Microsoft word - drug plate.doc

YES-HU plate
Preparation of HU (Hydroxyurea) Stock Solution; 1 M

Hydroxyurea … MW: 76.05 @ 4 C
Dissolve 0.76 g in 10 ml water. Aliquot in 1.5 ml tubes. Keep –20 C.
Preparation of YES-HU plates
Make 1 L of YES with 20g agar in a 2 L plastic flask with a big stir bar. Autoclave 45
min. Stir slowly until it gets cool enough to add the drug, like you can touch it with bare
hands (~60˚C). Add HU Stock Solution and mix thoroughly. Then pour into Petri dishes
before it starts solidify. 1 L makes 2 sleeves (40) of plates. Let plates dry for 2 days, put
them back in sleeves and store at 4˚C room. The drug in plate last for a year.
2 mM HU plate: 2.0 ml / 1 L
5 mM HU plate: 5.0 ml / 1 L

YES-CPT plate
Preparation of CPT (Camptothecin) Stock Solution; 10 mM
Camptothecin … MW: 348.36 @ 4 C
Dissolve 34.8 mg CPT in 10 ml DMSO. Aliquot in 1.5 ml tubes. Keep –20 C.
Preparation of YES-CPT plates
Make 1 L of YES with 20g agar in a 2 L plastic flask with a big stir bar. Autoclave 45
min. Stir slowly until it gets cool enough to add the drug, like you can touch it with bare
hands (~60˚C). Add CPT Stock Solution and mix thoroughly. Then pour into Petri dishes
before it starts solidify. 1 L makes 2 sleeves (40) of plates. Let plates dry for 2 days, put
them back in sleeves and store at 4˚C room. The drug in plate last for a year.
2 µM CPT plate: 0.2 ml / 1 L
5 µM CPT plate: 0.5 ml / 1 L

YES-G418 plate
Preparation of G418 Stock Solution; 50 mg/ml
Geneticin concentration… 733 µg/mg (Check the label. Each lot is different.)
Dissolve 2.046 g into 30 ml of 1M Tris-HCl (pH8.0), and filtrate with a 0.22 µm disk
filter on a 50 ml syringe.
Preparation of YES-G418 plate
Make 1 L of YES with 20g agar in a 2 L plastic flask with a big stir bar. Autoclave 45
min. Stir slowly until it gets cool enough to add the drug, like you can touch it with bare
hands (~60˚C). Add 3 ml G418 Stock Solution and mix thoroughly. Then pour into Petri
dishes before it starts solidify. 1 L makes 2 sleeves (40) of plates. Let plates dry for 2
days, put them back in sleeves and store at 4˚C room. The drug in plate last for a year.
150 mg/l G418 plate: 3 ml / 1 L for 40 plates (2 sleeves)
YES-NAT plate
Preparation of clonNAT Stock Solution; 200 mg/ml (8000x)
clonNAT (Nourseothricin Sulfate) [Werner BioAgents]… powder @4˚C
Dissolve 200 mg into 1 ml of sterilized H O, and filtrate with 0.22 µm filter.
Aliquot 100 µl in 1.5 ml tube, and store at -20˚C.
Preparation of YES-clonNAT plate
Make 500 ml of YES with 20g agar in a 1 L flask with a big stir bar. Autoclave 45 min.
Stir slowly until it gets cool enough to add the drug, like you can touch it with bare hands
(~60˚C). Add clonNAT Stock Solution and mix thoroughly. Then pour into Petri dishes
before it starts solidify. 500 ml makes 1 sleeve (20) of plates. Let plates dry for 2 days,
put them back in sleeves and store at 4˚C room. The drug in plate last for I don’t know.
25 µg/l NAT plate: 125 µl / 500 ml for 20 plates
YES-HYG plate
Preparation of Hygromycin B Stock Solution; 50 mg/ml in PBS (500x)
Hygromycin B [Roche]… 1 g (in 20 ml PBS solution, sterile) @4˚C
Aliquot in 1.5 ml tubes, and store at 4˚C.
Preparation of YES-HYG plate
Make 1 L of YES with 20g agar in a 2 L plastic flask with a big stir bar. Autoclave 45
min. Stir slowly until it gets cool enough to add the drug, like you can touch it with bare
hands (~60˚C). Add 3 ml Hygromycin B Stock Solution and mix thoroughly. Then pour
into Petri dishes before it starts solidify. 1 L makes 2 sleeves (40) of plates. Let plates dry
for 2 days, put them back in sleeves and store at 4˚C room. The drug in plate last for 6
100 mg/l HYG plate: 2 ml / 1 L for 40 plates


Microsoft word - lasernebenwirkungen.doc

Mit welchen Nebenwirkungen müssen Sie bei einer Laser-Behandlung rechnen ? Aufklärungsunterlagen für Frau/ Herrn:. Bei der Behandlung mit den diversen Lasersystemen kann es zu folgenden unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen kommen: Rötung und Schwellung : Die Haut wird nach einer Laserbehandlung etwas gereizt und besonders empfindlich sein. Eventuell treten an den gelaserten Arealen Rötung

Underwriting Asthma questionnaire This form is to be completed only on request by Zurich Underwriting. To be completed by the life insured. Please avoid delays by checking that all questions have been answered ful y and where appropriate use BLOCK LETTERS. Policy number(s) Your duty of disclosure Before you enter into a contract of life insurance with an insurer, you have a duty, unde

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