Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.

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5900 Lake Elbo Road Manhattan, Kansas 66502-8996 Phone: (785) 539-3641 School of Family Studies and Human Services Kansas State University (Justin Hall 311) Manhattan, KS 66506-1403 Phone: (785) 532-5510 Voice-mail: (785) 532-1494 FAX: (785) 532-5505 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: schumm.htm Army National Guard, 1974-1979 Desert Storm, 1990-1991 U.S. Army Reserve, 1979-2002 The College of William and Mary, (Virginia), 1972 Full-Time Academic Employment 1990 - Present Professor School of Family Studies and Human Services, Kansas State University 1984 - 1990 Associate Department of Human Development and Professor Family Studies, Kansas State University 1979 - 1984 Assistant Department of Family and Child Professor Development, Kansas State University [tenured, 1 July 1984] Professional Affiliations National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) American Home Economics Association (AHEA) Omicron Nu (Home Economics) Phi Upsilon Omicron (Home Economics) Gamma Sigma Delta (Agriculture) Professional Honors and Certifications 2006-2007 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (9th Edition, National Academic Affairs) 2004 Fellow, National Council on Family Relations 1997 Dawley-Scholer Faculty Research Excellence Award, College of Human Ecology, Kansas State University 1990 MORAN Research Excellence Award, American Home Economics Association Certified as a Family Life Educator by the National Council on Family Relations Certified as Professional Home Economist by American Home Economics Association (through 2006) Professional Involvement and Recognition 2004 Who’s Who in America (Marquis, Vol. 2, p. 4635) 2002 Directory of American Scholars (Gale Group, 10th Edition, Vol. 5 [Psychology, Sociology, & Education]) 1995-1996 Family Impact Panel Member and Statistical Analyst for Congressman Sam Brownback's family impact policy initiative 2006-2007 Who’s Who in American Education 1992-1993 1989-1990 1992-1993 Who's Who Among Human Services Professionals Out-of-State Expert Reviewer, Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund Research and Development Program Member, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Economic and Social Issues Task Force Juror, AHEA James D. Moran Memorial Research Award Who's Who in the Midwest (Marquis, 22nd Edition) Runner-up for selection as Editor, Journal of Family Issues Social Science Representative, North Central Directors and Cooperative States Research Service Workshop on "Social Science Research in the Agriculture Experiment Station." Arlington, Virginia, January 25-27 Awarded scholarship by Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research to attend loglinear analysis seminar, summer program, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (July). Member, Panel of Reviewers, Grant Proposals, Office of Human Development Services, Administration for Children, Youth, and Families, Department of Health & Human Services, Washington, D.C. (March 16-18). AHEA Scholarship for Grantsmanship Training Seminar First Runner-Up, Annual Outstanding Student Award National Council on Family Relations 1978 - 1979 Graduate Student Scholarship Groves Conference on Marriage and the Family Administrative Experience and Honors 2006-2007 Member, Graduate Council Assessment and Review Committee 2005-2006 Member, Advisory Committee on Campus Development and Planning Policy 2002-2006 Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on University 2002-2006 Member, Faculty Senate Executive and Faculty Senate Leadership Committees 2001-2006 Member, Faculty Senate Committee on University 2001-2002 Member, Faculty Senate Subcommittee on Revision of 2001-2004 Member, Schedule 25 Committee, Kansas State 2000-2006 Member, Faculty Senate, Kansas State University 2000-2004 Member, Faculty Council, College of Human Ecology, 1999-2002 Member, Faculty Salaries and Benefits Subcommittee, Faculty Senate, Kansas State University 1999 Member, Program Review Team, College of Human Resources and Education, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (October 27-29, Blacksburg) 1998-1999 Member, Academic Affairs Committee, College of Human Ecology 1997-1999 Chair, Graduate Faculty, School of Family Studies and Human Services 1996-1999 Chair, Family Life Education Unit, School of Family 2002-2005 Studies and Human Services 1995-1998 Treasurer, Theory Construction and Research Methodology Preconference Workshop, National Council on Family Relations 1995-1997 Member, Faculty Council, College of Human Ecology 1993-1994 Chair, Academic Affairs Committee, College of Human Ecology 1993-1994 Member, Faculty Council, College of Human Ecology 1992-1993 Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America 1992-1993 Vice Chair, Academic Affairs Committee, College of Human Ecology 1991 International Directory of Distinguished Leadership 1990 International Leaders in Achievement (2nd Edition) 1989 Who's Who in American Christian Leadership 2005-2006 Member, Reuben Hill Award Committee, National Council 2000-2001 on Family Relations 1989-1992 1987-2004 Member, Ph.D. Coordinating Committee, College of Human Ecology, Kansas State University 1987-1988 Chair, Family Life Education Committee, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Kansas 1986-1987 Chair, Theory Construction and Research Methodology Preconference Workshop, National Council on Family Relations 1984 Review Team member, Cooperative State Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Review of Agricultural Experiment Station research projects in the College of Human Resources, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. May 14-16. 1980 - 1985 Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of Family and Child Development, Kansas State University 1981 - 1982 Chair, Family Life Unit, Department of Family and Child Development, Kansas State University 1979 - 1982 Chair, Graduate Faculty Committee, Department of 1977 - 1979 Student Representative, Publications Committee Editorial Service (manuscript review) Current American Journal of Epidemiology Social Science and Medicine Psychological Reports Teaching Sociology Journal of Psychology and Theology Family Relations Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Marriage and Family Review Medical Veritas Journal of Marriage and the Family Journal of Family Issues Social Science & Medicine Reproductive Health Psychological Assessment Armed Forces and Society Previous Journal of Family and Economic Issues Journal of Family Psychology Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Journal of Adolescent Research Educational and Psychological Measurement Family Perspective Journal of Home Economics Research Perceptual and Motor Skills Journal of Psychotherapy and the Family Journal of Social Behavior and Personality Women’s Health Journal of Child and Family Studies Journal of Teaching Marriage and Family Grantsmanship, Extramural Support, and Research Consulting 1975-1981 Supported survey development and analysis of data from NC-128 Agricultural Experiment Station Project, Quality of Life in Rural and Urban Areas 1982 Analysis of Readership Survey for DADS ONLY Newsletter. Sponsor: DADS ONLY Newsletter (Mr. Paul Lewis). ($640.00). 1982-1986 Supported survey development and analysis of data from NC-164 Agricultural Experiment Station Project, Effects of Family Life Cycle Transitions on Quality of Life 1986 Opinions of Males Regarding Vocational Homemaking Education. Sponsor: Home Management Center, Emporia 1986-1987 Evaluation of the OASIS Runaway Prevention Project and the Sexual Abuse Education Project of the Salina Family Support Center." Sponsor: Family Support Christian). ($1,009.14). 1987-1988 Served as member of Scientific Advisory Committee overseeing Research Triangle Institute's work on the $10M Army Family Research Program research project 1987-1988 Theory/Methods Workshop Account. Sponsor: National Council on Family Relations (through Continuing Education Department, Kansas State University, account 80-70-10). ($3,075.00). 1987-1988 Black Youth and Black Church Study. Sponsor: Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Kansas (Dr. Ruth Hatch). ($1,811.93). 1988-1989 Collected/Analyzed data from 1,150 current and former members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for an $17,491 grant from the Eli Lilly Foundation (administered by the Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis) 1988-89 Korean Translation of Spouse Survey for Army Family Research Project. Sponsor: Research Triangle Institute (North Carolina) for U.S. Army Research International Survey of Fathering Practices." Sponsor: DADS ONLY Newsletter and Youth for Christ (Paul Lewis/Chuck Acock) through Ken Canfield, Project Director. ($650.00). 1989-1990 Faculty Development Grant, Travel to Family Research Consortium Annual Conference, Monterey, California (June 1990) ($1,000). 1987-1992 Supported survey development and analysis of data from Project, Family Economics in Rural and Urban Communities 1993 Grant, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Kansas State University, to support data entry and analysis of 300 nutritional surveys of mothers in the Western Province of the Republic of Cameroon. ($2000.00) 1994-1996 Consultant to Westat, Inc., on analysis of couple data from the 1992 Department of Defense Worldwide Survey of Members and Spouses 1992-1999 Summer Faculty/Summer Faculty Fellow, U.S. Army (summers) Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, demographic data on military families and studied the effects of deployments on families. 1997 Analyzed data from nearly 1,500 female veterans surveyed by the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services for the Center for the Study of Veterans in Society (CSVS) of Cincinnati ($13,000). 1996-Present Collected/Analyzed data from over 1,000 reserve component members from all services on Desert Storm effects as part of a $60,109 grant from the state of Ohio administered by the Center for the Study of Veterans in Society (Cincinnati) 1998 Support of Desert Storm research project ($1,260) by Marywood University of Scranton, Pennsylvania. 1999-2000 Support of U.S. Army Research Institute Initiative for development of family support systems for new Strike Force rapid deployment peacekeeping force. ($70,200) 2001-2003 Alcohol and Drug Treatment Effectiveness Follow-up Study, State of Kansas, 2001-2002 ($120,762.50) 2004 Coding of Ohio Desert Storm Project Data into Gulf War Syndrome classification (CDC and Lea Steele’s) to permit analysis of outcomes by veteran’s medical status. School of Family Studies and Human Services, Kansas State University, summer research grant ($1900.00) 2004 Coding of Carnegie Hero Foundation data into SPSS variables for children under age 13, children ages 13-18, and adults, aged 30-40. School of Family Studies and Human Services, Kansas State University, summer research Grant ($1200). With Dr. Charles Smith. The goal is to identify correlates of heroism that succeeds in saving lives under dangerous conditions. 2006 Stressors for Recently Deployed Kansas Veterans. Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs. Analysis of data collected from 337 Fort Riley veterans in April/May. ($3,810.60) 2006 Travel Funding, Seminar on Anthrax Vaccine, Georgetown, Washington, D.C., from VAXGEN Corporation through Byron Holcomb ($1,000) Grants As Supporting Investigator 1987-1990 "Antecedents and Consequences of Teen Sexual Behavior." Sponsor: Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C., $291,242. 1994-1995 "Cultural Issues in Out-of-Home Placement of Minority Children." Sponsor: Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services, $156,320. 1995-1996 "Cultural Issues in Out-of-Home Placement of Minority Children." Sponsor: Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services, $124,293. 2004-2006 4-H Project, Kansas 2005/2006 Nutrition Education Plan, Extension Family and Nutrition Education Program ($4,725,845 per year) Publications Please refer to Tab A Professional Presentations Please refer to Tab B Military Experience Please refer to Tab C As of February 2007 SUMMARY OF PUBLICATIONS (Dr. Walter R. Schumm) THEME ARTICLES MILITARY FAMILY & HEALTH RESEARCH III. I. FAMILY THEORY, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Family Theories and Models Integration: The Sourcebook (Boss, Doherty, LaRossa, Schumm, & Steinmetz, 1993) has been the standard volume on theory and research in the field of family studies for the past decade; it sold over 25,000 copies despite it high cost and over 900 page length. Schumm (2003) represents a summarization of five different two dimensional family theory models, derived from over 20 years of teaching family theory, including an elaboration of the family strengths model first presented in Schumm (1985). Schumm (1999), an invited paper keyed to Schumm’s extensive research on satisfaction in families, represents an integration of pleasure, happiness, satisfaction, and joy as four distinct but interrelated aspects of positive affect. Schumm (in press), Schumm (1987), Schumm & Bugaighis (1985), and Schumm & Kirn (1982) all represent Schumm’s expanding application of social exchange and equity theories to difficult and controversial aspects of close relationships. Boss, P.B., Doherty, W., LaRossa, R., Schumm, W.R., & Steinmetz, S. (Eds.)(1993) Sourcebook of family theories and methods: a contextual approach. New York: Plenum. Schumm, W. R. (2004) Preface. Pp. x-xii in D. Swenson, A neo-functional synthesis of theories in family sociology. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. Schumm, W. R. (2004) Classifying toxic relationships. Book review of Clinton McLemore’s Toxic Relationships. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 32, 349-351. Schumm, W. R. (2004) Differential risk theory as a subset of social exchange theory: implications for making gay marriage culturally normative and for understanding stigma against homosexuals. Psychological Reports, 94, 208-210. Schumm, W. R. (2003) Comments on marriage in contemporary Culture: five models that might help families. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 31, 213-223. Schumm, W.R. (1999) Satisfaction. Selection, pp. 583-590, in D. Levinson, J. J. Ponzetti, Jr., & P. F. Jorgensen (eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Emotions. (Volume 2). New York: MacMillan References. Schumm, W. R. (1996) Metaphors of family systems theory: toward new constructions. Featured book review. Contemporary Psychology, 1996, 41, 660-661. Doherty, W., Boss, P.B., LaRossa, R., Schumm, W.R., & Steinmetz, S.K. (1993) Family theories and methods: a contextual approach(editors' introduction). Pp. 3-30 In P.B. Boss, Doherty, W., LaRossa, R., Schumm, W.R., & Steinmetz, S.K. (Eds.), Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods: A contextual Approach. New York: Plenum. Schumm, W.R. (1987) Feminism and family studies: another viewpoint. Journal of Family Issues, 1987, 8, 253-256. Schumm, W.R., & Bugaighis, M.A. (1985) Marital quality and Marital stability: resolving a controversy. Journal of Divorce, 9(1), 73-77. Schumm, W.R. (1985) Beyond relationship characteristics of strong families: constructing a model of family strengths. Family Perspective, 19(1), 1-9. REPRINTED (IN PART): Larson, L. E., Goltz, J. W., & Hobart, C. W. (1993) Families in Canada: social context, continuities, and changes. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice- Hall, Canada. Schumm, W.R., & Kirn, J.E. (1982) Evaluating equity in the marital relationship: An alternative approach. Psychological Schumm, W.R., Bollman, S.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1982) The "marital conventionalization" argument: Implications for the study of religiosity and marital satisfaction. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 10(3), 236-241. B. Family Measurement Research Akagi et al. (2003) and Schumm et al. (2001) represent the continuing pursuit of further evaluation and development of the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale, observed by Sabatelli (Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1988) to be one of the most valid brief measures of marital quality in the field. Schumm & Hemesath (1999) is the most recent summary and integration of family measurement research published over the past ten years in the family field. Schumm (1990a, b) in the most recent Handbook of Family Measurement, a Behavioral Book Club selection, helped earn the author the 1990 Moran Memorial Research Award (Best Scientist of the Year) from the American Home Economics Association, now the American Association of Family and Consumer Scientists. Akagi, C. A., Schumm, W. R., & Bergen, M. B. (2003) Dimensionality of the Kansas Family Strengths Scale and the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale as revised to capture changes in marital satisfaction. Psychological Reports, 93, 1267-1274. Silliman, B., & Schumm, W. R. (2002) Evaluating the AWARE Inventory as a measure of relationship factors among a sample of high school students. Psychological Reports, Schumm, W. R., Bollman, S. R., Jurich, A. P., & Hatch, R. C. (2001) Family strengths and the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale: a factor analytic study. Psychological Reports, 88, 965-973. Schumm, W. R., & Hemesath, K. K. (1999) Measurement in family studies. Chapter 11, pp. 291-305 in M. Sussman, S. K. Steinmetz, & G. Peterson (Eds.), Handbook of Marriage and the Family, New York: Plenum. Chang, L., Schumm, W. R., Coulson, L. A., Bollman, S. R., & Jurich, A. P. (1994) Dimensionality of brief family interaction and satisfaction scales among couples from eight western and midwestern states. Psychological Reports, 74, 131-144. Schumm, W.R. (1992) Family variables by T.W. Draper & A.C. Marcos (Eds.) (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990). American Journal of Schumm, W.R. (1991) Current progress in family measurement: Family variables by T.W. Draper & A.C. Marcos (Eds) (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990). Contemporary Psychology, 36, 12, 1078-1079. Schumm, W.R. (1990) Intimacy and family values. Chapter 3, pp. 164-179 in J. Touliatos, B.F. Perlmutter, & M.A. Straus (Eds.), Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage. MAIN SELECTION: Behavioral Science Book Club, 1990, 42(4 Spring). Schumm, W.R. (1990) Evolution of the family Field: measurement principles and techniques. Chapter 1, pp. 23-26 in J. Touliatos, B.F. Perlmutter, & M.A. Straus (Eds.), Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage. MAIN SELECTION: Behavioral Science Book Club, 1990, 42(4 Spring). Hendrix, C., & Schumm, W.R.(1990) Reliability and validity of the Abusive Violence Scale. Psychological Reports, 66, 1251-1258. Canfield, K.R., Schumm, W.R., Swihart, J.J., & Eggerichs, E.E. (1990) Factorial validity of brief satisfaction scales in surveys of Mormon, Roman Catholics, and Protestant fathers. Psychological Reports, 67, 1319-1322. Schumm, W.R. (1989) Book Review: Family Assessment: A Guide to Methods and Measures by H.D. Grotevant & C.I. Carlson (New York: Guilford, 1989). Journal of Marriage and the Family, 51, 1098-1099. Rho, J.J., & Schumm, W.R. (1989) The factorial validity of brief satisfaction scales in a survey of 58 Korean-American interracial couples. Psychological Reports, 65, 1347-1350. Rho, J.J., & Schumm, W.R. (1989) Components of family life satisfaction in a sample of 58 Korean/American couples. Psychological Reports, 65, 781-782. Schumm, W.R., & Bagarozzi, D.A. (1989) The Conflict Tactics Scales. American Journal of Family Therapy, 17, 165-168. McCollum, E.E., Schumm, W.R., & Russell, C.S. (1988) Reliability and validity of the Kansas Family Life Satisfaction Scale in a predominately middle-aged sample. Psychological Reports, 62, 95-98. Kuehl, B.P., Schumm, W.R., Russell, C.S., & Jurich, A.P. (1988) How do subjects interpret items in Olson's Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES)? Educational and Psychological Measurement, 48, 247-253. Schumm, W.R., McCollum, E.E., Bugaighis, M.A., Jurich, A.P., & Bollman, S.R. (1986) Characteristics of the Kansas Family Life Satisfaction Scale in a regional sample. Psychological Reports, 58, 975-980. Schumm, W.R., Paff-Bergen, L.A., Hatch, R.C., Obiorah, F.C., Copeland, J.M., Meens, L.F., & Bugaighis, M.A. (1986) Concurrent and discriminant validity of the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 48, 381-387. Shectman, K.L., Bergen, M.B., Schumm, W.R., & Bugaighis, M.A. (1985) Characteristics of the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale among female participants in community childbirth education classes. Psychological Reports, 56, 537-538. Schumm, W.R., Anderson, S.A., Benigas, J.E., McCutchen, M.B., Griffin, C.L., Morris, J.E., & Race, G.S. (1985) Criterion-related validity of the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale. Psychological Reports, 56, 719-722. Schumm, W.R., & Bolsen, N.F. (1985) The Family Coping Strategies Scale (F-COPES). American Journal of Family Therapy, 13(2), 67-71. James, D.E., Schumm, W.R., Kennedy, C.E., Grigsby, C.C., Shectman, K.L., & Nichols, C.W. (1985) Characteristics of the Kansas Parental Satisfaction Scale among two samples of married parents. Psychological Reports, 57, 163-169. Schumm, W.R., Bugaighis, M.A., Buckler,, D.L., Green, D.N., Scanlon, E.D., & Crow, C.L. (1985) Construct validity of the Dyadic Trust Scale. Psychological Reports, 56, 1001- 1002. Eggeman, K., Moxley, V., & Schumm, W.R. (1985) Assessing spouses' perceptions of Gottman's temporal form in marital conflict. Psychological Reports, 57, 171-181. Kansas Marital Conflict Scale cited p. 92 by Tomlinson, B. (2002) Family assessment handbook: an introductory practice guide to family assessment and intervention. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Grover, K.J., Paff-Bergen, L.A., Russell, C.S., & Schumm, W.R. (1984) The Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale: a further brief report. Psychological Reports, 54, 629- 630. Schumm, W.R., Anderson, S.A., & Griffin, C.L. (1983) The Marital Communication Inventory. Chapter 11, pp. 191-208 in E.E. Filsinger (Ed.), Sourcebook for Marriage and Family Assessment. Beverly Hills: Sage. Schumm, W.R., Benigas, J.E., McCutchen, M.B., Griffin, C.E., Anderson, S.A., Morris, J.E., & Race, G.S. (1983) Measuring empathy, regard, and congruence in the marital relationship. Journal of Social Psychology, 119, 141-142. Bugaighis, M.A., & Schumm, W.R. (1983) Alternative measures of perceived locus of control. Psychological Reports, 52, 819- 823. Schumm, W.R., Nichols, C.W., Shectman, K.L., & Grigsby, C.C. (1983) Characteristics of responses to the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale by a sample of 84 married mothers. Mitchell, S.L., Newell, G.K., & Schumm, W.R. (1983) Test-retest reliability of the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale. Schumm, W.R., Scanlon, E.D., Crow, C.L., Green, D.N., & Buckler, D.L. (1983) Characteristics of the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale in a sample of 79 married couples. Psychological Reports, 53, 583-588. Schumm, W.R., Anderson, S.A., Race, G.S., Morris, J.E., Griffin, C.L. McCutchen, M.B., & Benigas, J.E. (1983) Construct validity of the Marital Communication Inventory. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 9, 153-162. Schumm, W.R., Milliken, G., Poresky, R.H., Bollman, S.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1983) Issues in the measurement of marital satisfaction in survey research. International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 13, 129-143. Schumm, W.R., Jurich, A.P., Bollman, S.R., & Martin, M.J. (1982) Adolescent perspectives on family violence. Journal of Social Psychology, 117(June), 153-154. Schumm, W.R., Bollman, S.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1981) The dimensionality of an abbreviated version of the Relationship Inventory: an urban replication with married couples. Psychological Reports, 48 (February), 51-56. REPRINTED (in part): V. Rutter and P. Schwartz, The Love Test, Putnam/Berkeley Group, 1998. Schumm, W.R., Race, G.S., Morris, J.E., Anderson, S.A., Griffin, C.L., McCutchen, M.B., & Benigas, J.E. (1981) Dimensionality of the Marital Communication Inventory and marital conventionalization: a third report. Psychological Reports, Schumm, W.R., Bollman, S.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1981) The validity of Edmonds' Marital Conventionalization Scale. Journal of Psychology, 109 (September), 65-71. Schumm, W.R., Hess, J.L., Bollman, S.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1981) Marital conventionalization revisited. Psychological Reports, 49 (October), 607-615. Schumm, W.R., & Jackson, R.W. (1980) Marital communication or marital adjustment? A brief report on the Marital Communication Inventory. Psychological Reports, 46, 441-442. Schumm, W.R., Bollman, S.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1980) Marital communication or marital conventionality? A brief report on the Relationship Inventory. Psychological Reports, 46, 1171- 1174. Schumm, W.R., Jurich, A.P., & Bollman, S.R. (1980) Dimensionality of an abbreviated Relationship Inventory for couples. Journal of Psychology, 105(July), 225-230. Schumm, W.R., Figley, C.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1979) The dimension- ality of the Marital Communication Inventory: a preliminary factor analytic study. Psychological Reports, 45, Schumm, W.R. (1980) The measurement of marital communication: A comparison of the construct validities of a self-report and an empathic accuracy instrument in relationship analysis. Doctoral Dissertation Abstracts International, 1980, 40, 5206A. C. Data Analysis - Research Methodology, Scholarship of Teaching, and Critiques Integration: Schumm et al. (2002) represents a culmination of Schumm’s scholarship of learning with respect to student learning objectives for research methodology and statistics as applied in the family field. Acock & Schumm (1993) has remained one of the key papers on the use of multivariate statistical methods in the family area. Schumm (1982) and Schumm et al. (1980) were cited for many years past their publication date because of their success at integrating measurement, data analysis, and theory in the family research process, something few papers had done previously. Schumm (2003) represents only the most recent example in which Schumm observed a scholar publishing material that revealed an ignorance of the linkage between theory, measurement, and analysis, with the result having been the acceptance of conclusions that were, in fact, entirely erroneous. When the author of that published paper was asked to reanalyze his data, he avoided the issue by reporting that he had “lost” his data (the same year he had published it). Schumm, W. R. (2005) Empirical and theoretical perspectives from social science on gay marriage and child custody issues. St. Thomas Law Review, 18, 2, 425-471. Schumm, W. R. (2005) Was it statistically legitimate to combine data from the four textile mills in Brachman et al.’s (1962) study of the effectiveness of a human anthrax vaccine? Medical Veritas, 2, 342-343. Schumm, W. R. (2005) Making statistics come alive: a methods Spotlight. Pp. 599-600 in V. L. Bengston, Acock, A. C., Allen, K. R., Dilworth-Anderson, P., & Klein, D. M.(Eds.), Sourcebook of Family Theory and Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Schumm, W. R. (2004). Response to Kirkpatrick (2004): Differential risk theory and lesbian parenthood. Psychological Reports, 95, 1203-1206. Schumm, W. R. (2004). What was really learned from Tasker and Golombok’s (1995) study of lesbian and single parent mothers? Psychological Reports, 94, 422-424. COMMENTED ON: Kirkpatrick, M. (2004) Comments on Dr. Walter R. Schumm’s paper “What was really learned from Tasker and Golombok’s (1995) study of lesbian and single parent mothers?” Psychological Reports, 94, 1185-1186. Schumm, W. R. (2003) A reanalysis of Price’s ‘Islam and human rights: a case of deceptive first appearances.’ Psychological Reports, 93, 1335-1338. Schumm, W. R., Webb, F. J., Castelo, C. C., Akagi, C. G., Jensen, E. J., Ditto, R. M., Spencer-Carver, E., & Brown, B. (2002) Enhancing learning in statistics classes through the use of concrete historical examples. Teaching Sociology, 30, 361- 375. Schumm, W. R. (2000) Psychology of the scientist: LXXXIII - An assessment of Herek’s critique of the Cameron group’s survey studies. Psychological Reports, 87, 1123-1132. RESPONSE: Cameron, P., & Cameron, K. (2003) Psychology Of the scientist: LXXXV. Research on homosexuality: a Response to Schumm (and Herek). Psychological Reports, 92, 259-274. Schumm, W. R., Bollman, S. R., Jurich, A. P., Castelo, C., Sanders, D., & Webb, F. J. (2000) Understanding mail survey response rates among male Reserve Component Gulf War era veterans.Psychological Reports, 87, 859-880. Schumm, W. R., Jurich, A. P., Bollman, S. R., Sanders, D., Castelo, C. S., & Webb, F. J. (1999) Understanding mail survey Response rates among female Reserve Component veterans Serving during the Persian Gulf War. Psychological Reports, 85, 653-664. Schumm, W. R., & Bell, D. B. (1998) Response rates and couple type in the U.S. Army Family Research Program survey: a research note. Psychological Reports, 82, 1387-1393. Schumm, W. R., Webb, F. J., & Lawrence-Wynn, E. (1997) A multivariate reanalysis of data from 'parenting behaviors: a content analysis of situational comedies based on TV fictional families.' Psychological Reports, 80, 1336-1338. Calahan, C. A., & Schumm, W. R. (1995) An exploratory analysis of Family social science mail survey response rates. Psychological Reports, 76, 1379-1388. Acock, A.C., & Schumm, W.R. (1993) Analysis of covariance structures applied to family research and theory. Pp. 451-468 in Boss, P.B., Doherty, W., LaRossa, R., Schumm, W.R., & Steinmetz, S. (Eds.). Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods: A Contextual Approach. New York: Plenum. Schumm, W.R. (1993) On publishing family research using "sophisticated" quantitative methodologies. Marriage and Family Review, 18, 1/2, 171-175. REPRINTED in R. S. Hanks, L. Matocha, & M. B. Sussman (Eds.), Publishing in Journals on the Family: Essays on Publishing. New York: Haworth Press, 1993. Pp. 171-175. Schumm, W.R. (1992) Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences. (2nd Edition) by J. Stevens. (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1992). The American Statistician, 1993, 47, 155-156. Schumm, W. R., & Yoon, G.J. (1993) Marital quality and marital stability- the controversy continues: Comments on Lynn White and Alan Booth's "Divorce over the life course: the role of marital happiness." Journal of Family Issues, 14, 314-317. Schumm, W.R., Milliken, G.H., Jurich, A.P., Bollman, S.R., Jeong, G.J., & Hawkinson, D.P. (1990) Mobility effect models: A comment on Glenn, McRae, and Brody. Social Forces, 69, 617- Schumm, W.R., Barnes, H.L., Bollman, S.R., Jurich, A.P., & Milliken, G.A. (1985) Approaches to the statistical analysis of family data. Home Economics Research Journal, 14, 112-122. Schumm, W.R., & Bugaighis, M.A. (1984) Comments on "Marital cohesion: a path model." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 46, 499-500. Schumm, W.R. (1984) Comments on "Age at marriage, role enactment, role consensus, and marital satisfaction." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 46, 985-986. Schumm, W.R. (1982) Integrating theory, measurement, and statistical analysis in family studies survey research. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 44, 4, 983-998. Schumm, W.R., Southerly, W.T. & Figley, C.R. (1980) Stumbling block or stepping stone: path analysis in family studies. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 42, 2(May), 251-262. D. Program Evaluation Research, including Evaluations of Premarital Education and Counseling Programs Integration: Silliman & Schumm (2000, 1999), as well as Schumm & Denton (1979) occasionally, are widely cited because of their comprehensive review of the premarital education and counseling literature over a period of 20 years. Schumm’s numerous articles in the program evaluation area serve his students well when they take FSHS 893, Program Evaluation, from Dr. Schumm. Schumm’s articles with Turek and others represent some very rare published field research with Reserve Component units with respect to the assessment of their training programs. Schumm, W. R., Webb, F. J., Turek, D. E., Jones, K. D., & Ballard, G. E. (2006) A comparison of methods for teaching critical thinking skills for U.S. Army officers. American Journal of Distance Education, 20, 39-50. Schumm, W. R. (2005) Were the rights of human subjects violated at the Arms Mill in Manchester, New Hampshire in 1957 during human anthrax vaccine trials? Medical Veritas, 2, 344-347. Stanley, S. M., Allen, E. W., Markman, H. J., Saiz, C. C., Bloomstrom, G., Thomas, R., Schumm, W. R., & Bailey, A. E. (2005) Dissemination and evaluation of marriage education in the Army. Family Process, 44, 187-201. Schumm, W. R. (2005) An expanded comment on the use of FluMist ® for children and adults. Medical Veritas, 2, 334-335. Silliman, B., & Schumm, W. R. (2004) Adolescents’ perceptions of marriage and premarital couples’ education. Family Relations, 53, 513-520. Stanley, S. M., Markman, H. J., Saiz, C. C., Schumm, W. R., Bloomstrom, G., & Bailey, A. E. (2004) Building strong and ready families. Washington, D.C.: SAIC, Inc. Schumm, W. R., Turek, D., Jones, K. D., & Carlton, A. B. (2004) Comparing learning environment in U.S. military officer education: a brief replication. Psychological Reports, 95, 604-608. Schumm, W. R. (2003) 2000 Reserve Component Survey – Special Topics: Family Issues. Arlington, VA: Defense Manpower Data Center. Schumm, W. R., & Turek, D. E. (2003) Distance-learning: first CAS3 class outcomes. Military Review, LXXXIII(5), 66-70. Schumm, W. R., Turek, D., & McCarthy, D. (2003) Evaluating an all-ranks military staff ride. Psychological Reports, 93, 1156-1158. Schumm, W. R., Turek, D. E., & Jones, K. D. (2003) Comparing learning environments in U.S. military officer educational settings: A field test. Psychological Reports, 92, 1131- 1132. Schumm, W. R., & West, D. R. (2001) Development of three new scales for assessing clients’ perspectives on premarital counseling. Psychological Reports, 88, 1071-1074. (June) Silliman, B., & Schumm, W. R. (2000) Marriage preparation programs: a literature review. The Family Journal, 8,133-142. Schumm, W. R., Silliman, B., & Bell, D. B. (2000) Perceived premarital counseling outcomes among recently married Army personnel. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 26, 177-186. Silliman, B., & Schumm, W. R. (1999) Improving practice in marriage preparation. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 25, 23-43. Schumm, W. R., Resnick, G., Silliman, B., & Bell, D. B. (1998) Premarital counseling and marital satisfaction among civilian wives of military service members. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 24(1), 23-30. Schumm, W. R., & Silliman, B. (1997) Changes in premarital counseling as related to older cohorts of married couples. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 23, 98-102. Silliman, B., & Schumm, W. R. (1995) Client interests in premarital counseling: a further analysis. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 21, 43-56. Schumm, W. R. (1994) Growing maturity of the field of family systems therapy. Contemporary Psychology, 1994, 39, 31-33. Review of Weeks & Treat's Couples in Treatment and Freeman's Family Therapy with Couples. Silliman, B., & Schumm, W. R. (1993) Influences on young adults' intentions to attend a premarital preparation program. Family Perspective, 27, 2, 165-177. Silliman, B., Schumm, W.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1992) Young adults' preferences for premarital preparation program design: an exploratory study. Contemporary Family Therapy, 14(1), 89- 100. Silliman, B., & Schumm, W.R. (1989) Topics of interest in premarital counseling: clients' views. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 15, 199-206. Christian, R., Dwyer, S., Schumm, W.R., & Coulson, L.A. (1988) Prevention of sexual abuse for preschoolers: evaluation of a pilot program. Psychological Reports, 62, 387- 396. REPRINTED: Patten, M. L. (Ed.). (1991). Educational and psychological research: a cross section of journal articles for analysis and evaluation. Los Angeles, Pyrczak. Sandburg, W.E., Schumm, W.R., & Kennedy, C.E. (1988) Enrichment And counseling activities in U.S. Army Family Life Centers. Schumm, W.R., Jurich, A.P., & Bollman, S.R. (1988) Teachers' base pay, student/teacher ratio, and per student expenditures as predictors of average communities' average satisfaction with local school system. Psychological Reports, 63, 193-194. James, D., Kennedy, C.E., & Schumm, W.R. (1986) Changes in Parental attitudes and practices following a religiously oriented parent education program. Family Perspective, 20(1), 45-59. Eggeman, K.W., Smith-Eggeman, B., Moxley, V., & Schumm, W.R. (1986) A marriage enrichment program for newlywed couples. Wellness Perspectives, 3(2):32-36. Moxley, V., Eggeman, K., & Schumm, W.R. (1986) An evaluation of the "Recovery of Hope" program. Journal of Divorce, 10, Stucky, F., Eggeman, K., Eggeman, B.S., Moxley, V., & Schumm, W.R. (1986) Premarital counseling as perceived by newlywed couples: An exploratory study. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 12, 221-228. Schumm, W.R., Bugaighis, M.A., & Jurich, A.P. (1985) Using repeated measures designs in program evaluation of family therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 11, 87-95. Schumm, W.R. (1983) Theory and measurement in marital communication training programs. Family Relations, 32, 3-11. Nichols, C.W., Kennedy, C.E., & Schumm, W.R. (1983) What home economics programs do mothers want for sons and daughters? Haines, J., Schumm, W.R., & Kennedy, C.E. (1981) Child guidance as perceived by foster parents and social workers -- a research role. Child Welfare, 60(December), 703-708. Schumm, W.R., & Denton, W. (1980) Premarital counseling: approaches, objectives, content, and evaluation -- A bibliography. Pastoral Psychology Journal, 28, 3(Spring), 181- 187. Schumm, W.R., & Denton, W. (1979) Trends in premarital counseling. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 5(4: October), 23-32. E. Marital/Family Outcomes (Interaction and Satisfaction) Integration: Silliman, Schumm, et al. (2003) recently provided the field with an integration of what is known about marital satisfaction as it relates to the prevention of marital problems. In a variety of reports, the most recent being Schumm, Webb, and Bollman (1998), Schumm has tested the Jessie Bernard (1972) hypothesis of the “his and hers” marriage, finding that her view is correct for a minority of marriages, even though gender main effect sizes are typically rather small (0.10). Gwanfogbe, Schumm, et al. (1997) was one of very few recent papers to evaluate marital satisfaction and life satisfaction across monogamous and polygamous marriages. Schumm’s research experience in the areas of family communication, family violence, gender roles, marital quality, family life cycle issues, child discipline, and other topics serves well in his graduate teaching of the courses Marital Interaction (FSHS 862) and Family Studies (FSHS 850). Bosch, K., & Schumm, W. R. (2004) Accessibility to resources: helping rural women in abusive partner relationships become free from abuse. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 30(5), 357-370. Schumm, W. R., & Ripley, J. (2004) Using dynamic nonlinear mathematical models to explain patterns of marital interaction and the failure of marital therapy. (Book Review of J. M. Gottman et al.’s The mathematics of marriage: dynamic nonlinear models. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002). Journal of Sex Research, 41, 315-318. Silliman, B., Schumm, W. R., Parker, R., & Simons, M. (2003) Marital satisfaction, Adulthood. Pp. 677-683 in T. P. Prevention and Health Promotion. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum. Schumm, W. R., Webb, F. J., & Bollman, S. R. (1998) Gender and marital satisfaction: data from the National Survey of Families and Households. Psychological Reports, 83, 319- 327. Stephan R. Bollman, W. R. Schumm, A. P. Jurich, and G. J. Yoon (1997) Predicting marital satisfaction from ideal and actual maternal roles. Psychological Reports, 80, 99-106. Schumm, W. R., Bollman, S. R., & Jurich, A. P. (1997) Gender and marital satisfaction: a replication using a seven-point item response version of the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale. Psychological Reports, 81, 1004-1006. Gwanfogbe, P. N., Schumm, W. R., Smith, M., & Furrow, J. L. (1997) Polygyny and marital/life satisfaction: an exploratory Study from rural Cameroon. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XXVIII, 1(Spring), 55-71. Yoon, G. J., & Schumm, W. R. (1997) Marital satisfaction and marital stability: A comparison of two theoretical models. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 35, 4, 31- 46. Schumm, W. R., & Silliman, B. (1996) Gender and marital satisfaction: a replication with a sample of spouses from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Psychological Reports, 79, 496-498. Schumm, W. R. Non-marital sexual behavior. (1995) Pp. 381-423 in G. A. Rekers (Ed.), Handbook of child and adolescent sexual problems. Lexington, MA.: Lexington Books (MacMillan). Song, J. A., Bergen, M. B., & Schumm, W. R. (1995) Sexual satisfaction among Korean-American couples in the midwestern United States. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 21, 3, 147- 158. Jeong, G.J., Bollman, S.R., & Schumm, W.R. (1992) Self-reported marital instability as correlated with the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale for a sample of midwestern wives. Jeong, G.J., & Schumm, W.R. (1990) Family satisfaction in Korean/American marriages: an exploratory study of the perceptions of Korean wives. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XXI, 325-336. Peterson, L.R., Chang, L., Coulson, L.A., Bollman, S.R., Jurich, A.P., & Schumm, W.R. (1990) Economic and emotional well-being of rural families in Kansas. Report of Progress #609. Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, (November). Larzelere, R.E., Klein, M., Schumm, W.R., & Alibrando, S.A. (1989) Relations of spanking and other parental characteristics to self-esteem and perceived fairness of parental discipline. Psychological Reports, 64, 1140-1142. Bollman, S.R., Schumm, W.R., Bugaighis, M.A., & Jurich, A.P. (1988) Family members' perceptions of actual and ideal Maternal roles as a function of maternal employment. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 67, 185-186. Schumm, W.R., McCollum, E.E., Bugaighis, M.A., Jurich, A.P., Bollman, S.R., & Reitz, J. (1988) Differences between Anglo and Mexican-American family members on satisfaction with family life. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 10, 39-53. Jurich, A.P., Schumm, W.R., & Bollman, S.R. (1987) Degree of family orientation perceived by mothers, fathers, and adolescents. Adolescence, XXII, 119-128. Doddridge, R., Schumm, W.R., Bergen, M.B. (1987) Factors related to decline in preferred frequency of sexual intercourse among young couples. Psychological Reports, 60, 391-395. Martin, M.J., Schumm, W.R., Bugaighis, M.A., Jurich, A.P., & Bollman, S.R. (1987) Family violence and adolescents' perceptions of outcomes of family conflict. Journal of Mitchell, S.E., Newell, G.K., & Schumm, W.R. (1987) Dietary quality and family environment. Psychological Reports, 61, 791-801. Bolsen, N., Bugaighis, M.A., & Schumm, W.R. (1986) The relationship between locus of control personality orientation and coping with stress: implications for family life education. Pp. 257-272 in S. Van Zandt, H. Lingren, G. Rowe, P. Zeece, L. Kimmons, P. Lee, D. Shell, and N. Stinnett (Eds.), Family Strengths 7: Vital Connections. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Schumm, W.R., & Bugaighis, M.A. (1986) Marital quality over the marital career: Alternative explanations. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 48, 165-168. Schumm, W.R., Barnes, H.L., Bollman, S.R., Jurich, A.P., & Bugaighis, M.A. (1986) Self-disclosure and marital Satisfaction revisited. Family Relations, 35, 241-247. Schumm, W.R., Bugaighis, M.A., Jurich, A.P., & Bollman, S.R. (1986) Example and explanation as predictors of adolescent compliance with parental instructions. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 1, 465-470. Hatch, R.C., James, D.L., & Schumm, W.R. (1986) Spiritual intimacy and marital satisfaction. Family Relations, 35, 539-545. Schumm, W.R., & Hammond, P.M. (1986) Self-reported marital quality among military families living off-post in a midwestern community. Psychological Reports, 59, 391-394. Jurich, A.P., Schumm, W.R., & Bollman, S.R. (1986) Place of residence and quality of life conceptual framework. Pp. 1-18 in J.L. Hafstrom (Ed.), Compendium of Quality of Life Research. Urbana, Illinois: Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois. Schumm, W.R., Bugaighis, M.A., Bollman, S.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1986) Meaning and impact of family satisfaction upon subjective quality of life: perceptions of fathers, mothers, and adolescents. Pp. 57-70 in J.L. Hafstrom (Ed.), Compendium of Quality of Life Research. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois. Bugaighis, M.A., Schumm, W.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1985) Facing problems head-on: rural Kansas families and stress during the middle years of family life. Report of Progress #469 (April). Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506. Swihart, J. & Schumm, W.R. (1985) Issues related to the development of affirmation skills in building strong families. Wellness Perspectives, 2(3), 15-18. Grover, K.J., Russell, C.S., Schumm, W.R., & Paff-Bergen, L.A. (1985) Mate selection processes and marital satisfaction. Family Relations, 34, 383-386. REPRINTED: Pocs, O., & Walsh, R.H. Marriage and Family 86/87. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Group, 1986 (pages 66-69). REVIEWED: Bozzi, V. Courtship counts in marital bliss. QUOTED: Warren, N. Finding the love of your life: how not to choose the wrong mate. Focus on the Family, 1992, 16(11: November), 2-3. Schumm, W.R., Jurich, A.P., Bollman, S.R., & Bugaighis, M.A. (1985) His and her marriage revisited. Journal of Family Issues, 6, Bugaighis, M.A., Schumm, W.R., Jurich, A.P., & Bollman, S.R. (1985) Factors associated with thoughts of marital separation. Journal of Divorce, 9(2), 49-59. Barnes, H.L., Schumm, W.R., Jurich, A.P., & Bollman, S.R. (1984) Marital satisfaction: Positive regard versus communications as explanatory variables. Journal of Social Psychology, 123, 71-78. Copeland, J.M., Bugaighis, M.A., & Schumm, W.R. (1984) Relationship characteristics of couples married thirty years or more. Journal of Alternative Lifestyles, 7, 107-114. REPRINTED: Ade-Ridder, L., & Hennon, C.B. (Eds), Lifestyles of the Elderly. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1989. (pages 29-36). Schumm, W.R. (1984) Families: What Makes Them Work by D.H. Olson, H.I. McCubbin et al. American Journal of Family Therapy, 13(1):83-84. Jurich, A.P., Bollman, S.R., & Schumm, W.R. (1984) Intrafamily concordance on aspects of quality of life in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan communities. North Central Regional Research Publication #295 and Research Bulletin #646. Manhattan, Kansas: Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, August. Schumm, W.R. (1984) Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature, Volume X by D.H. Olson and R. Markoff. American Journal of Family Therapy, 1984, 12(3), 81-82. Anderson, S.A., Russell, C.S., & Schumm, W.R. (1983) Perceived marital quality and family life- cycle categories: a further analysis. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 45, 127-139. REPRINTED (IN PART): Bee, H.L. The Journey of Adulthood. New Bugaighis, M.A., Schumm, W.R., Bollman, S.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1983) Locus of control and marital satisfaction. Journal of Psychology, 114, 275-279. Schumm, W.R., Martin, M.J., Jurich, A.P., & Bollman, S.R. (1982) Classifying family violence. Journal of Family Issues, 3, 319-340. Schumm, W.R., & Bollman, S.R. (1981) Interpersonal relationships in rural families. Chapter 7, pp. 129-145, in R.T. Coward & W.M. Smith (Eds.), The Family in Rural Society: A Handbook. Denver: Westview Press. Schumm, W.R., Figley, C.R., & Fuhs, N.N. (1981) Predicting self-disclosure anxiety in the marital relationship. Journal of Psychology, 107 (March), 273-279. Schumm, W.R., Figley, C.R., & Fuhs, N.N. (1980) Similarity in self-esteem as a function of duration of marriage among student couples. Psychological Reports, 47(October), 365-366. Bollman, S.R., Jurich, A.P., Schumm, W.R., Cambria, S., & Smith, M. (1980) "Kansas: The Quality of Life." Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 632 (September), Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506. II. Military Family and Health Research Integration: Schumm and his colleagues (Bell & Schumm, 2005; Schumm, Bell, & Gade, 2000) have been the first ever to publish data that supports the hypothesis that overseas deployments are associated with increases in divorce rates among U.S. military personnel, overturning years of Department of Defense arguments to the contrary. They have also published many of the best recent reports on what the military needs to do to support its families (Bell & Schumm, 2000; Schumm et al., 2000), including papers published internationally (Bell, Segal, & Schumm, 2000). Schumm and his students have published several reports on vaccines and pyridostigmine bromide pills as possible causes of Gulf War illness; recently, the Government Accounting Office (GAO) itself released a report (GAO, 2002) which cited Schumm et al. (2002) as evidence that anthrax vaccine was a cause of Gulf War illness. Lea Steele, who headed up Gulf War research in Kansas under the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs and now heads up a national committee on Gulf War issues from her office at the VA Medical Center in Topeka, stated (October, 2003) that Schumm’s Gulf War research is being cited more and more frequently in medical articles on the topic. Most recently, Schumm and others have published research on organizational commitment in the military and its consequences. The only recent summary of what is known about humane treatment in prisoner of war operations was published by Schumm (1998). Also a bit ahead of its time, another report by Schumm et al. (1998) investigated the prospective attitudes of reservists if the military were to change its policy of mobilization frequency and begin asking reservists to accept frequent, year long mobilizations as part of their normal reserve career. Bell, D. B., & Schumm, W. R. (2005) Balancing work and family demands in the military: what happens when your employer tells you to go to war? In D. F. Halpern, & S. E. Murphy (Eds.) From work-family balance to work-family interaction. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Pp. 83-97. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., Ender, M., Schumann, P. M., & Rice, R. E. (2004). Expectations, use, and evaluation of communication media among deployed reservists. Armed Forces & Society, 30, 4, 649-662. Schumm, W. R. (2004) A reply to Belkin’s argument that ending the “gay ban” will not influence military performance. Psychological Reports, 95, 637-640. Bell, D.B., & Schumm, W.R. (2000) Providing family support during military deployments. Pp. 139-152 in J.A. Martin, L. N. Rosen, & L. R. Sparacino (eds.), The Military Family, Westport, CT.: Greenwood Publishing Company. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., Segal, M. W., & Milan, L. M. (2000) The Family Support Group (FSG) Leaders’ Handbook. (Study Report 2000-02, April). Alexandria, VA.: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., & Gade, P. A. (2000) Effects of a military overseas peacekeeping deployment on marital quality, satisfaction, and stability, Psychological Reports, 87, 815-821. Bell, D. B., Segal, M. W., & Schumm, W. R. (2000) U.S. Army Thuisfront Ondersteuningsdienst en ervaringen van het thuisfront tijdens overzeese uitzendingen. (U.S. Army family support services and family experiences during overseas deployments.) In R. Moelker and F. Jansen (eds.). Kernvraag (Netherlands)(Special Issue on the Family and the Military),. 123(May/June), 91-102. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., & Knott, B. (2000) Characteristics of families of soldiers who return prematurely from overseas deployments: an assessment from Operation Restore Hope (Somalia). Psychological Reports, 86, 1267-1272. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., & Knott, B. (2000) Factors associated with spouses moving away from their military installation during an overseas deployment. Psychological Reports, 86, 1275-1282. Bell, D. B., Schumm, W. R., Knott, B., & Ender, M. G. (1999) The desert fax: a research note on calling home from Somalia. Armed forces & Society, 25, 509-521. Schumm, W. R., Resnick, G., Bollman, S. R., & Jurich, A. P. (1998) Gender effects and marital satisfaction: a brief report from a sample of dual military couples from the 1992 Department of Defense Worldwide Survey of Members and Spouses. Psychological Reports, 82, 161-162. Bell, D. B., Schumm, W. R., Segal, M.W., & Rice, R. E. (1996) The family support system for the Multinational Force and Observers(MFO). Chapter 14, pp. 355-394 in R. H. Phelps and B. J. Farr(Eds.), Reserve Component Soldiers as Peacekeepers. Alexandria, VA.: U. S. Army Research Institute, October. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., Segal, M. W., & Rice, R. E. (1996) Changes in marital quality among Multinational Force and Observer (MFO) couples. Chapter 15, pp. 395-408 in R. H. Phelps and B. J. Farr (Eds.), Reserve Component Soldiers as Peacekeepers. Alexandria, VA.: U. S. Army Research Institute, October. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., Rice, R. E., & Schuman, P. M. (1996) Marriage trends in the U. S. Army. Psychological Reports, 78, 771-784. Schumm, W. R., Hemesath, K., Bell, D. B., Palmer-Johnson, C. E., & Elig, T. W. (1996) Did Desert Storm reduce marital satisfaction among Army enlisted personnel? Psychological Reports, 78, 1241-1242. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., Rice, R. E., & Perez, M. V. (1996) Trends in single parenting in the U. S. Army. Psychological Reports, 78, 1311-1328. Bell, D. B., Teitelbaum, J. M., & Schumm, W. R. (1996) Keeping the home fires burning: family support issues. Military Review, VXXIII, March/April, 54-58. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., Rice, R. E., & Sanders D. (1996) Trends in dual military couples in the U. S. Army. Psychological Reports, 78, 1287-1298. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., Knott, B., & Rice, R. E. (1996) The perceived effect of stressors upon marital satisfaction among civilian wives of enlisted soldiers deployed to Somalia for Operation Restore Hope. Military Medicine, 161, 601-606. Hendrix, C. C., Jurich, A. P., & Schumm, W. R. (1995) Long term impact of Vietnam War service on family environment and satisfaction. Families in Society, 76, 498-506. See also: Schumm, W. R. (2006) Reflections from the social sciences on the possible causes of abusing Muslim prisoners of war. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 23(4), 136-148. Schumm, W. R. (2004) Did the defeat of Saddam Hussein reduce suicide bombing casualties and attacks in Israel. Psychological reports, 95, 831-834. During the Vice Presidential debate, October 5th, 2004, Vice President Cheney appeared to echo the results reported in the above paper when he said, “. the suicide bombers, in part, were generated by Saddam Hussein, who paid $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers. I personally think one of the reasons that we don’t have as many suicide attacks today in Israel as we’ve had in the past is because Saddam is no longer in business.” [source:, page 16] Schumm, W. R., Anderson, C. V., Brinneman, A. S., Magsanoc-Deoki, Pakhalchuk, A., & Ulrick, R. A. (2006) Reanalysis of Sageman’s (2004) and Pape’s data (2005) predicting Al’Qaeda membership and suicide terrorism. Psychological Reports, 98, 915-917. Military Health Research Schumm, W. R. (2006) Neurologic adverse events associated with smallpox vaccination in the United States – response and comment on reporting of headaches as adverse events after smallpox vaccination among military and civilian personnel. BMC Medicine, 4: 27 (10 November, 5 pages, 2.87 impact Rating, Schumm, W. R., & Nass, M. (2006) The FDA’s acceptance of Brachman’s 1950’s anthrax Research: good politics? Maybe. Good science? No. Medical Veritas, 3, 1, 747-752. Schumm, W. R., Jurich, A. P., Webb, F. J., Bollman, S. R., Reppert, E. J., & Castelo, C.S. (2005) Exposure to anthrax vaccination and pyridostigmine bromide tablets as associated with geographic location during the first Persian Gulf War. Medical Veritas, 2, 2,521-525. Schumm, W. R., Jurich, A. P., Bollman, S. R., Webb, F. J., & Castelo, C. S. (2005) The long term safety of anthrax Vaccine, pyridostigmine bromide (PB) tablets, and other Risk factors among Reserve Component veterans of the first Persian Gulf war. Medical Veritas, 2, 348-362. Schumm, W. R., Jurich, A. P., Webb, F. J., Bollman, S. R., Reppert, E. J., & Castelo, C.S. (2005) Changes in the subjective health of Reserve Component veterans as a function of mobilization status during the first Persian Gulf war. Medical Veritas, 2,336-341. Schumm, W. R., & Webb, F. J. (2005). Testing new predictive models involving biological warfare attacks on civilians. Medical Veritas, 2, 331-333. Schumm, W. R. (2004). Anthrax vaccine and Gulf War illness symptoms in Captain Jean Tanner’s Dover Air Force Base survey. Medical Veritas, 1, 163-165. Schumm, W. R., & Brenneman, R. L. (2004). How adequate and well-controlled was the clinical trial of a human anthrax vaccine, 1955-1959? Medical Veritas, 1, 166-170. Schumm, W. R., Brenneman, R. L., Arieli, B., Mayo-Theus, S., & Muhammad, J. (2004). A statistical reanalysis of Brachman et al.’s (1962) study of a human anthrax vaccine. Medical Veritas, 1, 171-178. Schumm, W. R., Webb, F. J., Bollman, S. R., Jurich, A. P., Reppert, E. J., Castelo, C. S., & Stever, J. A. Z(2004) Predicting self-reported exposure to nerve agents by Reserve Component personnel during the first Persian Gulf War. Psychological Reports, 94, 989-992. Gade, P. A., Tiggle, R. B., & Schumm, W. R. (2003) The measurement and consequences of military organizational commitment in soldiers and spouses. Military Psychology, 15, 191-207. Schumm, W. R., Gade, P. A., & Bell, D. B. (2003) Dimensionality of military job satisfaction items: an exploratory factor analysis of data from the Spring 1996 Sample Survey of Military Personnel, Psychological Reports, 92, 809-819. Schumm, W. R., Gade, P. A., & Bell, D. B. (2003) Dimensionality of military professional values items: an exploratory factor analysis of data from the Spring 1996 Sample Survey of Military Personnel, Psychological Reports, 92, 831-841. Schumm, W. R., Webb, F. J., Jurich, A. P., & Bollman, S. R. (2002) Comments on the Institute of Medicine’s 2002 report on the safety of anthrax vaccine. Psychological Schumm, W. R., Reppert, E. J., Jurich, A. P., Bollman, S. R., Webb, F. J., Castelo, C. S., Stever, J. C., Kaufman, M., Deng, L., Krehbiel, M., Owens, B. L., Hall, C. A., Brown, B. F. C., Lash, J. F., Fink, C. J., Crow, J. R., & Bonjour, G. N. (2002) Pyridostigmine bromide and the long-term subjective health status of a sample of over 700 male Reserve Component Gulf War era veterans. Psychological Reports, 90, 707-721. Reviewed in Funk, D. “Study: PB tablets could be related to Gulf War symptoms.” Army Times, 2002, 63(6, September 2), 17. Schumm, W. R., Reppert, E. J., Jurich, A. P., Bollman, S. R., Webb, F. J., Castelo, C. S., Stever, J. C., Sanders, D., Bonjour, G. N., Brown, B. F. C., Hall, C. A., Owens, B. L., Krehbiel, M., Deng, L., & Kaufman, M. (2002) Self- reported changes in subjective health and anthrax vaccination as reported by over 900 Persian Gulf War era veterans. Psychological Reports, 90, 639-653. Reviewed in Funk, D. “Study finds long-term problems with Gulf War anthrax shots.” Navy Times, 2002, 51(34, May 27), p. 26; ibid., “Gulf War anthrax inoculations may have damaged health.” Also in Air Force Times, 62(44, May 27), p. 24; and Marine Corps Times, 4(20, May 27), p. 16. Cited in GAO Report 02-445, “Anthrax vaccine: GAO’s survey Of Guard and Reserve pilots and aircrew,” as evidence for safety issues with anthrax vaccine. September 2002. Page 26. Schumm, W.R., Bell, D.B., & Knott, B. (2001) Predicting the extent and stressfulness of problem rumors at home among Army wives of soldiers deployed overseas on a humanitarian mission. Psychological Reports, 89, 123-134. Schumm, W.R., Bell, D.B., & Resnick, G. (2001). Recent research on family factors and readiness: implications for military leaders. Psychological Reports, 89, 153-165. Schumm, W.R., Reppert, E. J., Jurich, A. P., Bollman, S. R., Castelo, C. S., Sanders, D., & Webb, F. J. (2001). Pyridostigmine bromide and the long-term subjective health status of a sample of female Reserve Component Gulf War veterans: a brief report. Psychological Reports, 88, 306-308. Schumm, W. R. (2000). Intrinsic religiosity among military personnel: ‘The survey says –‘. The Army Chaplaincy, Summer-Fall, 63-66. Schumm, W. R., & Bell, D. B. (2000). Soldiers at risk for individual readiness or morale problems during a six- month peacekeeping deployment to the Sinai. Psychological Reports, 87, 623-633. Schumm, W. R., Jurich, A. P., Stever, J. A., Sanders, D., Castelo, C., & Bollman, S. R. (1998) Attitudes of Reserve Component servicemembers regarding the consequences of frequent overseas deployments. Psychological Reports, 83, 983-989. Schumm, W. R., Polk, B. B., Bryan, J., Fornataro, F., & Curry, J. (1998) Treating prisoners humanely. Military Review, LXXVIII, 1(January/February), 83-93. Korte, D. V., Schumm, W. R., Mayberry, R. W., Tilford, M. L., & Duckett, M. C. (1995) Environmental health issues in prisoner of war camps. Military Medicine, 1995, 160, 483-486. Schumm, W. R., Bell, D. B., Palmer-Johnson, C. E., & Tran, G. (1994) Gender trends in the U. S. Army and a discussion of implications for readiness and retention. Psychological Reports, 74, 499-511. Hendrix, C. C., Jurich, A. P., & Schumm, W. R. (1994) Validation of the Impact of Event Scale on a sample of American Vietnam veterans. Psychological Reports, 75, 321-322. Swihart, J.J., Borek, T., & Schumm, W.R. (1983) Psychosocial factors associated with the adjustment of basic trainees in the U.S. Army. Psychological Reports, 52, 28-30. III. OTHER TOPICS Integration: Long interested in the role of religion in family life (Schumm, 2003; Hatch & Schumm, 2003; Cleveland, Kennedy, & Schumm, 1983) and Arab-Americans issues (Faragallah et al., 1996, 1997) Schumm has devoted some attention to comparative religion, specifically the relationship between Christianity and Islam, since 9/11. He has already exposed fallacies in much previous research in that area and is currently working with Professor Rodney Stark at the University of Massachusetts on the relationship of paradox and of gender differences across those two religions, using, among other resources, data from the World Values Surveys. A. Religion and Family Life/Comparative Religion Schumm, W. R., & Kohler, A. L. (2006) Social cohesion and the five pillars of Islam: a comparative perspective. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 23(2), 126-136. Schumm, W. R. (2006) A discriminant analysis of Whissell’s New Testament data: on the statistical trail of the author of Hebrews. Psychological Reports, 98, 274-276. Schumm, W. R. (2005) Variations in themes of asceticism, Humility, and love among Muslim sayings attributed to Jesus. Islamic Studies, 44, 1(Spring), 113-123. Schumm, W. R., Ferguson, A. D., Hashmat, M. S., & New, T. L. (2005) Differences in paradox between Islam and Christianity: a statistical comparison. Journal of Islam and Christian- Muslim Relations, 16, 167-185. Schumm, W. R. (2004) Islam and the “universal” gender difference in religious commitment: a brief report in response to Stark (2002). Psychological Reports, 94, 1104-1106. Schumm, W. R. (2004) Relative proportion of ethical teaching versus historical events concerning Jesus in early Islamic and Christian historical documents. Psychological Reports, 94, 894-896. Schumm, W. R. (2004) Relative chronology of violent and nonviolent themes in early Christian and Islamic historical documents. Psychological Reports, 94, 931-932. Schumm, W. R. (2003) Themes observed in early Qur’anic material a brief commentary on Michael Sells’ text “Approaching THE QUR’AN.” Psychological Reports, 93, 1291-1294. Hatch, R. C., & Schumm, W. R. (2003). Religion. In J. J. Ponzetti, Jr. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family, Volume 3 (2nd Edition). New York: MacMillan Reference USA. (Pp. 1316-1323). Schumm, W. R. (2003) Interpreting past religious discrimination today. Psychological Reports, 93, 513-514. Schumm, W. R. (2003) A statistical comparison of the apparent importance of various prophets within early Islamic and Christian historical documents. Psychological Reports, 93, 472-474. Schumm, W. R. (2002) Commentary on Morgan-Miller’s ‘An Exploratory study of different types of violence presented In early Christian and Islamic historical documents.’ Morgan-Miller, N.W. (2002) An exploratory study of different types of violence presented in early Christian and Islamic documents. Psychological Reports, 91, 520-524. (author’s name is a pseudonym used for security purposes) Schumm, W. R., & Rotz, P. L. (2001) A brief measure of intrinsic religiosity used with a sample of military veterans. Psychological Reports, 88, 351-352. Faragallah, M. H., Schumm, W. R., & Webb, F. J. (1997) Acculturation of Arab-American immigrants: an exploratory study. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XXVIII, 182-203. Faragallah, M., & Schumm, W. R. (1996) Willingness to have one's children serve in the military: an indicator of acculturation among Arab immigrants to the United States: a brief report. Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 24, 105-115. Schumm, W. R. (1996) Book review of Donald Capps's The Child's Song: The Religious Abuse of Children. Family Relations, 45, 351. Schumm, W.R., Hatch, R.C., Hevelone, J., & Schumm, K.R. (1991) Attrition and retention among Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregations in three metropolitan regions: a mail survey of 1,149 active and inactive members. Pp. 521-553 in D.N. Williams (Ed.), A case study of mainstream Protestantism: The Disciples'relation to American culture 1880-1989. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans. Schumm, W.R., Jeong, G.J., & Silliman, B. (1990) Protestant Fundamentalism and marital success revisited. Psychological Reports, 66, 905-906. Schumm, W.R., & Silliman, B. (1990) A research note and commentary on Dixon, Levy & Lowery's "Asking the 'Born-Again' Question." Review of Religious Research, 31, 413-415. Also see Erratum, Review of Religious Research, 1990, 32, 2(December), 1991. (Erratum includes Table 1 omitted by mistake from original article.) Schumm, W.R., Obiorah, F.C., & Silliman, B. (1989) Marital quality as a function of conservative religious identification in a sample of Protestant and Catholic wives from the Midwest. Psychological Reports, 64, 124-126. Olson, L., Schumm, W.R., Bollman, S.R., & Jurich, A.P. (1985) Anomia and religiosity in the Midwest. Journal of Social Psychology, 125, 131-132. Cleveland, J., Kennedy, C.E., & Schumm, W.R. (1983) Family commitment and religious commitment: parallel processes. Schumm, W.R. (1982) Can marital conventionalization explain away relationships between religiosity and marital satisfaction? The Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 1(2), 16-21. B. International Affairs Clearly, this area is new for the author. Finding data on suicide bombings allowed for a test of whether the invasion of Iraq may have reduced casualties from terrorist attacks in Israel. Schumm, W. R. (2006) Reflections from the social sciences on the possible causes of abusing Muslim prisoners of war. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 23(4), 136-148. Schumm, W. R. (2004) Did the defeat of Saddam Hussein reduce suicide bombing casualties and attacks in Israel. Psychological reports, 95, 831-834. During the Vice Presidential debate, October 5th, 2004, Vice President Cheney appeared to echo the results reported in the above paper when he said, “. the suicide bombers, in part, were generated by Saddam Hussein, who paid $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers. I personally think one of the reasons that we don’t have as many suicide attacks today in Israel as we’ve had in the past is because Saddam is no longer in business.” [source:, page 16] Schumm, W. R., Anderson, C. V., Brinneman, A. S., Magsanoc-Deoki, Pakhalchuk, A., & Ulrick, R. A. (2006) Reanalysis of Sageman’s (2004) and Pape’s data (2005) predicting Al’Qaeda membership and suicide terrorism. Psychological Reports, 98, 915-917. MISCELLANEOUS Integration: Schumm has explored a variety of topics in addition to the main thrusts of his research, the common denominator being the ability to apply statistics to novel situations in order to assess creative hypotheses. Notably, one report was awarded a prize as the second best paper of the year (Schumm & Webb, 1995) by the Defense Transportation Journal for a statistical analysis of transportation operations for the redeployment from the first Persian Gulf War. Another report (Schumm, 1986) was an earlier article (Schumm, 1985) reprinted in its entirety by a British military journal. And yet again, another conceptual analysis (Schumm, 1986) published in one military journal was reprinted in its entirely in yet another military journal (Schumm, 1987). Thus, Schumm’s conceptual and statistical research, even in relatively minor areas, has been recognized for its excellence, both inside and outside of the United States. Military Readiness/Technical Subjects Desert Storm Logistical Support Schumm, W. R., & Webb, F. J. (1995) President Bush was right: Send the troops home - the equipment can follow. Defense Transportation Journal, 51(5), 15-21. (Selected as their #2 [second best] article of the year) Schumm, W.R., & Peschke, E. (1993) Recovering from DESERT STORM: Reserve back to readiness level. The Officer, LXIX(1: January), 18-20. (The Officer is published by the Reserve O Officers Association.) Schumm, W.R., & Peschke, E. (1993) Movement management in support of DESERT STORM: a CONUSA perspective. Military Review, 73(7: July), 72-75. Peschke, E., & Schumm, W.R. (1993) Returning Reserve Component equipment. The Army Logistician, July/August, 32-34. Schumm, W.R., Peschke, E., & Cone, F. (1992) Fifth Army detects trends in DESERT STORM redeployment operations. TRANSLOG, 6(2: July), 6, 7, 23-24. Other Military Subjects Schumm, W. R., Kildare, K. M., Wiebelhaus, F. J., & Kjosa, J. O. (1995) Lessons from history: the EPW situation in the Korean War. Military Police, 2(Winter), 48-51. Schumm, Schumm, W.R. (1987) JINTACCS training. The Army Communicator, Schumm, W.R. (1987) The challenge of teaching COMSEC. The Army Schumm, W.R. (1986) Plotting transportation movements. TRANSLOG, XVII(5), 6-8. Schumm, W.R. (1986) Last tango in Turkey. TRANSLOG, XVII(7:July), 13. Schumm, W.R. (1986) Overcoming the threat -- new perspectives on electronic warfare. Journal of the Royal Signals Institution, XVII, 250-253. (United Kingdom journal) Schumm, W.R. (1986) The challenge of teaching COMSEC. Military Intelligence Magazine, 12(2), 30-34. Schumm, W.R. (1985) Countering radioelectronic combat. The Army Schumm, W.R. (1985) New perspectives on electronic warfare defense. The Army Communicator, 10(1), 50-54. Military Public Affairs Reports Schumm, W.R. (1992) 425th Trans Cell returns from DESERT STORM duty. Rolling "W", 19(6: January), 2. Schumm, W.R. (1992) 439th MP DET holds (Korean) map reading exercise at drill. Rolling "W", 20 (3: September/October), 15. Schumm, W. R. (1993) "Stonewall" Jackson Shrine. The Cutting Edge, 3(4 July), 4. Schumm, W. R. (1993) 439th completes field exercise. Rolling "W, 21(3: July), 2. Schumm, W. R. (1994) 439th Military Police Detachment trains in Gold Sword. Rolling "W", 21(4: January), 4. Family Economics Steffens, P. D., & Schumm, W. R. (1999) Economic and social- psychological factors as a function of social functioning status among low-income women in Kansas. Psychological Reports, 84, 657-661. Davis, E.P., & Schumm, W.R. (1987) Savings behavior and satisfaction with savings: a comparison of low and high income groups. Home Economics Research Journal, 15, 247-256. Homeschooling Schumm, W. R. (1998) Trends in homeschooling in a midwestern community. Psychological Reports, 82, 364-366. Schumm, W. R. (1994) Homeschooling in Kansas: A further exploratory study. Psychological Reports, 74, 923-926. McGraw, J., Bergen, M. B., & Schumm, W. R. (1993) An exploratory study of homeschooling in Kansas. Psychological Reports, 73, 79-82. Position Papers (Debate Textbooks) Schumm, W.R. (1985) Position paper: Marriage and parenthood are necessary for a happy life for both men and women. Chapter II-A.2, pp. 91-99 in H. Feldman & M. Feldman (Eds.), Current controversies in marriage and family. Beverly Hills, CA.: Sage. Schumm, W.R., & Rekers, G.A. (1984) Position paper: Sexual intercourse should not occur prior to marriage. Chapter IV-A.1, pp. 105-124 in H. Feldman & A. Parrot (Eds.), Current Issues in Human Sexuality. Beverly Hills: Sage. IV. Invited Autobiography (one of 40 family scholars invited to submit an autobiography to help illustrate the growth of the profession of family studies since 1950) Integration: Schumm (2001, 2002) was one of only 40 family scholars invited to submit an autobiography to help illustrate the growth of the profession of family studies since 1950; he was selected as one of those scholars who were early-to-mid career compared to the others selected. No other scholar from any university in Kansas was thus honored. Schumm, W. R. (2004) Review of Pioneering paths in the study of families by S. K. Steinmetz & G. W. Peterson (Eds.). Family Relations, 53, 336-337. Schumm, W. R. (2002) The Admiral’s son with an independent spirit. Pp. 635-659 in S. K. Steinmetz & G. W. Peterson (Eds.), Pioneering Paths in the Study of Families. New York: Haworth. Schumm, W. R. (2001) The Admiral’s son with an independent Marriage & Family Review, 31, 3/4, 155-179. V. SCHOLARLY EDITORIALS Schumm, W. R. (2004) Bioterrorism and compulsory vaccination: Arguments for current vaccines are based on inadequate support for older vaccines. British Medical Journal, 329, 977-978 (October 23). Schumm, W. R. (2004) Bioterrorism and compulsory vaccination: Arguments for current vaccines based on inadequate support for older vaccines. British Medical Journal (electronic), (4 September). Schumm, W. R. (2004) A comment on the use of FluMist ® for children and adults. British Medical Journal (electronic), (2/3 December). Schumm, W. R. (2005) Conflict between self-report data and Clinical data in the study of Gulf War illness. British Medical Journal (electronic), Cgi/letters/329/7472/21#97635 (23 February). Schumm, W. R. (2005) Treating prisoners of war humanely. British Medical Journal (electronic), cgi/eletters/330/7490/543[21#99693](9 March).


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