Faculty recruitment is well under way at UC Merced, where many of the world’s outstanding scholars are already hard at work laying an academic foundation of excellence. By opening day, UC Merced will have 60 of these highly respected educators and cutting-edge researchers on board. As members of the founding faculty, these professors are charged with responsibilities that extend beyond teaching and research to include recruitment of additional faculty members and planning of academic programs. The following list includes founding faculty members whose appointments were finalized prior to the publication of this catalog.
Vice Chancellor of Research/Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor, School of Natural Sciences
B.S., D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Illinois
Developmental neuroscience focusing on cellular mechanisms that assure scaling of neuronal populations with the targets they innervate, neuromuscular maturation and plasticity
Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost,Professor and holder of the Shaffer-George Chair in Engineering
B.S., M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Stanford University
Development and implementation of risk analysis techniques appropriate for project management and construction-engineering decisions. Determination of factors leading to construction project success, predictive models of project performance, assessment of project change consequential effects, project scope modeling and definition, conceptual estimating, innovative project financing approaches
B.S., Purdue University; M.S., University of California, Berkeley; M.S., Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Hydrology, snow and ice, hydrochemistry, climate impacts on water resources, climate changes over polar ice sheets
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.S., University of Utah; M.S., Ph.D., University of Rochester
Evolution of bacteria, predicting the evolution of antibiotic resistance, testing evolutionary theory
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.S., University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D., University of Southern California Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the mechanism of synthesis and functions of novel HCV proteins that are produced by programmed translational frameshifting, as well as how HCV replication might be regulated by endogenous and exogenous agents including ribavirin, cytokines, alcohol and receive oxygen species
Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University Mechanisms of conceptual change in the context of conversational interaction, the role of children’s questions in conceptual development, development of biological knowledge, language acquisition, the roles of positive and negative evidence in language acquisition, word learning and label extension in language acquisition.
Professor, School of Natural Sciences
S.B. (2), Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley Computational and systems biology, biotechnology, computational chemistry
B.A., Mount Holyoke College; M.S., Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Biogeochemistry, metal cycling, surface water/shallow groundwater interactions, organic chemical distribution in soil and groundwater; chemical processes in snow, K-12 environmental education
Professor, School of Natural Sciences
B.A., Queens College; Ph.D., Columbia University
Signal transduction, antioxidants and redox signaling, lung disease
Assistant Professor, School of SocialSciences, Humanities, and Arts
B.A., M.A., California State University, Sacramento; Ph.D., University of California, Davis
American literature, American nature writing and literature of the environment, California literature and culture, literature of the Central Valley, literature and culture of the Great Depression, literature and photography
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.S., University of California, Los Angeles; M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Community ecology, scaling and spatial phenomena in ecology, theoretical ecology, conservation biology, microbial diversity
Dean, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, and Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Psychology of bilingualism and second language learning, child development, psycholinguistics, education policy, equal educational access for minority students THOMAS C. HARMON,
Associate Professor, School of Engineering
B.S., John Hopkins University; M.S., Ph.D., Stanford University
Contaminant transport in aquatic systems, soil and groundwater remediation, development and use of environmental sensors
Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
B.S.E., B.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Stanford University
Categorization, inductive reasoning, recognition memory, computer simulation and mathematical modeling, intuitive statistical judgment.
Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz; Ph.D., Princeton University
History, American diplomatic history, nuclear history, history of Cold War
Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
B.A., University of Rochester; M.S., Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Political economy, law and economics, U.S. economic history, economic development, public economics
Professor, School of Natural Sciences
B.S., University of California, Riverside; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley Resonance Raman spectroscopy and microscopy, molecular photochemistry and photophysics, organic materials for nonlinear optics, modeling of spectroscopic data
Professor, School of Natural Sciences
B.S., Whitworth College; Ph.D., University of Washington
Spectroscopy and dynamics of semiconductor nanoparticles, ultrafast spectroscopy of excited states and reactive intermediates, solvation effects on proton and electron transfer reactions, vibrational dynamics of gas phase molecules
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.S., Northwestern University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Washington
Wave propagation in random media, light propagation in tissues, wireless communications, scientific computing, asymptotic and perturbation methods
Assistant Professor, School of Engineering B.A. (2), California State University, Sonoma; Ph.D., Northwestern University Electron microscopy, nanomaterials for application in technology and the environment
Assistant Professor, School of Social
B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University
The study of war and morality, American political history, utopian and extremist movements in the 1930s, the domestic sources of U.S. foreign policy, and the ways in which economics, religion and culture shape Americans’ interactions with the rest of the world
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.A., University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., Harvard University
Mechanisms that control cell fate decisions in the immune system, the development of T lymphocytes, important components of immune defense against pathogens
Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Licenciatura, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), M.A., University of Houston, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Cross-disciplinary perspectives from cultural, ethnic and film studies, including identity formation, globalization and transnationalism, border studies, textual recovery, intra-cultural difference, the Hispanic con- text of Chicano/Chicana literature, popular culture and the mass media
Assistant Professor, School of SocialSciences, Humanities and Arts
B.A., M.A., California State University, Fresno; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
Cognitive science, psycholinguistics, spatial cognition, metaphor, semantics, gesture
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.S., Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Columbia; Ph.D., University of Miami Phylogenetics and organelle genome evolution of marine invertebrate animals, genomics of coral-zooxanthellae symbioses in Caribbean reefs
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.S., University of Kansas, M.S., University of Wisconsin, Ph.D., Texas A&M University Research on using temperature-dependent isotope effects as a probe for enzyme dynamics in soybean lipoxygenase-1
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.S., Carnegie Mellon University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley Nonlinear dynamics and classical/quantum chaos with applications to atomic and molecular physics; semi-classical phase-space
techniques; topological and geometric methods for low-dimensional systems; the geo- metric/Berry phase and gauge theory
Assistant Professor, School of SocialSciences, Humanities and Arts
B.S., Georgetown University, M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley Geography and state power in Middle Period China; georeferencing and digital mapping of historical and cultural phenomena
Assistant Professor, School of Engineering B.S., University of California, Berkeley; M.S., University of California, Davis; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, content- based information retrieval, digital libraries, data mining, knowledge discovery in spatio-temporal, multi-media, and scientific datasets.
Director of Writing and Lecturer, UC Merced Writing Program
B.A., Western Washington University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Social and cultural issues of teaching “white” English, a research focus that joins ESL theory with social constructionist insights about the power relationships between teacher and student or among diverse students in groups
Associate Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.S., University of California, Davis; M.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., Stanford University
Aqueous, surface and environmental geo- chemistry; biogeochemistry and transport of inorganic contaminants in natural systems; geochemical applications of spectroscopy and microscopy; chemistry in hydrothermal systems
Professor, School of Natural Sciences
B.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Infection by intracellular pathogens, particularly Chlamydia trachomatis; interaction between infected cells and the immune system; mechanisms of cell death; innate immunity
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.A., M.Sc., Texas A & M University; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
Endocrine physiology; physiological adaptations in water and electrolyte homeostasis and fat metabolism during extreme conditions such as prolonged fasting and altered gravitational load
Dean, School of Natural Sciences, and Professor, School of Natural Sciences
B.S., University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., University of Utah
Stem cell biology; genomic and proteomic abnormalities in cancer, particularly leukemia and breast cancer; relationships between genetic damage induced by chemical exposure and cancer development
Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
B.F.A., Goodman School of Drama, M.F.A., Yale University School of Drama
Costume design for theatre, opera, ballet, dance, film and television; history of costume design; history of clothing and fashion; drawing; watercolor painting
Assistant Professor, School of SocialSciences, Humanities and Arts
B.S., University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Demography, immigration, immigration policy, immigrant adaptation, race and ethnicity, urban economics, and social and economic progress of race/ethnic minorities
Assistant Professor, School of SocialSciences, Humanities and Arts
B.A., California State University, Los Angeles; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
19th-and 20th-century Spanish literature, 19th-and 20th-century Spanish-
American literature, Portuguese literature, Golden Age and Colonial literature.
Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
B.A., Santa Clara University; M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University
Clinical psychology, experimental and quasiexperimental design, meta-analysis, pro- gram evaluation, psychology of science
Assistant Professor, School of NaturalSciences
B.S., University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Chancellor and Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
B.A., Pennsylvania State University; M.S., Iowa State University; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Developmental psychology, development of cognitive potential
Director, Sierra Nevada Research Institute, and Professor, School of Natural Sciences
B.S., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Surface, colloidal and complexation chemistry in soils, sediments and natural waters; remediation of contaminated soils and sediments
Biomolecular materials (design of materials synthesis, assembly, processing and physical optimization strategies based on examples from nature), physical science
and engineering of polymers and liquid crystals (structure-property-processing relationships)
Assistant Professor, School of SocialSciences, Humanities, and Arts
B.A., Lewis and Clark College; Ph.D., John Hopkins University
Applied microeconomics, labor economics, economics of gender and discrimination, economics of welfare and poverty
Professor, Schools of Engineering andNatural Sciences
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Chicago Solar power and renewable energy, ele- mentary particle physics, non-imaging optics
Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
B.S., Wake Forest University; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Christian University
Experimental design, statistical genetics, applied statistics and psychometrics
Dean, School of Engineering, and Professor, School of Engineering B.A., B.S.E., M.S.E., University of Washington; Ph.D., John Hopkins University
Water resources and environmental management; design and implementation of computer-based spatial decision support systems for civil infrastructure, transportation, water resources; land resources engineering and management
Assistant Professor, School of Social
B.A., University of California Berkeley; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Irvine Philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, phenomenology (especially Husserl) and neural networks
Associate Adjunct Professor, School of Natural Sciences A.B., Harvard University; M.S., Ph.D., Stanford University
Global climate change; climate modeling; detection of anthropogenic climate change; societal impacts of climate change
Associate Adjunct Professor, School ofNatural Sciences
B.A., Moscow State University, M.S., Ph.D., Harvard University
Nanosynthesis and single-molecule imaging and measurements
Adjunct Professor, School of Natural Sciences
Ingeniur degree, Eindhoven University; Doctoral degree, Ph.D., Leiden University
Distant massive galaxies, the effects of their central super-massive black holes on the galaxy-formation process, and the formation and evolution of the largest structures known in the Universe: clusters of galaxies
Associate Adjunct Professor, School of Natural Sciences
B.Sc., Simon Fraser University,M.Sc., Ph.D., University of British Columbia
Synthesis and electronic structure of nanomaterials
fa r m a c o t h e r a p i e De Beers-lijst als hulpmiddel om ernstige geneesmiddelbijwerkingen R.W.Vingerhoets, R.J.van Marum en P.A.F.Jansen *– Geneesmiddelbijwerkingen zorgen vooral bij ouderen voor een sterk verhoogd risico op ziekenhuis-opname en sterfte. – De meeste geneesmiddelbijwerkingen zijn vermijdbaar indien het voorschrijfpatroon wordt aan-gepast. – Beers et al. hebben een