyl M ethacrylate-Diclofenac
Conjugate as Polymeric Prodrugs. Its Characterization and in-vitro drug release
studies.” in 58th IPC held at M umbai in Dec. 2006.
2. Oral presentation on “ Diclofenac –HEM A conjugate, Synthesis and Characterisation”
in IUPAC Sponsored Second International Symposium on Green/Sustainable
Chemistry held at Delhi in January 2006.
Total number of workshops / Quality Improvement Programme Conducted
1. Quality Improvement Programme on Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
28 M ay – 10 June 2001, Sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education,
2. Quality Improvement Programme on M odern Trends in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
7 Feb – 20 Feb 2006, Sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education,
3. Quality Improvement Programme on Approaches to Drug Development
30 M arch – 6 April 2007, Sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education,
4. Quality Improvement Programme on Trends in drug discovery and drug development 9th –
22nd 2008 Sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi
5. Staff Development Programme on Recent Developments in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
And Teaching Technology. 9 – 22 M arch 2003, Sponsored by All India Council for
6. The Programme of Environment and Pollution Awareness July 11, 2004. Sponsored by All
India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi
7. The Programme on Biomedical Communication in the Cyber Age, 14 – 16 February 2005.
Sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi.
Projects being implemented
Dept. of Science and Technology (DST) sponsored Indo-Argentine bilateral project
entitled “Targeting Anticancer Macromolecular Pro-drugs” between JSS. College
of Pharmacy and Dept of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical
Sciences, National university of Rosario, Argentina Rs. 6.8lakhs
ICM R Project involving the Design and Development of “nanoparticles in target drug delivery systems for certain anticancer drugs”. Rs. 1.96 lakhs.
AICTE Project under the Entrepreneural Development Scheme for Rs8.00 lakhs
CSIR Project for the “Isolation, Characterization and Screening of the Traditional
M edicinal Plants of Nilgiris Derris brevipes and Durio zibenthinus”, Rs 8.36 lakhs Projects proposal submitted
16. Targeting of anticancer drugs to solid tumors using thermally -responsive polymers and
Science and Engineering and research Council (SERC)
Rs. 35.66 lakhs.
17. Evaluation of Chemo preventive and Chemo protective Potential of certain Dietary
(Life Science and Research Council of DRDO)
A patent has been filed for the following work
1.Dr.M JN.Chandrasekar - Process for isolation of bergenin from Caesalpinia digyna
2. M r.B.R. Prashantha Kumar – Thiazolidine derivatives and process thereoff Indian patent,
published in the official gazette of Government of India- 2008.
Cannabis Substitution: An Adjunctive Therapeutic Tool in the Treatment of Alcoholism BY TOD H. MIKURIYA, M.D. The physical and psychosocial effects of alcoholism arevaried in kind and amount, depending on each individualof pharmacologic effect of alcohol with the psychosocialaspects of the user. Tamarin and Mendelssohn vividly depictthe destructive effects of prolonged alcoh
Montgomery County Schools Health Services ANAPHYLAXIS/SEVERE ALLERGY/FOOD ALLERGY—Individualized Health Care Plan (IHP) Educational Goal: Student will maintain health and well being necessary for learning. Staff will work with student and parent/guardian in the prevention of episodes and will stress the importance of compliance with avoiding the specific allergen or allergens as prescribed by