Microsoft word - speranta iacob_cv_site_fundeni_201
Speranta IACOB medic specialist gastroenterolog, doctor in stiinte medicale Data si locul nasterii: 8 aprilie 1977, Bucuresti, Romania Telefon/Fax: +40213180455 E-mail: [email protected] Etape medicale si universitare: 1995-2001: UMF “Carol Davila”, Bucuresti, Facultatea de Medicină Generală 2001 – 2002 - Medic rezident pediatrie, Clinica de Pediatrie, Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Bucuresti 2002 – 2007 - Medic rezident gastroenterologie, Centrul de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie, Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Bucuresti Octombrie 2007 - Promovarea examenului de medic specialist în gastroenterologie; încadrarea ca medic specialist la Centrul de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie Fundeni 2007 – prezent – Medic specialist gastroenterologie, Centrul de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie, Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Bucuresti Martie 2003 - Promovarea examenului de asistent de cercetare în gastroenterologie 2003 – 2007: Asistent de cercetare, Centrul de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie, Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Bucuresti Septembrie 2007 - Promovarea examenului de cercetător stiintific în gastroenterologie 2007 –2010: Cercetator stiintific, Centrul de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie, Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Bucuresti Noiembrie 2010 – Promovarea examenului pentru ocuparea postului de medic specialist gastroenterologie 2006 – 2010: Doctorand in specialitatea Chirugie Generala – Transplant hepatic – Conducator stiintific Prof. Dr. Irinel Popescu 12 Noiembrie 2010 – Sustinerea tezei de doctorat cu titlul “Hepatita cronica C recurenta post- transplant hepatic – strategii terapeutice si factori asociati recurentei severe” si obtinerea titlului de Doctor in stiinte medicale
7 Septembrie 2011 – Promovarea examenului organizat de UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists), EBTM (European Board of Transplantation Medicine) si ESOT (European Society of Organ Transplantation) si obtinerea Diplomei Europene in Medicina de Transplant (“European Diploma in Transplantation Medicine”) Pregatire postuniversitara in gastroenterologie si hepatologie
• Curs si stagiu practic de gastroenterologie si hepatologie Franta : “EDOUARD HERRIOT” hopital, Lyon (March – April 2002) • Curs si stagiu practic de gastroenterologie si hepatologie Olanda : Amsterdam (Academic Medical Center), Zwolle (The Sophia Ziekenhuis Zwolle) (Septembrie – Octombrie 2003) • 25 cursuri postuniversitare (2001-2010)
• EASL School of Hepatology – Curs 1 – Bolile cronice hepatice, Geneva, Elvetia (Decembrie 2003) • EASL School of Hepatology – Curs 2 – Complicatiile cirozei si cancerul hepatic, Barcelona, Spania (Iunie 2004) • DAAD Scholarship – SUPRASPECIALIZARE TRANSPLANT HEPATIC, Spitalul Universitar Essen, Germania (1 Iunie – 30 Noiembrie 2005) • Stagiu de cercetare fundamentala in Biologie Moleculara si Celulara, Spitalul Universitar Essen, Germania (1 Ianuarie – 31 Decembrie 2009) Afiliere la societati: AN SOCIETATE 2001-prezent Membra a Societatii Romane de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie (SRGH) 2001-prezent Membra a Societatii Romane de Endoscopie Digestiva (SRED) 2002-prezent Membra a Societatii Romane de Nutritie Enterala si Parenterala (ROSPEN) 2002-prezent Membra a ROMTRANSPLANT 2003-prezent Membra a International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists (IASG) 2003-prezent Membra a American College of Gastroenterology (AGA) Feb 2005 - prezent Membra a European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Iunie 2008-prezent Membra a Transplantation Society (TTS) August 2008-prezent Membra a European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) Septembrie 2008 Includere in WHO’s WHO in lume in 2009 Iulie 2009 – prezent Membra fondatoare a Women Leaders in Transplantation (WLIT) Premii si burse primite: - 19 burse ca tanar investigator pentru participare la diferite congrese internationale (incepand din 2001 - 2011) - Bursa acordata de DAAD (Serviciul German de Schimb Academic) (2005) - Bursa de cercetare acordata pentru tinerii doctoranzi de catre CNCSIS (Mai 2007-Martie 2010) - Invitata de catre Societatea Internationala de Transplant la TTS New KOL Meeting as New Key Opinion Leader (nKOL), Sankt Petersburg, Russia – “Real time elastography – a noninvasive tool for evaluation of recurrent hepatitis C following liver transplantation.” - 15 premii (premiul I, II, III si mentiune) pentru prezentari orale sau postere (4
premii internationale si 11 premii nationale) Arii de interes in cercetare
Transplantul hepatic Diagnosticul si tratamentul hepatitelor virale Ciroza hepatica si managementul complicatiilor Bolile colestatice ale adultului Boala Wilson hepatica Cancerul hepato-biliar – diagnostic precoce si tratament
Participare la granturi obtinute prin concurs: 2004 – 2006: 3 granturi nationale (unul de aproximativ 26000Eur, 2 de ~19000Eur) 2006 – 2008: 4 granturi nationale (fiecare de 428500Eur) 2008 – 2011: 3 granturi nationale (fiecare de ~ 490000Eur) Participare la 7 trialuri medicale internationale (co-investigator) Lucrari elaborate: Lucrari originale publicate in extenso 1. Diculescu M., Iacob S., Iacob R., Sclifos D., Ionescu R., Oproiu A. - Is oral bile acid dissolution a better alternative to laparoscopic cholecystectomy for patients with gallbladder stones? - Annals of Fundeni Hospital vol 6, nr. 1, january-march 2001, pp 18-27 2. Diculescu M., Iacob R, Iacob S., Croitoru A., Becheanu G., Popeneciu V. - The Importance of Histopathological and Clinical Variables in Predicting the Evolution of Colon Cancer - Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology 2002 Sep;11(3):183-9 3. Gheorghe C., Gheorghe L., Iacob R., Iacob S., Simionov I., Bancila I. – Argon Plasma Coagulation for Radiation Proctitis – Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology 2003 June; 12(2):107-112. 4. Vadan R., Gheorghe L., Becheanu G., Iacob R., Iacob S., Gheorghe C. – Predictive factors for the severity of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C and moderate alcohol consumption - Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology 2003 Sep; 12(3):183-187. 5. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Bolog N, Stoicescu A, Parvulescu I, Popescu I. – Overlap syndrome between autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis complicated by hepatocellular carcinoma. Case report - Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology 2004 March; 13 (1):33-8. 6. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Gheorghe C, Iacob R, Simionov I, Vadan R, Becheanu G, Parvulescu I, Toader C. - Frequency and predictive factors for overlap syndrome between autoimmune hepatitis and primary cholestatic liver disease – European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2004; June, 16 (6):585-592. 7. Gheorghe L., Popescu I., Iacob S., Gheorghe C., Vadan R., Constantinescu A., Iacob R., Becheanu G., Angelescu C, Diculescu M. - Wilson’s disease: a challenge of diagnosis. The 5-years experience of a tertiary center - Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology 2004 September; 13 (3): 179-185. 8. C. Gheorghe, O. Pascu, L. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, E. Dumitru, M. Tantau, R. Vadan, A. Goldis, G. Balan, S. Iacob, D. Dobru, A. Saftoiu. Epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease in adults who refer to gastroenterology care in Romania: a multicentric study - European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2004; November, 16 (11):1153-9. 9. L. Gheorghe, S. Iacob, I. Popescu. Living donor liver transplantation and hepatitis C. Rom J Gastroenterol 2004 December; 13 (4): 317-27.
10. Diculescu M, Iacob R, Chira C, Mihaila D, Iacob S. Esomeprazole in the treatment of patients with heartburn and other upper gastrointestinal symptoms, referred to primary care - results of the in-practice evaluation program in Romania. Rom J Gastroenterol. 2005 Mar;14(1):9-14. 11. Gheorghe L, Popescu I, Iacob R, Iacob S, Gheorghe C. Predictors of death on the waiting list for liver transplantation characterized by a long waiting time. Transpl Int. 2005 May;18(5):572-6. 12. Gheorghe L., Grigorescu M., Iacob S., Damian D., Gheorghe C., Iacob R., Simionov I., Vadan R., Parvulescu I., Bancila I. Effectiveness and tolerability of Pegylated interferon α-2A and ribavirin combination therapy in Romanian patients with chronic hepatitis C: from clinical trials to clinical practice - Rom J Gastroenterol. 2005 Jun;14(2):109-15. 13. Gheorghe L, Iacob R, Vadan R, Iacob S, Gheorghe C. Improvement of hepatic encephalopathy using a modified high-calorie high-protein diet. Rom J Gastroenterol. 2005 Sep;14(3):231-8. 14. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Simionov I, Vadan R, Gheorghe C, Iacob R, Parvulescu I, Constantinescu I. Natural history of compensated viral B and D cirrhosis. Rom J Gastroenterol. 2005 Dec;14(4):329-35. 15. Iacob R, Iacob S, Gheorghe L, Gheorghe C, Diculescu M. The use of IT in the medical system has economic and research advantages - the experience of Fundeni Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center. Rom J Gastroenterol. 2005 Dec;14(4):426-9. 16. Cristian Gheorghe, Liana Gheorghe, Speranta Iacob, Razvan Iacob, Irinel Popescu. Primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in cirrhotics awaiting liver transplantation. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2006; 53: 552-557 17. Popescu I, Tulbure D, Gheorghe L, Hrehoret D, Popa L, Iacob S, Malago M. Emergency protocol for an adult ABO-incompatible living related liver transplantation. Annals of Fundeni Hospital 2006;10:49-56 18.Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Sporea I, Grigorescu M, Sirli R, Damian D, Gheorghe C, Iacob R. Efficacy, tolerability and predictive factors for early and sustained virologic response in patients treated with weight-based dosing regimen of PegIFN α-2b and ribavirin in real-life healthcare setting. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2007; 16(1):23-29 19. Speranta Iacob, Vito R. Cicinnati, Philip Hilgard, Razvan A. Iacob, Liana S. Gheorghe, Irinel Popescu, Andrea Frilling, Massimo Malago, Guido Gerken, Christoph E. Broelsch, Susanne Beckebaum. Predictors of graft and patient survival in HCV recipients - model to predict HCV cirrhosis following liver transplantation. Transplantation 2007; 84:56-63 *Models for predicting graft and patient survival and hepatitis C virus recurrence after liver transplantation Predictors of graft and patient survival in hepatitis C virus (HCV) recipients: model to predict HCV cirrhosis after liver transplantation. Iacob S, Cicinnati VR, Hilgard P, Iacob RA, Gheorghe LS, Popescu I, et al. Transplantation 2007; 84:56-63 Comments by Perkins JD. In Liver Transplantation 2008;14:252-256 20. Cicinnati VR, Iacob S, Klein CG, Baba HA, Sotiropoulos GC, Hilgard P, Erim Y, Broelsch CE, Gerken G, Beckebaum S. Ribavirin with either standard or pegylated interferon to treat recurrent hepatitis C after liver transplantation. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2007; 26:291-303
21. L. Gheorghe, S. Iacob, R. Iacob, C. Gheorghe, I. Popescu. Variation of the MELD score as a predictor of death on the waiting list for liver transplantation. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2007; 16(3):267-272 *Lake JR. MELD-an imperfect, but thus far the best, solution to the problem of organ allocation. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2008; 17 (1):5-7 22. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Gheorghe C, Herlea V, Becheanu G, Ardeleanu C, Dumbrava M, Lupescu I, Popescu I. Ecoendoscopic elastography for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in small cirrhotic nodules. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union 2007; 42:186-188 23. Popescu I, Dima S, Guja C, Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Hrehoret D, Matei E, Dorobantu B, Botea F, Sarbu V, Tulbure D, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C. Combined liver and islet transplantation using steroid-free immunossupression. Chirurgia (Bucur) 2007;102:597- 602 24. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Lupescu I, Popescu H, Budai A. Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union 2008; 43:66-67 25. Speranta Iacob, Liana Gheorghe, Doina Hrehoret, Gabriel Becheanu, Vlad Herlea, Irinel Popescu. Pegylated Interferon α-2a and Ribavirin Combination Therapy in HCV Liver Transplant Recipients. Experience of 7 Cases. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2008; 17:165-172 26. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Csiki IE. Prevalence of hepatitis C in Romania: Different from European rates? J Hepatol 2008; 49(4):661-2 27. Gheorghe C, Iacob R, Gheorghe L, Cotruta B, Bancila I, Iacob S, Bucur D, Voinea D, Popescu I. Projected Dynamics of Colonoscopic Screening and Surveillance for Colorectal Cancer. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2008; 55:1568-1572 28. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Gheorghe C. Real-time sonoelastography – a new application in the field of liver disease. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2008;17(4):469-74 29. Iacob S, Hrehoret D, Matei E, Dorobantu B, Gangone E, Gheorghe L, Popescu I. Costs and efficacy of "on demand" low-dose immunoprophylaxis in HBV transplanted patients: experience in the Romanian program of liver transplantation. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2008;17(4):383-8. 30. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Grigorescu M, Sporea I, Sirli R, Damian D, Gheorghe C, Iacob R. High sustained virological response rate to combination therapy in genotype 1 patients with histologically mild hepatitis C. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2009;18:51-56 31.Iacob R, Sirbu-Boeti P, Iacob S, Dima S, Gheorghe C, Gheorghe L; Popescu I. Stem cell therapies for gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Chirurgia (Bucur) 2009;104: 131- 140. 32. Iacob S, Gheorghe L, Iacob R, Gheorghe C, Hrehoret D, Popescu I. MELD exceptions and new predictive score of death on long waiting lists for liver transplantation. Chirurgia (Bucur) 2009;104: 267-273 33. Popescu I, Habib N, Dima S, Hancu N, Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Mihaila M, Dorobantu B, Matei E, Botea F. Domino liver transplantation using a graft from a donor with familial hypercholesterolemia: seven-yr follow-up. Clinical Transplant 2009;23:565-570 34.Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Iacob R, Dumbrava M, Becheanu G, Herlea V, Gheorghe C, Lupescu I, Popescu I. Real Time Elastography – a noninvasive diagnostic method of small hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2009;18 (4):439-446
35. Dima S, Iacob S, Botea F, Matei E, Brasoveanu V, Hrehoret D, Vasile S, Alexandrescu S, Croitoru A, Dumitrascu T, Herlea V, Popescu I. Multimodal Treatment of Hepatocellular carcinoma: An Eastern European Experience. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2009; 56 (96):1696-1703 36. Iacob S, Cicinnati VR, Beckebaum S. Current immunosuppressive approaches in liver transplantation. Panminerva Med 2009;51:215-25 37. Beckebaum S, Iacob S, Klein CG, Dechêne A, Varghese J, Baba HA, Sotiropoulos GC, Paul A, Gerken G, Cicinnati VR. Assessment of Allograft Fibrosis by Transient Elastography and Noninvasive Biomarker Scoring Systems in Liver Transplant Patients. Transplantation. 2010;89:983-93 38. Popescu I, Ionescu M, Brasoveanu V, Hrehoret D, Matei E, Dorobantu B, Zamfir R, Alexandrescu S, Grigorie M, Tulbure D, Popa L, Ungureanu M, Tomescu D, Droc G, Popescu H, Cristea A, Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Gheorghe C, Boros M, Lupescu I, Vlad L, Herlea V, Croitoru M, Platon P, Alloub A. Liver transplantation - indications, surgical technique, results - the analysis of a clinical series of 200 cases. Chirurgia 2010;105:177-186 39. Gheorghe L, Pascu O, Ceausu E, Csiki IE, Iacob S, Caruntu F, Simionov I, Vadan R. Access to Peginterferon plus Ribavirin therapy for hepatitis C in Romania between 2002-2009. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2010; 19:161-167 40. Shen Q, Cicinnati V, Zhang X, Iacob S, Weber F, Sotiropoulos G, Radtke A, Lu M, Paul A, Gerken G, Beckebaum S. Role of microRNA-199a-5p and discoidin domain receptor 1 in human hepatocellular carcinoma invasion. Molecular Cancer 2010, 9:227 41. Sporea I, Sirli R, Curescu M, Gheorghe L, Popescu A, Bota S, Iacob S. Outcome of antiviral treatment in patients with chronic genotype 1 HCV hepatitis. A retrospective study in 507 patients. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2010;19(3):261-4. 42. Gheorghe L, Csiki IE, Iacob S, Gheorghe C, Smira G, Regep L. The prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis C virus infection in adult population in Romania: a nationwide survey 2006 – 2008. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2010;19(4):373-9. 43.Beckebaum S, Iacob S, Sweid D, Sotiropoulos GC, Saner F, Kaiser G, Radtke A, Klein CG, Erim Y, de Geest S, Paul A, Gerken G, Cicinnati VR. Efficacy, safety, and immunosuppressant adherence in stable liver transplant patients converted from a twice-daily tacrolimus-based regimen to once-daily tacrolimus extended-release formulation. Transpl Int 2011 [Ebup ahead of print] Capitole de carte: 17 Articole tip review: 6 Lucrări publicate în rezumat la manifestări stiintifice internationale si nationale:210 Comunicari orale: 19 internationale, 30 nationale, 25 regionale Postere prezentate la manifestări stiintifice internationale si nationale: 223 Publicatii cu caracter educational: 9
General topic of interview: The interview briefly addresses a white person’s retrospective on the topic of integration and massive resistance in the Warren County school system. It also covers the experiences of a professional psychologist. NARRATOR: Tom Peachy DATE: April 12, 206 INTERVIEWER: Carrie MacLeod PLACE: Front Royal, Virginia Tom Peachy moved to Warren County as a boy. He attended s
453-460,463_0602CNS_PHILLIPS 4/20/09 4:19 PM Page 453 Feature Article Pharmacologic Treatment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Review of the Evidence and a Recommended Treatment Approach ABSTRACT and occupational/academic functioning.6-8 Many are house- Research on effective pharmacotherapy for body dysmorphic bound, require psychiatric hospitalization, and attempt sui- disorde