Hutt city council report

11 November 2009
Strategy and Policy Committee
28 October 2009
Report no: S&P2009/6/5
Draft Hutt City Community Arts and Culture
Policy 2010-2012
Purpose of Report
The purpose of the report is to seek the Strategy and Policy Committee’s approval to issue a Draft Community Arts and Culture Policy 2010-2012 for consultation. Recommendations
approves the Draft Community Arts and Culture Policy and the Funding Scheme (attached as Appendix One) for consultation subject to any amendments sought by the Committee; and notes that a Final policy will be presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee meeting in early 2010. Background
The development of the Draft Community Arts and Culture Policy 2010-2012 (‘Draft Policy’ from here onwards) is Hutt City Council’s response to provide direction and vision to our City’s community arts and culture. Council has a process of updating policies on a regular basis – the last Arts and Culture Policy was done in 2005. This Draft Policy specifically addresses the gaps in the area of community arts and culture. The scope excludes policies for Hutt City’s museums and libraries. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Strategy and Policy\2009\C6-11-11\Drft HC Comm Arts and Culture Policy 2010 2012 SP 11 Nov 09.doc 11 November 2009
A public workshop was held in September 2009 with Hutt City communities to discuss the needs for community arts and culture. An ‘arts and culture footprint assessment’ was done during the workshop to identify any existing community needs in the area of community arts and culture that have not been met. The workshop was also an opportunity to identify the effectiveness of the current Arts and Culture Policy. Artists, residents, businesses, art schools and art organisations attended the workshop. A public survey was done in August-September 2009 to gain a wider perspective on any existing needs and issues to do with community arts and culture. The survey closed on 16 September 2009. Officers propose to gain further feedback from the community through consultation on the Draft Policy in November-December 2009 with those dealing with/interested in community arts and culture. This report seeks approval for the release of the Draft Policy for consultation. Consequently, no alternatives have been presented. Financial Considerations
There is no financial consideration at this stage of the process. Consultation costs are budgeted for in current budget. Consultation
The Draft Policy engagement plan has the following key elements:  Direct engagement with art and community groups through email  Conduct several public forums in the suburbs of Lower Hutt at  Consultation is scheduled to start from 20 November to 21 J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Strategy and Policy\2009\C6-11-11\Drft HC Comm Arts and Culture Policy 2010 2012 SP 11 Nov 09.doc 11 November 2009
Legal Considerations
There are no legal considerations at this stage. Other Considerations
There are no other considerations at this stage. Appendices
Appendix One – Draft Community Arts and Culture Policy 2010-2012 Supporting Information
Strategic Fit/Strategic Outcome
This Draft Policy is aligned with the current vision for Hutt City as ‘a great place
to live, work and play
’. Community arts and culture has benefits that relate to well-
being, quality of life and sense of place.
LTCCP/Annual Plan Reference
This Draft Policy relates to the following LTCCP Outcomes:  Affordable access to community facilities that include arts, cultural and  A city that is friendly and welcoming where people experience a sense of  More celebration of tangata whenua and multiculturalism in the city  Encouraging community involvement and engagement with civic life Treaty of Waitangi Consideration
Local iwi were consulted with during the development of the Policy and their ideas and feedback are included in the attached Draft Policy. Iwi will continue to be consulted as we work towards a final version of the Policy. Decision Making
The decision sought does not reach any of the thresholds set out in Part 1 of the decision making checklist. The level of compliance required with the local Government Act 2002 decision making requirements is therefore lower and consequently it was not necessary to complete part 2 of the checklist. Consistency with Existing Policy
The Draft Policy is consistent with Hutt City Council’s overall strategies and policies. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Strategy and Policy\2009\C6-11-11\Drft HC Comm Arts and Culture Policy 2010 2012 SP 11 Nov 09.doc 11 November 2009

: Yasmin Lee
Senior Strategic Advisor, Strategic Development
Reviewed by: Wendy Moore
Manager, Strategic Development
Approved by: Kim Kelly
General Manager, Development Services
J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Strategy and Policy\2009\C6-11-11\Drft HC Comm Arts and Culture Policy 2010 2012 SP 11 Nov 09.doc


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