Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.
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Feature Article Pharmacologic Treatment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Review of the Evidence and a Recommended Treatment Approach ABSTRACT
and occupational/academic functioning.6-8 Many are house-
Research on effective pharmacotherapy for body dysmorphic
bound, require psychiatric hospitalization, and attempt sui-
disorder (BDD) has rapidly increased in recent years, with
cide.6-8 Quality of life is notably poor: one study found that
emerging data consistently indicating that serotonin reuptake
mental health-related quality of life for BDD patients was
inhibitors (SRIs) are often efficacious for this disorder.
poorer than for the United States’ population as a whole as
Although data are limited, it appears that higher SRI doses
well as for patients with depression or a chronic or acute
and longer treatment trials than those used for many other psy-
medical condition (eg, diabetes or acute myocardial infarc-
chiatric disorders are often needed to treat BDD effectively.
tion).9 Furthermore, although it is relatively common,10 BDD
Approaches to treatment-resistant BDD have received little
usually goes undiagnosed in clinical settings.11,12
investigation, but available data indicate that switching toanother SRI and several SRI-augmentation strategies may beWHY TREAT BODY-IMAGE DISTURBANCE helpful. This article reviews the empirical literature on BDDWITH MEDICATION? and offers a recommended approach to the pharmacotherapy of
There are a number of reasons to think that medication
this distressing and often disabling disorder.
might be effective for BDD. Obsessional preoccupation with
CNS Spectrums 2002;7(6):453-463
perceived appearance flaws and compulsive, repetitivebehaviors, such as mirror-checking, excessive grooming,
and skin-picking, are core features of the disorder.6 In some
The pharmacotherapy of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
ways, BDD resembles obsessive-compulsive disorder
involves several apparent paradoxes. One paradox is that
(OCD)13 and this suggests a role for serotonin reuptake
although the empirical literature on this disorder’s pharma-
inhibitors (SRIs). Many patients have notable depressive
cologic treatment is limited, there appears to be considerable
features,6,14 suggesting a role for antidepressants. Insight is
consensus on how clinicians should initially treat these
usually poor or absent, and nearly half of patients are delu-
patients.1 Perhaps a more fundamental paradox involves the
sional7 (ie, completely convinced that their view of their
very nature of the disorder: BDD is a disorder of disturbed
appearance “defect” is accurate), raising the question of
body image, which almost certainly has sociological, cul-
whether antipsychotics may be useful. In addition, although
tural, and psychological roots,2 yet many patients respond to
the development of BDD almost certainly involves psycho-
logical and sociocultural factors, it also likely involves neu-
As recently as the 1980s, patients with BDD were
robiological disturbances,2 with very preliminary data
described as “extremely difficult” to treat,3 and a noted der-
suggesting a role for abnormalities in serotonergic func-
matologist stated, “The author knows of no more difficult
tion15,16 and corticostriatal circuitry.17 Moreover, other types
patients to treat than those with body dysmorphic disorder.”4
of body-image disturbance, such as autotopagnosia (disori-
However, as emerging empirical evidence and clinical
entation with respect to body surface) or unilateral neglect
experience indicate that most patients with BDD may bene-
(involving a decreased awareness of body parts) are well
fit from pharmacotherapy, this pessimism is gradually being
known to have a neurologic basis. While these disturbances
do not have direct implications for pharmacotherapy, they
It should first be underscored that BDD warrants aggres-
highlight the neurobiologic basis of some types of body-
sive treatment. Patients with this disorder are markedly dis-
tressed, with scores on measures of perceived stress
Although most patients with BDD seek often-costly
exceeding those reported for most psychiatric patients.5
nonpsychiatric treatment, such as dermatologic treatment
Most patients experience significant impairment in social
and cosmetic surgery,19 available data indicate that these
Dr. Phillips is professor of psychiatry at Butler Hospital and in the Department of Psychiatry at Brown University School of Medicine in Providence,Rhode Island.Please direct all correspondence to: Dr. Phillips, Butler Hospital, 345 Blackstone Blvd., Providence, RI 02906. Tel: 401-455-6490; Fax: 401-455-6539.
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Feature Article
approaches are usually ineffective. In a study of 250 adults
improvement in BDD symptoms, whereas 18 non-SRI tri-
with BDD seen in a psychiatric setting, who received a total
cyclic trials led to no overall improvement in BDD symptoms.
of 484 nonpsychiatric treatments, only 7.3% of all treat-
Prospective Clinical Series
ments led to both a decrease in concern with the treated
In a recent chart-review study of 90 patients treated by
body part and overall improvement in BDD.19 Although
the author in her clinical practice, clinically significant
prospective data are lacking, these findings suggest that
improvement occurred with 63.2% (n=55) of adequate SRI
nonpsychiatric treatment should not be recommended for
trials, with similar response rates for each type of SRI.34 In
these patients. Reports of BDD patients being violent
this study, 17.5% (n=10) of adequate SRI trials resulted in
toward surgeons20 or committing suicide in a dermatology
full remission and 31.7% (n=18) in partial remission.34
setting21,22 underscore the importance of implementing more
In a study of 33 children and adolescents with BDD,35 10
of 19 (53%) subjects treated with an SRI had an improve-ment in BDD symptoms on the CGI, and 10 (45%) of 22
SRI trials led to an improvement. Considering only the 13
SRI trials conducted by the authors, which tended to be
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
more aggressive trials, eight (62%) resulted in improvement
The SRIs (clomipramine and the selective SRIs [SSRIs])
in BDD. No non-SRI medications (n=8 trials) were effective
have received the lion’s share of pharmacologic research.
Data from clinical series, open-label studies, and controlled
Open-Label Studies
studies consistently indicate that these agents are often, and
Three systematic open-label studies of SRIs have been
perhaps selectively, effective as single agents for BDD. SRIs
done, two with fluvoxamine and one with citalopram. In a
are widely used and recommended for BDD.1 Response to
16-week study of 30 subjects who met criteria for the
an SRI usually results in decreased distress and time preoc-
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
cupied with the “defect,” improved functioning (eg, return
Fourth Edition, (DSM-IV) BDD,23 19 (63%) patients
to work or school), and improvement in depressive symp-
responded (in an intent-to-treat analysis) based on ≥30%
toms.23 Repetitive behaviors, such as mirror-checking and
improvement on the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive
Scale Modified for BDD (BDD-YBOCS)36 and the CGI. Case Reports
BDD-YBOCS scores significantly decreased, from 31.1±5.4
Several early case reports suggested efficacy for fluoxe-
at baseline to 16.9±11.8 at termination. Six responders dis-
tine and clomipramine,24-26 in some cases after failure to
continued fluvoxamine, all of whom relapsed, with BDD
respond to a variety of psychotropic agents. Efficacy of
symptoms significantly improving in the four patients who
SSRIs in children and adolescents was subsequently
restarted an SRI. In a 10-week open-label study of fluvox-
reported,27-30 with relapses occurring after medication dis-
amine up to 300 mg/day,37 10 of 15 patients were much or
continuation.27 Intravenous, pulse-loaded clomipramine was
very much improved on the CGI. Ten of 12 patients who
also noted to be efficacious in two cases.31
completed the study were responders. In a recent open-
Retrospective Studies
label study of citalopram in 15 BDD patients, BDD-YBOCS
Largely retrospective data from larger patient series sug-
scores decreased from 30.7±4.9 at baseline to 15.3±10.6 at
gest that SRIs, but not other medications, are often effective
termination (P<.001), with 73.3% (n=11) of subjects rated
for BDD. In an early series of 30 patients, 58% responded
as responders on the BDD-YBOCS and the CGI (KA
to SRIs, whereas only 5% responded to other medications.6
Phillips, MD, and F Najjar MD, unpublished data, 2001).
In an expansion of this series, consisting of 130 patients
Controlled Studies
who had received a total of 316 medication trials, 42% of 65
Two controlled-treatment trials of BDD have been com-
SRI trials led to improvement on the Clinical Global
pleted. In the first, a double-blind crossover study of
Impressions (CGI) scale, compared to 30% of 23 trials with
clomipramine versus desipramine conducted by Hollander
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), 15% of 48 trials
and colleagues,38 subjects were treated for 8 weeks with
with non-SRI tricyclics, 3% with neuroleptics, 6% with a
each medication. Forty patients entered the study and 29
variety of other medications (eg, benzodiazepines and mood
were randomized. Clomipramine was superior to
stabilizers), and 0% of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) tri-
desipramine in improving BDD symptoms and functional
als.32 (Although in this series the SRI response rate was
disability. Treatment efficacy was independent of the pres-
higher than for the other medications, it was relatively low
ence or severity of comorbid diagnoses of OCD, depression,
compared with subsequent rates reported later in this arti-
or social phobia. This study is important because, consistent
cle. This probably reflects the fact that at this early stage of
with the aforementioned retrospective data, it suggests that
BDD research, it was not known what an adequate SRI trial
BDD should be treated with an SRI rather than a non-SRI
consisted of, and many patients received SRI doses and trial
durations that were probably inadequate for treating BDD).
The first placebo-controlled study was recently com-
Another retrospective study of 50 patients by Hollander and
pleted. It found that fluoxetine was more effective than
colleagues33 similarly reported that 35 SRI trials resulted in
placebo for BDD.39 Seventy-four patients with DSM-IV BDD
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criteria were enrolled and 67 were randomized to 12 weeks
research on this medication’s efficacy is clearly warranted.
of treatment in this double-blind, parallel-group study.
MAOIs, too, may have a role in treating BDD. In the author’s
Fluoxetine was significantly more effective than placebo for
aforementioned retrospective series, MAOIs were effective
BDD beginning at week 8 and continuing at weeks 10 and
in 30% of 23 cases, in some cases after patients failed an
12 (<.001). The response rate was 53% (18 of 34) to flu-
SRI.7 Several case reports have noted a good response to
oxetine and 18% (6 of 33) to placebo (P=.003). As in the
MAOIs, one with tranylcypromine and one with a combina-
clomipramine/desipramine study, treatment efficacy was
tion of phenelzine, trimipramine, and perphenazine.42
independent of the presence of major depression or OCD.
Tricyclic antidepressants other than clomipramine
Efficacy of SRIs for Delusional BDD
appear generally ineffective for BDD. The
Perhaps the most intriguing finding in the pharmacother-
clomipramine/desipramine trial described above found that
apy literature is that patients with delusional BDD appear to
desipramine was significantly less effective than
respond to SRIs.7,34,35,38-40 This finding is counterintuitive,
clomipramine for BDD.38 Because the study did not include
given that these patients are diagnosed not only with BDD
a placebo control, it cannot be stated with certainty that
but also with a psychotic disorder (delusional disorder of
desipramine is ineffective for BDD (it is possible that
the somatic type), a group of disorders usually treated
placebo would have produced an even lower response rate).
with antipsychotics. In the previously noted placebo-con-
However, other published data are consistent with a com-
trolled fluoxetine study, a similar percentage of delusional
parative lack of efficacy for tricyclics other than
and nondelusional patients had response of BDD symp-
clomipramine. A previously noted retrospective study of
toms to fluoxetine (50% and 55%, respectively).39 In the
50 patients found that non-SRI tricyclic trials led to no
desipramine/clomipramine crossover study, clomipramine
overall improvement in BDD symptoms,33 and the author’s
was more effective than desipramine regardless of whether
previously noted retrospective series found that only 15% of
patients had insight or held their dysmorphic misperception
48 trials with non-SRI tricyclics improved BDD symptoms.32
with delusional intensity.38 Of interest, clomipramine was
There are no data available on the efficacy of mirtazapine
even more effective for delusional patients than for nondelu-
and bupropion for BDD, and only very limited data on nefa-
sional patients. The results from these controlled studies are
zodone.34 In the author’s experience, these medications are
consistent with earlier findings from case reports,24,25,29 clini-
generally ineffective as single agents for BDD.
cal series,7,35 and open-label trials,40 which also indicatedthat delusional patients had a high rate of response to SRIs. Antipsychotics as Single Agents
Several of these studies39,40 had the methodologic advantage
Given that a high percentage of patients with BDD are
of using a reliable and valid scale41 to classify subjects prior
delusional, an important question is whether antipsychotics
to treatment as delusional or nondelusional.
are effective as single agents for BDD, including its delu-
Several studies also examined the different question of
sional form. This question has received surprisingly little
whether insight improves with treatment. In other words, do
empirical investigation. In early case reports, antipsychotics
treated patients develop more accurate beliefs about their
were generally reported to be ineffective, with negative
appearance, realizing that they do not look abnormal? In an
results for loxitane, trifluoperazine, thioridazine, flu-
open-label fluvoxamine study, insight significantly
penthixol, pimozide, and unspecified agents.42 The author’s
improved.40 In the blinded crossover study, clomipramine
previously noted retrospectively assessed series, in which
but not desipramine resulted in significant improvement in
52% of patients had been delusional, showed a response in
insight.38 In the fluoxetine study, insight did not improve
only 1 of 49 trials.7 A recent case report, however, noted
more with fluoxetine than with placebo, although insight
improvement in BDD symptoms with olanzapine.43
improved significantly more in treatment responders (to either
Pimozide has had the reputation of being effective for
fluoxetine or placebo) than in treatment nonresponders.39
monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis, a broad cate-
These intriguing findings indicate that SRIs are effective
gory currently known as delusional disorder of the somatic
for BDD symptoms in delusional patients. They also suggest
type, which includes delusional BDD.3 However, data from
that insight may improve with SRI treatment, although the
only a small number of case reports are available for
data are somewhat contradictory. These data further suggest
patients clearly diagnosed with delusional BDD as opposed
that certain types of psychosis (perhaps the delusional vari-
to another type of somatic delusional disorder. These reports
ants of putative OCD-spectrum disorders) may respond to
suggest that pimozide may be effective for BDD, although
the author has found pimozide alone to be ineffective in asmall number of cases (n=8).32 The efficacy of this medica-
Other Antidepressants
tion warrants further, more rigorous investigation.
Venlafaxine, a mixed serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitor, may have a role in treating BDD. Although there
Other Medications as Single Agents
are no published reports on this medication’s efficacy, in the
Data are very limited but generally suggest that other
author’s clinical experience, BDD may respond to venlafax-
medications are generally ineffective as single agents for
ine, even after the failure of numerous SRIs. More systematic
BDD (although they may have a role as SRI-augmentation
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agents, as discussed in a later section). Early case reports
none of which showed ECT efficacy for BDD, although sev-
noted a lack of response for lithium, alprazolam, diazepam,
eral patients had a transient improvement, primarily in
and unspecified benzodiazepines.42 The author’s previously
noted retrospective study similarly found that a variety ofother medications (eg, mood stabilizers, benzodiazepines,
stimulants), used alone, were usually ineffective for BDD.32
One published case report noted improvement in BDD
In the previously described series of 33 children and ado-
symptoms with a modified leucotomy.45 In another, signifi-
lescents with BDD,35 none of the eight treatments with non-
cant improvement occurred with a capsulotomy (P Mindus,
SRI medications significantly decreased BDD symptoms.
MD, oral communication, 2001), and in a third case, with abilateral anterior cingulotomy and subcaudate tractotomy (E
Cassem, MD, personal communication, 2001). However, intwo cases, an anterior capsulotomy was ineffective for BDD
Electroconvulsive Therapy
(SA Rasmussen, oral communication, 2001).
There are only limited data on the efficacy of ECT. A
1991 review found seven published case reports, six of
which reported an unsuccessful outcome with ECT.42 One
subsequent report noted a good response to ECT.44 In the
SRI augmentation with pharmacotherapy has consider-
author’s series of 130 cases, none of eight ECT trials was
able face validity. Augmentation strategies are widely used
successful, although the data were largely retrospective.32
in other disorders, including OCD and depression, disorders
The author is aware of approximately 10 additional cases,
with similiarites to BDD. Augmentation has a particular
BDD-YBOCS‡); effect size: d=0.70
disability (response rate of 65% vs 35% on BDD-YBOCS§)
quality of life and functioning also significantly improved
BDD-YBOCS=the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale Modified for Body Dysmorphic Disorder; CMI=clomipramine; DMI=desipramine; CGI=Clinical GlobalImpressions scale. *Case reports, case series, and retrospective studies are not included in the table but are described in the text. †Results are reported for an intent-to-treat analysis for all studies except for the clomipramine/desipramine trial, which used a minimum treatment analysis. ‡Response was defined as 30% or greater decrease in total BDD-YBOCS score; the BDD-YBOCS assesses BDD severity during the past week based on preoc- cupation with the perceived defect (time occupied, interference with functioning due to the preoccupation, distress, resistance, and control), associated repet- itive behaviors, such as mirror-checking (time spent, interference with functioning, distress if the behaviors are prevented, resistance, and control), insight, and avoidance. §Response was defined as ≥25% decrease in total BDD-YBOCS score. \\ KA Phillips KA,MD, and F Najjar, MD, unpublished data, 2001.
Phillips KA. CNS Spectrums. Vol 7, No 6. 2002.
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appeal for patients who have partially responded to an SRI
co-occurring depressive symptoms, but less effective for
and for whom relapse—which could occur with a switch to
BDD symptoms. Venlafaxine augmentation of selective
another SRI—could be risky (eg, leading to increased sui-
SRIs (SSRIs) also has some promise. These approaches
cide risk). SRI-augmentation strategies may in fact be more
effective for patients who have had a partial SRI response,as opposed to no SRI response, with a chart-review study
reporting augmentation response rates of 40.5% (n=15) for
partial SRI responders versus only 18.2% for SRI nonre-
The following recommendations are based on available
data and are also informed by the author’s clinical experi-ence. Empirical evidence on effective pharmacotherapy for
BDD, while dramatically increasing, is still limited. This is
A rationale for using buspirone is that it is a partial ago-
especially the case for augmentation strategies and treat-
receptors, and it has been shown to effec-
ment-resistant BDD. It should be kept in mind that the fol-
tively augment SRIs in depression46 and in some studies of
lowing recommendations are general suggestions that may
OCD.47 In a chart-review study of BDD patients in which
require modification to appropriately treat an individual
buspirone was added to an SRI after an adequate trial,
patient. Comorbidity, for example, may indicate the need for
33.3% (n=12) of trials were successful, with a large effect
additional treatment, as in the case of type I bipolar disorder
size.34 The mean buspirone dose was 56.5±15.2 mg/day.
requiring a concomitant mood stabilizer. For certain
Buspirone augmentation of SRIs appears as effective for
patients with substance abuse or dependence, it may be
unwise to use a benzodiazepine or a stimulant. A proposedalgorithm for the pharmacotherapy of BDD, which is consis-
Clomipramine Plus a Selective Serotonin
tent with the following recommendations, has been pub-
Reuptake Inhibitor
In the previously noted chart-review study, the response
1) Recognize and diagnose BDD.
rate to clomipramine augmentation of an SSRI or vice versa
This is the first essential step to effective treatment.
was 44.4% (n=4). This was higher than for the other aug-
While this point may appear self-evident, studies indicate
mentation strategies.34 The effect size was small to medium,
that although BDD is a relatively common disorder,10,11 it is
which was smaller than for the other augmentation strate-
nearly always missed in clinical practice, in both inpatient
gies, although the power of the analysis was limited.
and outpatient settings.11,12 The diagnosis can be made usingrelatively straightforward questions which establish that the
patient is preoccupied with nonexistent or minimal appear-
While antipsychotics alone do not appear effective for
ance flaws, which cause clinically significant distress or
BDD (although data are limited to retrospective findings),
antipsychotic augmentation of SRIs has considerable face
2) Provide psychoeducation about BDD.
validity, given that many patients have prominent delusions
Providing education about BDD is an important next step
of reference and delusional conviction about the perceived
that often facilitates engagement of the patient in treatment.
appearance defect. In addition, this approach has been
Web sites51 and books2 for the layperson may be helpful,
shown to be efficacious in OCD.49 The only data on this
especially because these patients may be reluctant to accept
strategy come from the aforementioned chart-review study,
psychiatric care (because of their poor insight, desire for
in which the response rate to antipsychotic augmentation
nonpsychiatric treatment such as surgery, or for other rea-
was only 15.4% (n=2); however, the effect size for atypical
sons). Other general aspects of treatment, such as the chal-
lenge of engaging delusional patients in treatment, involvingfamily members in treatment, and collaborating with derma-
Other Agents
tologists or surgeons, are reviewed elsewhere.52,55
The previously noted chart-review study provides the
3) Use an SRI as a first-line approach, including
only data on the use of other agents as SRI augmenters, in
for delusional patients.
which the response rate to lithium augmentation of SRIs
The aforementioned data indicate that SRIs are effective
was 20% (n=1), with a large effect size, and the response
for a majority of patients, including those who are delusional.
rate to methylphenidate augmentation was 16.7% (n=1),
Fluoxetine, clomipramine, fluvoxamine, and citalopram have
also with a large effect size.34 In addition to the notable
received the most investigation, but sertraline and paroxetine
improvement in BDD symptoms occasionally seen with
appear effective. Although no controlled studies have
these approaches, symptoms of depression or anergia may
directly compared one SRI with another, very preliminary
improve. This may in turn make BDD symptoms easier to
data suggest that all SRIs have approximately equivalent
tolerate. There are no published reports on the efficacy
efficacy.34 Most clinicians would begin treatment with an
of bupropion or mirtazapine augmentation of SRIs, but in
SSRI rather than clomipramine, given the latter’s greater
the author’s experience they may sometimes be helpful for
propensity to cause side effects and toxicity in overdose.
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Feature Article 4) Use the maximum SRI dose recommended or
have an even higher success rate, longer durations have not
tolerated unless a lower dose is effective.
been studied. In the author’s clinical experience, however,
Although dose-finding studies have not been done, BDD
onset of efficacy after 16 weeks appears unlikely. It is there-
appears to often require higher SRI doses than those typi-
fore recommended that the medication be changed at 12–16
cally used for depression. Doses reported in most published
weeks if an adequate dose has been reached and the
studies have been fairly high (eg, 77.7±8.0 mg/day in the
response is inadequate at that time.
fluoxetine study39 and 238.3±85.8 mg/day in a fluvoxamine
6) Continue an effective SRI for at least 1 year, if not
study23), but these studies used a forced-titration schedule
with a relatively high target dose. Nonetheless, relatively
No continuation, maintenance, or discontinuation studies
high mean doses have also been used in the author’s clinical
have been done in BDD, so empirical data that might guide
practice, despite the fact that an attempt was often made to
longer-term treatment are lacking. Nonetheless, in
find the lowest effective dose: 66.7±23.5 mg/day for fluoxe-
the author’s clinical experience, relapse with continued
tine; 308.3±49.2 mg/day for fluvoxamine; 55.0±12.9
treatment is rare, and many patients who respond by
mg/day for paroxetine; 202.1±45.8 mg/day for sertraline;
12–16 weeks appear to experience further gradual improve-
and 203.3±52.5 mg/day for clomipramine.34
ment with continued pharmacotherapy. It is not clear
Clinical experience indicates that some patients warrant
whether further improvement is due to a direct effect of the
and benefit from SSRI doses that exceed the maximum rec-
medication, or to behavioral changes (eg, less social avoid-
ommended dose—for example, 400 mg/day of fluvoxamine,
ance) made possible by medication response, which in turn
80–100 mg/day of citalopram, or 100 mg/day of paroxetine.
facilitate further improvement. This phenomenon appears to
These higher doses are best suited to patients with a partial
be a continuation of an earlier response, rather than appear-
response to the highest recommended dose who are tolerat-
ing the medication well, and patients who have failed many
The only data on relapse (from a chart-review study)
SSRIs. Clomipramine doses, however, should not exceed
indicate that relapse is likely with SRI discontinuation,
occurring in 84% of patients.34 It is unknown whether the
The rapidity of dose titration will depend on a number of
relapse rate differs following different treatment durations.
factors, including illness severity (with quicker titration
The recommendation to continue an effective SRI for at
generally advisable for sicker patients, especially those who
least 1 year is somewhat arbitrary, especially because the
are suicidal), medication tolerability, and patient prefer-
optimal treatment duration has not been systematically
ence. Generally, however, it is advisable to reach the maxi-
studied. It would seem wise to tailor the duration of treat-
mum recommended medication dose by weeks 5–9 of
ment to the individual patient. For severely ill patients (eg,
treatment, if tolerated. For example, in the fluoxetine study,
those with numerous, potentially lethal suicide attempts due
patients received 20 mg/day for 2 weeks, with the dose
to BDD), it is probably best to continue the medication for
raised by 20 mg/day every 10 days to a maximum dose of
life. Patients who have had several relapses when discontin-
80 mg/day, if tolerated (no patients dropped out of this study
uing the medication may also need longer-term pharma-
because of medication side effects).39 In the citalopram
cotherapy. In the author’s experience, discontinued
study, 20 mg/day was initially prescribed, with the dose
medication that was previously effective is usually effective
raised to 40 mg/day after 2 weeks and 60 mg/day after
with reinitiation, although occasional patients do not have
4 weeks (KA Phillips, MD, and F Najjar, MD, unpublished
as robust a response as with its initial use.
data, 2001). This approach may result in treating with a
7) If an effective SRI is discontinued, discon-
higher SRI dose than is necessary, but it has the advantage
tinue it carefully.
of not missing a response because of undertreatment, and it
Clinical experience suggests that if a decision is made to
also prevents an unnecessarily protracted-treatment trial
discontinue effective medication, it should be slowly
that could result from slow titration.
tapered (eg, over months) rather than suddenly discontin-
5) Treat with an SRI for 12–16 weeks before
ued. Because the risk of relapse appears high, discontinua-
making a final determination of efficacy.
tion should ideally be done at a time when the patient is not
Studies that have assessed time to SRI response have
highly stressed and is able to tolerate a relapse if it occurs.
reported a mean time of 6–9 weeks and as long as 16
Whether concomitant cognitive-behavior therapy reduces
weeks.23,33,35,39 The only exception is a recently completed
the risk of relapse with medication discontinuation is
study of citalopram that reported a mean time to response of
only 4.6±2.6 weeks (KA Phillips, MD, and F Najjar, MD,
8) Do not simply treat depression.
unpublished data, 2001). In a fluvoxamine study, 6 (32%) of
A majority of patients with BDD have major depression,
the 19 eventual responders had not responded by week 8,
and many additional patients have depressive symptoms
although most (94%) responded by 12 weeks.23 Most studies
that do not qualify for a diagnosis of major depression.14 A
used a fairly rapid titration schedule, so an even longer time
depressive disorder diagnosis and depressive symptoms
to response might be expected with a slower dose increase.
often appear secondary to BDD (although this does not
While it is possible that trials longer than 16 weeks would
always seem to be the case). In the author’s experience,
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focusing treatment on depression but not BDD is a common
appealing, however, because the medication is usually so
clinical error. An effective regimen for depression will not
well tolerated and relatively easy to prescribe. It may also
necessarily effectively treat BDD; however, an effective reg-
improve concomitant anxiety and possibly depressive symp-
imen for BDD will usually effectively treat depression.23,38,39
toms. Doses of 30–60 mg/day are recommended, and some
As previously noted, although data are very limited, non-
patients benefit from an even higher dose (eg, 90 mg/day).48
SRI antidepressants (with the possible exception of ven-
As previously noted, clomipramine may also be effective
lafaxine) appear ineffective as single agents for BDD.
and may be the preferred strategy for patients with severe
Non-SRI antidepressants also appear relatively ineffective
depression comorbid with severe BDD. However, SSRI aug-
for accompanying depressive symptoms, as indicated by a
mentation with clomipramine is riskier than with other aug-
study by Hollander and colleagues38 in which depressive
mentation approaches because SSRIs have the potential to
symptoms were reduced more by clomipramine than by
unpredictably and sometimes dramatically increase blood
desipramine. This was also the case for subjects with a
levels of clomipramine, which has a low therapeutic index.
comorbid diagnosis of depression. This finding suggests that
Although this approach is generally well tolerated, patients
BDD is not simply a symptom of depression; if it were,
should be followed closely for signs of toxicity. Clomipramine
desipramine should have been as effective as clomipramine.
levels should be monitored (the author’s practice is to check
Another reason to not simply treat depression is that longer
a clomipramine level at a dose of 25 mg/day or 50 mg/day
treatment trials and higher SRI doses than those usually
after adding it to an SSRI). Clomipramine and an SSRI gen-
used for depression are often needed to treat BDD symp-
erally should not be combined without first attempting to
toms. In addition, several23,37 (although not all39), studies
have found that relatively long trials may also be needed to
Antipsychotic augmentation of an SRI appears less often
treat depressive symptoms in BDD patients (7.0±4.6 weeks
effective than buspirone or clomipramine augmentation, but
in one study53 and more than 6 weeks in another.37
the evidence is too limited at this time to draw any firm con-
9) Try sequential SRIs if necessary.
clusions about the comparative efficacy of these
Although all SRIs appear effective, one may be more
approaches. This approach would seem reasonable for delu-
effective than another for an individual patient. If one SRI
sional patients who fail an SRI or for severely ill delusional
fails, another should be tried, as some patients will respond.
patients as initial treatment in combination with an SRI. It
The author has treated a number of patients who responded
is unknown whether atypical antipsychotics are more effec-
to an SRI after failing all other SRIs, venlafaxine, and
tive than typical antipsychotics, including pimozide, but
numerous augmentation strategies. In the only study to
they are likely to be better tolerated. It is possible that neu-
examine this question, of those subjects who failed an initial
roleptic augmentation is more effective for patients who per-
adequate SRI trial, 42.9% (n=6) responded to at least one
form tic-like behaviors, such as skin-picking or hair-
subsequent adequate SRI trial, and 43.5% (n=10) of subse-
plucking, though this question has not been investigated.
quent adequate SRI trials received by these subjects were
Adding lithium or a stimulant appears more effective for
effective.34 Among responders to an initial SRI who were
depressive than BDD symptoms, but diminishing depres-
subsequently treated with a different SRI, 92.3% (n=12) of
sive symptoms is clearly beneficial and may also help
subsequent trials also led to improvement.34
patients better tolerate BDD symptoms. Although it is theo-
10) Venlafaxine or an MAOI may be worth trying.
retically possible that skin-picking, a tic-like behavior,
In the author’s experience, venlafaxine may be effective
might worsen with stimulant treatment, the author has not
for BDD. Although data on MAOIs are very limited, these
agents appear less effective than SRIs but perhaps more
What constitutes an adequate augmentation trial
effective than other antidepressants. Because of the risk of
is unclear, but a duration of 6–8 weeks is probably ade-
side effects and hypertensive crisis, it would seem best to
quate to determine whether the approach will be effec-
restrict MAOI use to patients who have failed adequate tri-
tive. It is probably best to use a 12-week trial for
als of all of the SRIs and venlafaxine. 11) Avoid using antipsychotics as monotherapy, 13) Is it better to augment an SRI or switch to even for delusional patients. another SRI?
As discussed in an earlier section, antipsychotics appear
The answer to this question is unclear. The only study to
ineffective as single agents, even for delusional BDD
date that sheds any light on this issue found that in patients
patients. SRIs alone appear effective for these patients. This
who had failed an adequate SRI trial, 43.5% (n=10) of sub-
important issue, however, requires further investigation.
sequent adequate SRI trials were effective versus 33.3%
12) Consider buspirone, clomipramine, an
(n=8) of various SRI-augmentation strategies.34 However,
antipsychotic, or other SRI-augmentation
40.5% (n=15) of augmentation trials were successful in par-
tial SRI responders.34 The relatively small number of trials
Regarding the choice of an augmentation agent, no
and the study’s methodological limitations preclude drawing
methodologically rigorous studies have compared one aug-
a firm conclusion about which approach is more effective.
mentation agent to another. Buspirone augmentation is
From a clinical perspective, if a patient has failed three SRI
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trials without any attempt at augmentation, it would seem
ment response can be optimized. Equally compelling is the
that augmentation should be tried. Conversely, if a patient
need to evaluate cognitive-behavior therapy as an SRI “aug-
has failed several augmentation strategies with one SRI, a
mentation” strategy. Another important avenue of research
switch to another SRI should be considered. Numerous fac-
is to compare the efficacy of cognitive-behavior therapy ver-
tors need to be considered, however. For example, the better
sus SRIs versus their combination to determine which treat-
the SRI response, the less appealing it would be to discon-
ments are most effective for which patients.
tinue it and try another SRI. Augmentation may also be
The longest systematic pharmacotherapy study to date
more appealing if there is a high risk of serious conse-
was only 16 weeks in duration, making continuation and
quences due to relapse, which could occur when switching
maintenance studies necessary to confirm clinical impres-
sions that SRI response is generally maintained, and may
14) Consider benzodiazepine use for agitated or
even further improve, with longer-term treatment. Because
anxious patients.
BDD can be so severely distressing and impairing, the like-
Because patients with BDD can be extremely distressed,
lihood of relapse with medication discontinuation is a par-
anxious, and agitated, adjunctive benzodiazepine use
ticularly important question; the only published data on this
should be considered. This approach may be used for a
issue come from a single chart-review study, underscoring
short duration (eg, until an SRI begins to work) or for the
the need for rigorous placebo-controlled, relapse-prevention
longer term if clinically indicated. Benzodiazepines may
studies. Once studies such as the above more firmly estab-
enable treatment with an SRI if an SRI causes agitation. A
lish which pharmacotherapeutic approaches are efficacious
benzodiazepine, by alleviating anxiety and insomnia, can
for BDD, effectiveness studies are needed that evaluate the
make BDD symptoms more tolerable. It is also possible that
usefulness of medications under “real world” conditions (eg,
benzodiazepines may have a more direct effect on BDD
for patients in community settings who are not excluded
symptoms, although in the author’s experience, this effect, if
because of comorbid conditions, such as substance abuse).
it occurs at all, tends to be minimal. Clonazepam, which
Finally, elucidation of BDD’s underlying neurobiology,
may have serotonergic properties54 and possibly be effective
which to date has received virtually no investigation, may
for OCD,1 may be preferable to other benzodiazepines,
provide fruitful leads for new pharmacologic approaches to
although this question has not been studied. The potential
for substance abuse or dependence must be considered,although in the author’s clinical experience, relatively few
As recently as a decade ago, virtually nothing was known
15) Consider cognitive-behavior therapy.
about effective pharmacotherapy for BDD. Pharmacologic
Although the efficacy of cognitive-behavior therapy is
approaches for BDD have received far less investigation
beyond the scope of this review, it is worth noting that this
than for many other common and severe mental disorders,
treatment approach should also be considered.55 There are
and much remains to be learned. At the same time, our
no data available to address the question of whether phar-
knowledge of effective pharmacologic treatment for BDD
macotherapy or cognitive-behavior therapy are more effec-
has dramatically increased to the point where a majority of
tive, or whether combining these treatments is more
patients with this relatively common disorder may obtain
effective than using either one alone. In the author’s experi-
relief from their distressing and often disabling illness. CNS
ence, these approaches are complementary. For example,partial response to an SRI can make it possible for a
severely depressed, delusional, or suicidal patient to engage
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Volume 7 – Number 6 • June 2002 MBL Communications Inc. C N S S P E C T R U M S
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