The clinic can be contacted by telephone daily between
09.00 and 16.30 hours. Outside these hours you can
consult a doctor via the family doctor centre.
Radesingel 11,9711 ED
Your family doctor and health care insurance are not
informed of your treatment at the clinic.
You will be given a letter with information about your treatment. You may give this to your (family) doctor.
After 4 weeks a check-up is necessary to see if the
If you are pregnant and you do not wish to proceed with
this pregnancy, there is a possibility to have an induced
This check-up can be carried out by your family doctor
abortion. At our clinic this treatment can take place up to
13 weeks calculated from the first day of the last
A pregnancy test must always be carried out to show
that there are no more pregnancy hormones present.
There is no benefit in carrying out a pregnancy test
Up to and including 16 days overdue (number of
within 3 weeks of the treatment because the pregnancy
days that the expected menstrual period is late) you can be considered for suction curettage = an
early abortion without the need for any legal
If you are having difficulty coming to terms with any of
This treatment is usually possible from 12 days
this, we recommend you contact our clinic or your family
doctor. You may experience these problems long after
If you are overdue for more than 16 days the
the treatment. It is recommended that you also seek
pregnancy termination law 'Wet Afbreking
Zwangerschap' requires 5 days "reflection time"
between the first consultation with a physician during
Finally, if you have any complaints, please do not
which you discussed your intended termination and the
hesitate to contact us. You can direct your complaint to
treatment day. For such a consultation and a referral
the clinic or in writing to the complaints committee. The
you can make an appointment with your family doctor or
address is displayed on the notice board in the waiting
Immediately after this first contact with the family doctor
or with us we can agree a treatment date.
The costs
If you have a treatment appointment and you lose blood
If you are a resident in the Netherlands a pregnancy
before then, we recommend you phone us for further
termination is free of charge. The costs are reimbursed
If you do not reside in the Netherlands, you can obtain
information about the costs at the clinic.
The treatment Things to take with you to the clinic
Blood loss after a termination varies a lot. It may be
• valid health care insurance card or proof that you
heavier than a normal menstrual period and may take
In suction curettage a thin tube is inserted into de cervix
reside in the Netherlands, for example, a certificate
longer. Sometimes there is no blood loss at all or only a
via the vagina to suck the contents out of the womb. This
is carried out under a local anaesthetic, not a general
• if possible a letter from the family doctor
It is normal to have menstrual type abdominal pain after
anaesthetic. The treatment takes approximately 10
• if possible information about your blood group
the treatment. Sometimes this is severe. You may use pain
minutes whereby during the last 2 minutes severe cramps
• if you wish a curettage: a night dress or long T-shirt,
occur. These usually disappear quickly after the treatment.
underwear, sanitary towels (no tampons), towel and
The first menstrual period can be expected 4 to 6 weeks
You will be monitored for approximately half an hour in the
face cloth, extra socks or slippers. Perhaps something
You will receive more details about the treatment method
You are welcome to bring someone with you for support.
at the clinic and you can consult the website.
Unfortunately no male supporters can be present in the
After the treatment you are usually given a precautionary
recovery room, in view of other women's privacy.
course of antibiotics to limit the risk of infection.
Initial consultation and examination
After you have been welcomed and registered you have a
After the suction curettage you must not use any tampons
consultation with a physician/nurse to discuss your
After the treatment
for 1 week, have no vaginal sexual intercourse and must
decision and provide you with information about the
not swim/bathe (having a shower is allowed).
possible treatment methods. You can discuss all your
We do not recommend driving a car or riding a bicycle.
questions and decide after that whether and how you will
We recommend that you take it easy on the day(s) of the
treatment and the day afterwards and to avoid any heavy
If you had a suction curettage and you have chosen the
There will also be a discussion about future
contraceptive pill, you start taking it on the day of the
contraceptives you may wish to use. A coil can (usually) be
In order to determine the exact length of the pregnancy the
Nausea and a tense feeling in the breasts will disappear in
physician will carry out a (vaginal) ultrasound scan and an
Bear in mind that as a result of the sudden hormonal
If the pregnancy is not yet (properly) visible, treatment will
change you may feel listless, unstable or tired.
If the treatment cannot take place at our clinic or you
decide to proceed with the pregnancy or if you still have
We advise you to contact our clinic or your family doctor:
doubts, we will help you to find the necessary support.
• if you have extreme discharge or a lot more abdominal
pain than is normal for you during your menstrual
• if your temperature is above 38.5 ºC
An Argument for a Narrow Interpretation1 ABSTRACTThe paper argues for two kinds of limitations on the right to parenthood. First, it claims that the right to parenthooddoes not entail a right to have as many children as one desires. This conclusion follows from the standard justificationsfor the right to parenthood, none of which establishes the need to grant special protection to having as ma
Anil Arora, MD N.Rowgena Cain, APRN Robert Knox, MD Short Term Relief of Nasal and Sinus Congestion The goal of our medical practice is to help you manage your sinus disease. We have found the following routine very helpful for the short term, rapid relief of sinus congestion. If you do not receive relief with the routine, please schedule an appointment to see your healthcare provider. F