Nitrogen Specific HPLC d e t e c t o r n Quantitate complex samples with a single standard n No chromophore — no derivatization required n Equimolar detection means results are not ANTEK ® INSTRUMENTS, INC.
Building upon years of innovation, analytical leadership, and Detection Method
customer satisfaction, Antek sets the standard for equimolar Sensitivity
Antek’s Model 8060 CLND is the only truly equimolar HPLC detector. True equimolar response for all nitrogen containing samples allows a single standard to quantitate multiple and Dry oxygen: 50–200 cc/min 99.75% 4.5 bar (60 psig) N i t r o g e n S p e c i f i c H P L C A n a l y s i s
Dry carrier (argon or helium): 50–200 cc/min 99.99%,4.5 bar (60 psig) Utilizing accuracy and precision of our Pyro-chemilumines- cent™ technology, the 8060 delivers equimolar response for all nitrogen containing compounds. Chemiluminescence is the clean, fast, interference-free method for determining all bound Physical
System Dimensions: 15" wide x 26" deep x 21" high R-N + O 1050°C NO + combustion products
NO + O ® NO * + O ® NO + O + hu
U.S. Patents #4,904,606; 4,914,037; 4,916,077; 4,950,456;additional patents pending O v e r c o m e s O b s t a c l e s
HPLC System Requirements
When characterizing crude products of a synthesis, quanti- tating target compounds, or generating potency measurements, Typical mobile phases (non-nitrogenous containing): water, methods based on traditional detectors, such as UV, can be misleading and time consuming because detector response is dependent on chromophores—thus requiring purified references Continuing research and development may result in specification or
for every single compound of interest. Even other so-called appearance changes at any time.
equimolar detectors commonly advertise “nearly equivalent response factors.” The true equimolar response of Antek’s Model 8060 CLND, ±5% typically, provides for easy quantita- M o d e l 8 0 6 0 H P L C - C L N D – C h e m i l u m i n e s c e n t
tion and fast method development. Analysts can calculate N i t r o g e n S p e c i f i c H P L C D e t e c t o r t o i n t e r f a c e w i t h potency of compounds of interest using only a single, high a n a l y t i c a l o r m i c r o b o r e H P L C s y s t e m s . P / N 9 9 8 2 2
purity nitrogen calibration standard.
Re q u i r e s v a c u u m p u m p .
V a c u u m P u m p – l o w m a i n t e n a n c e, h i g h c a p a c i t y
Sensitive 0.1 ngN
Linear >104
v a c u u m p u m p . P / N 9 9 71 4 I n c l u d e s va c u u m k i t .
1 to 2200 ngN
Equimolar ±10%
Selective >107
7 different compounds—50 ngN
1 mg of solvent
USA: Call (800) 365-2143, (281) 580-0339 or Fax (281) 580-0719
300 Bammel Westfield Road, Houston, Texas 77090 E-mail: [email protected], Web site: Europe: Call +203 74325 or Fax +203 741545
Wacholderstraße 7, D-40489 Düsseldorf 31, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]
A-8060-99-25M Copyright 1999 Antek Instruments, Inc. Printed in USA


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LA MEDICINA BIOLOGICA APRILE - GIUGNO 2009 M. Schmolz CROMATOGRAFIA La ionoforesi, tecnica basata sul voltaggio elettrico per il trasporto di principi farma- cologici attivi attraverso la cute, è stata uti- SU STRATO SOTTILE ED lizzata per Arnica compositum -Heel® po- mata i cui componenti di origine vegetale ELETTROFORESI DI (Tinture Madre) sono l’oggetto

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