1 D L i t h i u m I o n B a t t e r y M o d e l f o r T h e r m a l M o d e l s
This model a model examples to create an average heat source in an active battery material domain. See the model documentation of these two examples.
The 1D model is very similar to the model. The only difference is the addition of negative current collector and a positive current collector domains so that the cell model consists of the following five domains:
• Negative current collector (Al, 7 μm) • Negative porous electrode (LixC6, 55μm) • Separator (Electrolyte 1:2 EC/DMC in LiPF6, 30 μm) • Positive porous electrode (LiyMn2O4 , 55 μm) • Positive current collector (Cu, 10 μm) Model Library path: Batteries_and_Fuel_Cells_Module/Batteries/ M O D E L W I Z A R D 1 Go to the Model Wizard window. 2 Click the 1D button. 3 Click Next.
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4 In the Add physics tree, select Electrochemistry>Battery Interfaces>Lithium-Ion Battery (liion). 5 Click Add Selected. 6 Click Finish. G L O B A L D E F I N I T I O N S 1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Global Definitions and choose Parameters. 2 In the Parameters settings window, locate the Parameters section. 3 Click Load from File. 4 Browse to the model’s Model Library folder and double-click the file G E O M E T R Y 1 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 right-click Geometry 1 and choose Interval. 2 In the Interval settings window, locate the Interval section. 3 From the Number of intervals list, choose Many. 4 In the Points edit field, type
ep+L_pos,L_neg_cc+L_neg+L_sep+L_pos+L_pos_cc. 5 Click the Build All button. 6 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar. D E F I N I T I O N S 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 right-click Definitions and choose Selections>Explicit. 2 Select Domain 1 only. 3 Right-click Model 1>Definitions>Explicit 1 and choose Rename. 4 Go to the Rename Explicit dialog box and type Negative CC in the New name edit 5 Click OK.
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1 Right-click Definitions and choose Selections>Explicit. 2 Select Domain 2 only. 3 Right-click Model 1>Definitions>Explicit 2 and choose Rename. 4 Go to the Rename Explicit dialog box and type Negative Electrode in the New name edit field. 5 Click OK. 1 Right-click Definitions and choose Selections>Explicit. 2 Select Domain 3 only. 3 Right-click Model 1>Definitions>Explicit 3 and choose Rename. 4 Go to the Rename Explicit dialog box and type Separator in the New name edit field. 5 Click OK. 1 Right-click Definitions and choose Selections>Explicit. 2 Select Domain 4 only. 3 Right-click Model 1>Definitions>Explicit 4 and choose Rename. 4 Go to the Rename Explicit dialog box and type Positive Electrode in the New name edit field. 5 Click OK. 1 Right-click Definitions and choose Selections>Explicit. 2 Select Domain 5 only. 3 Right-click Model 1>Definitions>Explicit 5 and choose Rename. 4 Go to the Rename Explicit dialog box and type Positive CC in the New name edit 5 Click OK. M A T E R I A L S 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 right-click Materials and choose Open Material Browser.
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2 In the Material Browser window, locate the Materials section. 3 In the tree, select Built-In>Aluminum. 4 Right-click and choose Add Material to Model from the menu. 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Materials click Aluminum. 2 In the Material settings window, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section. 3 From the Selection list, choose Positive CC. 4 In the Material Browser window, locate the Materials section. 5 In the tree, select Built-In>Copper. 6 Right-click and choose Add Material to Model from the menu. 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Materials click Copper. 2 In the Material settings window, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section. 3 From the Selection list, choose Negative CC. 4 In the Material Browser window, locate the Materials section. 5 In the tree, select Batteries and Fuel Cells>LixC6 Electrode (Negative, Li-ion Battery). 6 Right-click and choose Add Material to Model from the menu. LixC6 Electrode (Negative, Li-ion Battery)1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Materials click LixC6 Electrode (Negative, Li-ion Battery). 2 In the Material settings window, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section. 3 From the Selection list, choose Negative Electrode. 4 In the Material Browser window, locate the Materials section. 5 In the tree, select Batteries and Fuel Cells>1:1 EC:DEC / LiPF6 (Li-ion Battery). 6 Right-click and choose Add Material to Model from the menu. 1:1 EC:DEC / LiPF6 (Li-ion Battery)1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Materials click 1:1 EC:DEC / LiPF6 (Li-ion Battery). 2 In the Material settings window, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section. 3 From the Selection list, choose Separator. 4 In the Material Browser window, locate the Materials section.
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5 In the tree, select Batteries and Fuel Cells>LixMn2O4 Electrode (Positive, Li-ion Battery). 6 Right-click and choose Add Material to Model from the menu. LixMn2O4 Electrode (Positive, Li-ion Battery)1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Materials click LixMn2O4 Electrode (Positive, Li-ion Battery). 2 In the Material settings window, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section. 3 From the Selection list, choose Positive Electrode. L I T H I U M - I O N B A T T E R Y 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 right-click Lithium-Ion Battery and
choose Electrode. 2 In the Electrode settings window, locate the Domain Selection section. 3 From the Selection list, choose Negative CC. 1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Lithium-Ion Battery and choose Electrode. 2 In the Electrode settings window, locate the Domain Selection section. 3 From the Selection list, choose Positive CC. 1 Right-click Lithium-Ion Battery and choose Porous Electrode. 2 In the Porous Electrode settings window, locate the Domain Selection section. 3 From the Selection list, choose Negative Electrode. 4 Locate the Model Inputs section. In the T edit field, type T. 5 From the c list, choose Electrolyte salt concentration (liion/liion). 6 Locate the Electrolyte Properties section. From the Electrolyte material list, choose 1:1 EC:DEC / LiPF6 (Li-ion Battery). 7 Locate the Particle Intercalation section. In the cs,init edit field, type cs0_neg. 8 In the rp edit field, type rp_neg. 9 Locate the Volume Fractions section. In the εs edit field, type epss_neg. 10 In the εl edit field, type epsl_neg.
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11 Locate the Effective Transport Parameter Correction section. From the Electrolyte conductivity list, choose Bruggeman. 12 From the Electrical conductivity list, choose Bruggeman. 13 From the Diffusion list, choose Bruggeman. 1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Porous Electrode 1 node, then click Porous Electrode Reaction 1. 2 In the Porous Electrode Reaction settings window, locate the Model Inputs section. 3 In the T edit field, type T. 4 From the c list, choose Insertion particle concentration, surface (liion/pce1). 5 Locate the Equilibrium Potential section. From the Eeq list, choose From material. 6 Locate the Electrode Kinetics section. In the ka edit field, type k_neg. 7 In the kc edit field, type k_neg. Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance 11 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Lithium-Ion Battery right-click Porous Electrode 1 and choose Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance. 2 In the Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance settings window, locate the Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance section. 3 In the av,dl edit field, type 3*liion.epss/liion.rp. 1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Lithium-Ion Battery and choose Porous Electrode. 2 In the Porous Electrode settings window, locate the Domain Selection section. 3 From the Selection list, choose Positive Electrode. 4 Locate the Model Inputs section. In the T edit field, type T. 5 From the c list, choose Electrolyte salt concentration (liion/liion). 6 Locate the Electrolyte Properties section. From the Electrolyte material list, choose 1:1 EC:DEC / LiPF6 (Li-ion Battery). 7 Locate the Particle Intercalation section. In the cs,init edit field, type cs0_pos. 8 In the rp edit field, type rp_pos. 9 Locate the Volume Fractions section. In the εs edit field, type epss_pos. 10 In the εl edit field, type epsl_pos.
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11 Locate the Effective Transport Parameter Correction section. From the Electrolyte conductivity list, choose Bruggeman. 12 From the Electrical conductivity list, choose Bruggeman. 13 From the Diffusion list, choose Bruggeman. 1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Porous Electrode 2 node, then click Porous Electrode Reaction 1. 2 In the Porous Electrode Reaction settings window, locate the Model Inputs section. 3 In the T edit field, type T. 4 From the c list, choose Insertion particle concentration, surface (liion/liion). 5 Locate the Equilibrium Potential section. From the Eeq list, choose From material. 6 Locate the Electrode Kinetics section. In the ka edit field, type k_pos. 7 In the kc edit field, type k_pos. Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance 11 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Lithium-Ion Battery right-click Porous Electrode 2 and choose Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance. 2 In the Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance settings window, locate the Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance section. 3 In the av,dl edit field, type 3*liion.epss/liion.rp. 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Lithium-Ion Battery click Electrolyte 1. 2 In the Electrolyte settings window, locate the Model Inputs section. 3 In the T edit field, type T. 1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Lithium-Ion Battery and choose Electrode>Electric Ground. 2 Select Boundary 1 only. 1 Right-click Lithium-Ion Battery and choose Electrode>Electrode Current Density. 2 Select Boundary 6 only. 3 In the Electrode Current Density settings window, locate the Electrode Current Density
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4 In the in,s edit field, type i_app. 1 Right-click Lithium-Ion Battery and choose Initial Values. 2 Select Domains 4 and 5 only. 3 In the Initial Values settings window, locate the Initial Values section. 4 In the phil edit field, type -0.1. 5 In the cl edit field, type cl_0. 6 In the phis edit field, type 3.6. 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Lithium-Ion Battery click Initial Values 1. 2 In the Initial Values settings window, locate the Initial Values section. 3 In the phil edit field, type -0.1. 4 In the cl edit field, type cl_0. G L O B A L D E F I N I T I O N S 1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Global Definitions and choose Functions>Waveform. 2 In the Waveform settings window, locate the Parameters section. 3 From the Type list, choose Square. 4 In the Angular frequency edit field, type 2*pi/cycle_time. D E F I N I T I O N S 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 right-click Definitions and choose Variables. 2 In the Variables settings window, locate the Variables section. 3 In the table, enter the following settings: Expression Description
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4 In the Model Builder window, right-click Definitions and choose Probes>Domain Point 5 In the Domain Point Probe settings window, locate the Point Selection section. 6 In row Coordinate, set x to L_batt. 7 Select the Snap to closest point check box. 8 In the Model Builder window, expand the Model 1>Definitions>Domain Point Probe 1
node, then click Point Probe Expression 1. 9 In the Point Probe Expression settings window, locate the Probe Settings section. 10 In the Probe variable edit field, type CellVoltageProbe. 11 Click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the Expression section. From
the menu, choose Lithium-Ion Battery>Electric potential (phis). 12 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Definitions right-click Domain Point Probe 1 and choose Point Probe Expression. 13 In the Point Probe Expression settings window, locate the Probe Settings section. 14 In the Probe variable edit field, type BatteryCurrentProbe. 15 Locate the Expression section. In the Expression edit field, type liion.Isx/i_1C. Edge 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 right-click Mesh 1 and choose Edge. 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Mesh 1 right-click Edge 1 and choose 2 In the Size settings window, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section. 3 From the Geometric entity level list, choose Boundary. 4 Select Boundaries 3 and 4 only. 5 Locate the Element Size section. Click the Custom button. 6 Locate the Element Size Parameters section. Select the Maximum element size check 7 In the associated edit field, type 0.25e-6. 1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Mesh 1 click Size. 2 In the Size settings window, locate the Element Size section.
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3 Click the Custom button. 4 Locate the Element Size Parameters section. In the Maximum element size edit field, 5 Click the Build All button.
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Clinical Science (2003) 105 , 663–669 (Printed in Great Britain) concentration of bioavailable 17- β oestradiol K. J. ELLIOTT∗, N. T. CABLE†, T. REILLY† and M. J. DIVER‡ ∗Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Brighton, Eastbourne BN20 7SP, U.K., †Research Institute for Sportand Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 2ET, U.K., a
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