Microsoft word - strategic development forward work plan pc 6 december2010.doc

6 December 2010
Policy Committee
23 November 2010
Report no: PC2010/5/3
Strategic Development Forward Work Plan
Purpose of Report
The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee with a forward work plan for Strategic Development to 30 June 2011. Recommendations
It is recommended that the Committee: (i) notes the forward work plan for Strategic Development to 30 June 2011; notes that the Strategic Development team is currently smaller in terms of the number of policy advisors than it has been for some time and that this has reduced our capacity to undertake current work and respond to new work as it arises; and advises officers of any additional policy and/or strategy work that Council wants completed in the 2010/11 financial year. Background
At its meeting on 19 July 2010, the Finance and Audit Committee asked officers to develop a comprehensive policy work programme covering policy and strategy issues and report back to the appropriate committee at its first meeting of the new triennium. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010
It was agreed that this forward work plan would be presented in the new triennium. This report responds to that request. Discussion
The policy and strategy forward work plan is attached as Appendix I. In developing the work plan, officers considered: the organisational business plan developed by the Strategic Leadership Team (SLT); policies and strategies that will require review in the 2010/2011 financial year; and the Parliamentary calendar to assess which legislation, if any, Councillors and/or SLT may wish to make a submission on. Resource allocation

Councillors asked that the issue of resource allocation in Strategic Development be considered. The question is: can the team maintain the current and forward work programme with fewer resources? The Strategic Development team is currently smaller in terms of the number of policy advisors than it has been for some time. This has reduced the team’s capacity to respond to and undertake current work and will impact negatively on the work outlined in the forward work plan (see Appendix I). The Strategic Development Division currently has a total of six staff. These are: Corporate Planner – responsible for the LTP, Annual Plan and Annual Report two senior policy advisors and one junior policy advisor one senior strategic advisor – the focus of the strategic advisor’s work is the development of vision and strategy documents rather than policy development. In effect only three staff can be committed full time to policy work and one of these staff members is still in the developmental stage. We contract a research advisor who works one day per week. While there are no external measures available to compare service delivery between Councils, indicatively the work completed by the Strategic Development group is comparable to similar groups at Wellington and Porirua Councils. Porirua has seven full time staff involved in delivering policy, strategy and research services. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010
Wellington City Council employs 15 full time staff to deliver policy, strategy and research services.
Shared services with Upper Hutt City Council and / or other Councils

Councillors also asked for comment on whether the Strategic Development Division could share services with Upper Hutt City Council or other Councils. In theory Hutt City Council could contract with another Council to provide our Council with policy advice. Whether or not this is practicable would depend on:  different priorities and political imperatives – would Council be happy to take advice from what would be, in effect, another Council? What, if any, impact would this have on Councillors’ ability to be involved in the policy development process? the work programme of other Councils in the region – would they have the capacity to undertake the work? financial – would the cost of contracting the policy advice role be less than having an in-house resource that can undertake a number of different projects at the same time? efficiency – how would the work be overseen and peer reviewed. HCC staff would need to be involved in peer review. Councillors also asked whether there was a possibility of providing other Councils, for example Upper Hutt City Council (UHCC), with policy advice services. Currently UHCC does not have a separate strategy or policy group. This is feasible, however it would be dependent on: the Strategic Development division’s level of resource the ability and/or willingness of UHCC to pay different priorities and political imperatives – would another Council be happy to take advice from what would be, in effect, another Council? Consultation
General Managers and Divisional Managers provided information concerning policy and strategy work that they would require Strategic Development to complete or would require input from Strategic Development. Legal Considerations
J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010
Financial Considerations
Appendix 1: Strategic Development Forward Work Plan.
Supporting Information
Strategic Fit/Strategic Outcome

The Strategic Development Division is primarily responsible for the development of Council’s strategies and policies relevant to Council outcomes and objectives. LTCCP/Annual Plan Reference
Treaty of Waitangi Consideration
Decision Making
A significant decision is not required Consistency with Existing Policy

: Wendy Moore
Divisional Manager, Strategic Development
Reviewed by: Joyanne Stevens
Corporate Planner, Strategic Development
Approved by: Kim Kelly
General Manager, Development Services Group
J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010
APPENDIX 1: Forward work plan for Strategic Development 2010-2011

Organisational Business Priorities – SLT & Strategic Development Business Plan, LTP as at November 2010

Work Timeframe
completion Person
Manage the implementation of an organisational Research Framework 31 January 2011 And Monitoring Strategy to improve reporting on achievement of outcomes. Implementation of a project plan for the 2012-2022 LTP, including 2012 Joyanne Stevens, Corporate Planner (lead), Wendy reviewing the Community Outcomes, the Significance Policy, Revenue Moore, Kashmir Kaur, Policy Advisor, Dwayne and Financing Policy, Development and Financial Contributions Policy, and considering whether Council’s remaining financial policies need to be reviewed. Also development of a financial strategy that complies with the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Act, in the event that this is not developed in 2011 Local Community Plans – work with Community Boards and February 2012 Community Committees to update Local Community Plans for 2012 LTP Finalise Engagement Strategy - this includes e democracy and other February 2011 Manage the Representation Review process. This work will include March 2012 investigatory work on options to improve Maori representation on Council. Improving the implementation of projects with a focus on joint projects June 2011 with Community Development and how we work together Project prioritisation/financial strategy – working with Business Ongoing Wendy Moore, Dwayne Fletcher working with Allen services to prepare a report for SLT which explores other options for delivering on Council’s preferred financial strategy while at the same time delivering key strategic projects on time and within budget. This work will include investigating alternate sources of funding such as Private Public Partnerships and Tax Incremental Funding. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010

Work Timeframe
completion Person
Explore feasibility of portfolio approach for Council Wendy Moore – this work involves a high level look Prepare “State of the City” report for incoming Council Wendy Moore – this work involves a high level look Develop a process for completing submissions that ensures Councillors March 2011 are able to input into the process when and where appropriate Lifestyle Strategy – People and Places. We will play a key role in Draft – March/April 2011 Yasmin Lee, Senior Strategic Advisor (lead), and developing and writing the Strategy with cross-organisation input Final - June 2011 being a key focus Development of a strategic hierarchy for Council strategies and policies April 2011 together with a monitoring and reporting framework to assess and report on progress/achievement. Complete a Whole City Vision which provides a coherent vision for the Draft –April 2011 whole City that is founded on Council’s vision statement and draws Final - June 2011 together existing vision documents and Local Community Plans Assist with the implementation of the policy part of the Community Ongoing Yasmin Lee (lead) working with Community Arts and Culture Policy alongside the Policy Steering Group Social Return on Investment project. This project includes the March 2011 Dwayne Fletcher (lead), Elke Knobl (part time Evaluation of the Naenae Computer Clubhouse (which is a secondment from Museums until end of November requirement of the Department of Internal Affairs which is providing the funding) and Council investment in arts and culture for return on investment. This work will result in a methodology that can be applied to social investment by Council across Divisions and provide an approach to assessing levels of expenditure and return on that expenditure. Making Places CBD – Stepping Stones. Assist as required and Ongoing appropriate Hutt Valley Governance Group – Future Employment project which Ongoing Graham Sewell, Senior Policy Advisor – this is a focuses on developing a science/research/health based work force for cross agency project and also involves the private the future. This is a joint project led by Mayors Wallace and Guppy. Best practice on how to handle consideration of individual submissions Part of LTP work - ongoing Joyanne Stevens/Wendy Moore during the Annual Plan/LTP. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010
Timeframe for completion Person responsible
Community Development Framework – work with Community January 2011 Development to develop a Community Development Framework that will:  renew the vision for HCC’s Community Development confirm Council’s approach to working alongside communities to build capacity and capability  identify priorities for Community Development over the We have worked closely with community groups, Community Boards and Committees and Council on this to ensure the proposed approach reflects needs and resolves concerns. Ageing Together Graham Sewell is working on the development of a strategic plan for the Ageing Together and Safer Hutt Valley work. The operational side is delivered by Community Development. Dwayne Fletcher is working with the Environmental Sustainability and Infrastructure teams on the Waste Minimisation Plan. This is a legal requirement under section 43 of the Waste Minimisation Act. Kashmir Kaur is working on the Disability strategy. The Disability Advisory Group is included in this work. HCC partners with UHCC and DHB to support the DAG which in turn provides advice regarding the possible impacts of policy decisions on the disabled in the community. Also involved with the “No Exceptions” central government policy. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010
Timeframe for completion Person responsible
Graham Sewell has overall responsibility for the Hutt Valley Governance Group. The Group’s purpose is to lead an inter-sectoral strategy that brings agency commitments and resources together to enhance the well-being of the Hutt Valley. The following policies and strategies need to be reviewed in the next 12 months. Strategic Development will be working with other teams as Sale of Liquor Policy and Local Alcohol Plan J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010

Central government legislation that Council may have an interest in making a submission on

Work Timeframe
Burial and Cremation Act Review by the Law Commission:
Part of this review includes regulatory efficiency and the interface and
overlap between the Act and other legislation including the Local
Government Act, the Resource Management Act and the Health Act.
Also being considered is whether the control and regulation of burials
and cremations could be devolved to local authorities.
Dog Control Amendment Bill
This Bill changes the approach local authorities must take when
classifying a dog as dangerous.
Food Bill
The Bill’s objective is to implement a regulatory (and non-regulatory)
regime to more effectively provide an efficient, effective and risk based
food regulation that manages food safety issues while meeting the
Government’s objective of improving business certainty and reducing
or maintaining compliance costs. The key issue is around
implementation in that some of the policy concerning implementation
has not yet been confirmed.
Rugby World Cup 2011 (Empowering) Bill
This bill provides for expedient consent and regulatory approvals for temporary Rugby World Cup 2011 related activities and facilities. There are potential implications for local authorities in that the Bill requires them to provide staff to assist with processing applications for temporary buildings and liquor licences required for the Rugby World Cup 2011. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010

Work Timeframe
Gambling (Gambling Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill
This Bill is a Private Members Bill and was drawn from the ballot. The Bill seeks to overcome these inequities of harm in the location and The distribution of funds back in to the Lower Hutt
excessive numbers of pokies by enabling local authorities, in community was a key point in Council’s
consultation with their communities, to reduce the number of, or even discussions during the recent development and
eliminate, pokies from those suburbs and towns where they are approval of Council’s gambling policy.
particularly concentrated or doing particular harm.
It also changes the responsibility for distributing pokie funds to
provide an informed and democratically accountable distribution
method, and to end the inefficiencies, lack of transparency, risks of
unethical behaviour, and failure to appreciate and respond to the
greatest needs of particular geographical and ethnic communities in
the distribution of the ‘community benefit’ funds from pokies.

Infrastructure Bill

The aim of this Bill is to amend eight Acts and repeal one Act to facilitate infrastructure development by removing unnecessary barriers and improving the consistency of regulatory arrangements. The development of infrastructure is central to lifting New Zealand’s national productivity and improving New Zealand’s future economic growth. Improving the consistency of regulatory arrangements for infrastructure development, streamlining governance arrangements, and removing regulatory barriers all contribute to improving the timeliness of infrastructure provision and reducing the cost of infrastructure development. The Bill includes water and wastewater infrastructure, a local authority as defined in Section 5 of the LGA. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010

Work Timeframe
Sale and Supply of Liquor and Liquor Enforcement Bill 2008 (see December 2010 – this could Graham Sewell
also Sale of Liquor Policy)
The aim of the Bill is to amend the Sale of Liquor Act 1989, the World Cup Summary Offences Act 1991, and the Land Transport Act 1998. The Bill provides for TAs using consultative procedures under LGA, to adopt, Final date for submission 1 amend, or revoke a plan relating to the sale or consumption of alcohol February 2012 within its district, or any part or parts of its district to be called "a local alcohol plan" which can cover any or all of the following matters (in relation to outlets for the sale of liquor generally, outlets for the sale of liquor holding a licence of any particular kind, or both):  the hours during which liquor may be sold;  where outlets may be located;  a maximum density for outlets;  a minimum distance outlets must be from particular community premises or community premises of any particular kind;  responsible business practices and event management;  information to be submitted with applications for the granting or  the submission of social impact reports with applications for the  the matters to be contained in social impact reports;  the persons by whom social impact reports are to be prepared;  conditions that are to be or may be imposed on licences;  criteria to be used in assessing applications for the granting or  a policy on how any criteria or conditions in the plan are to be applied to applications for the granting or renewal of licences and which may include a statement of circumstances in which applications for licences are to be granted or refused. J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC 6 December 2010

Work Timeframe
Other ongoing work
Strategic Development will also continue to provide the following ongoing services:  Policy and strategic advice on request from SLT and Council  Regional Land Transport Committee - advice to the Mayor  Policy advice on bylaws  Strategic and policy advice on request from other Divisions  Attendance at Wellington Regional Social Development Forum  Hutt Valley Governance Group – co-managed with UHCC  Attendance at Senior Social Sector Forum  Economic and cost benefit analysis J:\Secretariat Services\Meetings\Committees\Policy Committee\2010\C5-12-06\Strategic development forward work plan PC 6 December2010.DOC


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