Use of intravenous prednisolone in the treatment of adhesive capsulitis to improve the shoulder range of motion
Jundis undi ha s p ha ur Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products 2009; 4(1): 15-23 Journal na o l f Na N tu t ral a Phar a mac a e c utic t a ic l a Products t THE RAPID EFFECT OF INTRAVENOUS PREDNISOLONE TO IMPROVE THE SHOULDER RANGE OF MOTION IN PATIENTS WITH FROZEN SHOULDER Saeidian R1*, Hemmati A A2, Haghighi M H3
1Assistant professor in Physical medicine and rehabilitation, Golestan Hospital, Jundishapur University
2Associate professor in Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, Jundishapur University of Medical
3Lecturer in biostatistics, School of Health sciences, Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences,
Received: 30 December 2009 Accepted: 16 May 2010
Abstract Adhesive capsulitis is a disabling painful and often prolonged shoulder condition that requires careful clinical diagnosis and management. Patients recover usually, but they may never regain their full range of motion. In order to evaluate the beneficial effects of short-course IV Prednisolone in increasing shoulder range of motion, this comparative study was planned. Two age-sex matched groups of thirty patients suffered from idiopathic adhesive capsulitis for more than four months from the onset were collected. The extreme range of shoulder active motions at external rotation and abduction were measured and the mean values were calculated. Patients’ pain in external rotation was qualified via visual analog scale before and after the two weeks course of the treatment. The first group received oral Diclofenac (100mg/day), Omeprazole 20mg oral for two weeks associated with physiotherapy, but the second group received 500mg IV Prednisolone for three consecutive days at the beginning of the treatment in addition to the schedule for the first group. Data obtained from before and after the treatment showed that mean improvement in shoulders external rotation in the first group was 30.7 degrees, while it was 51.4 degrees for the second group, this difference was significant at p<0.001. Also, the mean value of shoulder abduction improvement for the first group was 34.1 degrees while it was 26.1 degrees for the second group. Patients from both groups reported a significant reduction in pain severity. It can be concluded that adding 500mg IV prednisolone for three consecutive days to the routine treatment may improve shoulder movements at shoulder external rotation and abduction which reduces disability caused by adhesive capsulitis. Key words: Shoulder motion, Frozen Shoulder, Prednisolone, Diclofenac. Introduction
presenting symptoms in patients who seek
difficulty in sleeping on the affected side
shoulder condition of insidious onset that
labeled "peri-arthritis" by Duplay (3).
Saeidian R / JJNPP 2009; 4(1):15-23
In 1945, Neviaser called the term adhesive
corticosteroid injection and arthrographic
Although still in use, adhesive capsulitis is
Manipulations under anesthesia or surgical
conservative treatments have failed (5, 6,
synovitis and capsular contracture, it is not
had little long-term advantage, but steroid
injections may improve the pain and range
that has a natural history of spontaneous
resolution, but it requires a management
pathway to prevent any remain limitations
On the other hand, frozen shoulder could
completely different from other shoulder
Corticosteroids not only exert a positive
leads to spontaneous resolution, this may
not be complete. Reeves in a prospective
such as frozen shoulder while NSAIDs are
not potent and reliable pain-alleviating
without functional disability, and 7% had
drugs enough to elevate patients' mood in
functional limitation (3). Shaffer et al.
the chronic inflammatory musculoskeletal
pain medications in their own right (11,
and stiffness, an average of seven years
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21).
There is no good consensus regarding the
significant role in the treatment of arthritic
amount of range of motion loss to define
conditions (6, 11, 12), only recently the
usage of IV Prednisolone for the treatment
abduction, and internal rotation are the
of frozen shoulder was reported in medical
literature (22). The present prospective
study by comparing the results of the two
contracture can be helpful in determining
methods of treatment, with and without IV
typically associated with an antero-inferior
shoulder range of motion in patients with
improve the outcome of this condition, a
Materials and Methods
Based on the time of referral, patients of
either sex were randomly divided into two
medications e.g. anti-inflammatory drugs
suffered from painful shoulder stiffness
adhesive capsulitis may be achieved using
The rapid effect of intravenous prednisolone
The ranges of shoulders external rotation
patients were evaluated to assure that they
differential and erythrocyte sedimentation
rate in order to exclude the inflammatory
positioned in pronation so that arms facing
processes. Plain shoulder radiography was
their feet. In this method shoulder ranges
performed to preclude any tumor or gross
of external and internal rotation varies
calcifications around the shoulder joint or
fracture. Other exclusion criteria in this
study were a history of diabetes mellitus,
duration of the patients΄ awareness of their
and pain was calculated and recorded. All
and end of the two weeks treatment plan.
patients' ranges of shoulders motion from
the beginning to the end of the treatment
considered as the final treatment efficacy.
measured while patients' arms were placed
at their sides with the palms toward the
20mg every twelve hours for two weeks to
prevent gastrointestinal tract ulceration
ultrasound for 10 minutes, followed by a
degrees abduction, and up to 10 degrees or
techniques and interferential therapy for
shoulders range of motions decreases (Fig.
Fig.1: Techniques of shoulder joint goniometric measurements.
A- Shoulder abduction; B- Shoulder external rotation
Saeidian R / JJNPP 2009; 4(1):15-23
Analog Scale using a 10cm baseline in the
years old and the mean age for the first
morning of starting and finishing days of
monitored for their blood pressure, blood
sugar and electrolytes, gastrointestinal
on hip and ankle motions to secure about
Only 26 patients remembered a history of
necrosis of bones during research period
significant physical trauma at the onset of
The results of the independent sample test
statistically matched and similar enough to
be compared or not. If so, the researchers
the first group was 77.6 ± 1.62 degrees
could compare the results in both groups.
after the treatment period while the range
of external rotation for the second group
shoulders range of motions in both groups.
11.86 ± 0.96 degrees after the treatment
degrees, while it was 51.4 degrees for the
second group. Statistically, the initial
patients were informed about the research
similar in both groups. And the result of
process and the drug side effects, and the
absolute improvement is much more in the
second group (p ≤ 0.001) (fig 1 & table 1).
but they did not know on which treatment
the first group was 78.8 ± 1.61 degrees
sure that they are under close medical and
and for the second group was 66.93 ± 3.02
medical staff during research period. Even
they could refer to the researchers because
degrees more at the beginning. After the
to the research after this period. All the
abduction reached to 44.7 ± 2.5 while for
evidences of bone pain or limitation of hip
4.56 degrees. On the other hand the mean
the research. It was expected that the two
for the first group was 34.1 degrees while
it was 26.1 degrees for the second group.
But the results of independent sample test
statistically comparable (fig 1 & table 2).
The rapid effect of intravenous prednisolone
Patients from both groups were satisfied
Fig 2: Representative photographs from patient with frozen shoulder A: before treatment that patient
was not able to bring his hand behind his head, B: after treatment.
Table 1: Means and Standard Errors of the range of active assistive shoulder external rotation (degrees)
*Indicates significant difference with group I (p<0.001).
Table 2: Means and Standard Errors of the range of active assistive shoulder abduction (degrees)
Saeidian R / JJNPP 2009; 4(1):15-23 Discussion
been the major patients' complains which
drive them to the medical centers. ''Frozen
shoulder '' was first described by Codman
osteoporoses and other complications (2,
Because of their potent analgesia steroids
movement in the presence of normal plain
are used in the treatment of radiculopthies,
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type ΙΙ
and other neuropathic pain conditions (19,
capsule seen during open surgeries of the
20). Because of strong anti-inflammatory
adhesive capsulitis ' . Its natural clinical
corticosteroids have been shown in certain
course includes an insidious initial painful
associated with the gradual loss of joint
(21, 22, 23). Also they have been used for
the treatment of frozen shoulder (5, 8, 24,
25). Recent studies suggest by including
treatment schedule of adhesive capsulitis
percent of patients have persisting severe
one can get significant short term benefit
improving shoulder range of motion(5, 6,
12, 16). Some researchers suggested that
corticosteroid injections (5, 6, 7, 15).
steroids or injections into the subacromial
still remain the main problems of patients
shoulder by analgesics-oral steroids and
During the initial painful freezing stages,
shortening of disease natural history (2, 8,
treatment should be directed to relieve the
26, 27). Another study which was done by
pain. Because the pain keep them to limit
all activities require their shoulder motion
activity, it has been a tradition to give
patients the NSAIDs, if they tolerate them.
Because of the potential corticosteroids
other analgesics. However, there are not
side effects, it is important to evaluate the
enough randomized controlled trials that
patient's general conditions, the severity of
benefits that a patient may gain. Also it is
The use of adreno-corticiods has provided
a great relief for patients with rheumatoid
necessary in the smallest possible dose for
reducing the production of cytokines and
induce anti-inflammatory effects. But they
effect of exercise within the limits of pain
The rapid effect of intravenous prednisolone
with intensive physiotherapy in patients
1. Dias R, Cutts S, Massoud S. Frozen
results with exercise performed within the
intra-articular gleno-humeral joint which
may reduce the synovitis(24). De Jong et
steroid injection is dose-dependent. Those
limited benefit, but that a single steroid
5. Harrast M, Rao A. The stiff shoulder.
In a randomized placebo controlled trial,
Carette et al. compared the effectiveness
treatment of frozen shoulder such as: 1)
articular steroid injection given under X-
combination and 4) a fourth placebo group
physiotherapy has a limited benefit when
The results of this study indicates that
consecutive days to its routine treatment
10. Kivi J, Pohjolainent T. Manipulation
adhesive capsulitis. Although the thawing
of shoulder motion limitation could be due
corticosteroids, their analgesic effect may
effective range of motion exercises. Thus
another question may rise, whether pain or
shoulder in different conditions? Because
of this, another research to compare these
(frozen shoulder or stiff painful shoulder): a randomized, double blind,
Saeidian R / JJNPP 2009; 4(1):15-23
lupus)patients. Lupus.2005;
17. Nicholas JJ. Rehabilitation of Patients
Tokyo: Saunders; 1996:1003-1026. The rapid effect of intravenous prednisolone
course, pulse prednisolone in managing frozen shoulder2007;21(1): 27-30.
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