Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. P 1-800-645-1280 | F 1-800-479-2562
VELCADE Reimbursement Assistance Program
P 1-866-835-2233 P 1-888-327-7787 | F 1-888-773-0121 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Sanofi-Aventis
Eligard Reimbursement Hotline and Patient
P 1-800-277-2254
EPASS™ Exjade Patient Assistance Program
P 1-877-354-4273 | F 1-866-354-4273 P 1-888-903-7277 | F 1-888-891-4924
Hyalgan Reimbursement Hotline and Patient
P 1-866-925-2333 P 1-800-992-9022 | F 1-877-366-0584
Lovenox Reimbursement Services and Patient
P 1-877-408-4974 P 1-888-632-8607 | F 1-888-875-9951 P 1-866-972-8315
Multaq Reimbursement Services and Patient
Novartis Oncology Patient Assistance Program
P 1-866-884-5906 P 1-888-968-5827 | F 1-866-910-9024 P 1-800-277-2254 P 1-800-996-6626 | F 1-800-996-6627
Novartis Patient Assistance Program for Specialty
Rilutek Continuity and Patient Assistance Program
P 1-800-745-8835 | F 1-866-217-7178 P 1-800-277-2254
Sanofi-Aventis Patient Assistance Program
P 1-800-221-4025 | F 1-866-734-7372 P 1-800-833-0166 P 1-866-310-7551 | F 1-866-364-2016 P 1-877-862-4423 | F 1-866-899-8624 Sanofi Pasteur Novo Nordisk Inc.
Sanofi Pasteur Patient Assistance Program
Novo Nordisk Diabetes Patient Assistance
P 1-866-801-5655 | F 1-866-734-7371 Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc. P 1-866-310-7549 | F 1-866-441-4190 P 1-800-999-6673, x-336 P 1-866-668-6336 P 1-800-999-6673, x-457 Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. P 1-800-826-6993 Pfizer Inc P 1-800-830-9159 | F 1-800-497-0928 Together Rx Access™
Pfizer Helpful Answers® is a family of assistance
A free savings card. Participating companies
programs for the uninsured and underinsured who
need help getting Pfizer medicines. These
GlaxoSmithKline, members of the Johnson &
programs provide Pfizer medicines for free or at a
savings to patients who qualify. Some programs
also offer reimbursement support services for
P 1-800-444-4106 P 1-866-706-2400
Pfizer specialty product patient assistance
P 1-877-744-5675 | F 1-800-708-3430
Pfizer Bridge Program® (Endocrine care)
EMD Serono, Inc.
EGRIFTA™ AXIS Center™ Patient Assistance
P 1-800-222-6885 | F 1-866-898-1473
Abbott Patient Assistance Foundation (Humira)
P 1-877-714-2947 | F 1-866-823-9554 P 1-800-222-6885 | F 1-866-250-2803
MS LifeLines® Patient Assistance Programs
Abbott Patient Assistance Foundation (Lupron
P 1-877-447-3243 | F 1-866-227-3243
Saizen® Connections for Growth® Patient
P 1-866-441-4138 | F 1-866-884-5909
Abbott Patient Assistance Foundation (Virology
P 1-800-582-7989 | F 1-877-408-4288 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Serostim® AXIS Center™ Patient Assistance
P 1-800-222-6885 | F 1-866-483-1305
Bristol-Myers Squibb Destination Access (Erbitux®,
Abbott Patient Assistance Foundation (Androgel,
P 1-877-714-2947 | F 1-866-823-9554
Serono Compassionate Care (Fertility LifeLines™)
P 1-800-222-6855 or 1-800-256-8918 | F 1-800- P 1-800-861-0048 | F 1-888-776-2370 P 1-866-538-7879 Genzyme Corporation P 1-800-736-0003 | F 1-800-736-1611 P 1-800-745-4447, press 2 P 1-800-282-7752 | F 1-888-508-8083 GlaxoSmithKline P 1-888-SN-AMGEN (762-6436) | F 1-866-549- P 1-800-736-0003 | F 1-866-598-5561 P 1-866-728-4368
Bristol-Myers Squibb Access Virology Patient
Astellas Pharma US Inc. P 1-866-518-4357 | F 1-866-518-3994 P 1-888-281-8981 | F 1-888-281-8985 Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation, P 1-866-263-8483 | F 1-866-250-2145
Patient Assistance Program for Organ Transplant
P 1-800-477-6472 | F 1-866-317-6235 P 1-800-736-0003 | F 1-866-694-2545 P 1-800-652-6227 | F 1-888-526-5168 Lilly USA, LLC P 1-866-263-8483 | F 1-866-250-2145
Forteo Connect Patient Assistance Program
P 1-800-736-0003 | F 1-866-694-2545 P 1-866-436-7836 Bristol-Myers Squibb & Gilead Sciences P 1-800-847-6988 P 1-800-477-6472 | F 1-866-317-6235 P 1-866-290-4767 | F 1-866-290-4487 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP Celgene Corporation P 1-800-545-6962
AZ&Me™ Prescription Savings Programs
Lilly Medicare Answers Patient Assistance
P 1-800-AZandMe (292-6363) | F 1-800-961-8323 P 1-800-931-8691 | F 1-800-822-2496 Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. P 1-877-795-4559
Patient One Lilly Oncology Patient Assistance
P 1-877-393-9071 | F 1-877-229-1421 P 1-866-268-7327 | F 1-866-217-7171 Eisai Inc. P 1-866-472-8663 P 1-866-575-5002 | F 1-866-575-6568 Merck and Co., Inc. P 1-800-523-5870 | F 1-888-526-5168 P 1-877-836-5724 | F 1-877-744-5615 P 1-866-363-6379 | F 1-866-363-6389 P 1-800-226-2072 | F 1-800-226-2059 P 1-800-288-8374 | F 1-800-390-1826
Eisai Oncology Patient Assistance Program
P 1-800-727-5400 P 1-866-613-4724 | F 1-866-573-4724
The SUPPORT Program for Isentress™ and/or
P 1-866-322-4448 | F 1-866-639-5181 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. P 1-866-694-2550 | F 1-866-803-5631
Reimbursement Support and Patient Assistance
Boehringer Ingelheim Cares Foundation, Inc.
P 1-800-556-8317 | F 1-866-851-2827 P 1-800-850-3430 | F 1-866-410-1913
The new england journal of medicineor the Combination for Vestibular NeuritisMichael Strupp, M.D., Vera Carina Zingler, M.D., Viktor Arbusow, M.D., Daniel Niklas, Klaus Peter Maag, M.D., Ph.D., Marianne Dieterich, M.D., Sandra Bense, M.D., Diethilde Theil, D.V.M., Klaus Jahn, M.D., b a c k g r o u n d Vestibular neuritis is the second most common cause of peripheral vestibular vertigo.
HiMedia Laboratories Cetrimide Agar Base Cetrimide Agar Base is used for the selective e isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from clinical specimens. Composition** Ingredients **Formula adjusted, standardized to suit performance parameters Directions Suspend 46.7 grams in 1000 ml distilled water containing 10 ml glycerol. Heat, to boiling, to dissolve the medium completely. Steriliz