New Zealand Veterinary Journal Review Article Acute castration and/or tailing distress and its alleviation in lambs D.J. Mellor *§ and K.J. Stafford † Abstract Purposes and approach: Acute castration and/or tailing distress in lambs has been examined extensively during the last decade. At least 59 different approaches to assessing and alleviating this distress have been reported so that the literature is quite complex. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the literature on castration and/or tailing distress, where the distress was assessed using acute changes in plasma cortisol concentrations. A method of analysis involving the integrated cortisol response (i.e. the areas under the cortisol curves while the plasma concentration is above pretreatment values) to each treatment and using treatments which were common to different studies as reference points, allowed meaningful comparison within and between studies. A 6-point ranking scale emerged, where rank 1 represented the least distress and rank 6 the most distress. Comparison of acute distress responses: This analysis revealed the following major points. Surgical methods of castration and/or tailing cause the greatest cortisol responses (rank 5 or 6). Most ring and ring plus clamp methods of castration plus tailing or castration, used without a local anaesthetic or systemic analgesic, cause rank 4 responses. One form of ring plus clamp castration (i.e. applying the clamp for 10 s across the full width of the scrotum distal to the ring in lambs aged no more than 1 week) reduces the cortisol response to rank 1. When these lambs are also tailed by applying a ring and clamp in a similar manner to the tail, they also exhibit a rank 1 response. Local anaesthetic given 10-20 or 1- 2 min or 10-15 s before or immediately after ring only castration and/or tailing can virtually abolish the cortisol response (rank 1), depending on the site(s) of injection. For ring or ring plus clamp castration, the most effective sites (as judged by cortisol responses) are the neck of the scrotum or the testes. Delivery of local anaesthetic to achieve successful nerve blockade can be by needle, high-pressure needleless administration or, for the tail only, by an aerosol spray. Local anaesthetic injected into the scrotal neck, spermatic cords and/or testes has little effect on the overall cortisol response to clamp castration. Reductions in cortisol responses to clamp castration or to ring tailing can occur after administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Most tailing methods elicit cortisol responses that are several ranks lower than those caused by castration plus tailing or castration alone. Although tailing by most methods elicits rank 1 cortisol responses, the use of local anaesthetic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the response within the rank 1 range. Recommendation: Farmers should be encouraged to choose the lowest ranked method that is economically and practically feasible for them. Specific methods such as surgical castration should be discouraged.
(New Zealand Veterinary Journal 48, 33-43, 2000)
and Stafford, 1999a; Mellor et al., 2000). The responseto unpleasant experiences may be largely emotional (e.g.
During the last decade the pain-induced distress caused
fear), largely physical (e.g. vigorous movement), or both
by castration and tailing methods, and the different strat-
(e.g. pain). The level of distress is assessed by variables
egies for its alleviation, have been investigated extensively
used to measure physiological stress and may be described
in lambs (Tables I-III). The methods and circumstances
as “minor”, “moderate”, “marked” and “extreme”. Al-
have differed widely between studies, although, in some,
though changes in these variables are objective measure-
subtle but important aspects of methods and circum-
ments, any conclusions about the subjective experiences
stances have been explored. Consequently there is a need,
that cause those changes remain judgements and not state-
first, to compare the pain-induced distress caused by the
ments of fact. That is because without sharing a common
different methods of castration and/or tailing, second, to
language an animal cannot tell us how painful or pleas-
evaluate the efficacy of different ways of alleviating that
distress and, third, to consider what practical advice can
Two physiological systems are used to assess distress.
now be given to minimise animal welfare concerns.
These are the sympathetic adrenomedullary system whichis primarily concerned with fast-acting “fight-flight” re-sponses involving adrenaline, noradrenaline and heart
Pain-induced distress and its
rate, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical
(HPA) system which initiates longer lasting metabolic andanti-inflammatory responses that can promote healing.
It is necessary to clarify the meaning of the term “pain-
Indices of HPA activity include plasma concentrations of
induced distress” and how it can be assessed (see Mellor
cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cor-ticotropin releasing factor (CRF). These hormones are
* Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre, Institute of Food,
useful indices because HPA activity generally increases
Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Palmerston North,
in a graded way in response to the presumed noxiousness
of different experiences. They do not measure pain, but
† Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre, Institute of Veterinary,
provide an indication of how unpleasant the experience
Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University, PalmerstonNorth, New Zealand.
is emotionally and physically. The response time of the
HPA axis makes it an insensitive index of the distress elic-
New Zealand Veterinary Journal
ited in the first few minutes after an insult. Changes in
Table I: Castration and tailing methods used in lambs and calves. References refer to different combinations of castration
the sympathetic-adrenomedullary system may be more
and tailing methods, or castration or tailing done separately by different methods.
Behaviour is also a valuable index of distress because
pain-related behaviours can be good indices of the dura-
tion and the different phases of an experience. However,behavioural changes are often poorly correlated with the
maximum intensity of the noxious experience as indicated
by physiological variables (Mellor et al., 2000).
To date most assessments of castration and/or tailing
with or without cautery.(5) (16) (17) (27)
distress in lambs have been conducted using behaviourand plasma cortisol concentrations. The comparative
Clamp (each spermatic cord).(1) (3) (17) (18)
analysis provided here is based on the acute cortisol re-
sponse. The strengths and weaknesses of this approach
Normal ring.(1) (3) (5) (6) (9) (10) (12) (13) (14) (16) (17) (22) (25) (27) (28)
have been explored in detail elsewhere (Stafford and
Mellor, 1993; Mellor and Stafford, 1997; Mellor et al.,2000).
Each spermatic cord clamped.(1) (2) (3)Full-width of scrotum clamped.(1) (3) (5) (6) (16) (17) (18) (26) (27)
Castration and tailing methods
Short scrotum (ring distal to testes).(1) (3) (9) (10) (19)
Castration and tailing methods used in lambs and calvesare summarised in Table I.
In surgical castration the distal one third of the scrotum
is cut off or incisions are made in each side of the scro-
tum, to expose the testes. They are then removed by draw-ing them out without cutting the spermatic cords, or af-
ter scraping and cutting, clamping or cauterising the sper-matic cords. The anatomy of the scrotum and testes is
In clamp castration the spermatic cords are crushed
through the scrotum. The usual method is to apply the
Docking iron (severed by cautery) (4) (9) (10) (11) (23) (24)
clamp to each cord once or twice while ensuring thatmedial scrotal tissues are uncrushed. Crushing the cords’
Ring (4) (7) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
blood vessels prevents blood flow to the testes which at-rophy during the following 4 to 6 weeks. Ring castration is done by applying a constrictive rubber
ring to the neck of the scrotum with both testes distal to
(1) Dinniss et al., (1997a), (2) Dinniss et al., (1997b), (3) Dinniss et al., (1999),
(4) Graham et al., (1997), (5) Kent et al., (1993), (6) Kent et al., (1995), (7) Kent
the ring. The ring obstructs blood flow through the testes
et al., (1998), (8) Lester et al., (1991a), (9) Lester et al., (1991b), (10) Lester et
and distal scrotal tissue, which atrophy and drop off after
al., (1996), (11) Mazzaferro et al., (1993), (12) Mellor & Murray (1989a), (13)
4 to 6 weeks. Both “normal tension” and “tight rings”
Mellor & Murray (1989b), (14) Mellor et al., (1991), (15) Mercy et al., (1985), (16)
Molony et al., (1993), (17) Molony et al., (1995), (18) Molony et al., (1997), (19)
In the short scrotum method a rubber ring is placed on
Molony & Kent (1997), (20) Morris et al., (1994), (21) Rhodes et al., (1995), (22)
the scrotum distal to the testes so that they are held against
Shutt et al., (1988), (23) Stillwell et al., (1994), (24) St. Louis et al., (1994), (25)
Sutherland et al., (1999), (26) Sutherland et al., (2000), (27) Thornton &
Waterman-Pearson (1999), (28) Wood et al., (1991). Genitofemoral nerve
the abdominal wall (Probert and Davies, 1986). The distal
Superior spermatic nerve
scrotal tissue atrophies and drops off after 4 to 6 weeks. Ring plus clamp castration involves placing a ring on the
scrotal neck, proximal to the testes, immediately before
Scrotal branch of the
or after applying a castration clamp once to each sper-
pudenal nerve
matic cord leaving some scrotal tissue intact, or after ap-
Distal cutaneous branch
plying it once across the full width of the scrotum. Clamp-
of the sacral plexus
ing durations of 1, 5, 6 or 10 s have been used. Chemical castration is done by injecting corrosive agents
into the testes causing necrosis or sufficient impairment
of testicular tissue to cause infertility. The agents usedinclude α-hydroxypropionic acid, lactic acid and formal-
dehyde in ethanol (Mercy et al., 1985; Fordyce et al., 1989;Cohen et al., 1990). Surgical tailing is done by cutting the tail off with a sharp
Surgery plus clamp tailing involves cutting the tail off af-
Figure 1: Anatomy of the scrotum and testes of lambs.
ter applying a castration clamp to the tail. The tail stump
New Zealand Veterinary Journal Figure 2: Examples of acute changes in the plasma cortisol concentrations: A, after surgical or ring castration plus tailing and during control handling of lambs aged 4-6 weeks (redrawn from Lester et al., 1991a,b; reproduced with permission of In Practice); B, after castration plus tailing of 1-week-old lambs using rings or rings plus clamp (10 s full width), and during control handling (redrawn from Kent et al., 1995); and C, and D, after castration of lambs aged 4-8 weeks using a ring, ring plus clamp (10 s each cord), or ring 15-20 min after local anaesthetic injection into both spermatic cords (Cd), the scrotal neck (Sc), the scrotal neck plus spermatic cords (Sc+Cd) or both testes (Te) (redrawn from Dinniss et al., 1997a) Strategies for alleviating acute Tailing with a docking iron involves severing the tail by
cautery using a heated chiselled metal device designed
castration and tailing distress
for the purpose. An alternative less common method isto cut the tail off with a knife and immediately cauterise
Castration and tailing methods which cause immediate
and severe tissue damage (surgery, clamp, docking iron)
Ring tailing is done by applying a rubber ring to the tail
elicit a barrage of nerve impulses in pain pathways when
to prevent blood flow through the distal tissues which
the injury is inflicted and for a period thereafter, as indi-
atrophy and drop off after 4 to 6 weeks.
cated by maximal rates of rise in plasma cortisol concen-
Ring plus clamp tailing involves placing a ring on the tail
trations (Figure 2). This initial barrage is usually followed
and then clamping it with a castration clamp distal to the
by “inflammatory pain” (Ren and Dubner, 1999). With
other methods (ring, corrosive chemical) an initial nerve
New Zealand Veterinary Journal
impulse barrage is followed by further tissue damage and
distress is subsequently limited by the hypoxia/anoxia
presumably impulse traffic which may take 30 minutes
which disables the pain receptors in the tissues distal to
or longer to cause maximum effects, as indicated by
the ring. The same principles would apply to ring plus
submaximal rates of increase in plasma cortisol concen-
clamp and ring-only tailing methods. Severing the tail by
trations (Figure 2). When the method used (e.g. surgery)
cautery using a docking iron can also limit pain input
does not obstruct impulse transmission from the area of
from the tail stump possibly by destroying pain receptors
damage, the inflammatory pain would be expected to in-
in the burnt tissues (Lester et al., 1991b).
crease over a period of hours and then decline until thepain-producing features of inflammation resolve. On the
Pharmacological alleviation
other hand, when the method used progressively impedes
General anaesthesia renders an animal unconscious but
pain impulse transmission, as occurs within about 1.5
is impractical for use with large numbers of farm animals
hours of applying rubber rings for castration (Cottrell and
(Table II). Local anaesthetic injections block impulse
Molony, 1995), transmission of inflammatory nerve im-
transmission in the treated nerves for the duration of ac-
tion of the anaesthetic, which is usually about 2 hours forlignocaine (Dinniss et al., 1997a) and 3 hours or more
Physical alleviation
for bupivacaine (Molony et al., 1997). The duration of
Physical methods that obstruct transmission in pain nerve
action is extended when rings obstruct blood flow and
pathways or prevent blood flow and thus disable pain
prevent clearance of the anaesthetic from tissues distal to
receptors, have the potential to reduce castration and/or
the rings. Injection sites for castration include the neck
tailing distress. Thus, when a castration clamp damages
and/or body of the scrotum, both spermatic cords or both
the nerves in crushed tissues it interrupts nerve trans-
testes, and for tailing the epidural space or subcutane-
mission from tissues distal to each crush line. When each
ously around the tail (Table II). Injections can be made
cord is clamped separately and the impulse barrage that
by needle, by a high-pressure needleless technique, or the
accompanies clamp application has subsided, pain im-
local anaesthetic can be sprayed on externally (Table II).
pulses from the testes and parts of the scrotum stop, but
Local anaesthetic may be delivered 10-20 min before
impulses in nerves in the uncrushed medial parts of the
treatment, or more practically 1-2 min or 15-20 s before
scrotum may continue. The full width crush approach,
or 15-20 s after treatment (Table III).
applied to the scrotum during ring plus clamp castration,
The analgesic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
obstructs impulse transmission from both testes and all
(NSAIDs), given intramuscularly or intravenously
scrotal tissue distal to the crush. This approach can re-
(Molony et al., 1997; McMeekan et al., 1998), have two
duce the ischaemic pain which occurs with ring-only cas-
advantages over local anaesthetics: their systemic distri-
tration of young lambs. Ring-only castration causes is-
bution allows actions on damaged tissues which are not
chaemia which produces pain-induced distress, but the
accessible to nerve blockade and their duration of action
Table II: Pharmacological pain relieving strategies used for Table III: Methods and timing of local anaesthetic administra- castration and tailing. References refer to castration and tailing tion for castration and tailing. References refer to castration together or separately (see Table I footnote for number code). and tailing together or separately (see Table I footnote for number code). Castration Castration
10-20 min before treatment.(1) (3) (25) (28)
Into neck of scrotum.(1) (3) (7) (19) (25)
Into both testes.(1) (3) (7) (19) (25)Into scrotal neck + spermatic cords.(1) (3)
Local anaesthetic given with a high pressure needleless device
10-20 min before treatment.(28)1-2 min before treatment.(4)
Into the epidural space.(4) (20) (28)Subcutaneously around the tail.(4) (20)
Local anaesthetic given with a high pressure needleless device
Applied externally onto the skinaround the tail.(4)
Local anaesthetic sprayApplied externally onto the skin
New Zealand Veterinary Journal
is longer than for most local anaesthetics. However,
Several other treatments, including ring castration at 1
NSAIDs do not significantly affect the pain impulse bar-
or 4-6 weeks of age and ring plus clamp castration and
rages associated with the initial tissue injury.
tailing at 3 or 6 weeks, also elicited 100% cortisol re-sponses, which allowed them to be used instead of ring
Chronic consequences of
castration plus tailing for reference purposes when re-quired. The relative values of all the integrated cortisol
responses in each study were then calculated as the ratioof the response for each treatment against the response
The long-term consequences of castration and/or tailing,
for the reference group, expressed as a percentage.
which may include chronic pain, hyperalgesia, phantom
Treatments that caused similar responses were assigned
pain and neuropathic pain (Wood and Molony, 1992),
the same rank and those causing different responses were
assigned different ranks. The existence of similarities and
Chronic pain is likely to be of low intensity with tailing
differences was determined by reference to the signifi-
because plasma cortisol concentrations remain low or at
cance of between-treatment differences in the plasma
control levels for at least 4 days afterwards (Stillwell et al.,
cortisol concentrations or the integrated responses, or
1994; Rhodes et al., 1995). However, changes in cortisol
both, reported in the source papers. The ranks were iden-
concentrations may not be a sensitive index of low-grade
tified as: rank 1 = 1-30%, rank 2 = 30-55%, rank 3 = 70-
pain, and behaviour might be better (Molony et al., 1995;
85%, rank 4 = 75-125% (includes the 100% reference
Sutherland et al., 2000). If chronic pain occurs, it may arise
groups), rank 5 = 165-170%, and rank 6 = 190-205%.
from slow resolution of inflammation in the damaged tis-
By definition, therefore, the most benign treatments are
sues, or from pathophysiological changes in pain thresh-
in the low ranks and the most noxious are in the high
olds or pain receptor input from healed tissues as occurs
with hyperalgesia and phantom pain. The incidences of
The percentages assigned to ranks 3 and 4 overlapped
hyperalgesiaandphantom pain are unknown in livestock
because within-group variability differed between stud-
but are well known in people (Bach et al., 1988; McQuay
ies. In some studies the differences between the cortisol
et al., 1988; Wall, 1988; Katz et al., 1992). Neuromas on
responses to several treatments were not significant,
cut nerves are a source of continuing impulse traffic in
whereas in other studies similar differences between the
pain pathways and may also be foci of persistent pain
responses to other treatments did differ significantly. Rank
(Blumberg and Janig, 1982; French and Morgan, 1992).
1 contains some cortisol responses that were significantly
The long-term effects of castration and/or tailing on
different, but they were assigned the same rank because
production are usually insignificant, except for some re-
duction in growth rate in castrates (Wohlt et al., 1982)due to the absence of testosterone (Probert and Davies,
Evaluation of methods for castration
1986). The incidence of post-treatment systemic infec-tions is usually low, but local lesions, often accompanied
plus tailing
by pus formation, are common for up to 6-8 weeks espe-cially with ring methods (Molony et al., 1995; Suther-
Surgical castration plus tailing elicits the largest cortisol
response and is therefore the most noxious method (rank6, Table IV; Figure 2A). Two approaches have been used. Ranking acute cortisol responses to
The spermatic cords have been broken by tearing andthe tail simply cut off, or the cords and tail have been
clamped and cut with or without cautery (Table I). Un-fortunately the assessment of the latter treatment ended
A system of analysis has been developed which allows
before the acute cortisol response was complete (Kent et
meaningful comparisons of the cortisol responses of lambs
al., 1993), so the two approaches could not be compared
in a range of studies where the breed and age and the
here. Nevertheless, both surgical approaches cause sig-
precise features of the cortisol assay methods differed.
nificantly larger cortisol responses than does ring castra-
The analysis could only be applied when plasma cortisol
concentrations were measured at sufficient frequency to
Although ring castration plus tailing elicits an acute cor-
define the cortisol response adequately.
tisol response which is approximately half that caused by
The integrated cortisol responses to all treatments were
surgery (Table IV; Figure 2A), the response is still sub-
used to rank their relative noxiousness. The integrated
stantial (rank 4). Likewise, short scrotum plus ring tail-
cortisol response is the area between the plasma cortisol
ing, and castration with a ring plus tailing with a docking
concentration-time curve and a horizontal line drawn
iron, also elicit rank 4 responses (Table IV). Therefore,
through the pretreatment value while the concentrations
less noxious alternatives have been sought. A small re-
are above that value (Mellor and Murray,1989b; Lester
duction in the response is achieved by using tighter than
et. al., 1991b). Most reports present the transient increases
normal rubber rings (rank 3). However, the most benign
in plasma cortisol concentrations that followed castra-
castration and tailing method (rank 1) produces an acute
tion and/or tailing graphically (Figure 2), and sometimes
cortisol response equivalent to that seen in control lambs
they also quote the associated integrated cortisol re-
which are familiar with handling. It involves injecting lo-
sponses. For those studies where the integrated responses
cal anaesthetic into the scrotal neck, both spermatic cords,
were not reported, the responses were calculated from
both testes and the epidural space 15-20 min before ring
the cortisol concentration-time graph.
castration and tailing (Table IV). Despite its effective-
The integrated response for castration plus tailing with
ness in virtually abolishing the cortisol response this
rings was taken as the reference point because it was com-
method is impractical for general farm use. A more prac-
mon to most studies. It was assigned a value of 100%.
tical alternative of injecting local anaesthetic into the scro-
New Zealand Veterinary Journal
tal neck 15-20 s before applying rings to the scrotum and
(rank 6; Table V). Clamp castration (10 s on each sper-
tail, is not as effective but does reduce the cortisol re-
matic cord) causes a rank 5 response at 4-8 weeks and a
sponse to rank 2. In contrast, injecting local anaesthetic
rank 4 response at 3 weeks of age (Table V). The differ-
into both testes 10-15 s after ring application to the scro-
ence between these responses, which were quantified in
tum and tail confers no significant benefit (rank 4).
separate studies (Dinniss et al., 1997a; Molony et al.,
The combined ring plus clamp method of castration plus
1997), could be due to the effects of postnatal age, breed
tailing is among the least noxious (rank 1), but only in 1-
of sheep or to the use of different clamps or clamping
week-old lambs and when the castration clamp is applied
for 10 s across the full width of the scrotum and tail distal
Ring castration elicits rank 4 cortisol responses in lambs
to the rings (Table IV; Figure 2B). Applying a clamp in a
aged between 1 and 8 weeks (Table V). Short scrotum
similar manner for 6 s after ring placement effects a smaller
creation reduces the cortisol response to rank 3 (Table
reduction in the cortisol response at 1 week of age (rank
V). However, no significant reduction in the response
3), and has little or no effect at 3 or 6 weeks (rank 4).
occurs when ring castration is combined with full width
Other variants of the ring plus clamp method confer no
scrotal clamping for 10 s at 3 weeks (Table V), or with
significant benefit between 3 and 8 weeks.
clamping each spermatic cord separately for 1, 5 or 10 s
Using a castration clamp for castration plus tailing (10 s
at 4-8 weeks of age (Table V; Figure 2C).
on each spermatic cord and 3 s on the tail) in 1-week-old
Injecting local anaesthetic into both spermatic cords or
lambs elicits a rank 4 cortisol response, like ring castra-
into the scrotal neck 15-20 or 1-2 min before clamp cas-
tration (10 s each cord) does not reduce the cortisol re-sponse below rank 4, nor does injecting it into both testes
Evaluation of castration methods
1-2 min before ring plus clamp castration (10 s full width)(Table V).
Of all the castration methods assessed, surgical castra-
Some local anaesthetic strategies can markedly
tion at 4-5 weeks of age elicits the largest cortisol response
reduce the cortisol responses to several castration meth-
Table IV: Ranking of the overall levels of acute pain-induced distress, as judged by cortisol responses, caused by different methods of castration plus tailing with and without local anaesthetic in lambs. Rank - (Cortisol Response1) Castration plus tailing method 6 (190-205%) 5 (165-170%) 4 (75-125%)
CT ring, 1-8 weeks (standard response: 100%)1SS ring T ring, 4-5 weeksC ring T iron, 4-5 weeks
C ring + clamp (6 s each cord) T ring, 6-8 weeksC ring + clamp (6 s each cord) T ring + clamp (6 s), 6-8 weeks
C ring + clamp (6 s full width) T ring + clamp (6 s), 3 weeksC ring + clamp (6 s full width) T ring + clamp (6 s), 6 weeksC ring + clamp (6 s full width) T ring + clamp (6 s), 3-6 weeksC ring + clamp (6 s full width) T ring, 3-6 weeksC ring + clamp (10 s full width) T ring, 3-6 weeks
C clamp (10 s each cord) T clamp (3 s), 1 week
3 (70-85%)
C ring + clamp (6 s full width) T ring + clamp (6 s), 1 week
2 (30-55%) 1 (1-30%)
C ring + clamp (10 s full width) T ring + clamp (10 s), 1 week
LA Cd Sc Te Epi (15-20 min before) CT ring, 1 week
Control handling, first weekLA control (15-20 min before), 1-8 weeksLA control (10-15 s before/after), 3-6 weeks
Integrated (overall) cortisol response as a percentage of that caused by CT ring, expressed to the nearest 5%.
Data obtained only during the first 4 h after treatment (Lester et al., 1991a) were corrected by assuming that 72% of the complete response occurred before and 28%
C =castration; T = tailing; SS = short scrotum. LA= local anaesthetic; Cd = spermatic cords; Epi = epidural; Sc = scrotal neck; Ta = tail; Te = testes. New Zealand Veterinary Journal
ods that elicit rank 4 responses (Table V; Figure 2D).
1997a), and the high-pressure needleless administration
Thus, ring castration elicits rank 1 cortisol responses
during transit of the anaesthetic bolus from the wall of
when local anaesthetic is administered as follows: by nee-
the scrotum to the testes. Local anaesthetic placed in the
dle into the scrotal neck plus spermatic cords, into the
vaginal cavity at least partially anaesthetises the scrotum
scrotal neck or into the testes 15-20 min before treat-
and the testes. The cortisol responses suggest that these
ment; by a needleless high-pressure device into the
delivery methods achieve complete or almost complete
testes 5-10 s before ring application; or by needle into
anaesthesia from about 10 minutes after castration. How-
the scrotal neck 5-10 s after ring application. Likewise,
ever, some distress may occur earlier, when the local an-
injecting local anaesthetic into the scrotal neck 15-20 min
aesthetic has had little time to act, but that would not be
before ring plus clamp castration (10 s each cord)
detected by the cortisol response because of the slower
reduces the cortisol response to rank 1 (Table V). These
response time of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocor-
delivery methods usually place local anaesthetic into
tical axis compared to the sympathetic adrenomedullary
the vaginal cavity of the scrotum (Figure 1). The scrotal
neck injections achieve that directly, the testicular injec-
Some other local anaesthetic strategies are less effective
tions by leakage after needle withdrawal (Dinniss et al.,
but do confer some benefit. These include injecting local
Table V: Ranking of the overall levels of acute pain-induced distress, as judged by cortisol responses, caused by different methods of castration with and without local anaesthetic or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in lambs. Rank - (Cortisol Response1) Castration method 6 (190-205%) 5 (165-170%) 4 (75-125%)
Ring, 1-8 weeks (standard response: 100%)1
Ring + clamp (10 s each cord), 4-8 weeksRing + clamp (5 s each cord), 4-8 weeksRing + clamp (1 s each cord), 4-8 weeksRing + clamp (10 s full width), 3 weeks
LA Sc (15-20 min before) clamp (10 s each cord), 4-8 weeksLA Cd (15-20 min before) clamp (10 s each cord), 4-8 weeksLA Te (1-2 min before) clamp (10 s each cord), 3 weeksLA Te (1-2 min before) ring + clamp (10 s full width), 3 weeks
3 (70-85%)
LA Cd (15-20 min before) ring, 4-8 weeksLA Cd (15-20 min before) ring + clamp (10 s each cord), 4-8 weeks
2 (30-55%)
NSAID (20 min before) clamp (10 s each cord), 3 weeks
1 (1-30%)
LA Cd Sc (15-20 min before) ring, 4-8 weeksLA Sc (15-20 min before) ring, 4-8 weeksLA Te (15-20 min before) ring, 4-8 weeksLA Sc (15-20 min before) ring + clamp (10 s each cord), 4-8 weeks
LA Ne-Te3 (5-10 s before) ring, 1 weekLA Sc (5-10 s after) ring, 1 weekLA Sc (5-10 s after) ring + clamp (10 s full width), 1 week
Control handling, first weekLA control (15-20 min before), 1-8 weeksLA control (10-15 s before/after), 3-6 weeks
Integrated cortisol response as a percentage of that caused by CT ring, expressed to the nearest 5%.
Data obtained only during the first 4 h after treatment (Lester et al., 1991a) were corrected by assuming that, as for CT surgery, 72% of the complete response
occurred before and 28% after 4 h (Lester et al., 1991b).
Needleless injection into the testes through the scrotum would also anaesthetise the scrotum.
Ne = needleless injection; LA= local anaesthetic; Cd = spermatic cords; Sc = scrotal neck; Te = testes; NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. New Zealand Veterinary Journal
anaesthetic into the spermatic cords 15-20 min before
8 weeks of age (rank 2) are usually greater than those
ring castration, or ring plus clamp castration (10 s each
elicited during the first week (rank 1). This is probably
cord), which reduces the cortisol response to rank 3 in
due to older paddock-reared lambs being far less used to
both cases (Table V). Likewise, high-pressure needleless
handling than are younger lambs born and reared indoors
administration of local anaesthetic into the scrotal neck
(Mellor and Murray, 1989a; Lester et al., 1991b). Like
(affecting nerves in the scrotum, vaginal cavity and sper-
control handling, tailing with a ring or a docking iron
matic cords) 5-10 s after ring castration, reduces the usual
elicits rank 2 responses at 4-5 weeks of age, but this does
rank 4 response to rank 2 (Table V).
not mean that tailing by these methods is pain free. It is
Ring plus clamp castration (10 s full width) of 1-week-
more likely to be simply fortuitous that the pain-induced
old lambs elicits a rank 1 response, a marked improve-
distress caused by these tailing methods and the predomi-
ment on the response to ring only castration (rank 4).
nantly emotional distress of unfamiliar control handling
With this same method, injecting local anaesthetic into
elicit similar cortisol responses at this age (Lester et al.,
the scrotal neck 5-10 s after ring placement and clamp-
1991b). In younger lambs tailing with rings causes greater
ing further reduces the response within rank 1 (Table V).
cortisol responses than does familiar control handling
Finally, cortisol responses to clamp castration can be
(Mellor and Murray, 1989a; Graham et al., 1997; Kent et
reduced. At 4-8 weeks of age, applying the clamp to each
al., 1998), but both are in rank 1 (Table VI). Moreover,
spermatic cord for 1 s as opposed to 10 s reduces the
various modifications to the ring tailing method at 1 or 3
cortisol response from rank 5 to rank 3, and at 3 weeks,
weeks of age can reduce the cortisol responses even within
injecting the NSAID, diclofenac intramuscularly, 20 min
rank 1 (Table VI). Thus, injecting diclofenac
before clamp castration (10 s each cord) reduces the re-
intramuscularly 20 min before ring application, or inject-
sponse from rank 4 to rank 2 (Table V).
ing local anaesthetic into the epidural space or subcuta-neously around the tail 1-2 min before or spraying it onto
Evaluation of tailing methods
the tail 5-15 s before ring application, or injecting it byneedle or by the high-pressure needleless approach 5-10
Surgical tailing causes the largest cortisol response (rank
s after ring application, all elicit lower cortisol responses
5), but the responses to all other tailing methods are
than does ring tailing alone (Graham et al., 1997; Kent et
ranked 1 or 2 (Table VI). In order to interpret the re-
al., 1998). In addition, lower responses are also elicited
sponses of lambs to the non-surgical methods, it is first
by the docking iron and the ring plus clamp (10 s) meth-
necessary to note that responses to control handling at 4-
ods of tailing (Mazzaferro et al., 1993; Stillwell et al., 1994;
Table VI: Ranking of the overall levels of acute pain-induced distress, as judged by cortisol responses, caused by different methods of tailing with and without local anaesthetic or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in lambs. Rank - (Cortisol Response1) Tailing method 5 (165-170%) 2 (30-55%) 1 (1-30%)
Ring + clamp (10 s), 3 weeksRing + clamp (10 s), 1 week
LA Ta (1-2 min before) ring, 3 weeksLA Epi (1-2 min before) ring, 3 weeksLA Spray (5-15 s before) ring, 3 weeks
LA Ta (5-10 s after) ring, 1 weekLA Ne-Ta (5-10 s after) ring, 1 weekLA Ne-Ta (5-10 s after) ring + clamp (10 s), 1 week
Control handling, first weekLA control (15-20 min before), 1-8 weeksLA control (10-15 s before/after), 3-6 weeks
Integrated cortisol response as a percentage of that caused by CT ring, expressed to the nearest 5%.
Data obtained only during the first 4 h after treatment (Lester et al., 1991a) were corrected by assuming that, as for CT surgery, 72% of the complete response
occurred before and 28% after 4 h (Lester et al., 1991b).
Epi = epidural; LA= local anaesthetic; Ne = needleless injection; NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; Spray = externally applied; Ta = subcutaneously into the
New Zealand Veterinary Journal
Kent et al., 1998), but high-pressure needleless adminis-
spraying the local anaesthetic together with an evaporative
tration of local anaesthetic into the tail 5-10 s after ring
coolant onto the tail where the ring is to be applied is also
plus clamp (10 s) tailing does not further reduce the re-
effective, but the need to shear the area first is an impedi-
Once cortisol concentrations return to control values at
2-3 hours after ring tailing, they apparently remain there
until at least 24 hours after treatment (Rhodes et al., 1994,
Local anaesthetic is much less effective in reducing the
1995), and for a further 3 days (Stillwell et al., 1994).
cortisol response to clamp than to ring castration (Dinnisset al., 1997a; Molony et al., 1997). Evaluation of particular features of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) some methods
Prior intramuscular injection of an NSAID reduces thecortisol response to clamp castration (10 s each cord)
Tightness of rings
and to ring tailing (Molony et al., 1997; Graham et al.,
Rings that are tighter than the normal rings might dis-
1997). Although some NSAIDs have central analgesic
able nerve impulse transmission from the distal tissues
effects (McCormack and Brune, 1991; Dart, 1992;
earlier, thereby accounting for the reduction in the corti-
Urquhart, 1993), their main action is on inflammation-
sol response to ring castration plus tailing from rank 4 to
related pain, so that little or no alleviation of the pain
rank 3 when tight rings are used (Kent et al., 1995).As
caused by clamping itself and possibly by ring applica-
the duration of response is reduced, but not the magni-
tion can be expected. The cortisol response appears to
tude, the question of whether the duration or the magni-
reflect this. It is not known whether or not the 20 min
tude of the response is more important from the animal’s
interval between injection and treatment is necessary for
maximum beneficial effects, but if it is, this delay wouldconstitute a significant practical impediment to use of
Clamping with rings
The most effective way to minimise the distress caused
NSAID use with surgical castration should be investi-
to 1 week old lambs by ring castration plus tailing with-
gated as it may deal more effectively with areas of tissue
out local anaesthetic, is to use the combined ring plus
damage that are inaccessible to uncomplicated nerve
clamp (full width) method on the scrotum and tail, with
blockade techniques. The benefits of using an NSAID
the clamp applied for 10 s. In older lambs this approach
together with local anaesthesia would also be worth ex-
is not as effective. The age limit for its effective use, the
ploring. Such approaches could reduce castration distress
cost of the clamp, the skill required to use it, and the
when it is necessary to use surgical as opposed to other
flinching of the lambs each time the clamp is applied,
may be impediments to acceptance of this method byfarmers. Use of distress ranking to improve Use of local anaesthetic animal welfare Ring methodsThe efficacy of local anaesthetic in reducing the cortisol
Having ranked the available methods, the next issue to
distress responses to ring castration plus tailing or ring
be addressed is how that information should be used to
castration depends on the timing, the sites and the mode
improve animal welfare. As noted elsewhere (Mellor and
Stafford, 1999b), two approaches suggest themselves –
Although it may be desirable to wait 10-20 min between
the “gold standard” approach and the “incremental im-
injection and ring application to maximise efficacy, ma-
provement” approach. The “gold standard” is not to cas-
jor reductions in the cortisol distress responses can be
trate or tail any animal. However, when it is necessary
achieved with intervals of 1-2 min, and even as short as
the next best “gold standard” is to select rank 1 proce-
10-15 s. Moreover, injecting lambs immediately after ring
dures and ban all others. Alternatively, adopting “incre-
application can also be very effective.
mental improvement”, we can draw attention to the rank-
It is not necessary to inject all major sites (scrotal neck,
ing of the different procedures and recommend the use
testes and spermatic cords) to achieve effective local an-
of the lowest ranked procedure that is practically feasible
aesthesia for castration. The most effective injection sites
in each particular circumstance. Also consistent with “in-
are apparently the neck of the scrotum or both testes. It
cremental improvement” is very strongly discouraging the
is important for the anaesthetic to be deposited in the
most noxious procedures, provided that more benign and
vaginal cavity of the scrotum. Injection of local anaes-
practical alternatives are readily available.
thetic into the spermatic cords only is less effective than
Imposing bans based on a “gold standard” has three
main disadvantages. First, further study of acute distress
Injecting the tail subcutaneously at the site of ring ap-
responses may reveal a need to revise the ranking, thereby
plication requires less skill than epidural injections and
calling into question the wisdom of the original ban and
both are effective in reducing the cortisol distress response
reducing the credibility of subsequent bans. It is com-
mon in science to revise initial interpretations as further
High-pressure needleless administration is apparently
work is completed. The area of distress assessment is no
as effective as conventional needle delivery of local an-
exception, as an account of the chronological develop-
aesthetic in reducing the cortisol distress response to ring
ment of ideas about castration and tailing distress would
castration and to ring only or ring plus clamp tailing.
reveal. Moreover, little is known about chronic pain
However, the cost of the high-pressure equipment and
(Thornton and Waterman-Pearson, 1999) and, if it oc-
the skill required to use it are disadvantages. For tailing,
curs, about what association it has with wound healing
New Zealand Veterinary Journal
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Cottrell DF, Molony V. Afferent activity in the superior spermatic nerve
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is preferred because it is likely to recruit more farmers
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into making some welfare improvement. For those who
cannot meet the highest standard immediately, their small
Dinniss AS, Mellor DJ, Stafford KJ, Bruce RA, Ward RN. Acute corti-
changes for the better are recognised as a good start, they
sol responses of lambs to castration using a rubber ring and/or acastrating clamp with or without local anaesthetic. New Zealand
feel positive about them, and that makes them more open
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Dinniss AS, Stafford KJ, Mellor DJ, Bruce RA, Ward RN. Acute corti-
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tically feasible for them in their particular circumstances.
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In light of this, the present analysis does give several
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direct pointers on how castration and/or tailing of lambs
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Accepted for publication 8 December 1999.
COMED INC. 14 REDGATE COURT, SILVER SPRING, MD 20905-5726 LANDMARK STUDY: AUTISM RECOGNIZED AS MEDICALLY TREATABLE PRESS RELEASE CONTACTS: CoMeD President [Rev. Lisa K. Sykes (Richmond, VA) 804-364-8426] CoMeD Sci. Advisor [Dr. King (Lake Hiawatha, NJ) 973-263-4843] WASHINGTON, DC – In April of 2008, the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG), an AMA-recognized
Das Verursacherprinzip Jahrzehntelang hat man die Abfuhr des Kehrichts über die Steuergelder bezahlt. Man hat jede Wocheden Eimer „Patent Ochsner“ vor die Haustür gestellt, die Müllabfuhr hat ihn geleert, so dass erjahrelang wiederverwendet werden konnte. Heute schwört man auf das Verursacherprinzip, manbraucht also praktisch jede Woche einen Plastiksack, den man mit einem Kleber – de