many small leaves and thin stolons. It would
be easy for them to cover the whole green with a thin mat. Other coarser varieties
For a number of years our Greens Standing
Committee has been encouraging clubs to re-
thicker stolons. In such instances it would
plant their greens . Some have followed the
prescribed procedures and been very satisfied
crossing each other before the whole green
with the results. Others have “done their own
thing” with variable results. This issue of Grass
Clippings * will be devoted to the reasons for re-
passage of the bowl over a green depends
planting a bowling green. The procedures
on the resistance the bowl has encountered
involved will be discussed in Grass Clippings 9.
it follows that patches of thick mat with
One of the main reasons for re-planting are that
there is more than one variety of grass on the
resistance would affect the run of the bowl.
It is for that reason that the caption for this
1 Note - Apart from the way the run of the
bowl is affected over the patches of thick
and thin mat the Green keeper would also
have problem controlling the proliferation of
varies. It is physically impossible to instruct
Multi-strain (or Heinz ) green can occur for the
the Greens Assistant to “thin out” one
portion of the green while leaving the other
1 A green, originally planted with a fine grass,
portions where the mat is already thin. The
most a Green keeper can do is to “thin out “
2 A green originally planted with whatever
cope with the weakest variety. If he set it to
grass grew in the vicinity in the erroneous
cope with the thickest mat the thin portions
belief that the stronger strain would take
3 A green deliberately planted with a new
Kweek ) have rigid unbending leaves while
variety leaving the previous grass still on the
other varieties (Tifdwarf, Paspalum) have
“softer” leaves which do not resist the
In Australia the players soon realized that
passage of the bowl’ Here again patches of
inconsistencies on the Heinz greens did not
the one variety interspersed with patches of
promote precision bowls and started agitating
the other variety would make the bowl run
for single – strain greens. In 1963 the powers
that be in Australia decided that after 1968 no 3 3 Rate
State Championships would be played on Heinz
faster vertically than others. Unless the
greens. It was left to the clubs to decide
Green Keeper mows just before play there
will be patches where the bowls slows down
more readily than over other parts of the
fields all have one thing in common – they form 4 Dormancy – Our grasses we use on a contiguous mat which spreads laterally to
bowling greens do not all become dormant at
the same time. On a Heinz green it could easily
Apart from this characteristic they differ in other happen that one variety has already become respects which makes it impossible to have two dormant while another variety is still in full or more of them on the same green.
growth. Again the areas still growing would
offer more resistance to the run of the bowl than
5 Nap– Although all the Cynodon grasses
have a tendency for their leaves to “follow the
It is surprising how few Club Green keepers
sun” during the sunlight hours it is more
know whether their greens are level or not and
pronounced in some varieties than in others.
yet variations in the levels can have such an
The degree of nap could also depend on the
enormous impact on the reliability of the draw -
rigidity of the leaf (see 2 above) With two or
more grasses on the same green each with it’s
It has always surprised me how easily our
own “nap” the run of the bowl could be
players accept inconsistencies in the draw and
weight without complaint (unless they have lost
variety has it’s own mowing height tolerance.
In previous years some of the Municipalities
That would be the level at which the grass
leveled the greens every year with renovation.
Now that this service has been discontinued
appearance When there are different grasses
many clubs have not attempted to level their
on the same green the appearance of the green
might suffer because all the grasses do not look
Each club should have a level profile of their
greens This should be done by a competent
Comment - It is a sobering thought that about
person and plotted at intervals of not more than
For International matches a variation of up to
counterparts our players have accepted the
2.5 mm over 2.50 m is acceptable. In the RSA
inconsistencies one associates with a Heinz
we allow variations of up to 3.00 mm over 2.50
I must admit that there are some Heinz greens
A green can be leveled by Rails or Wires
where it would be impossible to determine any
stretched across the green or by leveling it
difference in the run of the bowl over the
different patches of grass. At the same time
Scarifier (Used mainly in the Border area)
If the variation in the levels is not more than10
patches of different grasses on the green and it
mm then the green can be leveled within one
is obvious that the texture of the grass is
It is widely accepted that it is easier to level a
The main issue would be whether the clubs will
green devoid of grass than to level it when
decide on their own to re-plant their Heinz
greens or whether Bowls SA should take the
A variation of 40 mm over the whole green with
lead in the same way as the authorities did in
a gradual slope is acceptable as long as there
are not acute variations over a short distance .
What the club must ask itself “Can we level this
The motto adopted by the Greens Standing
green within one year or not: If the answer is
“no” then the club must seriously consider -
“Better greens breed better bowlers”
removing the old grass – leveling the green and
We will not have better bowlers until we have then re-planting. It is the quicker alternative. become more critical of the bowling surfaces
remedy for a Heinz green is to replace the grass
It may happen that a club originally planted a
certain grass only to find after some time that
the grass is not performing satisfactorily
If another acceptable grass is available and
suited to the local conditions then the Club might decide to re-plant the green.
One must accept the fact that we have not, as
5 Infections
yet, discovered a grass which meets all the
invaded by an infestation for which there is
In other parts of the world there is a continuous
no cure except to fumigate the whole green
search for new strains or new hybrids are
It is only recently that a nursery in the RSA has
6 Additional Considerations
actively joined the search for new strains with a
Thatch Formation - However particular the
growth there will always be a build-up of
3 Wrong Soil
thatch in the upper layers of the soil. This
We are well aware of the fact that many of out
will thicken up the mat and the affect the
greens were originally planted by leveling a
piece of ground and planting whatever grass
remove that thatch every 6-7 years with a
grew in the vicinity. It might take the club a few
sod-cutter. When contemplating whether a
years before they discover that the soil is
unsuitable and incapable of supporting the
presence of this thatch can influence the
vigorous growth required of the grass growing
on a bowling green. The commonest problem
would be bad drainage because the soil is too
threat on any bowling green especially if the
Attempts by the Green keeper to introduce new
“un-compact” a green which is already
sandy soil while there is still grass on the green
compacted unless it is “tilled over”.
have not been too successful and the club
If the club is considering re-planting a green
might have to resort to a much more drastic
then an additional argument in favour of re-
solution – that of removing all the grass and
planting would be that it gives the GKP the
then tilling in enough new sandy soil to reduce
opportunity to “till over” the topsoil with a
the clay content and improve the drainage,
4 Changed Circumstances
It might happen that conditions have changed
since the original grass was planted on a green.
more skill than managing a green which has
These will probably be due to changes in the
been laid down correctly and planted with a
single variety of suitable grass. It is difficult
originally relied on Municipal water for their
with modern green keeping without loading
uncertainty re the use of water the club has
been forced to resort to borehole water which
might have a high salinity. The original grass on
It is obvious from the above that there are a
the green might not be able to tolerate such a
number of reasons for re-planting a green.
high salinity and the club is forced to plant a
Usually there is more than one on the same
green and the decision is made easier for
On rare occasions it has also happened that the
Municipal supply has changed. In the same
While there is no doubt that it is a major
way as any club using borehole water should
operation it does not have to be expensive if
regularly have the water tested for salinity or
the club members are willing to throw in
other impurities so should a club have the
Municipal water tested for any changes in the
chemical properties if the Municipality has
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