Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.

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The following information is for education only and is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat illness. It is valuable to seek the advice of an alternative health care professional
Healing is possible! Vibrant health is our God-given right, and our responsibility. I have
learned there are 3 keys to health and I spend much of my time offering what I’ve
learned in hopes that it will inspire people to a happier, pain-free life.
My name is Matt Monarch, Raw Food Educator and Author of the book Raw Spirit. For
the last 6 years I have been on a 100% Raw Food diet. I have appeared as a key speaker
at events including The Raw Spirit Festival and The Oneness Expo, and I was featured in
a Raw Food TV Spot that aired over 5 times on Al Gores new TV Network, Current TV.
Over the past year I spent much of my time touring the country, presenting well over
200 Raw Food Lectures. As 5-year owner of The Raw Food World and Living
Nutritionals, I am well versed in people’s needs and concerns about health.
Many people ask me, “How do I become Raw?” First off, you don’t need to be 100%
Raw to be healthy.
You can be very healthy on an intermediate transition diet without
taking it to such an extreme as I have with the 100% Raw Food Diet. I know how
difficult it is. I am doing it!
So…How does one begin the journey to better health? There are a lot of diets out on
the market today. I am sure you have heard about a few such as the Zone Diet,
Macrobiotics Diet, South Beach Diet, Maker’s Diet and others. Now I don’t like to
discount any of these programs because they all produce positive results. I have
personally witnessed people lose weight and heal from degenerative diseases after
adopting these diet plans. There is one common denominator that explains why these
programs succeed: they all require people to leave out certain foods from their diets
without cheating! Foods like refined sugar and processed starches are completely
omitted. Because of this, a person’s health improves considerably. The reason the 100%
Raw Food Diet is the greatest diet in the world is because you leave out everything that
could make you ill and only keep in the best of foods
It is critically important to understand that what you leave out of your diet completely
without cheating is the way to ultimate health. What you don’t eat is actually more
important than what you do eat. I don’t care if you eat Raw Foods until you are blue
in the face.
You are not going to fully heal unless you eliminate the cause, which means
omitting certain foods from your diet. I like to break foods down into the following five
™ Animal Protein ™ Dairy ™ Refined Sugar – Cake, Cookies, Candy, Bakery items ™ Processed Starches – Bread, Pasta, Cereal ™ Raw Vegan Foods – Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Seeds, and Sprouts If what we leave out of our diet completely without cheating is the way to ultimate
health, then it makes sense to first eliminate the food groups that are most damaging to
the body. The two most damaging food groups are the refined sugars and processed
THAT IS THE SECRET! That is what all those other diets do. Their plans
require that you leave out the refined sugars and processed starches without cheating! If
you can do that alone, you are on your way to ultimate health. You can do that and live a
very healthy life. I also recommend staying away from red meat and cow’s dairy
products. Those are not good at all.
I work with Dr. Fred Bisci who has been on a 100% Raw Food Diet for over 40 years.
He has a full-time Nutritional Practice and has helped thousands heal from deadly
degenerative diseases. He uses an Intermediate Healing Diet for those that don’t want
to go 100% Raw
. Many of the foods people enjoy are on this diet plan, including some
tasty substitutes that offer a healthier option. He suggests Tinkyada Pasta, which is wheat
and gluten free pasta, now available at most health food stores. Other foods to enjoy are
brown rice, beans, baked potato, soy milk, whole grains, and sprouted grain bread.
There are certain rules in this diet, such as not mixing animal protein with starches and
only eating 4-6 ounces of animal protein every other day. As long as you only eat the
foods that are on this diet and nothing else, you can live to a very old, healthy age.
knew a woman that tried this diet and healed herself from a degenerative disease. She
said that her arthritis went away after only two weeks. Fred gave permission for his
Intermediate Healing Diet to be printed in my book Raw Spirit, available at If you want to take this Intermediate Healing Diet to the next level,
you can eliminate starches, such as Tinkyada Pasta and Brown Rice. If you are already
100% Raw, you do not need to follow this transitional diet. It would be going backwards.
Many people I meet at my lectures tell me they are 70%, 80%, 90% Raw; this doesn’t
mean much to me. They can eat 70% Raw, while the other 30% of the time they are
eating pizza, soda, candy and cake.
Now don’t get me wrong. If you eat more Raw
Foods, chances are your health will improve. But you are not going to do as nearly good
as you could if you left certain foods out of your diet completely without cheating. When
you leave these certain foods out completely without cheating, this is when your body
transforms, this is when your chemistry evolves, this is when your body becomes a more
This is physical! Spiritual energy is something you can actually feel. My book Raw
details the spiritual experiences I had when I became 100% Raw. Ever since then
my journey has just become richer.
Now let’s talk about that second half of the phrase, WITHOUT CHEATING. If you
cheat, even if it is only every once in awhile, you don’t give your body the freedom to
take its healing to the next level.
Let’s use an example of someone addicted to crack,
who uses it every day. Let’s say they quit completely, except once every two weeks.
They will never detox the drugs at a cellular level. Why?
The following explanation applies to detoxing anything from drugs, caffeine and
nicotine, to processed sugars, wheat and dairy. Our cells are filled with waste from all
the years of poor eating and they have expanded and grown to accommodate this waste.
A certain amount of detoxification always takes place immediately as soon as the
quantity of drug or food is reduced. However, the body holds onto the toxins stored at
a deep cellular level until the source of that particular toxin is stopped completely.

To experience the next level of health, these buried poisons must be released. When you
actually eliminate the drugs or foods completely, the toxins will leave your cells and now
your body will have the freedom and the strength to take its healing to the next level.
Once given this permission, the body will move toward even more perfection, and start to
eliminate other toxins stored in various places throughout the body, making you cleaner
and more sensitive. If you try to go backward, your now healthier, more refined
system will not tolerate what it used to with the same silence.
As you become cleaner
your body will say, okay, you can't eat that food now without getting a runny nose,
fatigue, headache, belly ache, and so on. If you stay consistent, the body will continue to
detoxify and you will continue to feel better and better. Once the cells take their healing
to the next level, you may find foods that never gave you a problem in the past are now
unworthy to enter your cleaner system.
Perhaps you are one of those rare individuals who will go to the next level of health by
leaving certain foods out of your diet completely without cheating. More than likely
you will experience the Famous Detox.
Our bodies are comprised of millions of cells.
These cells have been forced to inflate and expand in size to accommodate all the waste
stored in our bodies from years of poor eating. The waste is stored as gaseous carbonic
acid. Once the harmful foods have been eliminated completely from your diet, the body
doesn’t have to work on those processed ingredients anymore and immediately starts
improving your cellular chemistry. Your oversized cells contract, shrink, and they
begin to pour out that gaseous waste.
This “outpour” detox can be very uncomfortable.
People get sick, feel ill or moody, and go through intense cravings for foods they used to
eat. Usually we blame the diet, become convinced it’s not working and start suspecting
it could even be dangerous, and then we either quit or cheat.
I have found the best way to keep up with all this waste being eliminated is something
called Colon Hydrotherapy or Colonics. The colon is the central waste station of the
human organism.
All the waste comes here, including residue from the foods we eat,
environmental toxins, chemicals and drugs. Even if you have bowel movements three
times a day, on a cellular level most of us are clogged up like a stopped sink
. A filthy
colon is where all disease begins. I recommend everyone do a series of colonics when
they start to detox after an improved diet.
There have been many cases of big-bellied people eating a Standard American Diet for
many decades. Some tried the 100% Raw Food diet. At first, the results are fantastic.
They lose 50 pounds and have incredible energy. As time goes by and the detox goes
deeper, these same individuals lose energy, don’t feel well, get a runny nose, and their
face starts to look older. They are bathing in their waste, even if the bowels are emptying
three times a day. They need colon hydrotherapy to keep up with all that is being
excreted by the cells. If they are not able to do colon hydrotherapy, I would highly
suggest they get off the CLEANSING 100% Raw Food diet.
Colonics remove the solid waste from our colon, but that is not the main objective. Many
colon machines have a viewing window where you can look at what is coming out of
your colon during the session. In addition to solid waste, you can also see many tiny
bubbles leaving the body. The bubbles are that carbonic acid gaseous waste! That is
what we are most interested in getting rid of. There have been many examples of
people’s rings falling off their fingers during a colonic. Why does this happen? Our
fingers are comprised of thousands of cells. That solid matter, our finger, is a puzzle
piece of cells. Remember, our cells have expanded and become bigger to accommodate
that carbonic acid gaseous waste. When these clogged people did a colonic, they
“unclogged the sink” and that gaseous waste was free to leave their cells.
release of carbonic acid allowed the cells to shrink and become smaller, which shrunk
their fingers, causing the rings to fall off. They deflated! You can sometimes see when
people are kind of inflated and need to get this done. If a series of Colonics is not
possible at this time, a good alternative is a Colema Board®, a less expensive at-home
colon hydrotherapy system, which you can read about on our website,

Dr. Fred Bisci, Dr. Norman Walker, The Ann Wigmore Institute, Hippocrates Health
Institute, Creative Health Institute, and many other reputable individuals and
organizations for health all strive to help people heal. They use these principles that I
have just shared with you. Each makes sure to offer three things: diet plans that eliminate
certain foods completely without cheating, they administer colonics to everyone, and they
also give everyone Green Vegetable juices.
Juicing is not the same thing as blending. Juicing is when you use a juicer to extract
the juice from the fiber and pulp of green veggies such as romaine spinach, lettuce, kale,
parsley, and dandelion. All the fiber is discarded and you are left with Vitamin &
Mineral Rich liquid. This is the best way to get vitamins and minerals in their most
absorbable form. Your body just loves it, especially the Green Juices. Green Juices are
actually a beauty secret.
I can tell when someone juices greens. Their skin is shiny,
glowing and beautiful. Doing colonics and drinking Green Juices is the ultimate beauty
In addition to getting vitamins and minerals in their most absorbable form, the juices also
act as very powerful alkalizers. Green juices lower your pH from a more Acidic to a
more Alkaline state.
For those eating animal protein, I recommend drinking a veggie
juice before the meal. Foods are synergistic, meaning they can balance each other out.
Veggie juice will counteract the acidic animal protein and put the body back in balance.
All veggie juice alkalizes your system and gives you nutrients. However, some juicers
produce a liquid with higher nutrient quality than others. The best juicer for the most
nutritious veggie greens, that promotes health, beauty and longevity is the twin gear
juicers (Green Star Juicer). They are a bit more expensive than some of the other juicers
out there. To see all the different types of juicers we offer and the benefits of each, you
can go to:

If you do three things – eliminate certain foods from your diet completely, colon
hydrotherapy/colonics, and juicing – your body will respond immediately and you will
notice. It is not an easy process emotionally or socially. I recommend taking it one food
group at a time. The goal is to get rid of those refined sugars, processed starches, red
meat, and cow’s milk products, and don’t overdo the animal protein or other processed
foods. On a good intermediate diet, you can be very healthy. You can also take it to the
next level. There is no rush. You can eliminate one food group at a time, taking
months or years for each group.
Make it as slow of a process as you need. Just don’t
cheat. I recommend getting Raw Spirit so you can view Dr.Bisci’s detailed Intermediate
Diet. Raw Spirit is available at
As a Raw Foodist, I eat very well. The few supplemental products I take have proven
themselves to be tremendously beneficial. I recommend them to everyone:
™ Freddie’s Blend Probiotics – The best probiotics I have ever seen. They need to ™ Dr. Fred Bisci’s Enzymes ™ Dr. Fred Bisci’s Green food ™ B12 by Hallelujah Acres
These products are all available at this link:

Your situation is not hopeless and you are not helpless. No one food supplement or
medication can solve anyone's medical problem, ever. The body has God given remedial
capabilities to heal itself, once you leave out the cause of disease. Diet is the key. What
you leave out of your diet completely is what heals you.
Supplements are a great
addition to a better diet.
1. How would you define Detoxification?

Detoxification can be defined as endogenous material (waste matter inside a cell)
leaving the cell and entering our blood stream,
eventually exiting the body via the
lungs, skin, kidneys, or large intestine. This release of stored toxins from the cell is
triggered when the intake of that harmful substance is stopped. For example, if a
drug addict eliminated cocaine, they would go through withdrawal, a definite symptom of
detoxification. The same holds true with our diets. If a cooked food eater completely
eliminates processed starches from their diet, they too will experience

2. What in your opinion happens to the human body if a person switches back–and-
forth, between cooked and raw foods? Could confusing the body like this be

It is critically important to understand the adaptation abilities of the body. The body
adapts to what we do.
If you were to ingest an entire tablespoon of arsenic, chances are
high that you would die. However, if you were to take a drop of arsenic once every three
days and very gradually over many months increase the dosage, after three years you
could likely survive that same tablespoon of arsenic. Building up your arsenic tolerance
is not the healthiest thing to do for long-term health, but the example illustrates the
amazing adaptive response of our bodies.
Not far removed from the arsenic example, is what most of us have been doing all our
lives. Imagine feeding a newborn baby a Quarter Pounder with cheese. Your insides
may shout in protest to the idea – “No, don’t you dare!” The results could be devastating,
similar perhaps to us consuming that tablespoon of arsenic. We see clearly the mistake it
would be to feed fast food to an infant. What we may not be so quick to realize is that
many children start their own version of fast food, being fed processed baby food
three times a day.
The constant runny nose warning is eventually silenced by repetition.
Years pass, more variety of cooked processed foods are added little by little, until
eventually they can tackle that juicy “aresenic” hamburger. Building up your tolerance to
“plastic food” is not the healthiest thing to do for long-term health, but you can do it –
you did it.
As a 100% Raw Food eater, you become pure and clean again, like a newborn. The
longer you are Raw, the more sensitive you become. Processed foods you ate before, are
no longer tolerated. I have been on a Raw diet for almost 7 years. I am convinced that
half a hamburger would put me in the hospital. If you were to give Dr. Fred Bisci,
40-year Raw Foodist, the same half hamburger, it could be fatal. Yet most people on
the planet could eat two hamburgers, slap their knee and say “Mmmmm”.

The first point to understand is: the longer you are Raw, the more committed and
careful you must be.
If a person has been 100% Raw for decades and is overtaken by a
Wild Kingdom urge to eat a greasy hamburger, the results could be tragic. Like tight
rope walking, the margin for error is significantly reduced the longer you are Raw.
Consistency is important. My intention is not to scare anyone away from choosing a Raw
Diet. If done responsibly, the benefits are in a word: miraculous.

3. When a person has become pure from the detoxification process, are they more
or more resilient to toxins in our “man made” environment?

One does not become completely pure. I would have to say someone becomes more pure
from the detoxification process. The cleaner we become, the more vulnerable we are
to toxins in our man made environment.
It is ironic that a body less vital and in a more
weakened condition can endure and live longer under adverse environmental conditions.
Please consider the following example:
In a clinical experiment, a group of scientists put Bird-A in a glass cage with no air
outlets. Breath by breath, the bird exhaled CO2, and the air in the cage became
increasingly more toxic. Because the process happened gradually, the bird was able to
adapt to the CO2 rich environment. Bird-A was removed from the glass cage. Bird-B
was placed in that same CO2 rich environment. Bird-B died in moments from shock.
Bird-B had no time to adapt like Bird-A, and the sudden extreme toxicity made it
impossible to sustain life.
Cooked food eaters are like Bird-A, having gradually built up tolerance to harmful
substances, and the 100% Raw Food eater is like Bird-B, pure as a newborn. Toxins
damage us (Bird-B), more than the cooked food eater (Bird-A). The way to protect
ourselves from toxins, is to Cleanse.
Even for the Raw Foodist, waste accumulates in
our cells and tissues from many sources: man made toxins, residue from food, adrenalin
from negative energies such as nervous tension, fear, and stress, and dead cells that have
served their purpose and been replaced. All this waste becomes very toxic if allowed to
ferment and putrefy in the intestines.
Neglecting internal cleansing can shorten life,
and make us suffer from cravings and low energy, the two main reasons many people fail
to adhere to the Raw diet. Colon Hydrotherapy is an invaluable tool for the 100%
Raw Food eater’s short-term and long-term success.

There is more to longevity and health than meets the eye. I wrote an entire book on the
subject, which is available for pre-orders at:
4. Can a person become too clean?

It depends on what a person is trying to accomplish. Often I’ve found that the reason
people want to refine their health is because the cleaner we are, the more our body
becomes in-tune and receptive to spiritual energy.
The amount of vibrational energy
being channeled through my Raw body now, compared to when I was a cooked food
eater, is astronomical. Mainstream thinkers believe my stories are crazy and people who
knew me before being Raw see me as a completely different person.
If a Raw Foodist eliminates certain concentrated foods such as nuts, or transitions to a
Fruitarian, Liquidarian or Breatharian lifestyle, they will become even more sensitive.
These extremes can affect their long-term success. At first they may be increasingly
strong and vital. However, in the long run they would not be able to endure and live as
long under the adverse environmental conditions facing our planet today. Some people
may prefer a highly spiritual life more so than a long life.
Even though I fervently
aim for both, I’ll never risk past the 100% Raw Vegan Stage. My book, Raw Success,
goes into great detail about why I’m so confident about how to achieve a long and
healthy life.
5. What is your favorite raw food? How often do you eat it?

I have many favorite raw foods. TOP Favorites…avocados and figs, also nuts and seeds
(in moderate quantities). I love drinking all sorts of vegetable juice combinations.
Mixing carrot juice with greens, especially spinach – it’s like my coffee, gotta have

When I travel, my Juicer goes with me. I drink a lot of fresh vegetable Juice. Lately I
heard rumor that fresh juices are not raw. Some Raw Vegans believe that juicing is
processing the “food” and is not an ideal raw food. What are your thoughts on this?
This is absurd. Many people cling to a philosophy even when it may negatively affect
their health.
Juicing is a necessity for long-term success on the 100% Raw Food diet. I
am continually seeing long-term Raw Vegans running into problems with
Recently I met up with an old friend who has been Raw for decades. Over
the years of our acquaintance he’s gotten an earful from me about the importance of
vegetable juice. Settled in a Raw routine, he and even his body resisted juicing. It had
been almost a year since we last connected. Something looked different about his
appearance, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. He confided that his tooth structure had
deteriorated to such an extent that he now had an entire set of false teeth!
A 100% Raw Food diet is deficient if not supplemented with vegetable juicing. Most
of the nutrients from the “solid” raw meals we eat are being used up as fuel for digestion.
After 2-5 hours of energy sucking digestion, very little nourishment remains for
regenerating our cells and tissues. When we drink Vegetable Juices, the situation is
entirely different. Vegetable Juice takes 10-15 minutes for complete absorption and does
not tax our digestive tract whatsoever. The entire amount of nourishment from juices can
be used for the regeneration of our tissues and cells. I recommend a minimum of two
16oz vegetable juices per day for long-term Raw success.

6. What is true hunger? How long does it take the average human to experience
true hunger after eating?

Hunger is generally defined as a strong desire or need for food. Detoxification begins
when there is an absence of food, and feelings of detox are often mistaken for hunger. If
you are consistently eating three times a day, you will experience “hunger” three times a
day. If you were to eat only twice, your body would go through withdrawal as it starts to
detox. People just assume this means they are hungry, and they eat. There are numerous
documented cases, and even more undocumented, of people fasting on only water for 30
days and beyond. Obviously, the feelings of hunger are not necessarily SOS signals for
food needed to sustain life. Hunger rarely means, “Eat NOW or Die!” I define hunger
as the regulator of detoxification.

7. Have you changed any of your eating habits since becoming a Raw Vegan? Like:
More of one thing, less of another?

If one truly adheres to a 100% Raw Vegan diet, they will evolve into needing less
and less food.
When I first started, I would eat three large avocados in one meal and a
few pounds of fruit. These days I only eat about one avocado per day, and rarely eat over
a pound of fruit ever. In the future, I can see these quantities reducing as well.

8. Tell us of one of the most interesting success stories that you have heard.

A man had AIDS. Through persistence and expert guidance on cleansing and the Raw
diet, the AIDS became undetectable in medical testing. Raw food is not a cure-all but I
have seen miracles take place.

9. What in your opinion is one of the largest, negative side affects of the raw food

The spiritual rewards far surpass any negative bits that one may experience. For
me, I was most annoyed with the confusion my body experienced from my overnight
transition to Raw foods. It took a while to balance out and settle into the new way of
eating. Patience and consistency are needed for this tremendous feat.
10. What are some of the problems us long-time Raw Vegans might face in the

As I mentioned before, long-term Raw Foodists often suffer from deficiency.
Additionally, some Raw Vegans take their diets too far which effects their long term
success. Furthermore, the 100% Raw Food Diet is a lot more cleansing then we think. It
is like going on a life long fast. The reason fasting is so cleansing is because you are
obstaining from all food. When you are on the 100% Raw Vegan Diet, you are
obstaining from all foods except Raw Foods. Internal cleansing is fundamental for long
term success.
It is crucial to have a deep understanding of the body if one is to be successful.
Everyone is dying at the same age! Raw food pioneers seem to be dying between the
ages of 80 and 95. If the raw diet is so great, we should be living decades longer than
the cooked food eater.
Dr. Norman Walker is the only pioneer I know of who lived
many years past the century mark. He was doing something right. My book, Raw
, coming out later this year, is based on this very concept.
11. Are you currently working on any new projects? Will you be speaking at any
retreats this summer?

My latest book is in the process of final editing and design. There is ground breaking
information here that could change how we relate to Raw Foods. I look forward to the
day I get to share it with others. Additionally, I am in my beginning weeks of a lecture
tour that spans the U.S.
Presently I have about 40 lectures scheduled. You can view
them by clicking “Events” at Additional lecture are continually
being added.
12. Tell us about your family. Wife? Kiddos?

I am currently unmarried, without kids. I live and run my businesses in Ojai, California.
Tell us a few stories about your childhood, the reaction that Mama had when you decided
to go raw, and the support that she gives now.
I have never met a human being on this planet that worries more then my mom.
When I was younger I refused to eat animal protein. I lived on peanut butter n’ jelly.
Funny foreshadowing. In a worried panic, my mom would beg me to eat meat. She
would heap on the peanut butter, hoping to get enough protein in me. My mom has
always been supportive and accepting. If I make it past her well-meaning whine, I’m
When I went on this crazy thing called a Raw Diet, of course she was concerned.
Stronger than her doubt is her belief in me – the support is always there, 100%. Over
the years she realized the truth about Raw, and dramatically improved her diet. My mom
has eliminated processed starches and refined sugars completely
, and in my family
that’s not easy. Every holiday dinner she stays strong and does not indulge in desert or
junky foods. It is so easy for her now that she doesn’t even crave that stuff. I am so
proud of my mom!


What makes weeds so successful

What Makes Weeds So Successful? Susan Donaldson, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Did you ever wonder why one plant is a weed, and another a valued flower? It’s all a matter of opinion, really. The common definition of a weed is that it is “a plant growing where it’s not wanted.” The worst weeds share some common characteristics, however, and we can agree on hating them.

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SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Safe production of farmed Atlantic salmon - Identification of vulnerabilities in Martinez, I.1; Sandberg, M.1, Westavik, H.1, Garforth, D.2 and Winkel, C.21 SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd, 7465-Trondheim, Norway; 2 IFQC SMART Group, Rivercourt Business Centre, Riverlane, Dundalk Co. Louth Ireland. [email protected] SigmaChain is an EU-financ

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