This formulary is not inclusive nor does it guarantee coverage. It is an abbreviated list of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee approved drugs that may be prescribed for Navitus members. This document is subject to change. The most updated version of this document as well as a complete formulary listing is available at or upon request. Drugs will be dispensed generically when acceptable generic equivalents are UA Net Plan – available. This document is copyrighted by Navitus Health Solutions® and may be reprinted for personal use only. Colorado Springs Reproduction of this document for any other reason is expressly prohibited, unless prior written consent is obtained from Navitus. Quick Reference Formulary Anti-Convulsants Reading the Drug List
Generic medications are listed in all lower
case letters; brand name medications are
listed in all upper case letters. Each drug
Other Cardiovascular Agents
product is associated with a coverage tier,
shown to the right of each drug product.
Anti-Gout Anti-Virals Anti-Depressants
PRADAXA (PA/QL=2 caps/day) 2
Cases where drug products are followed by
parentheses indicate that the entry relates to
RELENZA (QL=20 units/fill)
TAMIFLU (QL=10 cap/fill) Cholesterol Lowering Agents
(vaginal cream), or more than one form of
the drug, e.g. ZOMIG (ZMT). Quantity limits
provided are for prescriptions filled at retail
pharmacies; please consult complete version
of formulary for mail order quantity limits.
All newly approved drugs on the market will
initially NOT be covered, pending further
CRESTOR (QL = 30 tabs/Rx)
review by the Navitus P and T Committee.
CYMBALTA (QL=2 caps/day)2
A complete version of the Navitus Formulary, (QL=1 tab/day) Beta Blockers Anti-Psychotic Agents ANTI-INFECTIVES Penicillins CNS & ANS AGENTS Analgesics Cephalosporins Stimulants
OXYCONTIN (QL=4 tab/day) ACE Inhibitors Migraine Agents Macrolides (QL= 9 tabs/Rx; 2 fill/30 days) (QL= 4 inj/Rx; 2 fill/30 days) Anti-Parkinson Agents (QL= 9 tabs/Rx; 2 fill/30 days) Quinolones Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (QL= 6 spr/Rx; 2 fill/30 days) (QL= 12 tabs/Rx; 3 fill/60 days) Miscellaneous Anti-infectives (QL= 6 spr/Rx; 2 fill/30 days) Miscellaneous CNS Agents
nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals 1
(QL=1 tab/day) Calcium Channel Blockers Anti-Anxiety Agents & Sedatives
ARICEPT 23mg (ST/QL=1 tab/day) Anti-Fungals PA=Prior authorization required; criteria needs to be met for product to be covered ST=Step Therapy QL=Quantity limits apply NC=Not covered SP=Available through Navitus Specialty Pharmacy Program RS=Restricted to Specialists Printed 04/14/11 This formulary is not inclusive nor does it guarantee coverage. It is an abbreviated list of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee approved drugs that may be prescribed for Navitus members. This document is subject to change. The most updated version of this document as well as a complete formulary listing is available at or upon request. Drugs will be dispensed generically when acceptable generic equivalents are UA Net Plan – available. This document is copyrighted by Navitus Health Solutions® and may be reprinted for personal use only. Colorado Springs Reproduction of this document for any other reason is expressly prohibited, unless prior written consent is obtained from Navitus. Quick Reference Formulary DIABETIC AGENTS OB/GYN AGENTS DERMATOLOGICALS
LUMIGAN (QL=2.5ml/fill) Topical Anti-Infectives
TRAVATAN (Z) (QL=5ml/fill) Diabetic Supplies Contraceptives
XALATAN (QL=2.5ml/fill) Miscellaneous Ophthalmic Agents Topical Anti-Fungals Estrogens/Combinations
PREMARIN/PREMPRO/PREMPHASE 2 Acne Agents Hypoglycemic Agents GASTROINTESTINAL Antiulcer Agents Osteoporosis Agents Psoriasis /Eczema Agents Miscellaneous Topical Agents (QL=1 tab/day)
DEXILANT (ST/QL=1 cap/day) 2 RESPIRATORY AGENTS Nasal Products
REGRANEX (QL=2-15gm tubes/copay) 2 Urinary Agents EYES & EARS THYROID AGENTS Leukotriene Modifiers Asthma/Pulmonary Agents Ophthalmic Anti-Infectives/Steroids MUSCULOSKELETAL Miscellaneous Gastrointestinal Agents (QL= 5 days tx) ANTINEOPLASTICS/ IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS
anastrozole (SP) Glaucoma Agents COX-2 Inhibitors
CELEBREX (ST/QL=2 cap/day)
latanoprost (QL=2.5ml/fill) Misc. Musculoskeletal PA=Prior authorization required; criteria needs to be met for product to be covered ST=Step Therapy QL=Quantity limits apply NC=Not covered SP=Available through Navitus Specialty Pharmacy Program RS=Restricted to Specialists Printed 04/14/11
1042-2587-01-262Copyright 2003 byBaylor University E T P Anne Evans: Assessment of a Biotechnology Market Opportunity Anne G. Evans Nikhil P. Varaiya This case describes Anne Evans’ search for a market opportunity in the biotechnology industry, and examines the feasibility of establishing a new venture to exploit this oppor- tunity. The drug development process in the biopharmaceutical in
CURSO SOBRE CRIMEN ORGANIZADO TRANSNACIONAL El crimen transnacional se compone de actos criminales y Fecha: sábado 21 de septiembre transacciones que traspasan las fronteras nacionales y que violan las leyes de más de un país. Este curso se centrará en la naturaleza y el alcance de los delitos transnacionales como el Lugar: Salón de Usos Múltiples narcotráfico, la trat