Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.
Description of construction General remarks in construction of model:
Model this was worked out in 1:25 scale. Before construction of the model, you should precisely acquaint with assembly drawings documentation and build the model on the basis of dequence described in this decsription. You should to know, that right and left side of the model run according to drive vector direction. To construction of the model you will need sharp scissors (little and big), modeller knife (scalpel), Bristol board, cardboard thickness 0.5 [mm], 1 [mm] and 1.5 [mm], wire which thickness is decsribed in the templates, glue to cardboard (universal polymer, Butapren, Hermol, Wikol, BCG, etc.) and cyanoacryle glue to stiff connections, string to hoist`s line, slide foil to windscreens, paints to retouch not printed surfaces, cut edges and elements with wire, metal line. Model this has a lot of small elements, which should be glue in final phase of construction, what will prevent their demage during further activities. Difficult accessibles on the cardboard you should to cut by sharp knife. In the describe and drawings there are only parts with stars. For the sake of many elements, the model is numbered among to difficult model.
Construction of the model we begin from realization of frame side members, which consist of parts: 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 2a. Part 1b cut by cardboard once or twice, depending on thickness of used cardboard. When we already have two frame side members, the next step of construction is realization cross-bars, starting from parts: 5, 5a, 5b. Formed parts 5 and 5a connect to each other and complete with part 5b. This prepared element to glue between frame side members in the appointed surfaces and complete by parts: 3, 4, 6, 6a. The second cross-bar begin to build from parts: 7, 8, 7b, 7a. Stuck parts glue to the frame side members with the help of parts 8a and 7c. The third cross-bar consist of two parts: 9, 9a, which after formed, glue one into another and glue in the appointed surfaces. The fourth cross-bar are parts 10, 10a and part 10b is anchorage of the distributor box. The fifth cross-bar make from part 10c, in this way, that the bigger opening should be on the right side. The sixth cross-bar is placed under the frame side members. Construction begin from parts: 11, 11a, 11b. Ready element glue on the appointed surfaces. Parts 11c and D18, glue in the end of the construction of the model and strengthen by cyanoacryle glue, it will be the best. To the cross-bar glue attachment parts 12, 12a, 12b. The previous buffer is worked out in few versions. The buffer begin to glue in parts order: 13 (13a version with number plate), 13b**, 14, 14a. D16. Then, all buffers glue to the frame side members. Rear buffers part 15, shape and glue to frame side members and part 7. Next, complete frame by the rest of elements, starting from parts: 16, 16a, 17*, 17a, 17b*, 17c, D17c, 18, 18a, 19, 19a, 19b*, 19c, 19d, 24, 24a**, 24b. Block of hoist glue in parts order: 20, 21, 21a, 22, 23, 20*a, 20b**, 22a* and whole element glue into appointed surfaces. Fuel tanks: Construction begin from shape part 25, and then glue part 25a*. We must remember that this part should be deep let into fuel tank in 0.5 [mm], in this way to form border. Anchorage of the fuel tank, part 26 shape on the strength of the drawing and glue parts 26b* and 26c and glue aslo part 26. In that way prepared element glue to part 25. Part 19D do with wire or thin strap of cardboard (this element should to imitate a weld of tank`s plate) and glue. The next parts glue in parts order: 25b, 27, 27a, 27b, D1, D2. Ready fuel tanks glue to the frame into appointed surfaces. Steps, acumulator box and canisters:
Steps do with parts 28 and 28a, glue them with each other and glue part 28b. Brackets from right side glue in parts order: 29c**, 29, 29a, 29b, 30, 30a, 30b, 30c, 30d, 32, 33 and brackets from left side glue only in the same sequence, execping parts, which are only on the right side and together with steps glue to the frame. Parts 34, 34a and 35 belong to acumulator box, form them and glue each other. Then glue rest of parts 34d, 35b and all box glue to the farme and steps. Canisters glue in parts order 36a, 36b, 36c, 36, 37, 37a, 38, 39, 39a and ready element glue after assembly ready cabin with mudguards.
Start from parts 40 L and 40 P and shape its right profile. Then do hoisting drum starting from parts 49, 49a, 50, 50a, 47. Part 47 is an axle, which is not necessary to constant glue to the hoisting drum, if we want to reel line later. The next stage is execution of transmission box in parts order: 41, 42, 41a, 41b, 41c, 43, 43a. In that way prepared element, bring axle with hoisting drum, part 47 and glue parts 44 and 48. Now cut out part 46 and glue it on the other side of the axle white dot uotside. Then form part 45 and glue on the axle, adding part 48. In that way prepared set of parts glue to parts 40 L and 40 P on the
appointed surfaces. Part 46 glue in the angle about 45 and glue to wire D3 in the place of white dot. Knob on the wire D3, as also on the other wires we can do by Wikol glue or epoxide glue. Fairlead bollard glue in parts order: 40a, 40b, 40c, 40d, 40e and glue to part 40. Ready hoist glue to the frame on its place and threading the line forward or back of the model on the strenght of the drawing. Line ending by a loop, adding part 40f. Engine and gear box:
Building of the engine starting from main block in parts order: 61, 61a, 61b, 62, 61c. Then to this block glue front part of the engine, which glue on parts odrer: 70, 70a, 70b, 74**, 74a. Parts 60 and 66a create injection pump, glue to its appointed places according to the drawing. Head engine starting to glue from parts: 65, 65a, 67, 67b, 67a, 67c*, 68, 68c, 68a, 68b, 69, 69a, remember about sides and take note on establishing points. Front part on the engine complete in missing elements, starting from alternator, parts: 76, 76a, 76b, 76c, 75, 77a*, 77, 77b, 77d, 77e. Ready alternator glue on the appointed place. Compressor glue in parts order: 79, 79a, 79b, 79c, 78, 80, 80a*, 80b, 80c, 81. Ready part glue on its place. The first oil filter starting to glue from parts: 85a, 85, 85c, 84, and the second oil filter in parts order: 83, 83b, 83c, 83d, 83a, 82, 82a. Filters glue to part 70 in order as above. Fan assembly and gluing devide on two stages. The first stage: glue together parts 89b, 89c*, 89d, 89c*, 89b, which create fan`s axle. In that way connected
parts glue to part 70. The second stage consist, in first order from connection of pulleys by fan belts, parts 90 (fan belts are longers than it is necessary it make easier assembly). Internal belt connects fan`s axle with compressor, and outside one alternator with axle. When we glue belts, we can finish the second stage of the assembly by glue fly to the axle, parts 89 and 89a, which we should to strenghten by cyanoacryle glue. Water pump glue in parts order: 86b, 86, 86a, 87, 87a*, 87c, 87b. After pump gluing, glue pulley, parts: 88, 88a*, 88b, 88c, which glue to part 74** and connect by the fan belt, part 90 with water pump. Oil pump are part 63 and 63a, form these elements and after all gluing, glue to the bottom of the engine. Air filter glue in parts order: 71, 71a, 71b, 71c, 71d, 72, 72a, 73. This filtr glue to air intake, placed by cylinder head. Cooling system`s elements are parts: 96, D21, D20, form them and glue to heads in appointed places. Gear box starting to glue from parts: 97, 97a, 97b, 98, 98a, 98b, 99, 99b, 99a, 100, 100f, 100g, 98c, 99c, 100e, 100c, 100a, 100d, 101, 102, 116, 118*, 117. 120, 120a. Part 97 is quite difficult element to form, because its fragment is spinning inward. Grind softly edges of parts 97b and 99a by abrasive paper, to receive softly cant. In that way glue element, glue to the engine on its appointed place. Starter glue in the following parts order: 93, 93b, 93c, 93a, 93d, 94, 93e*, and glue holder, parts: 91, 91b, 91c, 91a**, 95. Whole these parts glue to the engine and the gear box. Similarly we do with the second side. Cut out and form parts: 92 and 95 and glue to engine`s block in the appointed place. Front mounting of the engine, parts 70c* and 70d glue to part 70. Exhaust system starting from construct of exhaust silencer, parts: 123, 123a, 123c, 123b, 123e, 123d, then glue it to the frame. Parts D42 and D43 do with insulated wire in way shows on the drawing. Parts P3 do only with wire`s insulation. Then slip on the D43 wire two parts: 64a and parts 64, and on the part D42 three parts 64a. Before constant glue exhaust system, should to assemble it without engine`s gluing, in order to measure and place element 64 according to its place on the frame side member. After arrangement parts 64 and adapt wires, glue part 64b, which imitate flexible connection of exhaust system`s pipes. In advance prepared part 64a glue according to the drawings. Then glue all element to the engine and connect two parts D42 and D43 together by cyanoacryle glue and slip remaining part 64a. The end of the exhaust system put into the exhaust silencer, part 123b and glue. Cooler glue in parts order: 103, 103a, 103b, 103c, 103e, 103d. Before glue, insert in it wires D21 and glue cooler to the frame. Distributor box:
Construction starting from parts: 107, 107a, 110, 108, 108a, 111, 109, 109a, 112. Formed three elements glue together according with symbols, then complete whole in missing elements, in parts order: 107b, 107c, 108b, 108c, 108d, 108e, 108f, 108g, 109b, 109c, 110a, 113a**, 113b, 113 (cut out holes), 113c, 116, 118*, 117, 120, 120a, 121, 122, 114, 115, 114a. Whole unit glue to the frame in that way, that parking brake drum, part 113 was turned towards back of the vehicle. Front suspension:
Construction starting from do a driving axle. Parts glue in parts order: 127, 128, 129, 132, 131, 133, 133b, 133a, 134, 134a, 122, 130, 135, 135a, 136, 136a*, 137, 138 (cut out holes for part D11), 138a, 137a, 137b, 118*, 117, 120, 120a. The next stage is doing mobile steering knuckles. Steering knuckle glue starting from cut out holes in parts 140*, then glue parts 140b* and 140*. To parts 139* and 139a glue earlier glued element, then insert part 140a*, which should to stiffen by cyanoacryle glue. By the holes sandwitch part P2 and do not glue. Whole element glue by part 141 and glue parts: 139c*, 142, 142a.
Wheel`s axles P1 do with ball pen input and glue into steering knuckle. During gluing part P1, we should to take attention, that glue do not get inside the steering knuckle, what could be block it. Ready steering knuckles glue in axles of the front driving axle, part 132 and connect by parts: 142b, 142c, D10, D8. Brake operating cyliner do with parts: 144, 144a, 144b, 144e, 144d, 145, 145a and glue do the steering knuckles in the appionted places. In the other time of building do suspension springs, parts 125, gluing in order from the longest to the shortest ones (suspension springs do in stright line without deflection). Rest of the parts glue in parts order: 125a, 125b, 126a*, 126b*, 126, 126c*126d. Front suspension springs anchorage do in parts order: 146**, 146a**, 147d, 147c, 147a, 147b, 149, 150, back anchorage in parts order: 146**, 146b**148a, 148b, 148c, 148d, 149 151. In that way prepared suspension springs glue to the front driving axle and sandwitch wire D11 across holes done in part 138. Excess of wire cut out in that way, that its ends little stick out over part 138 and glue. Whole front suspension glue to the frame and complete by shock absorbers, which do in parts order: 143, 143a, 143b, 143c. Rear suspension:
Construction of rear suspension starting from do a central and rear driving axle. In this order we shoud to start from part 154 and after doing sides, parts: 154a, 154b, glue in the central bulkhead, part 153a* and side parts 153*. Whole element cover by the second part 154. In the same way, do with rear driving axle, starting from parts: 155, 155b, 155c, 153a*, 153*, 155a. Bottom part of the driving axles do with parts: 156, 156b, 156a, 157, 157a, 121. Rest of the parts glue in parts order: 158*, 158b, 158a, 159, 122. In the further time of building, do central and rear reducer axle casing, starting from part 154c, which glue do the central driving axle, in that way, that arrow on part 154 was turned in the same direction as on part 154c (arrows should be turn in vehicle`s drive direction). Then after gluing part 162, in its middle glue part 162a* in that way, that its piece stick out across the hole. Then whole element glue and complete in parts: 162c, 162b, 178c, 163, 164, 164a, 165**, 165a, 165b, 117, 120, 120a. Intermediate drive shaft support do in parts order: 166, 166a, 166c, 166b. Further elements do in the same way on each two sides of the support with parts: 118*, 117, 120, 120a, and glue to the driving axle. Rear driving axle do similary, starting from part 155c, which glue on part 155, remember about arrows. Then do reducer housing, part 161 and glue to its side part 161a* with parts 161b, 178c, whole element glue to the rear driving axle and complete in parts: 164, 164a, 163, 165a, 165**, 165b, 117, 120, 120a. In this way done driving axles complete in brake drums, starting from parts:160, 160a*, 160b, 160c*. Building of brake operating cyliners, starting from form set of parts 167 and glue together two halfs, the same activities do with parts 168. Then rest of the parts glue in parts order: 169, 169a, 170, 169b, 169c, 169e*, 169d, ready cylinders glue to driving axles and connect by parts 169f. Now we start to build rocker arms, starting from execution of first rocker`s arms axles supports, part 175, 175a, 175b and glue them to the frame, the rest of supports do with parts: 171**, 171a, 171c, 171b. Before glue the supports to part 175, do rocker arm axle with wire D15, which insert into part P4 and form as we will have shape from the pattern. Part P4 do with internal antenna cable insulation (concentric). Remove original wire from insulation, because insert part D15 in it and start to form the axle. When we have ready axle, put on its ends before done supports, parts 171 and whole element glue to part 175 in the appointed places. In the next time of building do suspension springs, in this aim we should to prepare 3 [mm] high supports (two 3.5`` floppy discs), crayons or pencil and whole form according to the drawing, which shows the way of forming suspension spring. Suspension springs glue, parts 172, starting from the longest and form
every other glued element. When we have ready suspension springs, glue bands, parts 172a, the rest of elements glue in parts order: 173, 173a, 176b, 173cc and glue to the suspension springs. Parts D11 do according to the pattern and glue in dashed line places. Add the rest of elements, parts: 174, 174a, 174b, 174c, 174d, 174e** and cut off excess of wires D11.The wires should stick out 1.5 [mm] beyond part 174. When we have prepared suspension`s elements, start to assembly them, starting from place suspension springs on stick out (D15) axle wires (do not glue). The ends of suspension springs glue to central and rear driving axle, in its appointed places, model on the assembly drawings, remember about symmetry and complete whole in parts 159a. Before start to glue radius rods, we should to glue rear driving axle, parts 176* and parts 177, 177a* to frame`s cross-bar, part 5 and 5a. Mouinting of radius rods do with parts: 178**, 178a, 178b, 178c, 178d. Wires D12, D13, D14 cut to these elements. Then all frame places exactly in horizontal position, the axles of all driving axles (including the front one) should to be in the same line as the frame. After exactly frame arrangement, start to assembly radius rods, place radius rods with anchorages, starting from parts D12 and D13, if lenghts of the radius rods fit to the appointed places on parts 177, 162a*, 161a*, we can start to glue them.
After dry up the glue, turn the frame 180 , measure and glue rods D14 with anchorage. If we do not have suitably thick wire to rods, we can do its with rolled paper. On the end of building, insert axles P3 in the middle of driving axle. Drive shafts:
Now we sholud to connect whole element with drive shafts. We start from prepare main shafts, which connect rear and front driving axles with distributor box. These parts are: 179, 179c, 179d, 179e. For one shaft there are two parts, which have the same symbol. These parts form on wire, which diameter is 1.7 [mm]. On the formed elements ends, glue parts 120. In the middle of the shafts insert wires D40 and glue to longer parts of the shaft. Then insert on the wire shorter parts of the shaft and glue complete shafts on its places to crosses, part 120a. Part 179a roll on 1.7 [mm ] diamater wire and to its ends glue part 120. Whole element glue to parts 120a, which is by the gear box and distributor box. To connection power receipt box with hoist, part 179b is necessary. We roll it tightly on the shape of roller and to its ends glue part 119. Then whole roller sandwich by hole, which is 10c cross-bar and glue to crosses 119a.
Now we whole construction put on wheels. We starting from part 252, forming and gluing plywoods inwards. Then form set of parts 253 and glue formers 253a*. In that way prepared elements 252, 253 connect in whole, according to establishing points and complete with parts 263b*, 255. The rest of elements glue according to sequence: 258, 257*, 259 and glue to parts 253a*, 253b* on the other sides. Before gluing part 254 or 256, depending on wheel`s kind, we must provisionally establish, on which side of the model will be assembly wheel, remember about tyre cap`s direction will be turn to the drive direction, and the position of hub marked by dashed line on parts 254 and 256 was placed also in suitable arrangement with respect to tyre cap. Before cut off tyre cup, part 261 should to glue it by part 260. After cut off glued part 261, form its runner softly round, in that way preapred part glue to parts 255 and 258. Free space between the tyre cap and part 253 we could to fill by spatula. For pesrons, which want to do wheels with tyre cap in block shape, there is a pattern with hoist and with this pattern we could do blocks of tyre cap. Before do hubs, we should to take attention on difference between them. Front hub turns
on the axle and the rear one together with axle. Front hub starting to glue in parts order: 262, 263, 264**, 264**, 264a. 264c. In that way glued parts insert in part 254, in the place of dashed lines, glue by cyanoacryle glue and retouch. Add part 266 on the other sides of the wheel, part D9 glue on part 259 in place of dashed line. All front wheels insert on part P1 and put on part 264d and glue only on the visible side of part P1. This activity is necessary to protect wheel against fall down from the axle, on which the wheel will be rotate. All elements cover by part 265, which glue only to part 264c and close part 265a. Rear wheels differ from front ones by depth of placed hub. Rear wheels` hub glue in parts order: 262, 263, 264**, 264**, 265*, 264a, 264b, 265, 256b, 265a. In that way glued parts insert into part 265 in the place of dashed lines, add part 266 and wires D9. Ready wheel glue to the axle of rear driving axle. Spare wheel glue in the same way as previous, excepting hubs. Basket on spare wheel and toolbox:
Construction starting from toolbox forming part 180 and glue it part 180c*, which should to be in the middle of the toolbox. The rest of elements glue in parts order: 180a*, 180b*, 180e, 180f, 180d, 181, 181a, 181b. When we have ready toolbox, glue its to sides anchorage elements starting from parts: 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 183, 183a. Basket on spare wheel starting to build from its sides, parts 185 and 185a glue together. Then glue parts 185b, form and glue in contact to part 185a. Ready sides of basket connect by cross- bars, part 186, 187 and glue to anchorages, parts 182 183. The rest of parts glue in parts order: 189, 199, 188, 184, 184a, 200, D4, D5, D6, D7.
We can do cabin with close and open windscreens and doors. While doing close screens, difference is gluing part 208b with patterns between parts 208, 208a and excepting parts 246, 246a, 246b from cutout, and part 247 glue to part 210d*, parallel to the windscreen`s angle. We should also cut off anchorage elements, from part 246a and connect with part 246b, then all elements glue on the height of part 247 to the windscreen. In further time of description will be describe open door`s version. Cabin glue according to the numbering, staring from parts, which determine main its construction. Glue parts by cardboard and glue in parts order: 201*, 202*, 202a*, 202b*, 202c, 202d, 202e, 203*, 204*, 205*, 206*, 206a, 207. The windscreen do by gluing together parts 208 and 208a, then glue to parts 204 and 207. The rest of parts glue in parts order: 209, 209a, 209b, 209c, 209d, 209e, 209f, 209g, 209h, 209i, 209j, 209k, 209l, 210**, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d*, D25. Steering wheel glue in parts order: 211*, 211a, 211b, 211c, D23, D24, D22, 2121d, 211e, then whole elements glue to distributing board and the floor. The rest of elements glue in parts order: 212, 213, D27, 214, D28, 215, 216, 216a. D34 (knobs on parts D28 and D34 we can do with epoxide glue or thick wikol) and paint it red. Driver`s armchair and passenger`s couch glue in parts order: 217, 217b, 217c, 218, 218a, 219, 219b, 220, 221, 219a, D34, 222, 222a, 222b, 223, 224, 224a, 225. The next stage is execution of cabin`s walls. In the first order, cut out auxiliary former, which help us to form upper part of cabin`s walls. Now we must to decide, which cabin`s version we want to do. If we chose close cabin, then we should to cut out holes in parts 226, 227. and start cabin`s gluing by part 226, then glue screens, which do according to patterns and glue part 227, lubricate its all surface. Now we should to insert before prepared auxiliary former, which do not glue! The former should to be on the same height as is end of part 227, then whole elements put away to the moment, when the glue precisely dry up, thanks to it cabin`s walls will have desirable shape. After remove the former, complete
interior of the cabin in missing door`s elements. With the former do in the same way, doing cabin with open doors, even though stages of building are differ between each other. Open cabin`s building do similary, with this difference, that do not cut out in doors surfaces appointed by 'W' letter, only surfaces of rear cabin`s screen, then glue part 226 together with rear screen to the cabin`s edge and bottom`s part bend, glue to part 206a, and glue part 226b**. Now glue part 227, lubricate by glue all surface. After gluing, install auxiliary former, in that way, as it is described above and put away for a certain time, until whole elements well dry up. Cut out of the door will be in further stage of building. Now, when the cabin is drying, we can form pit bottoms parts 227a, which should incise in the appointed places, what prevent bend of cardboard, during gluing. (If do cabin without open doors, we can glue pit bottom, part 227a at once in its place. When we do version with open doors, should to glue part 227a after glue doors with hinges). The part glue partially to the windscreen, part 207 and its sides, in that way all bends have rounded shape and were in the same plane with part 226. In the model is possibility to do few its versions, on condition that choose cabin with open doors. The WP vesrion (Polish Army) we can do with close and open doors, and the CSSR, DDR, CCCP, CCCP(CA) and without symbols, only with open version. Door`s building staring from doing hinges, parts: 229, 229a, D30. For this reason cut out 0.5 [mm] diameter wire (telephone), 1 [cm] length or longer and this wire glue, part 229a, then across cut out hole in part 229, sandwich glued ends of parts 229a together and glue in that way, so hingle will be moving and cut off the ends of wire on the length of hingle. In the same way do the rest of hingles. Ready hingles glue to outside part 228 in place of notches, so that axle of the hingle was partially on the door`s background. Now do screens on the basis of pattern and glue between parts 228. The rest of elements glue in parts order: 228a, 228b, 228c, 228d, 228e, 228f, 228g, 228h, D26. Part 230 glue to part 203 and the rest of parts glue in parts order: 231, 231a, 231b, 232, 232a, 233*, 201a. Roof consist of two parts internal 234 and outside 235. Form part 234, in that way to give it oval shape, and cut edges well fit to each other. In this way shaped roof glue part 234a*, remove auxiliary former, measure if everything fit and whole element glue to part 227 internal edge. To make it easier we can in doors do openings (only in open doors version, which later will be remove), which will help us precisely glue part 234. Outside part of the roof, part 235 form in the same way as part 234 and glue partially to part 234 and for contact to the part 226 edge. When we have ready roof, we can cut the doors with the cabin. We can do this in two ways cut out by very sharp knife in the line of door`s contour or small scissors using before cut off hole, in which insert blade of the scissors and cut in the line of door`s contour. In order to glue hinges together with cabin`s doors, should softly insert blade of knife or razor blade on 3 [mm] depth in the place, where will be hingles. The place of hingles is appointed on part 226 by small lines. Whole action will separate carton from cardboard, so that will be place for hingles. (The ends of hingles we can stiffen by cyanoacryle glue, what prevent break part while inserting it in gap). Further stage of building starting from do mudguards and engine`s shields. Two parts of mudguards 236, 237 form, so that fit to part 238* profile, and front part softly round. When form two parts Of the mudguards, then glue its together and glue profiles. One profile`s set 238** glue together and glue in that way, so green colour was on the internal side. Outside profile`s part we can softly grind by abrasive paper, forming it oval shape, then glue part 238a and roll incised edges of mudgard on the profile and glue it. Fragments of mudgard, which will be under mask, form and do not glue to the next mudgard`s edges. In that way glued mudguard, glue by notches in the middle of part 239, so that control`s points located on the mudguards were on the same height as bottom edge, part 239 (look at cabin`s drawing).
Part 239a incise in the places of air inlet on the line without arces and softly unbend, so that will be gaps, then glue to part 239. The rest of parts glue in parts order: 236a, 236b, 236e*, 237a, 240, 241, 242, 242a*, 242b, 242c, 242d*, (242e and 242f only in the WP version), 242g. Parts 236c, D31, 236d, D29, the best glue in the end of model`s building. Building of front grid (grill) starting from part 242, which form in rectangle and connect by belt, part 243a. Then glue together by cyanoacryle glue two parts of set`s halfs: 243b, 243c, 243d, 243e, 243f and glue according to the drawing. Now glue ready grill to side engine`s shields (part 239) and whole elements measure to the frame, adding cabin. If everything fit and exhaust system do not disturb in correct arrangement of cabin, then whole elements connect in order: the engine`s shields to the cabin, the cabin to the frame (control points of cabin`s location are situated in the front, upper part of the frame behind the mudgard and characterize beginning of arrangement), the mudgards to the frame. Can happen, that the exhaust system did not correctly form and can be need to bend wires, so that do not disturb in correctly connection of cabin`s elements. Engine`s mask do with parts 244, 245, form its as will have suitable shape and glue together two parts, controlling its shape. To part 244a glue part P5, which do with telephone wire`s insulation, then whole glue to the mask, and the rest of parts glue in parts order: 245a, D37, 245b, D36, 245c, 244d, 244b. So as correct glue part D35, should to close emgine`s mask and insert wires (part D35) into part P5, do not glue them. Then with the help of cyanoacryle glue, glue wires to part 234d, in that way get close of engine`s mask. Open windscreens starting to build from cut out it on the basis of patterns and glue in two sides by frames, parts 246, 246a and glue part 246b, then glue screens to the roof with the help of part 246c. Now establish, on which height should to be screens and glue parts 247 to parts 210d*, 246a. To gluing there are only wipers, part 246d, which glue in equal position. Sound signal`s elements and fire extinguisher glue according to the drawing, in parts order: 248, 248a, 248b, 249, D32, 249a, 249c, 249b, 249d and glue on its places. Mirrors we can do in two ways. The first is doing mirrors placed in cutout, parts: 250, 250a, 250b, D33, 250d, and the second with parts 250 cut out arces of the mirror, so that left black frames, then paste between the halfs mirror foil and cut. The rest of parts glue as described above and glue to the cabin part D25 and mudguard`s brackets, parts 251, 251a, which ends crush by flat. Open load-carrying body:
Building starting from glue parts: 268*, 269*, 270*, 271*, 272* and glue its together. To ready body construction glue, in parts order: 273, 274, 275, 275a, 275b, 275c, 275d. Parts 276 and 277 glue after gluing ready corner posts. Now from the bottom of the frame glue cross-bars parts 278*, 278a*, then glue its by parts 279, 279a, taking note to white areas located on parts 279a, which should to be turn in drive dierction. The next elements glue in parts order: 280a*, 280b*, 281, 282**, 283, 281a. Posts do in parts order: 284*, 284a*, 284b*, 285*, 285a. Front posts, parts 285*, 285a* glue by parts 286 and 288, and side posts, parts 287 and 288. After glue all posts, should to cover its bottom part glue, parts: 276, 277, 289. The rest of elements glue in parts order: 290, 291, 291a, 291b, 292, 292a. Body`s anchorage elements to the frame do in parts order: 293, 293a, 293b and glue to the body, then add the rest of elements, parts: 293c, 294, 294a. Rear body`s flap starting to build from part 295. This part form and cut four rectangle openings, appointed by white area. Then before glue part 296* by cardboard, should to cut out areas appointed by 'W' letter, in this way create place for hingles. Part 296* glue into part 295, then do hingles on the basis of the drawing. On the drawing described hingles` building stages. Start from glue telephone wire with insulation (0.7 [mm] with insulation) by part 297a, then divide
whole by sharp knife on four parts and remove refundant wire with insulation. Now do part 251 with the same wire and insert into all of four parts 297a now we have hingle`s axle. Then form part 297 and do small openings, in which insert part D41 with part 297a. When using little amount of cyanoacryle glue, glue hingles` axles to part 297 after outside side, taking note so whole element do not glued. In that way done hingles insert into earlier done openings in parts 295 and glue to part 296. The rest of parts glue in parts order: 296a*, 296b and ladder glue from inside in both sides of rear flap, parts 295a, 295b, D38. Ready flap glue to the body through hingles. We can use chain`s links and wires 0.5 [mm] to do flap fastener, then do its according to pattern. During flap closing and opening, we will turn pin, which insert in rear side of body for this reason do not glue it constsnt. Body`s mudguards build by glue in parts order: 298, 299, 299a, 298a, 300, 301. Bails of part D39 do with wire 1.3 [mm], which ends grind in that way, to fit to the openings in posts. If we choose version without tarpaulin, then do not grind wire and put all into part 291b. Tarpaulin do according to drawings, in part 302 cut out openings and glue crystals, done on the basis of pattern. Then glue thin string to part 302a and roll on its dentils glue its, and unnecessary ends of wire cut off. To both parts 302a glue part 303 (front), 304 (rear). Ready tarpaulin put on bails and mount by thin wire, alternate it by openings in part 302 and hooks, part 301. More advanced modellers can do open hoist hatch, which is located in front part of the open load-carrying body. Tarpaulin we can do with Japanese paper or tissues for more realistic appearance. We wish good fun and satisfaction with work SUPPLEMENT TO THE DESCRIPTION Valorization wheels in the model.
Doing wheels with valorization tyres to moment of gluing tread is the same as in simplified version. After gluing tyres, seven time xerox joined to the cutout blocks` pattern and glue these elements on 1 [mm] cardboard. While waiting on dry up blocks` patterns, we start to prepare surfaces of the tyres. All tyres should to precisely impregnate by cyanoacryle glue (fig. 1). Then should to grind in about
45 angle edge connecting elements 253 and 258 (fig. 2). This activity should to do carefully and several times. After griding, impregnate only edges by cyanoacryle glue. Grinding should to do to the moment, in which egde will have about 1 [mm] width. When all wheels are ready, we should to cut out and glue blocks, what is a little arduous, but later showy. Blocks cut out by only sharp tip of modeller knife (fig. 3), 'on woodpecker' method, that means plunge and take out tip, one by one cut out next blocks. Then stick on blocks in the appointed tyres places. To this aim also use cyanoacryle glue. After gluing tyres in circumference, should to impregnate all blocks by thin cyanoacryle glue (fig. 4). When glue dried up, start to stage grind (fig. 5). We should to take note now, so interial blocks, which there are the nearest to hubs were grind to minimum, creating gentle transition of side tyre surface in tyre tread (fig. 6). During grinding should to check, if do not grind impregnated layer. If we do it, we should to fill by cyanoacryle glue drops impregnated surfaces and grind again. When we have ready and grinded tyres, we can glue wire D9 and start to do hubs, then paint (fig, 7). Witold (wisa) Sadowski Information! On publishing house`s page there is file with blocks in Corel Draw 9.0 format, which can cut out by laser in advertising firms. Available versions in study: (L)WP, WITHOUT SYMBOLS, CCCP (CA), CCCP, CSSR, DDR. -roll element in roller -form on a wire or element -cut along this line -bend element along these lines
L,P -left or right element
W -cut given piece of element
23 -glue by carton -glue by 0.5 [mm] cardboard
142a*! - strengthen by cyanoacryle glue
* -glue by 1 [mm] cardboard
** -glue by 1,5 [mm] cardboard -glue parts together
^ -element profile -bend element and glue -in this place glue part 23 -glue carton which thickness is in symbol
( patyczek bambusowy ) - ( bamboo stick )( wk³ad od d³ugopisu ) - (pen refill)(izolacja z drutu) - (wire`s insulation)(Izolacja z drutu telefonicznego) - (telephone wire`s insulation)
szablon szyb bocznych - (side windows` pattern )szablon szyb przednich - (windscreens` pattern)szablon szyb bocznych - otwartych - (open side windows` pattern)szablon tylnej szyby - (rear screen`s pattern)szablon szybek plandeki - (canvas cover crsytals`s pattern)
szablon kostek bie¿nika do wersji waloryzowanej* (tyre tread blocks pattern to valorize version*)
wykonaæ ksero siedem razy i podkleiæ tekturk¹ 1mm (xero seven times and glue 1 [mm] carton)elementy z drutu - (elements with wire )spilka x 2 szt. - (pin x 2 pieces)przyci¹æ po wklejeniu - (cut after gluing)widok z przodu - (front view)widok z boku - ( side view) Nie przyklejaæ ! - (Do not glue!)zaczep tylnej klapy 0,5 mm x 2 szt. -
(rear flap striker Ø 0.5 [mm] x 2 pieces)
Do wyci¹garki - (to hoist)Do skrzyni biegów - (to gear box)Do przedniego mostu - (to front driving axle)
Cz. 4 przyklejamy po wklejeniu poprzeczki (cz. 5, 5a ) miêdzy pod³u¿nice (Part 4 glue after gluing cross-bar (part 5, 5a) between frame side members)
przekrój przedniego mostu i zwrotnicy (steering knuckle front driving axle and steering knuckle intersection)
przekrój tylnego mostu - (rear driving axle intersection)kredka - (crayon)dyskietka - (disc)sposób formowania tylnego resoru - (way of forming rear suspension spring)
tylna piasta - (rear hub)kierunek jazdy - (drive direction)przednia piasta - (front hub)
czêœci sk³adowe ko³a - (component parts of wheel)
Szablon - ( pattern)Czêœæ 208b i szablony wklejamy tylko w wersji zamkniêtej (part 208b and patterns glue only in close version)
Przykleiæ tylko w wersji bez oznaczeñ. - (Glue only in version without symbols.)
Sposób zamocowania plandeki brezentowej na pa³¹kach skrzyni samochodu (Way of anchorage canvas paulin tarpaulin on bails of body pattern)
Tylna klapa otwarta do po³owy - (Rear flap open in half)odci¹æ - (cut out) Sposób zamkniêcia tylnej klapy - (Way of closing rear flop)
Zbiorniknr 19 nale¿y wykonaæ tak samo jak zbiornik nr 305. (Tank number 19 should to do in the same way as tanks number 305.)
Droda liny z wyci¹garki do przodu pojazdu. (Way of line from hoist to front of vehicle)
Sposób pacy wyci¹garki przy zastosowaniu bloka(Way of hoist working in use of block)
How to make cuts without wounding low earners 20th September, 6.15-7.30pm Jeremy Browne MP, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Clive Cowdery, Resolution Foundation Allegra Stratton opened the fringe by explaining who low earners were according to the Foundation’s definition: roughly households earning £11-27,000. There are 13 million adult low earners in the UK, some with over �
Vital P. Costa, MD1,2; Enyr S. Arcieri, MD1,3; Alon Harris, PhD, MS4. 1. Department of Ophthalmology, University of Campinas, Brazil. 2. Department of Ophthalmology, University of São Paulo, Brazil. 3. Department of Ophthalmology, Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil. 4. Department of Ophthalmology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA. Address for correspondence: Vital P. Costa, MD Dir