Drug category reference
Drug Category Reference
State Toxicology Laboratory, Washington State Patrol
Trade Names
DRE Category
Pharmacological Category
Notes from the Lab
Diabetics & Stimulant users who do not eat can be positive
Mild stimulant compared to other ADHD drugs
Used to treat obesity; metabolizes to methamphetamine
Generally not impairing; Lab does not routinely report
Anti-convulsant; psychiatric med adjunct
For further information, call 206 262 6100
Drug Category Reference
State Toxicology Laboratory, Washington State Patrol
Trade Names
DRE Category
Pharmacological Category
Notes from the Lab
Mild CNS Depressant, generally not impairing
Metabolite of combined use of Cocaine & Ethanol
Metabolite of Nicotine; Lab does not routinely report
Used for short term treatment of back pain
Can cause hallucinations, psychosis in high doses
Cocaine metabolite; Lab does not routinely report
Methadone metabolite; Lab does not routinely report
For further information, call 206 262 6100
Drug Category Reference
State Toxicology Laboratory, Washington State Patrol
Trade Names
DRE Category
Pharmacological Category
Notes from the Lab
Commonly used for pain, restless leg syndrome
Illegally made, Used to treat narcolepsy
Cough medicine & vetinary muscle relaxant
Treats psychiatric disorders, chronic pain
Treats psychiatric disorders, chronic pain
Treatment of mania and severe depression
Currently not detected at WSTL, if suspected collect urine
Used to tx narcotic addiction and chronic pain
For further information, call 206 262 6100
Drug Category Reference
State Toxicology Laboratory, Washington State Patrol
Trade Names
DRE Category
Pharmacological Category
Notes from the Lab
Can be metabolite resulting from heroin or codeine use
Generally not impairing by itself-heart med
Treats psychiatric disorders, chronic pain
Treats psychiatric disorders, chronic pain
For further information, call 206 262 6100
Drug Category Reference
State Toxicology Laboratory, Washington State Patrol
Trade Names
DRE Category
Pharmacological Category
Notes from the Lab
Typiclaly this is pseudoepohedirne; lab does not distinguish
Treats migraines, psychiatric disorders, chronic pain
Treats psychiatric disorders, chronic pain
For further information, call 206 262 6100
Acetysalicylic Acid = Aspirin = Empirin (Analgesic)
Adapin = Dexopin = Sinequan (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Adderall = D-Amphetamine = Dextroamp = Dexedrine (Appetite Suppressant & ADD) (CNS Stimulant)
Adipex = Phentermine = Obephen (Appetite Suppressant) (CNS Stimulant)
Albuterol = Levalbuterol = Pirbuterol = Proventil (Broncodialator)
Alparzolam = Xanax (Benzodiazepine & Anxiety w/Depression) (CNS Depressant)
Ambien = Zolpidem (Sedative) (CNS Depressant)
Amidone = Methadone = Dolophine (Narcotic Analgesic)
Amitriptyline = Elavil = Endep (Antidepressant & Sleep Aide) (CNS Depressant)
Amobarbital = Amytal (Short Term Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Amosecobarbital = Amobarbital + Secobarbital (CNS Depressant)
Amphetamine = Adderall = Dexedrine (Appetite Supressant & ADD) (CNS Stimulant)
Amytal = Amorbarbital (Short Term Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Anexsia = Hycodan = Hydrocodone (Narcotic Analgesic)
Anorex = Phendimetramizine = Bontril (Appetite Supressant)
Aspirin = Acetysalicylic Acid = Empirin (Analgesic)
Atarax = Hydroxyzine = Vistaril (Antianxiety & Antihistamine) (CNS Depressant)
Aventyl = Nortriptyline (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Bellatal = Phenobarbital = Solfoton (Anticonvulsant & Sedative)
Benadryl = Diphenhydramine = Sominex (Anti-histamine & Non-prescription sleep aide)
Benzoylecgonine = a metabolite of cocaine (CNS Stimulant)
Benzodiazepines = Centrax = Prazepam = Diazepam = Valium (CNS Depressant)
Bontril = Phendimetraminzine = Anorex (Appetite Supessant) (CNS Stimulant)
Brompheniramine = Dimetane (Antihistamine)
Bufotenine (Hallucinogen from frog glands) (Hallucinogens)
Buprenorphine = (Narcotic Analgesic) (used for Opiate abuse)
Bupropion = Wellbutrin = Zyban (Antidepressant & Smoking Deterrent) (CNS Depressant)
Buspirone = BuSpar (Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Butalbital + Aspirin + Caddeine = Fiorinal (Barbiturate for tension headaches) (CNS Depressant)
Carbamazepine = Tegretol (Anticonvulsant)
Carisoprodol = Soma (Skeletal Muscle Relaxant) (CNS Depressant)
Centrax = Prazepam (Benzodiazephine & Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Chloral Hydrate = Noctec = Mickey Finn = Mickey (Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Chlordiazepoxide = Librium = Libritabs = Decacil (Benzodiazepine) (CNS Depressant)
2-Chlorophenyl-2methlyaminocylcohexanone = Ketamine (Animal Sedative) (Hallucinogens)
Chlorpheniramine = Chlortimeton (Antihistamine)
Chlorpromazine = Thorazine = Phenothiazine (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Chlorzoxazone = Paraflex = Parafon Forte (Skeletal Muscle Relaxant) (CNS Depressant)
Clonazepam = Klonopin (Benzodiazepine & Anticonvulsant) (CNS Depressant)
Clorazepate = Tranxene (Benzodiazepine, EtOH withdrawal, & Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Clozapine = Clozaril (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Cocaine (Local Anesthetic) (CNS Stimulant)
Codeine = Methylmorphine (Narcotic Analgesic & Antitussive) (Narcotic Analgesic)
Compazine = Prochloperazine (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Contin, (MS-) = Morphine (Slow release opiates) (Narcotic Analgesic)
Cyclobenzaprine = Flexeril (Skeletal muscle relaxant & Depressant) (CNS Depressant)
Cylert = Pemoline (Stimulant for ADHD) (CNS Stimulant)
Dalmane = Flurazepam (Benzodiazepam & Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Darvocet = Propoxyphene + Acetominophen (Narcotic Analgesic)
Darvon = Propoxyphene + Aspirin (Narcotic Analgesic)
Decacil = Chlordiazepoxide = Librium (Benzodiazepine) (CNS Depressant)
Delta-9-THC = Marijuana = Dronabinol = Marinol (Antiemetic) (Cannabis)
Demerol = Meperidine = Pethidine = Isonipicaine (Narcotic Analgesic)
Depakote = Depakene = Valproic Acid = Divalproex (Anticonvulsant)
Designer Drug: Phenethylamines = MDMA, MDE (eve), MDA, STP
Fentanyl Analogs = China White, Synthetic Heroin. (Hallucinogens)
Desipramine = Pertofrane = Norparamine (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Desoxyn = Methamphetamine (CNS Stimulant)
Desyrel = Trazodone (Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Dexedrine = Amphetamine = Adderall (Appetite Suppressant & ADD) (CNS Stimulant)
Dexopin = Adapin = Sinequan (Tricyclic Antidepressant ) (CNS Depressant)
Dextroamphetamine = d-Amphetamine (Appetite Suppressant & ADD) (CNS Stimulant)
Dextromethorphan = DXM (Dissociative Anesthetics)
Diacetyl Morphine = Heroin (Narcotic Analgesic)
Diazepam = Valium = Centrax = Prazepam = Benzodiazepine (CNS Depressant)
Dihydrocodine + Aspirin + Caffeine = Synalgos (Narcotic Analgesic)
Dilantin = Phenytoin (Antiepileptic) (CNS Depressant)
Dilaudid = Hydromorphone Hydrochloride (Narcotic Analgesic)
Dimenhydrinate = Dramamine (Antihistamine & Antiemetic)
Diemtane = Brompheniramine (Antihistamine)
2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine = DOM = STP (Hallucinogens)
Diphenhydramine = Benadryl = Sominex = Dytuss (Antihistamine & Non-Rx sleep aide) (CNS Depressant)
Diphenylhydantoin Sodium = Dilatin (CNS Depressant)
Divalproex = Depakote = Depakene = Valproic Acid (Anticonvulsant)
Dolophine = Methadone = Amidone (Narcotic Analgesic)
DOM = STP = 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine = Serenity, Tranquility and Peace = (Hallucinogens)
Doxepin = Adapin = Sinequan = Zonalon (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Dramamine = Dimenhydrinate = Benadryl = Sominex (Antihistamine & Antiemetic) (CNS Depressant)
Dronabinol = Marinol = Delta-9-THC (Antiemetic) (Cannabis)
Duradesic = Fentanyl (Opiate Antagonist & Analgesic)
DXM = Dextromethorphan (Dissociative Anesthetics)
Ecstacy = MDMA = 3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (Hallucinongens)
Effexor = Venlafaxine (Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Elavil = Amitriptyline = Endep (Antidepressant & Sleep Aide) (CNS Depressant)
Empirin = Acetysalicylic Acid = Aspirin (Analgesic)
Epherdrone = Methcathinone (CNS Stimulant)
Equanil = Meprobamate = Probate (Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Estazolam = ProSom (Benzodiazepine & Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Ethchlorvynol = Placidyl (CNS Depressant)
Fenfluramine = Pondimin = Ponderax (Anorexigenic)
Fentanyl = Duradesic (Opiate Antagonist & Analgesic) (Narcotic Analgesic)
Fioricet = Butalbital + Aspirin + Caffeine (Barbiturate for headaches)
Flexeril = Cyclobenzaprine (Skeletal muscle relaxant)
Flunitrazepam = Rohypnol = Roofies, Rophies (CNS Depressant)
Fluoxetine = Prozac (Antidepressant & SSRI) (CNS Depressant)
Flurazepam = Dalmane (Benzodiazepam & Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate = GHB (CNS Depressant)
Geodon = Ziprasidone = Zeldox (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Glutethimide = Doriden (Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Halcion = Triazolam (Benzodiazepine for sedation or insomnia) (CNS Depressant)
Haldol = Haliperidol (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Haliperidol = Haldol (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Heroin = Diacetyl Morphine (Narcotic Analgesic)
Hycodan = Hydrocodone = Anexsia (Narcotic Analgesic)
Hydrocodone = Hycodan = Anexsia = Triaminic (Narcotic Analgesic & Antitussive)
Hydrocodone + Acetaminophen = Vicodin = Lortab = Lorcet (Narcotic Analgesic)
Hydromorphone = Dilaudid (Narcotic Analgesic & Cough Supressant) (Narcotic Analgesic)
Hydroxyzine = Vistaril = Atarax (Antianxiety and Antihistamine) (CNS Depressant)
Imipramine = Janimine = Trofinal (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Isonipicaine = Meperidine = Pethidine = Demerol (Narcotic Analgesic)
Katalar = Ketamine (Animal Sedative) (Dissociative Anesthetics)
Ketamine = Ketalar = 2-Chlorophenyl-2-methlyaminocylcohexanone = Special K, Kit
Kat = similar to PCP (Animal Sedative) (Dissociative Anesthetics)
Klonopin = Clonazepam (Benxodiazepine & Anticonvulsant) (CNS Depressant)
Levalbuterol = Albuterol = Pirbuterol = Proventil (Broncodialator)
Lexapro = Escitalopram Oxalate (Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Librium = Chlordiazepoxide = Libritabs (Benzodiazepine and Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Lidocaine = Xylocaine (Local Anesthetic)
Limbitrol = Chlordiazepoxide + Amitriptyline
Lorazepam = Ativan (Benzodiazepam & Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Lorcet = Hydrocodone + Acetaminophen = Lortab = Vicodin (Narcotic Analgesic)
Lortab = Hydrocodone + Acetaminophen = Lorcet = Vicodin (Narcotic Analgesic)
LSD = d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide = Acid, Blotter (Hallucinogens)
d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide = LSD = Acid, Blotter (Hallucinogens)
Marijuana = Bhang, Cannabis, Ganja = Delta-9-THC (Antiemetic)
Marinol = Delta-9-THC = Dronabinol (Antiemetic) (Cannabis)
MDMA = Ecstacy = 3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (Hallucinogens)
Meclizine = Antivert (Antihistamine for motion sickness)
Mellaril = Thioridazine (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Meperidine = Demerol = Isonipecaine = Pethidine (Narcotic Analgesic)
Meprobamate = Equarnil = Miltown = Probate (Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Meprobamate + Aspirin = Equagesic (CNS Depressant)
Mecaline = Peyote = 3,4-Timethoxyphenethylamine
Methadone = Dolophine = Amidone (Narcotic Analgesic)
Methamphetamine = Desoxyn = Crank, Black Beauties, Crystal, Ice, Speed (CNS Stimulant)
1-Methamphetamine = Selegiline (Parkenson)
Methaqualone = Qualudes = Ludes (CNS Depressant)
Methcathinone = Cat = Ephedrone (Chem. Analog of meth., many of the same effects) (CNS Stimulant)
Methocarbamol = Robaxin (Skeletal muscle relaxant)
3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine = MDA (Hallucinogens)
3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine = MDMA = X, Ecstasy, Adam (Hallucinogens)
Methylphenidate = Ritalin (Cerebral Stimulant)
Methylmorphine = Codeine (Narcotic Analgesic)
Miltown = Meprobamate = Equanil = Probate (CNS Depressant)
Mickey Finn = Mickey = Chloral Iiydrate +Alcohol (Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Morphine (slow release opiate) = MS-Contin (Narcotic Analgesic)
MPPP (analog of Demerol) (Narcotic Analgesic)
Nardil = Phenelzine (Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Nembutal = Pentobarbital (Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Norpramine = Desipramine = Pertofrane (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Nortriptyline = Pamelor = Aventyl (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Numorphan = Oxymorphone (Narcotic Analgesic)
Obephen = Adipex = Phentermine (Appetite Suppressant)
Olanzapine = Zyprexa (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Oxazepam = Serax (Benzodiazepine, Tranquilizer, & Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Oxycodone = Percocet = Percodan (Narcotic Analgesic)
Oxycotin, (MS-) = Oxycodone (Slow release opiate) (Narcotic Analgesic)
Oxymorphone = Numorphan (Narcotic Analgesic)
Pamelor = Nortriptyline (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Paraflex = Parafon Forte = Chlorzoxazone (Skeletal muscle relaxant)
Paxil = Paroxetine (Antidepressant & Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Paroxetine = Paxil (Antidepressant & Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
PCP = Phencyclidine = 1-1-Phenylchclohexyl Piperidine Hydrochloride = Angel Dust,
Pemoline = Cylert (Stimulant for ADHD) (CNS Stimulant)
Pentobarbital = Nembutal (Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Percocet = Oxycodone +Acetaminophen = Roxicet = Tylox (Opiate)
Percodan = Oxycodone + Aspirin = Roxiprin (Opiate)
Pertofrane = Desipramine (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Pethidine = Meperidine = Demerol = Isonipicaine (Narcotic Analgesic)
Peyote = Mescaline = 3,4-Trimethoxyphenethylamine = Buttons, Tops
Phencyclidine = 1-1-Phenylchclohexyl Piperidine Hydrochloride = PCP = Angel Dust,
Phendimetrazine = Anorex = Bontril = Prelu-2 (Appetite Suppressant)
Phenelzine Sulfate = Nardil (Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Phenergan = Promethazine (Antihistamine)
Phenmetrazine = Preludin (Appetite Suppressant) (CNS Stimulant)
Phenobarbital = Bellatal = Solfoton (Anticonvulsant) (CNS Depressant)
Phenothiazine = Chlorpromazine = Thorazine (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Phentermine = Adipex = Obephen = Ionamin (Appetite Suppressant) (CNS Stimulant)
Pirbuterol = Albuterol = Levalbuterol = Proventil (Broncodialator)
Ponderax = Pondimin = Fenfluramine (Anorexigenic)
Prazepam = Centrax (Benzodiazepine & Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Preludin = Phenmetrazine (Appetite Suppressant) (CNS Stimulant)
Prochloperazine = Compazine (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Propoxyphene = Darvon = Darvocet (Narcotic Analgesic)
Promethazine = Phenergan (Sedative & Antihistamine)
Proventil = Albuterol = Levalbuterol = Pirbuterol (Broncodialator)
Prozac = Fluoxetine (Antidepressant SSRI) (CNS Depressant)
Pseudoephedrine = Dimetap = Sudafed (Decongestant)
Psilocybe Mushroom = Psilocybin and Psilocin = Shrooms
Restoril = Temazepam (Benzodiazepine for sleep)
Ritalin = Methylphenidate (Cerebral Stimulant) (CNS Stimulant)
Rohypnol = Flunitrazepam (CNS Depressant)
Robaxin = Methocarbamol (Skeletal muscle relaxant)
Roxicet = Oxycodone + Acetaminophen = Percocet (Narcotic Analgesic)
Roxiprin = Oxycodone + Aspirin = Percodan (Opiate) (Narcotic Analgesic)
Secobarbital = Seconal (Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Seconal = Secobarbital (Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Selegiline = 1-Methamphetamine (Parkenson)
Serax = Oxazepam (Benzodiazepine, Tranquilizer & Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Seroquel = Quetiapine Fumarate (Anti Psychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Sertraline = Zolof (Antidepressant, Compulsive disorder & SSRI) (CNS Depressant)
Sinequan = Adapin = Doxepin (Tricyclic Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Solfoton = Phenobarbital = Bellatal (Anticonvulsant) (CNS Depressant)
Sominex = Diphenhydramine = Benadryl (Antihistamine & Non-prescription sleep aide) (CNS Depressant)
Speed Ball = Cocaine / Methamphetamine + Heroin
STP = 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine = DOM = Serenity, Tranquility and Peace = (Hallucinogens)
Sudafed = Pseudoephedrine + Chlorpheneramine (Decongestant)
Suboxone = Buprenorphine + Naloxone (Narcotic Analgesic)
Synalgos = Dihydrocodeine + Aspirin + Caffeine (Narcotic Analgesic)
Tegretol = Carbamazepine (Anticonvulsant)
Temazepam = Restoril (Benzodiazepine for sleep) (CNS Depressant)
THC = Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (Cannabis)
Thioridazine = Mellaril (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Thorazine = Chlorpromazine (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
TMA = 3,4,5-Trimethoxyamphetamine (Hallucinogens)
Tramadol = Ultram (Non-narcotic pain reliever)
Tranxene = Clorazepate (Benzodiazepine, EtOH withdrawal & Antianxiety) (CNS Depressant)
Trazodone = Desyrel (Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Triazolam = Halcion (Benzodiazepine for sedation or insomnia) (CNS Depressant)
3,4-Trimethoxyphenethylamine = Mescaline = Peyote
Trofinal = Imipramine = Janimine (Tricyclic Antidepressant)
Tylox = Oxycodone + Acetaminophen = Percocet = Roxicet (Opiate) (Narcotic Analgesic)
Ultram = Tramadol (Non-narcotic pain reliever)
Valium = Diazepam = Centrax = Prazepam = Benzodiazepines (CNS Depressant)
Valproic Acid = Depakote = Depakene = Divalproex (Anticonvulsant)
Venlafaxine = Effexor (Antidepressant) (CNS Depressant)
Vicodin = Hydrocodone + Acetaminophen = Lortab = Lorcet (Narcotic Analgesic)
Vistaril = Hydroxyzine = Atarax (Antianxiety & Antihistamine) (CNS Depressant)
Wellbutrin = Bupropion = Zyban (Antidepressant & Smoking deterrent) (CNS Depressant)
Xanax = Alprazolam (Benzodiazepine & Anxiety w/Depression) (CNS Depressant)
Xylocaine = Lidocaine (Local Anesthetic)
Zeldox = Ziprasidone = Geodon (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Ziprasidone = Zeldox = Geodon (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Zolof = Sertraline (Antidepressant, Compulsive disorders & SSRI) (CNS Depressant)
Zolpidem = Ambien (Sedative & Hypnotic) (CNS Depressant)
Zyban = Bupropion = Welbutrin (Antidepressant & Smoking deterrent) (CNS Depressant)
Zyprexa = Olanzapine (Antipsychotic) (CNS Depressant)
Source: http://www.decp.org/experts/DrugChart.pdf
Equipaggio : Luca (la bassa, fondamentale manovalanza oramai 44enne) Stefania (la splendida mente eccelsa solo 40enne) Flavio ( il cuore impavido e paziente di quasi 9 anni) Zazà (l’inesauribile canide fonte di guai da 11anni) Periodo : dal 18 Luglio a più o meno il 10 Agosto Mezzo : Elnagh Columbia 102Ford 2005D ora El Ruidoso Mèta : Dimenticare un inverno lungo, freddo e
d’intérêt Nom français : Pie Grièche écorcheur communautaire Code A338 Nom latin : Lanius collurio DISTRIBUTION GEOGRAPHIQUE : Massif vosgien : l’espèce est bien présente dans les vallées vosgiennes mais se rencontre également, plus rarement, sur les hautes chaumes. Population estimée entre 2500 et 3000 couples sur le massif vosgien sur les
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