Curriculum tota inglese

Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology Via Santeramo 124 - 70021 – Acquaviva delle Fonti- Bari, Italy Education at University/Medical School Level Faculty of Medicine And Surgery 1972 University of Bologna , Italy : Medical Doctor 1977 Endocrinology Medical School of Bari: Endocrinologist 1986 Qualifyng examination as Head Physician of Endocrinology 1986 Qualifyng examination as Head Physician of Diabetology 1989 Qualifyng examination as Head Physician of Internal Medicine 2002 Certificate of Basic Competence In Clinical Research And Good Clinical Practice 1973 Assistant at the Clinic of Endocrinology, University of Bari. Italy 1977 Assistant at Medical Clinic, 1° University of Bari, Italy 1987 Responsible for the Chair of Endocrinology and Diabetology Contract Professor at C.N.R. for the Project of Preventive Medicine (sub-project A.T.S) contract n. 8202146.04 From 2003 Director of Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology Responsible for Multidisciplinary Center for the Cure of Obesity Coordinator of the Group for the Prevention, diagnose and cure of Diabetic Foot Consultant of Oncologic Center of Bari for the endocrine diseases Over 70 publications in the following fields : general medicine, endocrinology , diabetology and metabolism -N.Tota, A.Salcuni, N.Antonacci, A.Gasparre, M.Tancredi, S.Barile, L.Cassano, G.Abbatecola, R.Scardapane Effects Of Obesity On The Gh Levels: Relation To Sex
Hormones And Body Composition
XXII° Giornate Endocrinologiche Pisane- Pisa 21-23 Sttembre 1998
Journal Of Endocrinological Investigation Vol.21, Suppl. Al
N.7,1998: 29
-N.Tota, G.Abbatecola, E.Caroppo, A.Salcuni, N.Antonacci,
S.Barile, L.Cassano, G.Grasso, R.Milano, R.Scardapane
Significance of Low Plasma Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate
Levels In Incidentalomas
XXVIII° National Congress Of The Italian Society Of
Endocrinology- Torino, May 4-8, 1999 Journal Of
Endocrinological Investigation Vo.22, Suppl. To N.4, 1999: 54
-N.Tota, N.Antonacci, A.Salcuni, L.Cassano, G.Abbatecola,
S.Barile, E.Caroppo, R.Milano, R.Scardapane
Trattamento Insulinico Intensivo E Remissione Del Diabete
Mellito Tipo 1
XII° Congresso Nazionale Associazione Medici Diabetologi-
Cagliari Chia,Domus De Maria 26-29 Maggio 1999 : 933-935
L.Cassano, E.Caroppo, R.Milano, R.Scardapane
Glimepiride, Una Nuova Sulfanilurea: L’esperienza Del Nostro
XII° Congresso Nazionale Associazione Medici Diabetologi-
Cagliari Chia,Domus De Maria 26-29 Maggio 1999 :917-918
G.Abbatecola, R.Scardapane
Deficit Secretorio Di Gh Nelle Donne Obese:Relazioni Con I
Livelli Plasmatici Di Leptina, Insulina E Steroidi Sessuali
Siso-Uico “Obesita’ 2000” 3° Congresso Nazionale Siso –Bologna
4-8 Aprile 2000:121
-N.Tota, L. Cassano, L. Matera, M. Ognissanti, N. Antonacci, S.
Barile, R. Scardapane
Growth hormone therapy in adults winth GH deficiency: long
term metabolic effects
6° European Congress of Endocrinology- Lyon 2003-10-27
-N.Tota, L. Cassano, N. Antonacci L. Matera, M. Ognissanti, l:
Cassano, S. Barile, R. Scardapane
Insulin sensitivity in acromegalic patients after therapy
6° European Congress of Endocrinology- Lyon 2003-10-27
-N. Antonacci, S. Barile , L Mareta L. Cassano, M. Ognissanti , N.
Tota, R. Scardapane
L’obesità può anticipare la comparsa del diabete mellito tipo 2.
XIV° Congresso Nazionale AMD – Catania 2003


Qai201424 509.512

Optimal Versus Suboptimal Treatment for HIV-InfectedPregnant Women and HIV-Exposed Infants inLehman et al1 study in this issue of J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr uses a randomizedtrial design to compare the emergence of viral resistance in women receiving highly activeantiretroviral therapy (HAART) compared with zidovudine (ZDV) plus single-dosenevirapine (sdNVP) on the emergence of viral resista

Error in deploying cap ra

Asked by Hi Friends , I am tring to deploy CAP RA in mobicents. I am using following SS7 version. ss7-parent org.mobicents.protocols.ss7 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT and using following CAP RA version. org.mobicents.servers.jainslee.ss7 mobicents-slee-ss7 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT ./. In my mobicents plateform i am seing following error. org.mobicents.servers.jainslee.ss7 mobicents-slee-ss7 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT ./. 15:07:3

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