Education World® Site Reviews: Earth from Space
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November 2006 Archives: CONTENT:
This online exhibition features images, lesson plans and classroom
activities that “explain how satellite imagery is gathered and used to
expand the understanding of life on Earth”. It was created by the
Smithsonian Institute in collaboration with the National Air and Space
-- Students -- Teachers -- Special Education
This well organized site is easily navigated through the top navigation
bar. Content in the online exhibit is categorized into five sections and
can be accessed through the graphical index on the main page of the exhibit.
"Best Of" Series
The Earth from Space site offers users spectacular satellite images of
conditions and events on the Earth. Each of the five sections of the
exhibit; Living Planet, Water and Air, Structure of the Land, The
Human Presence and Satellite Technology, offers rare views of
extraordinary conditions and events on Earth that are nearly
impossible to document from the surface of the planet. Over forty
detailed satellite images of the planet are available from the Florida Everglades and the tropical forests on the Yucatan Peninsula to the
dry valleys of Antarctica. Especially fascinating are the images found in the Water and Air section. These include everything from typhoons
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to dust storms to changing seasons to rising floodwaters. The
Education World® Site Reviews: Earth from Space
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technology that is used to gather the images is also discussed in the Satellite Technology section as well as the satellites whose images
are on display. Lesson plans and classroom activities that correlate to
national standards are available to help students and teachers to
increase their understanding of life on Earth. Lesson plans are
z Science: Earth Science z Teachers: General z Teachers: New Teachers
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