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Tabs will crush or disperse in water. Tabs have bitter taste and can be mixed with Tablets do not disperse readily in water but can be crushed and dispersed in 10mL of water prior to Tablets can be crushed and dispersed in water and then administer immediately as Tablets can be crushed and dispersed in water and then admister immediately as light B
Bendroflumethiazide_Liq Spec
Available as 500mg/5ml or 200mg/5ml oral solution. Chloral Hydrate is not recommended for routine prescribing. Consider alternative if clinically Tablets can be crushed or dispersed in water. Tablets do not disperse readily. May Tablets can be crushed or dispersed in water. The crushed tablets may have a Open capsule and mix orange juice to maintain Use licensed 0.1% preservative free unit doses as minims Dexamethasone Use GTN 0.4% ointment. Diltazem may be considered for patients unresponsive to nitrates in whom surgery would otherwise be £2,211.09 Crush and disperse in water. y 6.3.1, handbook of drug administration via enteral £2,877.06 special storage in fridge.
Frusemide is available as licensed sugar free oral solution 20mg/5ml, 40mgs/5ml or 50mg/5ml instead of 20mg/5ml and Open capsules and disperse in water and administer Disperse 80mg tablet in water and shake do not liquid called Grifulvin Vnon formulary, should not be Use licensed product. Available as1mg/1ml or 2mg/ml liquid instead of the 0.25mg/5ml, 1mg/5ml, Dozic oral1mg/ml cost £6.86/100ml or Haldol sf 2mg/ml £4.72/100ml or use transdermal patch where clinically appropriate. Use licensed 0.3% preservative free unit dose consider suppositoryConsider GTN patch if clinically appropriate or use isosor. Mono (APS brand) 10,20 or 40mgs- disperse in Yes. In larger 8fr 1.3.5, tubes (for handbook small Yes. In larger 8fr tubes (for 1.3.5, small Yes. In larger 8fr 1.3.5, tubes (for handbook small Tabs 25,50 and 100mcg can be crushed and dispersed in Tabs 25,50 and 100mcg can be crushed and dispersed in Tablets can be crushed and mixed with water. Tablets can also be administered use alternative Melatonin MR(Circadin) (£10.77/21 see aboveConsider prescribing metformin sugar free oral powder 500mg or 1000mg 50mg and 100mg tablets not MR can be crushed and mixed with water or alternatively use atenolol syrup 25mg/5ml licensed use suspension (licensed product) Norsal (rosement) 200mg/5ml. Viscous suspension. Mix with equal quantity of water to reduce Non EC tabs crush and disperse in water. Alternatively consider changing to Diclfofenac dispersible. If clinically appropraite(not suitable for long term use- more than 3 Nice guidance cg20 for epilepsy rectal diazepam is safe and effective for prolonged seizures and is recommended in majority of cases. For individuals where buccal midazolam is acceptable it should be used according to an agreed protocol drawn up by the Change to licensed lansoprazol oro-dispersable tablets which can dissolve on the tongue ror can be dispersed in water, most cost effective option alternatively omeprazole is available as MUPS tablets( non formulary) This can be dispersed in 10mls of water and mixed with a small amount of acidic fruit juice apple orange or pineapple or mixed in apple sauce or 4mg tablets disperse in water. space feeding by one is available as a licensed sugar-free 5mg/5ml, 10mg/5ml and 50mg/5ml oral solution instead of the 10mg/5ml, 40mg/5ml and Tablets can be crushed and added to soft food like Capsule can be opened and emptied directly onto the mouth, onto bread or mixed with apple juice or apple sauce. Tablets can be Tablets can be crushed and mixed with food. They may have a bitter taste and a anaesthetic action on the tongue. Patients should be advised to take care with hot food and drink after administration. Consider switching to another £2,817.79 alternative e.g. Fluoxetine.
Capsules can opened and the contents can be mixed Spironolactone tablets 25, 50, 100mgs can be crushed use l licenced sprinkle capsules which can be opened and the contents sprinkled on food or mixed 75mg tablets can be dispersed in water, however the resulting dispersion contains some large

Source: http://www.elic.org.uk/uploads/City/Specials.pdf

Dietary considerations in coumadin® patients

Dietary Considerations in Coumadin® Patients Coumadin® (generic name “warfarin”) acts by impairing the function of Vitamin K. Dietary intake of Vitamin K will counteract the medicinal purpose of Coumadin® Intake of large amounts of Vitamin K can diminish the effect of Coumadin®, permitting the blood to clot. Likewise, if you eat too little vitamin K, it may cause your blood to become t

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