Intraocular lens implants and risk of endophthalmitis.
Br J Ophthalmol 1998;82:1312–1315
Intraocular lens implants and risk ofendophthalmitis
J W B Bainbridge, M Teimory, H Tabandeh, J F Kirwan, R Dalton, F Reid, C K Rostron
Abstract Materials and methods Aim—To investigate the possible associ-
A retrospective study was conducted to iden-
ation between the use of three piece
tify the incidence of endophthalmitis following
foldable silicone polypropylene (SPP) in-
cataract surgery at our unit during a 3 year
traocular lenses (IOLs) and an increased
period by means of a systematic review of
risk of postoperative endophthalmitis.
operating theatre records and patient case
Methods—A retrospective analysis was
notes. Data on age, sex, type of procedure
conducted of all cases of postoperative
(conventional extracapsular cataract extraction
endophthalmitis following phacoemulsifi-
or phacoemulsification), and IOL type were
cation surgery in a single unit over a 3 year
collected for all patients undergoing cataractsurgery during the study period. The diagnosis
period. The incidence of postoperative
of endophthalmitis was made clinically, on the
endophthalmitis in eyes with SPP IOLs was compared with the incidence in eyes
associated with hypopyon and cellular infiltrate
with single piece polymethylmethacrylate
of the vitreous, and was confirmed by positive
microbiological cultures following aqueous tap
Results—772 cataract extractions
or vitreous biopsy. The relative risk of postop-
phacoemulsification were performed. One
erative endophthalmitis associated with the use
(0.16%) of the 622 patients with PMMA IOLs developed endophthalmitis. Exclud-
was calculated. Fisher’s exact test (EPI-INFO
ing one patient who had aplastic anaemia, five (3.33%) of 150 patients with SPP IOLs
USA) was used to establish the significance of
developed endophthalmitis. The relative risk for postoperative endophthalmitis associated with the use of the SPP IOL compared with the PMMA IOL was 20.1 (p=0.015).
A total of 772 patients underwent cataract sur-
Conclusion—This study adds further evi-
gery by phacoemulsification with intraocular
dence to the concept that SPP IOLs can be
lens implant during the study period. There
a significant risk factor in the develop-
were 470 (61%) females and 302 (39%) males
ment of postoperative endophthamitis.
with an age range of 12–101 years and a mean
(Br J Ophthalmol 1998;82:1312–1315)
age of 73.4 years (females 75, males 71). Therewas no significant diVerence in mean age(p=0.74) or male:female ratio (p=0.31) be-
Postoperative endophthalmitis remains a seri-
ous sight threatening complication of cataract
cases of postoperative endophthalmitis were
surgery. Despite improved antiseptic and anti-
identified (Table 1) with an overall incidence of
microbial prophylaxis the incidence of endoph-
0.91%. In five cases the diagnosis was con-
Department of
thalmitis following cataract surgery is quoted
firmed by microbiological cultures. In the two
as 0.08%–0.12%.1–5 In many cases the organ-
culture negative cases the diagnoses were made
St George’s Hospital,
isms involved are thought to originate from
clinically on the basis of symptoms of pain and
London SW17 0QT
periocular flora.6 These organisms may gain
redness associated with hypopyon and cellular
Before surgery, one patient had a history of
instruments, the irrigation fluid,7 or by con-
tamination of the intraocular lens implant
patients had no pre-existing abnormalities of the
itself.8 Adherence of bacteria to IOLs results
operated eye. One patient had aplastic anaemia,
from electrostatic charges and is enhanced by
one had a history of chronic alcohol depend-
Department of
the formation of polysaccharide biofilms. The
ence, and another patient had undergone aortic
Medical Statistics,
propensity of bacteria to adhere to IOLs may
valve replacement 9 months previously. The
St George’s Hospital
vary according to the lens material. A previous
procedures were performed by a total of four
Medical School,
report has suggested an association between
London SW17 0QT
surgeons and no one surgeon was involved in
the use of an intraocular lens with haptics
more than three of the seven cases. All cases
made of polypropylene and an increased risk of
underwent uncomplicated phacoemulsification
postoperative endophthalmitis.9 This study
with implantation of the intraocular lens into the
capsular bag. The six eyes which received
folding SPP IOLs (Allergan S13ONB) had 3.2
polypropylene (SPP) and single piece poly-
mm clear corneal stab incisions (superiorly in
methylmethacrylate (PMMA) intraocular lens
four cases and temporally in two) extended to
3.5 mm for insertion of the IOL and sutured
Intraocular lens implants and risk of endophthalmitis
with a continuous 10/0 nylon X suture. The eye
which received a rigid 5.5 mm PMMA IOL(Iolab MC550) had a superior sutureless 3.5
mm scleral tunnel. The surgical technique was
otherwise similar between the two groups and
did not change during the study period. At theconclusion of the procedure five patients re-
ceived gentamicin subconjunctivally, one re-
ceived topical chloramphenicol ointment, and
one patient received no antibiotic prophylaxis at
this point because of a history of drug sensitivity.
Postoperatively all patients were prescribed a 4
week reducing course of topical dexamethasone,
neomycin, and polymixin B to the operated eye.
cataract extraction with clinical evidence of
acute endophthalmitis. A vitreous biopsy was
performed in five patients and anterior cham-
ber tap in two; coagulase negative staphylo-
cocci were isolated from three (in addition to
Pseudomonas sp in the patient with aplasticanaemia), Staphylococcus aureus from one
patient, and samples from one patient were
culture negative. One patient did not undergo
intraocular fluid sampling and was treated
empirically. One patient presented 4 months
postoperatively with a chronic low grade ante-
rior uveitis which became more severe follow-
ing YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Vitreous
received a SPP IOL had a history of idiopathic
aplastic anaemia. Despite transfusions this
patient was significantly neutropenic in theearly postoperative period and for this reason is
excluded from the statistical analysis.
Of the 772 patients who underwent cataract
extraction by phacoemulsification during the
150 patients received SPP IOLs. Postoperative
endophthalmitis developed in one (0.16%) of
(3.33%) of those with SPP IOLS. The relativerisk of postoperative endophthalmitis associ-
ated with the use of the SPP IOL compared
with the PMMA IOL was 20.73 (95% CI=2.44 to 176.16) (p=0.0013).
If the two cases of culture negative endoph-
thalmitis are excluded, endophthalmitis devel-
SPP IOLs. The relative risk of postoperative
endophthalmitis associated with the use of the
Patients with endophthalmitis according to IOL
*Fisher’s exact test, SPP = silicone polypropylene; PMMA =
Bainbridge, Teimory, Tabandeh, et al
ence of Staph epidermidis to lenses with
12.61 (95% CI 1.32 to 120.35) (p=0.024).
treated with topical and systemic antibiotics
method, a radioisotope technique, and scan-
and six received intravitreal antibiotics. In two
ning electron microscopy.12 In a qualitative
patients the IOL was explanted. The final
study using scanning electron microscopy Dilly
visual acuities were 6/9 or better in four
patients, 6/12 in two patients, and 6/18 in one
adhere to polypropylene haptics in preference
to the PMMA optic of a three piece intraocularlens, both in vitro and in vivo.13 They also
noted that the surface of the polypropylene
This study suggests an association between the
haptic appeared relatively irregular.
use of three piece silicone polypropylene
intraocular lenses and an increased risk of
micro-organisms organised within an extensive
postoperative endophthalmitis following un-
exopolymer matrix14 which confers relative
protection from humoral and cellular immu-
The authors acknowledge the limitations of
nity and from antibiotics. Bacteria introduced
this retrospective study. There was no signifi-
at the time of surgery may become sequestered
cant diVerence in mean age or sex distribution
within a biofilm on the IOL or on the capsule.15
between the patients in the two IOL groups but
GriYths et al showed that adherence of Staph
other possible confounding elements cannot be
epidermidis to IOLS in vitro appears to
confer greater resistance to antibiotics10 and
investigate the influence of possible confound-
Cusumano et al demonstrated that bacterial
ing variables using multivariate analysis be-
growth in vitro is significantly enhanced on
cause the number of cases with endophthalmi-
silicone IOLs.16 This resistance to antibiotics
tis was small. Patient allocation to IOL type
and enhancement of bacterial growth may be
was unrandomised and consequent selection
due to diVerences in the surface properties of
bias may have contributed to the observed
the diVerent IOL types with diVering propensi-
association. Although the procedures were per-
formed by diVerent surgeons with unstandard-
Adherence of bacteria to IOLs is likely to
ised operative technique and diVering prophy-
occur during the period immediately before
lactic antimicrobial regimens, the surgical
implantation. The presence of therapeutic
protocol did not change otherwise during the
levels of antibiotics at the time of IOL implan-
study period and we could identify no consist-
tation may be eVective in limiting further bac-
ent diVerences in technique between the two
terial proliferation. This can be achieved by
groups. Despite the limitations in method-
systemic or local administration. Topical and
ology, in the absence of a randomised control-
subconjunctival antibiotics are in common use
led study we feel that the findings of this series
and the potential of intracameral antibiotics
add weight to existing evidence supporting an
has more recently been a subject of intense
association between the use of SPP IOLs and
an increased risk of postoperative endoph-
this small series are notable for their relatively
There are a number of possible explanations
good outcomes with six out of seven (86%)
for the association. The use of folding silicone
patients achieving final visual acuities of 6/12
lenses may entail considerable manipulation
or better. Although the diVerence is not statis-
after removal from the sterile packaging and
tically significant these figures compare favour-
before insertion into the eye. Although we
ably with those of a larger series where 60%
know of no evidence to confirm this possibility,
achieved final visual acuities of 6/12 or better.18
such manipulation may increase the risk of
Explantation of IOLs in postoperative endoph-
thalmitis has been associated with an improved
The lens materials or design may predispose
visual outcome.19 The fact that IOL explanta-
to bacterial contamination of the implant
tion was performed in two cases in our series
before insertion or may confer greater resist-
ance of intraocular organisms to physiological
mechanisms. Bacteria adhere to surfaces by
thalmitis with SPP IOLs was first suggested in
reversible adsorption due to physical forces
a previous retrospective case-control study but
such as electrostatic charge and hydrophobic-
the need for further evidence was expressed
ity, and by irreversible adherence involving
before firm conclusions could be drawn.9 On
the basis of the findings of this study the
biofilm.10 Coagulase negative staphylococci are
authors believe that where SPP IOLs are used,
the organisms most commonly implicated in
postoperative endophthalmitis,1 6 11 as was the
particular attention given to early antibiotic
case in this series, and are also associated with
prophylaxis. A randomised controlled trial of
infections complicating the implantation of
SPP IOLs is required to further investigate
other surgical prosthetic devices. GriYths et al
their possible association with postoperative
demonstrated the adherence of Staphylococcusepidermidis to intraocular lenses by microscopyand viable bacterial counting.10 Raskin et al
have demonstrated a twofold greater adher-
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Pharmacy Case Based Exam I Directions: Review the following Subjective and Objective findings and then, complete the SOAP note by writing an Assessment, Goals, and Plan. Also complete preparepharmacokinetic monitoring forms for each anticonvulsant. Make sure you accuratelycomplete these forms. Weighting of Items: Assessment , Goals, and Plan = 63 points; Monitoring Forms = 25 points
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