Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.


The Official Publication of
The Royal Westminster Regiment Association
‘Dedicated to the ideals and comradship
we knew in wars and peace in our
services both home and abroad.’
Volume 2006/Issue 2
‘Pro Rege et Patria’
P.O. Box 854, New Westminster, BC. V3L 4Z8
Melfa Weekend is not in May!
The Melfa Weekend Dinner and AGM will be
June 18. See inside for details.
How did our comrades do in Italy? A presentation of their
trip will be held at the Melfa BBQ.
Where are our members? How long does the Association
have to survive? What can you do to help?
Local Army Cadet from our Agassiz corps travels to Italy
with our Regiment!
In Memoriam
Lloyd MCKENZIE, October 2005, West Vancouver BC.
William GUNN, November 2005, Qualicum BC.
John O. COUGHLIN, January 2006, Chilliwack BC.
William D. MCINTYRE, January 2006, Mission BC.
Colin MACQUARRIE, April 2006, New Westminster BC.
Health & Welfare
Ron Hurley, Editor Emeritus of the Groundsheet is at home (early April) after spending a consider-
able time in Vancouver General. According to reports, Ron is doing well. Great to hear Ron! Another long
serving member, Len Bailey of Nanaimo has recovered well from his heart ailment he had while on
vacation in the south. He is at home as well and apparently doing just fine. May 2nd update on Ron - he is
home and doing preety good.
The Groundsheet Wants To Hear From You!
The Groundsheet is your newsletter. In the past the Association would receive many letters from our members that would get published in the GS. With the way things are now in the electronic age, you
would think we would get more. We don’t. How about a short paragraph or two about your experi-
ences in the unit? What did you do? As you know the GS has profiled a number of our members who
have served. We know there are more out there that have equal or even more interesting tales to tell of
their life in the Regiment. What about you who are current members? The GS is sent out to over 200
serving members of the Regiment. We have a great story in this issue from Paul Plante and his service in
Sierra Leone. What about you? Don’t be bashful. Sit down and write out a short story of your life in the
Regiment. If you send it, we will publish it.
Membership of the Association is an ever-ending practise. Trying to find former members and obtain new ones is something the Executive is always trying to figure out. As a result of a recent note in
the Legion magazine, former member of the Regiment ,Richard Ruggles contacted us. He had joined
the Regular Force and has since retired and is living in Germany working for NATO. He asked about
Dave Dunnington, Gord Boivon, Parv Prasad and a few others. Rick is now on the mail list. Anyone
who wants to contact him, his email is [email protected] Now there were a few names
from the past! Thanks Rick!
An Editor’s Life
Your Executive
Today is Feb 7th. Yesterday I put the Feb issue of the Groundsheet in the mail. I don’t waste any time getting the next issue started because it is a lot of work and so I spread it out over the months. I know Jerry Gangur and
Ron Hurley understand. I want to thank Capt Rick Blyth, CO of 2822 Sur-
rey army cadets for allowing me to ‘hire’ some of his cadets to do the mailout. These half dozen young citizens spend about an hour and half labelling, Vice President
stuffing and sealing YOUR newsletter. Of course I reward them with the traditional pizza and pop. I thank them for their help. It is appreciated.
The Federal election has passed and yesterday they were all sworn in at Rideau Hall. As I mentioned in the last issue, I was going to work at apolling station for the election. I did and enjoyed the opportunity to serve my Secretary
community in such an important event. Even though you are paid for the time, seeing how democracy is handled was very exciting. What really inspired me were the people who came in to vote for the first time. You could easily tellwho they were; the young and the new Canadians. It was truly an amazing Treasurer
feeling to appreciate our country and the fact a number of these new Cana-dian’s who voted for the first time probably couldn’t do it in some of the countries they had come from. The glee on their faces said it all. Again, being February - Today I had a call from Ruth Hurley and she gave me an
update on Ron and how he is doing in VGH. She was hoping to get him home soon. Thanks Ruth for the call and best wishes to Ron on recovery. I also received a call from Dave Gowler. Dave mentioned that he was recently in
the hospital for some surgery and met an old A Coy soldier. Arthur Prank
apparently was a re-enforcement to the Westies at the Hitler Line. I called
Editor Emeritus
Arthur to get some info but we didn’t connect. He is now on our mailing list.
Thanks Dave for calling me with Arthur’s address. It is always a pleasure to We must apologize to Bus Morison of Scotland. We spelt his last name
with two ‘r’s in the last GS. Sorry about that. We do try hard! Directors
March 30th - I am watching the news and up pops a story about the “Westminster Regiment”. There appears Herb Hamm to tell how thieves
removed the two brass plaques that were mounted on stone monuments out- side the armoury. One was dedicated to our VC winners and the other one was for the armoury. They were stolen purely for their metal value. Talk about scum of the earth with absolutely no moral standards for anything sa- cred. I’ve even heard that cemeteries are now victims of metal thieve’s tak- ing brass flower pots and even the brass grave markers. Do we have a ‘Russian Front’ for these people? We should create one - fast! No doubt we, the Association and Historical Society must now raise funds to replace them.
Your support is again needed.
Today (1 Apr) the body of Pte. Robert Costall has returned home to
Canada. Pte. Costall is the first Canadian soldier killed in combat in many years. As member of the PPCLI
from Edmonton, Pte. Costall was killed defending an outpost northwest of Kandahar. According to news
reports, it was a heck of a battle as the multinational force was attacked by a very large number of Taliban
troops. May he rest in peace.
There is a report in this issue about the number of Association members. Our numbers are declining.
How long will we survive as an Association? There are also a number of you who receive this newsletter andhaven’t sent dues in for years. Why not? Some will say “Stop sending the Groundsheet!” Yes that is oneanswer but not the best one. It would be more of a pain keeping track of who pays and who doesn’t than itsworth. We continue to send the GS because we feel it is important to anyone who served. Again, if you feeldifferent and want to help, come to the AGM or the first Monday of the month when the Executive meets tooffer some help.
Yesterday I awoke to the news that 4 more soldiers were killed in Afghanistan. This has now hit close to home for me. I found out that one of the soldiers was Cpl Randy Payne of Wainwright. Randy was a
Military Police member who was posted to the Vernon Military Camp this past summer. As the Adjutant of
the summer camp, the MP’s reported directly to me. Randy and I worked very closely over the summer as
did his boss, Sgt Terry Cherette. Randy was true professional soldier and police officer having only been in
the CF a few short years. His interaction with both the cadets and staff at the camp was very well received.
I know that losing one soldier is bad enough, but when you have history with a particular person, it makes it
tougher. I know and feel what we (the CF) are doing there is right and I accept the loss grudgingly.
A yellow ribbon campaign is underway by members of the Regiment so make sure you do your best to support it for our troops overseas and in training for future deployment. Ted Usher, Editor
Are Your Dues Up To Date?
The Royal Westminster Regiment Association The following listed people are missing as a depends on your dues and donations. Yearly dues result of the last Groundsheet mail out. If you knoware $15 and a Life Membership is $100. How them, please have them contact one of the Execu-about a tax deductable donation? You can iden- tive so we get their new address.
tify where you want the donation to go. The Stacey Maris - Victoria
Future Fund, Cadets, Health & Welfare, or what- Mary Negal - Victoria
ever you feel is worthwhile. Whatever you sup- Jasman Bill - Cultas Lake
port, it is appreciated. Send in your dues today.
David Montrose - Vancouver
Rick Goltz - Vancouver
Dale Jacobs - Kent, England

Notice of Annual General
There are still a large number of Association members missing. If we don’t keep up to date with Meeting.
your address, we will loose you or you will loose June 18th at 1100 hours at
us. One or the other. PLEASE make sure you let usknow when you move so we can keep the cycle the Armoury.
Presidents Report
Hello all. Your executive has been very busy these past few months. The first and foremost being the Melfa weekend and the trip to Italy. The Melfa celebration will take place at the Armoury in New West-minster on 17 June, 2006. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be at 1100 hours followed by anoutdoor meal and gathering on the new patio garden area. (In the event of foul weather it will move to theparade square) I hope everyone will attend this new, exciting change in our most honoured occasion. The lucky members who were in Italy will have a slide show and/or a PowerPoint to present to us. Unfortunately
when we changed the date from May to June we lost our booking for the golf tournament. Bruce Howells
tried valiantly to get us another one but to no avail. In the past the attendance at the tournament has been
low. To hold a tournament at another course would cost the individual too much money so we elected to
cancel it. However, a few of us are going to golf on the Friday 16 June. If you are interested you can
contact me. I’ll be reserving tee times soon.
Jerry Gangur has the Italy trip all wrapped up and through his exhausting efforts, various friends of
the Regiment have donated most of the extraneous expenses. As I am writing this report, Jerry and WWII
Veteran Raymond Rolandi is in our Museum having their picture taken for an article in the Royal City
Record. A picture can be seen in this edition. The trip is now a reality and I am very delighted the Veterans
will have a most memorial event to remember their heroic past. Hopefully all of them can make the Melfa
celebration at the Armoury to regale us in their exploits!
This will be my last report as my time as your President is up. It has been a most rewarding experi- ence. My wife and I would like to thank you all for your support and never ending work in insuring theAssociation goes on and on and on! We will be moving to Scotch Creek BC next May but will always belooking to the Groundsheet for news and inspiration about the finest Regimental family in Canada.
Brian Knipstrom, President PRO REGI ET PATRIA
Gangur (left), Chairman of the
Rolandi, one of the many Associa-
The Regiment
As I write this, we are winding down our training year and looking forward to the summer. Our lone soldier on deployment at the moment, MCpl Sandulak, is home on leave getting married. I’d like to join
all Westies in wishing him and his bride Tonya a lifetime of happiness. As well, we’ve had an addition to the
Regimental family with the birth of Charles Smith, son of 2Lt Smith, in March.
This past week we learned that the anticipated deployment of our large contingent of soldiers has been cancelled and replaced with a much smaller requirement for soldiers to go to Afghanistan. As it standsnow, six Westies will be deploying as part of a company from 3 PPCLI, with the possibility of moreWesties also heading overseas. This deployment will still take place in the February – August ‘07 timeframe. The initial group left today for Edmonton for a workup exercise. Despite the cancellation of theanticipated deployment, it still looks like there will be plenty of opportunities for soldiers to deploy in thecoming years.
As for next year’s plan, our focus will turn to patrolling and urban ops, with the intent of conducting a number of joint exercises with the Seaforth Highlanders. We will again teach the Junior Leadershipcourse for the Brigade, and as usual, our training plan will emphasize my priorities of fitness, marksman-ship, and Regimental identity.
As I mentioned in my last submission, we’re still in the middle of a big push for recruits. If any of you know of suitable young men and women, encourage them to call recruiting at 604-666-4282 to learn moreabout how to become a Westie. In closing, I’d like to thank all Westie soldiers for their hard work this pastyear. I’d also like to thank all spouses, former Westies, and other members of the ‘extended Westie family’for the support you’ve shown to our soldiers. Enjoy your summer, and if we don’t see you at Melfa, we’llsee you at stand-to on September 7th, 2006.
M.P. Haussmann, LCol, CO
Word from the recent Federal budget is that the Regular
Army may be coming back to BC. Now there’s a great idea!
The Army Cadet League, BC Branch is recruiting local people in communities where Army
Cadet corps are located to be Corps Representatives. The Province is divided up into zones with a
Zone Chair in each zone but the League needs to break it down so each cadet corps has a BC League
rep for the corps. It might mean a once a month visit to the local corps to see how they are doing and
then report back to the Zone Chair. Here is a way to put something back into your community - work
with an army cadet corps. The League is looking for anyone to fill the role but certainly those with a
military background would be best. How about it? Interested? Call Roger Prouse, Executive Director
of the Army Cadet League of Canada, BC Branch at 604-733-1980 or email [email protected]
Sierra Leone
MWO Paul Plante
Even after several years in the service I still had the motivation to go oversee to get new challenge and experience. After having put my name as brigade Advisor for Sierra Leone 3 years prior, I got finally the goin Jan 05 for roto 9 from June to December 2005.
The Deployment readiness screening process began, Administration, Medical and physical fitness in order to DAG green. The next thing I know I go on the Military Observer course in April for a month inKingston. This was the very first Military Observer course for the Senior NCOs. I got back home forcouple weeks and left the first June 05 for Ottawa.
The 6 June I landed in Freetown Sierra Leone with a temperature of over 30 degrees and 95% humidity. That’s something that really strikes you. The next day we zeroed our weapons on the range andhad roto 9, the 11 Canadian members team declared operational for Operation Sculpture, part of theInternational Military Advisor Training Team (IMATT) in Sierra Leone.
The following week the Canadian team deployed to their AOR, which was for myself in the Eastern side of the country in Kenema and Kono district at about 300 km from Freetown. My work was Brigadeadvisor for 3 Brigade and I was deployed with 1,2, and 9 Battalion of the Republic of Sierra Leone ArmedForces (RSLAF). I was part of the mobile team which included Major Dave Walker (Jamaican DefenceForces) and Major Andy McIntyre (British Army). Our schedule was a 3 weeks rotation and back toFreetown for 4 days. Between the weeks the team was rotating to a different Battalion.
In the battalion I was to advise the RSM and the CSMs in their daily training such as shooting on the range with the SLR machine gun (C6) and mortar (81mm) training etc. Also I participated in their opera-tions such as patrolling the border of Liberia and Guinea in vehicle and on foot through the jungle. Severaltimes I did professional development with their SSgt’s and above. I was very impressed by their interestand their responsiveness. Remember these soldiers just got out of a 11 years civil war, live in a mod hutbuild by themselves, they have very little to work with, their training is not at a proper standard because ofa lack of resource and equipment. As a Canadian you really have to get down on earth to understand theirway of work and living.
The way of living for most of the people in Sierra Leone is to be in a little village in the jungle, living in a mud hut with no running water, toilet and electricity. The only communication with the outside world is thelittle AM/FM power battery radio. Some of the village has a well for drinking water. You could see everyday people washing their clothes in the creek or just pool of water. As a Westerner, you drink only bottledwater otherwise if you just brush your teeth with the running water you might be sick for 3 days. The foodwhatever meat you eat has to be well done or something might crawl out of your plate but if you really likebanana, rice, chicken or monkey, you’re ok! Anything else is a challenge.
The wild life such as mosquito is a huge problem. They are in a big number mainly during the rainy season (June to Dec) in which I was. It takes only one mosquito to get malaria. Even if you take yourweekly mefloquine (malaria pills) is not guaranty. Also don’t forget your mosquito cream at night. Evenwith all those precautions with long hours of work, you might get it. That’s what happened mid tour. Oneof the nights after a long day on patrol I slept on my cot with my mosquito net over in a Pebu house (PMQs for RSLAF soldier) I woke up the next morning with my legs and arm bitten by mosquito and my teammatewas the same. We reported to the medic and he told us to wait and see. Twelve days later I had Malaria.
I survive the Malaria because of the treatment from the Pakistanis hospital nearby that was part of the UNtroops in Sierra Leone. If Malaria is not treated, you might die within a week.
Driving in Sierra Leone is a challenge because of the road condition. The average speed for a Land Rover is 25 kilometres hour for most of the road upcountry as you can spend 5 to 6 hours to drive 100kmsin a very muddy road mainly in the rainy season.
On a foot patrol for 3 days with the RSLAF soldiers at the temperature above 30 degrees patrolling the border of Liberia or Guinea in the jungle dressed with the normal kit, tactical vest, rucksack etc issomething you really have to be prepared. You have to be healthy, mentally and physically fit to do yourwork and avoid being a casualty by encounter of any of those creature such as snakes and scorpions.
I went to Sierra Leone for challenge and new experience. Well I had my share but I am satisfied that I did accomplish something for an other country by sharing my knowledge and experience with the RSLAFsoldiers. Helping them to be better soldier and by doing so helping them to keep their country safer and inpeace.
Thank you,
Paul PLANTE MWO - Ex 3 Brigade Advisor, IMATT Sierra Leone
MWO Plante has been with the The Westies since 1997. MWO Plante had served previously with
the Royal 22nd Regt.(Vandoo’s). His last posting was at CFOCS (Officer Candidate School) at CFB
Chilliwack. MWO Plante has other tours including: 2xCyprus 71-74 UN,Iraq 93 UNSCOM,Bosnia
2000 NATO and 7 years in Germany.3 years with the Airborne 73-76 in Edmonton. He was a Westie
when he went on his Bosnia tour-Rotation 6. MWO Plante has served with the CF for 36 years. He is
currently the Sgt Major with our Company located at CFS Aldergrove.
Our Membership
Do you know how strong our Association membership is? Presently there are 254 members listed in the Active category of our database. There are 418 total names in the database. This includes deceasedmembers and those members who have moved and we can’t find and so their status is unknown. Add tothat about 200 active members of the Regiment and that’s who gets the Groundsheet. 450 Groundsheetsare mailed out three times a year. Each edition about 8 are returned for Association (not Regiment) mem-bers who have moved and have not given us their change of address. At that rate, the Association will loosecontact with 120 more members in the next 5 years. We are not recruiting new members at a rate that willsustain us in the future. This is something you should be concerned about if you want this Association tosurvive. Your Executive is trying to recruit new members but that is difficult as we only pick up two or threeformer members a year. Active members of the Regiment who leave the unit do not join the Association.
Everything has been tried to recruit them. What is the answer? Perhaps you have an idea. Why not comeout to the next AGM and offer some help in trying to rejuvenate the Association.
To Ted Usher, Editor
#9 Platoon, a scout platoon in C Company. As one Groundsheet, The Royal Westminster Regiment of the crew of a Bren Gun Carrier he was the wire- less operator and at one time was my operator.
After a disappointing 2004-2005 I am pleased Buster, like many of us, had certain habits. As I re- the trip to Italy has come to fruition. It has been a member he did not smoke, he liked chewing snuff
real struggle and I’m sure Jerry (Gangur), the Ex- (Copenhagen). I tried it once but it was terrible. If
ecutive, and the members together with long time Buster missed a parcel from home on time and he
supporter Doug Morgan are more than pleased they got short of snuff he would show some disappoint-
are finally warming up the aircraft to go to Italy.
ment but on getting a parcel with his Snuff supply he As long as my health does not deteriorate I will then returned to normal. One time while stationed in be there, hoping to meet some old time “Westies” on England between 1941 and 1943 Buster, his best
the trip. The financial donation made by an “Ex friend Ernie Livingstone and I went to New Castle
Westie”, a transplanted Canadian namely Buster (1R) on Tyne on leave. As you may guess already we
Morison is a tremendous gesture. It is surely ap- were broke after such a good time. In fact we had
preciated by many Association members who I pre- to scrape all our pockets to get enough for bus fare
sume will be going to see the placing of the plaque at from Tunnbridge Wells to our barracks at Little
the Melfa River Crossing and to return to Italy sight- Warren Army Camp.
seeing this time instead of fighting a war.
In 1997 when I went to England to visit rela- For the readers of the Groundsheet, I would tives in Wolverhampton I phoned and talked to like to provide some insight about Buster Morison Buster for half an hour hoping to make arrangements
also known as Lord of Mountlairy Cottage, By Alvah to see him in Scotland. Unfortunately he was busy
Banffshire Scotland. From here on the above noted and going on a business trip. Needless to say I was
person will be noted as Buster (not M’Lord) and very disappointed at not being able to see him.
hopefully no offence will be taken by him. I know
Hope I have not stepped on anyone’s toes or him by the name Buster or One R (1R) which was let any skeletons out of the closet and as you readhis preference and was derived from his surname this you will realize journalism is certainly not mywhich is spelled Morison with one not two Rs. Some forte.
of the Association members may remember Buster Yours truly, B.E. (Barney) Jones K47562.
as a soldier whose army stint was with the Westies in PLEASE PAY YOUR DUES!
The following essay is what was submitted by Cadet WO Abby Funnell of our affiliated
army cadet corps in Agassiz. All five corps were asked to submit one applicant for consideration
to be able to compete for the trip to Italy with the Association. Only two applications were sub-
mitted. Cadet MWO Iverson from 1922 Aldergrove was the runner-up. Both cadets submitted
excellent essays. Unfortunately, both could not go. C/WO Funnell’s essay and CO’s recommen-
dations was the one chosen by the Association Executive. Here is her research.

The Battle of the Melfa River Crossing
Cadet Warant Officer Abby Funnell - 1789 The Royal Westminster Regiment RCACC
The Battle of the Melfa River was a significant battle in the history of the Royal Westminster
Regiment. During that battle on the banks of the Melfa River in Italy, Major John Keefer Mahony won theVictoria Cross, the highest award given for bravery in the face of extreme danger and peril in the BritishCommonwealth, thus earning great honour and recognition for the regiment.
Major Mahony was the perfect example of what it means to be a great leader. Despite his wounds he did not falter, and continued to provide encouragement and display determination to his men, never lettingthe thought of failure enter his mind. When the morale of his men began to suffer, he was there to pick themup again and push them on, making his company a force to be reckoned with. The battle of the Melfa RiverCrossing set the standard for the Canadian military. Major Mahony was a great man. He showed courage,and determination for the success of the battle, loyalty to his country, encouragement for his men, and carefor their safety. He was modest too.
What follows is a brief description of the battle,(this information obtained from the web pages listed It was May 24th 1944. The Westminster Regiment’s ‘A’ Company, commanded by Major John Keefer Mahony, was ordered to secure a position behind enemy lines across the river Melfa in Italy, thusmaking it possible for the other companies behind them to get through. Failure would have meant delay forthe action of the Canadian Corps. A second attack against a better-prepared enemy would have had to bemade, resulting in the loss of more troops. Success was vital, and Major Mahony knew this and wasdetermined to hold the bridgehead at all costs. The crossing was made in the face of the enemy and inrange of their artillery and small arms fire. Once across they had control of a small bridgehead where it wasonly possible to set up small defensive positions. Under heavy enemy fire “A” company held their groundfrom 1530 hours to 2030 hours. During that time, Major Mahony was wounded twice in the leg, and oncein the head. He refused medical aid despite the great amount of pain his wounds caused him. Still he hadnot let failure enter his mind, nor the minds of his men. He personally crept from section to section withwords of encouragement, and directed their fire at the enemy. At one point a section was under heavy andaccurate machine gun fire, but with complete disregard for his own safety Major Mahony crept out to thatsection and using smoke grenades screened their escape, allowing them to be led one by one back to themain group. Major Mahony continued to encourage these men to keep up the fight. He ignored the factthat the enemy had by now recognized that this officer was the heart of their defense and were trying hardto take him down. Only when the remaining companies were able to cross and reinforce “A” Company didhe allow his wounds to be treated. Despite the enemy’s efforts they were no match for this head strong Canadian Company and the Germans were eventually driven back and defeated.
Major Mahony served in the Canadian Military until 1962. He then spent his retirement in London, Ontario where he helped the youth of our great nation. He was everything I can only aspire to become.
Major John Keefer Mahony passed away December 16th 1990. Upon his own request, he was laid torest without a military funeral.
I would consider it a privilege and a great honour to stand on the ground where the battle was fought, where possibly, Major John Keefer Mahony himself stood in times of war. This honour would be verymuch like the feeling I had when I stood on the grounds of the Vernon Army Cadet Summer TrainingCentre after I learned of its military history. It makes me proud to think that I marched with my platoon tothe armoury on the same road that was marched on by so many before me. I sat under the now fully-growntrees planted there so many years ago possibly by the hands of soldiers. I remember how it felt to march onthe Dieppe Parade Square in Vernon where so many Sunset Parades and practices were held for decadesbefore my own. The experience of standing on the battle grounds in Italy would be greater than anything Ihave ever done.
Joining Army Cadets at the age of fifteen in November of 2002, I had no idea how much it would it would affect and change my life. I would not be the same person today if I had chosen not to join. ArmyCadets has been the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I’m very proud to be a part of it. TheCorps I am in now was originally three platoon of 1725 Engineers RCACC. On October 23rd 2003, webecame 1789 RCACC, the fifth affiliated Army Cadet unit of The Royal Westminster Regiment. It is aproud part of our young Corps history. Over the past three summers, I have attended VACSTC (VernonArmy Cadet Summer Training Center). I took the Cadet Leader course in 2003, Cadet Leader Instructorcourse(Adventure) in 2004, and last summer I was lucky enough to be selected as staff for the first time asa Warrant Officer of the CLI Adventure Platoon in 2005. They were the best three summers I have everhad. The experiences I’ve had there I will never forget and I will treasure those memories forever. I doplan to stay involved with my Corps after I age out. It is the least I can do to give back to the Corps thathas given me so many wonderful experiences. I have learned so much throughout my cadet career. I planto join the Army Reserve when I age out, and I will join no other but The Royal Westminster Regiment.
The history of this regiment has come to mean a great deal to me as it is a part of who I am and who I willbecome. If I were to be given this opportunity to attend this historic event, it would give me a greaterappreciation of the Regiment’s history. I would pass on the knowledge of my experiences to the othercadets and members of the Regiment in the future.
Pro Rege et Patria. C/WO A. Funnell, 1789 RCACC Agassiz BC
Veterans Affairs Canada: Major John Keefer Mahony. Retrieved January 7th, 2006
The Royal Westminster Regiment: History. Retrieved January 7th 2006
Lord Strathconas Horse (Royal Canadians): Regimental History. Retrieved January 7th 2006
Melfa Weekend 2006
June 17 & 18
This year we will NOT be having an organized golf tournament as we have in the past. Due to the time of year, securing a course and other matters, golf is cancelled. However, some of the Association
members have decided to get together on the Friday (17th) to play a round of golf. If you want to play
golf, please call Brian Knipstrom at 986-3021 sometime in June to secure a spot and he will advise
what course we will be playing. Again, this is just a normal, fun day of golf. No tournament.
Saturday, June 18th
Melfa Afternoon BBQ, AGM and Italy Trip Presentation.
We start the day off with the AGM at 1100 hrs. This will only last 1 1/2
hours or so followed by a catered steak/chicken BBQ on the deck of the
Messes. After the BBQ, a video presentation on the May trip to Italy by our
members will be held for all to see. The dress for the event is casual attire.
Please no jeans or t-shirts. Appropriate summer mess dress is appreciated.
Cost for BBQ is $40.00 per person
Melfa BBQ 18 June 2006
Print Your Name: __________________________
BBQ - Number attending _____ X $40 = _______
Total $ ________
Send this tear-off into the Association PO Box listed on the
front of the Groundsheet. RSVP by June 10th.


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