Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 24(1):127–129, 2008Copyright E 2008 by The American Mosquito Control Association, Inc.
ABSTRACT. The concentrations of permethrin in the Aqua-ReslinH formulation stored in the insecticide
mixers/pumps, 16 ultra-low volume (ULV) truck-mounted spray tanks, and a stock container were sampledand analyzed by gas chromatography. The result showed that an average of 55.53% and 70.32% permethrinin Aqua-Reslin were decomposed in the ULV spray truck tanks and in the mixers/pumps, respectively,during the 4-month mosquito off-season. The degradation may directly result in economic loss. Also, themosquito control efficacy may be compromised if the concentrations are inappropriate. The permethrinanalytical method, economic cost, and degradation-prevention methods are discussed in this article.
Permethrin, decomposition, adulticide, mosquito control
Permethrin is a broad-spectrum pyrethroid
This purpose of this study was to examine
insecticide used to kill a variety of pest and
whether permethrin in the truck-mounted spray
vector insects. Permethrin as an active ingredient
tanks and in the mixers or pumps was decom-
(AI) has been formulated in a variety of pest and
posed after several months or during the mos-
vector control products, including several mos-
quito off-season. The resulting economic cost of
quito adulticides, such as Aqua-ReslinH (Bayer
the degradation and its prevention were also
Environmental Science, Montvale, NJ), Aqua-
The assessment was conducted by taking the
luerTM 20–20 (Allprovector, St. Joseph, MO).
insecticide samples from each spray tank and the
Adulticides for mosquito control are usually
mixers/pumps in all 4 AMCD substations. The
applied at ultralow volume (ULV), by plane or
sampling process includes agitating the mixture
helicopter, and/or by ground, with the use of
for 5 min with a handheld agitator before taking
truck-mounted ULV sprayers or hand foggers.
samples from each spray tank. The water-mixed
Most ground application for adult mosquito
insecticide solution from the mixers/pumps was
control is conducted by using ULV spray trucks.
drained to a plastic bucket and sampled from the
bucket after agitation. Control samples were
(AMCD) of St. John’s County, located in
obtained from the insecticide stock containers
northeast Florida, predominantly applies per-
following the agitation after circulation. A 10-ml
methrin (Aqua-Reslin), with the use of ULV
sample from the middle of the spray tank and
spray trucks to control adult mosquitoes from
1 ml from the stock container were taken with the
use of a 10-ml disposable pipette. The samples
spray trucks, and the tanks mounted on the spray
were immediately placed into 50-ml centrifuge
trucks are always filled to capacity with the
tubes and labeled according to the truck tank
permethrin product mixture during the mosquito
number and date. The control sample was diluted
season. The time to stop mosquito adulticide
1:10 times by using 1 part of Aqua-Reslin and
application is heavily dependent on the mosquito
adding 9 parts of well water. All samples weresealed, stored with coolants, and transferred to
activity in a given year and could vary from
the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Univer-
location to location. Therefore, all 16 tanks on
sity, Public Health Entomology and Education
the ULV spray trucks were loaded with Aqua-
Center (FAMU/PHEREC), Panama City, FL for
Reslin during the mosquito off-season from
December to June. Most of the spray trucks were
Within 36 h of arriving at the laboratory, all
also used by the field inspectors daily and
samples (Aqua-Reslin) were analyzed for per-
therefore, the diluted Aqua-Reslin agitated inside
methrin residue by using a gas-chromatography
the tanks through the field trips daily.
(GC) method developed at FAMU/PHEREC,Panama City, FL. All samples were diluted
through a series of dilution. A Varian 3400 GC
Anastasia Mosquito Control District, 500 Old
configured with electron capture detector (ECD)
Beach Road, St. Augustine, FL 32085.
and an 8200 autosampler (Varian Analytical
FAMU, Public Health Entomology Research and
Education Center, 4000 Frankford Ave., Panama City,
Instruments, Walnut Creek, CA) were used for
the permethrin analysis. A GC CP-Sil 8 CB low-
bleed capillary column (30 m 3 0.25-mm inner
Aqua-Reslin formulation, after dilution with well
diameter, 0.25-mm film thickness) bonded with
water, was subjected to significant degradation,
fused silica (Varian, Inc., Palo Alto, CA) was
compared to the original stock solution. The
used. Chromatograph data were acquired on
control efficacy could be compromised with an
a Dell Computer (Dell Computer Corporation,
estimated loss of 55.3% and 70.32% permethrin
One Dell Way, Round Rock, TX) equipped with
(AI), respectively, if the remaining diluted prod-
a data-handling software, Star Chromatography
ucts are sprayed in the following year.
Workstation, Version 4.51 (Varian Analytical
Many factors may contribute to permethrin
Instruments). The GC injector was operated
decomposition (Bouma et al. 1996, Gonzalez et
isothermally at 220uC in splitless mode, and the
al. 2002). The insecticide efficacy against target
detector block was maintained at 300uC. The GC
mosquitoes may also be influenced by other
column oven temperature was held at 130uC for
factors (Bouma et al. 1996), such as sprayer
sample introduction, ramped at 20uC/min to
calibration, rate of application, timing, tempera-
200uC and held for 1 min, ramped again at
ture (Hodiati and Curtis 1999), rainfall, water
25uC/min to 280uC and held for 2 min, and then
pH, sunlight, and the suitability of the chemical
ramped a 3rd time at 25uC/min to 300uC and held
to its purpose. The permethrin decomposition in
for 3 min. The total analysis time was 13.50 min
the ULV spray tanks during the mosquito off-
per sample. Retention time of the permethrin
season may be caused by photodegradation,
hydrolysis exposure, and high or low tempera-
streamlined to calculate permethrin ‘‘group’’
tures due to everyday use of the trucks.
concentrations so that reported values were
The tank size of each spray truck is 15 gal and
reflective of both the cis and trans isomers. An
was typically filled with 1.5 gal (5.67 liters) of
injection volume of 1 ml was used for all
Aqua-Reslin and 13.5 gal (56.77 liters) of water.
The insecticide cost ($225 per gallon) in each tank
A 5-point calibration curve (minimum 3-point),
is about $337.5. During the 4-month period, the
covering a permethrin concentration range from
estimated loss of permethrin was about 50%. This
0.10 to 1.60 mg/ml, was generated for the analysis.
required an additional 0.75 gal (2.8 liters) of
Correlation coefficients required for the calibra-
Aqua-Reslin, at a cost of about $168.75 per
tion curves were at least 0.995 (R2 $ 0.995). The
truck. Typically, the diluted Aqua-Reslin will be
analytical standard used for the calibration was
stored in the spray truck tanks for 6–7 months.
Without spraying, it is assumed that all permeth-
certified 96.6% pure permethrin. The analytical-
rin (AI) is probably completely lost during that
grade permethrin was dissolved in a small volume
period of time. A spray truck with a full tank of
of hexane to make a primary stock standard
degraded compound is sent out for a 3–4-h spray
solution with a concentration of 1 mg/ml. The
mission. The estimated cost for 1 truck includes
permethrin stock solution was subsequently di-
the spraying labor, overtime pay, and gas cost of
luted to prepare for calibration solutions. A new
about $150–$200. Therefore, a total estimated
permethrin calibration curve was generated for
cost per truck spray will be $500–$600 during an
analysis of samples for each field trial. During
ineffective mission, with a grand total of $8,000–
analysis, continuous calibration at a ,0.52-mg/ml
$9,600 for a spraying mission with all 16 spray
level was conducted every 10 samples with the use
of a recovery criterion of 100 6 10%. This
To minimize or prevent the possibility of
continuing calibration solution was intentionally
breakdown of Aqua-Reslin inside the holding
prepared from a secondary source—different
tank on a spray truck, we recommend continually
analytical standard lot number than that used
applying a spray until the tank is empty during
to generate the calibration curve. Hence, this
the final seasonal mission. However, this is not
continuing calibration also served as a confirma-
always possible. For instance, sudden weather
tion standard to verify the primary analytical
changes may cause a delay or interruption of the
standard concentration. The secondary source of
ULV spraying operation, or a sudden rise in
analytical standard for the continuing calibration
temperature may increase adult mosquito activity
solution was also obtained from Bayer Crop
late in the season, necessitating an additional
Science US with certified purity of permethrin.
insecticide application. The tank mixture may be
Field blanks, laboratory blanks, and instrument
stored in the trucks for an unacceptable length of
blanks were used to check for possible contam-
time. If this occurs, a chemical residue analysis
must be made to determine the lost amount of
The result showed that an average of 44.47% 6
active ingredient, and the difference must be
12.68% (n 5 16) and 29.68% 6 14.13% (n 5 6)
made up by adding more Aqua-Reslin stock.
original Aqua-Reslin remained inside the spray
In addition, the remaining water-mixed in-
tank mounted on the truck and in the insecticide
secticide solution siphoned out from the spray
mixers/pumps, respectively, after 4 months dur-
tanks or mixers/pumps after the season in 2006
ing the mosquito off-season. This suggested that
was analyzed. The test result showed that the
permethrin concentration in siphoned insecticide
a research report only and the AMCD neither
solution stored in a sealed container for 4–
endorses nor opposes the commercial products
5 months was similar to the concentration in
the spray truck tank stored for 4–5 months.
In conclusion, compared with freshly mixed
samples, water-diluted permethrin in Aqua-Re-
slin product decomposed inside the holding tanks
Bouma MJ, Parvez SD, Nesbit R, Sondorp HE. 1996.
mounted on spray trucks after being stored in the
Rapid decomposition of permethrin in the outer fly
tanks for several months. This loss of permethrin
of an experimental tent in Pakistan. J Am Mosq
does not only affect control efficacy, but also
causes the economic loss. The decomposition
Gonzalez Audino P, Licastro SA, Zerba E. 2002.
Thermal decomposition and isomerization of cis-
could be detected by residue analysis that will
permethrin and beta-cypermethrin in the solid phase.
help the determine the make-up concentration,
and could be prevented by spraying until the tank
Hodiati MH, Curtis CE. 1999. Effects of permethrin at
is empty and other practice measures. Analyses of
different temperatures on pyrethroid-resistant and
the synergist, pipernyl butoxide (PBO) and inert
susceptible strains of Anpoheles. Med Vet Ent
material in the product were not made. This is
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS – NPD DAMP EATHER TORRBOLLEN 500 gram Section 1 : Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Identification Distributor & Manufacturer : Säljtema i Linköping AB Address : Section 2 : Composition / Information of Ingredients Chemical Name Section 3 : Hazard Identification Physical state : package powder desiccant, changes to
Annals of Oncology 16 (Supplement 8) viii36–viii38, 20053rd International Ovarian Cancer Consensus Conference:outstanding issues for future considerationG. Stuart1, E. Avall-Lundqvist2, A. du Bois3, M. Bookman4, D. Bowtell5, M. Brady4, A. Casado6,A. Cervantes7, E. Eisenhauer1, M. Friedlaender5, K. Fujiwara8, S. Grenman2, J. P. Guastalla9,P. Harper10, T. Hogberg2, S. Kaye11, H. Kitchener10, G.