Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.

Microsoft word - ebulletin2feb1_2005.doc

Welcome to the C.N.A. E-Bulletin Number 2 – February 1, 2005
An electronic publication of the Canadian Numismatic Association
Copyright 2005, the Canadian Numismatic Association
Wow. Thanks for all the compliments. I realize that an inning does not a ballgame make, so we will have
to try really hard to continue to earn your affection. And admiration?
Because a lot of the e-mail addresses came from third parties or people who had e-mailed the C.N.A.
inquiring about on thing or another, we thought we would get hundreds of “please delete” e-mails. So
what happened? We received a total of eleven. That’s out of a total of 1,977 it was mailed to. During the
same time, we received requests to add an additional 60 (to whom we also sent it belatedly), thanks to
postings on the Canadian Coin Reference Site (, mention in the Bibliomania’s E-
Sylum ( ), recipients forwarding it to friends, dealers passing it on
to customers and responses to flyers left on info tables at various coin shows. This makes the mailing of
this issue 2,016. We can certainly add a lot more if you either send us e-mail addresses or your friends
that you pass this bulletin along to contact us.
Your C.N.A. E-Bulletin Editor has a problem. He has so much material on hand that he is anxious to
publish, he is thinking of publishing bulletins on the 10th and the 20th of February, rather than just on the
15th. So unless he receives a number of objections, expect to see the next one on the 10th. And it will be
virtually impossible to stop him because he is enjoying it so much!
We received constructive suggestions from a number of people dealing with future content and its order.
The first person to contact us, by telephone, and talked about the bulletin was Troy Carlson (he will
receive a set of six collectibles catalogues donated by Charlton Press). The Toronto Coin Club discussed
the first issue at their January meeting the same evening it was mailed out (they will also receive a set of
6 catalogues for their door draws). Paul Petch and Nicholas M. Graver also made suggestions. One of
the suggestions was to reduce the width of the text across the sheet. However, this is within your control
anyway. Rather than reading the message full-screen, reduce the size of the window your message
appears in so that the text is as wide as you wish it to be. It will “wrap around” to any width you set it at,
without the possibility of having one or two words overflow into the next line, like happened in our tests. If
we’re wrong, I know we’ll get e-mails. It will also look better for those that print it out. Unfortunately,
because it is sent in plain text so it can be read by everybody, we cannot “dress up” its appearance.
A few representative e-mails received were:
Joe Kennedy: “I am interested in receiving the e-mail newsletter. I heard about it on the Canadian Coin
Reference Site. I am not a member of the CNA.” – We are including this to take the opportunity to thank
Web Master Brian Smith and the participants of this popular discussion site for commenting about our first
bulletin. Its Website is The other site he maintains is for his
popular thrice-yearly Torex coin show.
Jim Majoros: “Great idea for the E-Bulletin. Enjoyed it and the variety of comments that may give me an
idea for our clubs in New Jersey. Had dinner with Paul Johnson (your Education Director) and his wife
and daughter at the ANA convention in Pittsburgh and really enjoyed their company. Would like to
become a member of the CNA, but need an application. Is it on line? Although not a Canadian coin
collector and not too much of one overall, I really enjoy the mix of comments in the various publications.”
(Jim is the ANA National YN Coordinator, Vice President of GSNA in New Jersey and President of the
Ocean County Coin Club, New Jersey) – Membership details can be found on the C.N.A.’s Website at It is not our intention to aggressively “push” membership here, but if
anyone wants to receive a few samples of recent Journals (mailed to members ten times per calendar
year) without cost or obligation, drop the Executive Secretary a note at [email protected].
Nicholas M. Graver: “Greetings, and congrats on launching your new e-pub. Here is a constructive suggestion to make it easier for the busy reader to find desired sections and concentrate on topics of interest. Organize it so Educational articles of general numismatic interest are grouped together, preferably at the top. Letters to the editor, commenting on previous topics could be next. Then get to the local "newsletter" type material. Keep the meeting notices, "Wanted", happenings, sick list, obituaries, and other regional topics grouped together. That way, busy readers, having limited time and much mail can quickly concentrate on their favorite articles. And, the non-member (whom you invite to subscribe) is not missing valuable/educational topics that could be buried within the local news. I take my hat off to you for starting such a venture. We hear of other groups that have lost their momentum, so this is an exciting move.” – We were planning a less structured bulletin so you never know what to expect next, with the only thought being that we would place humor near the beginning, the middle and well as in-between. What do others think? As for momentum, a bulletin is only as good as its editor. The executive has given me freedom to run with it (I bet they didn’t expect to have anywhere near 2,000 subscribers this early in the game!). Your editor does not get paid a single red cent (or even a VG) and has also donated all costs associated with the e-mail address [email protected]. When I stop having fun with it, I will ask the C.N.A. President to find a replacement! Wayne Homren: “Your newsletter looks great and I look forward to reading it. You are free to reprint anything from The E-Sylum as long as credit is given.” (Wayne is the award-winning editor of the E-Sylum, the electronic bulletin of the Bibliomania Society) - Check out their Website at where you can view back issues of their publication as well as subscribe to it. In our first C.N.A. E-Bulletin, we congratulated Wayne on his ‘ANA Best Electronic Bulletin Award’ and stated that we will try to give him a real good run for their money. His response was “Bring it on! It's a big world of numismatics out there, and cyberspace never runs out of room.” Spoken like a true gentleman! Alan Kreuzer: “I enjoyed your newsletter. I think that it would be nice if you reported new varieties (major) and some neat stuff that sold in auctions. I am a U.S. dealer but have enjoyed all forms of numismatics for 50 years. I see that a 1936 far just sold for 10k!!!! Things like that are always interesting.” – If recipients make us aware of new finds and other interesting bits of information, we can publish it. Speaking of auctions, we picked up the details about the three Brasher doubloons from Numismatic News’ e-Bulletin in this issue. Clifford Mishler; ”Congratulations on your initiative and interest in launching C.N.A. E-Bulletin. I found scanning the first issue to be both an interesting and informative exercise. I had presumed that would be the case, as since vacating my office at Krause Publications about 20 months ago, I sometimes find myself a bit out-of-the-loop from an informational standpoint, thus I really enjoy scouring for content all of the organizational publications that reach me. I am pleased with your visualized objective of not only being informative, but also entertaining and engaging. I look forward to receiving future issues twice monthly. Thanks for enrolling me. And, it is always enjoyable seeing one’s name in print, as notoriety is part of the meal of continued involvement. Thanks again for accepting the commitment you have.” – Thanks for the kind words. And thanks for not dropping out entirely as quite often happens when someone retires. Keep in touch. Denis F. DeBan: “Thank you for sending me your e-mail newsletter. I belong to the A.N.A and have completed their Basic and Advance Grading Summer Classes and counterfeit Detection. My specialty is in U.S. Morgan Silver Dollars from 1878, the first year minted with eight tail feathers and the Carson City Nevada minted dollars. Other interests include Canadian commemoratives in silver and gold including Proof Sets with commemorative dollars. I have also put on the Boy Scout Merit Badge Coin Collecting class and collect Olympic and World Cup Soccer coinage. Historic events commemorated with medals or coins fill out my other interests. I look forward to receiving future newsletters.” – When we first began working on this bulletin, we promised ourselves that we would only send it to dedicated, “involved” numismatists. If you and the preceding respondent, Cliff Mishler, just to name two, are any indication, looks like we succeeded! “Thank you for sending me copy of your new C.N.A. E-Bulletin. Considering this was your first effort and
you had to come up with its contents all on your own, it is outstanding! You must have great parents to
raise such an intelligent young man” - From your mother!
And we have lots more -mails, but we cannot keep filling the whole bulletin with just letters. We have
already been accused of making Issue No. 1 too long, a tradition we have maintained in this issue also!
So if you do not see any congratulatory e-mails in future, we either chose not to run them.or we didn’t
receive any.
We should mention that although we will include names in this bulletin if we publish excerpts from your e-
mails, we do not include any sort of an address because of privacy issues and in a lot of instances we do
not know what it is. We only keep the e-mail address in our database, without even your name.
In the last issue, we ask for your pet peeves. The first person to respond.actually, the only person. was
Alan Kreuzer, who says: “Men that do not lift the seat up before urinating in a toilet! I just came from the
FUN show and some dealer did this and I looked him in the eye, and said that I hoped that the next time
he HAD to REALLY go, that some other slob didn't lift the seat. When he realized that I was slamming
him, he smiled and walked away.”
For being the first, we are pleased to send Alan six different collectible catalogues donated by Charlton
Press. Incidentally, if you wish to see the fantastic list of numismatic and other collectible catalogues
available from Charlton Press, one of the C.N.A.’s Corporate Sponsors, go to
In response to our request for New Years Superstitions, Frank Fesco writes: “For the last 80+ years of my
recollection, we have maintained an odd Danish custom of jumping into the New Year from some low
perch with food in one hand and a coin in the other. It was supposed to ensure adequate sustenance and
wealth throughout the coming year. It must work, for we have always had ample food, my coin collection
has exceeded even my own expectations, and we are still healthy enough for the effort. The custom is
now being continued by my children and grandchildren.” Frank was first on this one. He also receives 6
different collectible catalogues donated by Charlton Press.
From Monina Regitko: “Re superstitions, at a Filipino wedding, the bride and groom exchange coins for
good fortune and a prosperous life. As well, it is custom for Filipinos to jump from small heights before
Easter Sunday. This was supposed to help make us grow taller.” – Judging by the average height of
Filipinos, it doesn’t work, does it?
From John Regitko: “When you give someone a gift of a purse or wallet, you should put a penny (or some
other coin) in it, which I think is very much a universal custom all year round.”
Congratulations to Carolyne-Marie Petch for being selected as one of only three official Canadian
representatives to attend the Good Shepherd Catechises International Council / 50th Anniversary meeting
in Rome at the end of October.
Carolyne-Marie is known to many C.N.A. members as both the wife the C.N.A. 1st Vice-President &
Editor, Paul Petch, and as the Chairman of the hospitality committee during the 2004 C.N.A. Convention.
In her work, Carolyne-Marie prepares children for first communion and also trains adults in how to do the
same work by serving as a team member of a certificate program at St. Michael’s College, University of
A collecting sidelight to the trip was the preparation of a commemorative wood to celebrate the
anniversary of this work that began in Rome 50 years ago. There are 100 woods with the 50th anniversary
side in gold and the Good Shepherd side in green. These woods were handed out as souvenirs from the
members of the Canadian contingent. An additional 200 woods with both sides green were produced for
friends. The woods were manufactured by Norm’s Wooden Nickels.
We are very interested in obtaining names of well-known living Canadians that are coin collectors. They
can be from any field: sports, entertainment (recording, acting, comedy), arts, authors, financial, business,
science, medicine. Reason: we might wish to contact them to assist us in public appearances to promote
the hobby.
Lest everyone sends us the name of Wayne Gretzky, we know, we know!
In the last issue, we mentioned Bernie O’Neil’s idea of the Canadian Banking System, as published in
The North York Mirror. It evolved around a woman finding $40,000 and turning it into the bank that didn’t
lose it.but they took it and gave the woman $2,000 for her honesty. We must confess we did wonder
when we read that, about the honesty of the bank in keeping the other $38,000 that they acknowledged
did not belong to them.
I don’t know about you, but if somebody gave me $40,000 that didn’t belong to me, I would show real
kindness and give the single woman on welfare with six kids half of it back. We would figure it was worth
$20,000 to get $20,000, wouldn’t you? That’s a better offer than we keep receiving from the Nigerians
who promise us a measly 25%, although we have to confess that is on an amount of $25 million or $100
million or $225 million depending on what day of the week it is. But we digress.
Back to the $40,000 the woman found. It keeps getting weirder.
Government officials said they’d have to claw back her welfare payments, because she just came into
$2,000. They were going to deduct a certain amount from her monthly welfare payments (six kids, no
husband around, that’s part of the Canadian social safety net that is the envy of the rest of the world) until
the $2,000 was “clawed back.”
We wonder if the woman is sorry that she turned it in, in the first place?
Christine Smith and her daughter were driving their car on Sunday, January 30. They decided to switch
seats and therefore stopped in someone’s driveway. When they got to their destination, they realized that
their pouch containing $1,000 in cash for rent deposit, was missing. They surmised that it must have
fallen out when they switched place, so drove back to the driveway and knocked on the owner’s door.
They explained to Pierre Drew, who answered the door, why they were there. He went into the living
room and returned with the missing pouch, complete with the cash.
The Smiths wanted to give him a reward but he refused, finally agreeing to accept a small gift for his
daughter. Maybe he heard the problems the woman from the previous article was having with the Welfare
people and figures he would only get razzed by Revenue Canada Taxation if he accepted anything?
At least he didn’t take it to the local bank!
Bob Merchant says: On January 28, 2005, I received a 1944-S U.S. Jefferson "wartime" nickel in change
at a Dunkin' Donuts store in Florida. I knew when I heard it jingling in my pocket that I had an unusual
coin - it just didn't "sound right". I took the coin out of my pocket and immediately noticed the large "S"
above the Monticello dome. How long has it been since you received a U.S. Wartime Jefferson Nickel in
change? The last time that I can remember getting one of these in change was when I was a kid (during
the 1970s). Here are two images of the coin:

Golly, all we ever get in change is the Tim Hortons Poppy Quarter. And even then it costs us a regular
quarter and the purchase of a coffee!
To the Florida United Numismatists, for another successful Convention, celebrating their 50th anniversary
since its founding. Those of us who live in Canada and were unable to attend, can just imagine what the
weather was like. It is minus 21 as this is being typed. We will let our U.S. friends figure out what this is in
real temperature. Trust us, it’s cold whether you step outside in Fahrenheit or Celsius!
To Michael “Stan” Turrini, C.N.A. area director for Western U.S., on being elected Treasurer of the
Northern Ontario Numismatic Association.
To Michigan State Numismatic Society on another successful convention. Word has reached us belatedly
that our friends and neighbors in Michigan had another fantastic convention over the U.S. Thanksgiving
weekend. Other than the huge bourse, visitors are always impressed with the exhibits. James Cain won
the Best of Show Exhibit Award.
To the Windsor Coin Club who held their 550th meeting in December. Now, before anyone contacts us
reminding us how time flies, we congratulated them in the last issue for holding their 500th meeting. Our
first typo! The Windsor Coin Club was founded sometime in 1960. Until 1962, they held two meetings a
month. Going on the basis of 10 meetings a year and not knowing exactly when in 1962 they held their
first meeting, the closest estimate is that they probably held their 550th meeting in December. If you know
of a club that is 500 meetings and over or 50 years and more, drop us a note at [email protected] so we
can tell over 2,000 people.
To the Royal Canadian Mint, who is forecasting a $10 million profit. Current management has made some
tough decisions about what the hobby wants as well as choosing some very popular topics and designs
that have caught the hearts of the public.
To William Horton Jr., A.N.A. vice-president, who was recently honored at the annual convention of the
League of Municipalities in Atlantic City. According to the ANA Numismatist, he received the Joseph
Maher Jr. Award for contributions to public works in New Jersey by the New Jersey Chapter of the
American Public Works Association.
To Robert Byrd, on being named associate director and chief financial officer of the U.S. Mint. He
previously held the position of deputy commissioner for management systems and CFO for the Food and
Drug Administration and as V.P. of Orkand Corp. and Cedar Enterprises Solutions Inc.
To the U.S. Mint for some pretty impressive statistics. For example, the Mint contributed $665 million to
the Treasury General Fund, an increase of $65 from 2003. The Thomas Edison and Lewis and Clark
programs produced over $4 million in profit. For the 4th quarter, numismatic revenue was up 69 percent
over the same quarter the year before, bullion was up 39 percent, and production of circulating coinage
increased by 15 percent.
To Wayne Homren, Editor of the E-Sylum, the electronic bulletin of the Bibliomania Society, for his
mentioning of our first effort. As a direct result, we have added a whole bunch of new recipients to this
To Dora de Pedery-Hunt, Canada’s foremost medallist and certainly one person that needs no
introduction to any collector of Canadian decimal coins, on her appointment as Honorary Director of the
Medallic Art Society of Canada (MASC). In addition to having the distinction of being the first Canadian to
design the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II for our Canadian coinage, she has designed and sculpted
hundreds upon hundreds of medals for commemorations and awards presentations for private companies
and government institutions. As busy and famous as she was, she even took the time to design and
sculpt the 1981 C.N.A. Convention medal as a donation to the C.N.A.

To Anne Lazare-Mirvish, for also being appointed an Honorary director of MASC. She has also left her
mark, both in the artistic community as well as being a pillar, along with her husband Ed “Honest Ed”
Mirvish, in the business community in Toronto. For those of you that are not aware what “Honest Ed’s”
means, the next time you are in Toronto go to the corner of Bathurst and Bloor Streets and look up if your
eyesight is okay from the 10,000 or so lights. Incidentally, Mrs. Mirvish, along with husband Ed and son
David, were recently awarded Honorary Doctors of Law degrees by the prestigious University of Toronto.
To Del Newbigging, a driving force behind MASC, who created a special “retiring directors” presentation
medal which was presented to both Dora de Pedery-Hunt and Anne Lazare-Mirvish for serving a term as
Directors just prior to receiving their Honorary Director appointments.
To Susan Taylor, MASC President, for recognizing the talent of Dora de Pedery-Hunt and Anne Lazare-
Mirvish. In announcing the honorary appointments in their bulletin, Susan stated: “We really couldn’t let
them go. MASC would not be the same without them!”
To C.N.A. member Del Newbigging who has been appointed a member of the Board of Directors of
MASC. He has some big shoes to fill, but we know he is up to the challenge, having been involved with
the Society since its inception. Incidentally, if you wish more information on the Medallic Art Society of
Canada, e-mail him at [email protected] for details.
To Heritage Numismatic Auctions who was fortunate to put three Brasher doubloons from two consignors
in a single sale in conjunction with the recent Florida United Numismatists convention.
To dealers Steve Contursi and Donald Kagin who teamed up to pay $2.99 million for one of the Brashers,
graded XF-45 by Numismatic Guaranty Corp. Kagin also bought the second piece in the sale, NGC AU-
55, for $2.4 million. The third one, graded XF-40 by NGC, also went to Kagin, for $690,000. In
Numismatic News, Gregory L. Reynolds writes that only two individual coins have ever sold for more at
public auction: in August 1999, the Childs family 1804 silver dollar realized $4.14 million, and, in July
2002, the Stephen Fenton 1933 $20 gold double eagle sold for $7.59 million. Contursi has announced
that he will display the one piece at his Coin Wholesalers booth at the Feb. 24-26 Long Beach Coin,
Stamp and Collectibles Expo. He also plans to display it at the American Numismatic Association National
Money Show in Kansas City, Mo, April 8-10, the New York Invitational Coin Show, June 30-July 1, and
the American Numismatic Association World’s Fair of Money in San Francisco July 27-31. Dave Kranz,
newsletter editor of The Numismatic e-Bulletin, published by Numismatic News, from which this
information is gleaned/copied/plagiarized, suggests that you might wish to take the time to go to one of
the shows to see it. “Given the cyclical nature of the market, especially at the high end, you might not see
a Brasher again for a long time.”
To the family of Al Rosen on his recent passing. Al, along with his wife Phyllis, operated Honest Phyllis
coin store on Church Street in downtown Toronto for many years. They also operated a successful
numismatic mail order business and a greeting card manufacturing business until their retirement.
To William “Bill” McDonald, a Past-President of the Canadian Paper Money Society and currently their
Secretary Treasurer, on the recent passing of his brother.
Because we have thousands and thousands of knowledgeable dealers on this mailing list.well, okay,
hundreds.we thought we would include the following appeal for information as a public service.
The Higgins Museum of Iowa City, Iowa is in the closing stages of compiling for publication a
comprehensive database of surviving notes from all note-issuing National banks of Iowa. As an incentive,
everyone providing useful information will be provided with access to the database information.
If you have, or know of anyone that has, any of these notes, please e-mail the Higgins Museum at
[email protected] .
When you were younger, you spent New Year’s Eve celebrating with alcoholic drinks, feasting on fatty
foods, dancing the night away, maybe going to a movie and actually staying awake through the whole
Now that you’re older, you probably spent it in front of the TV watching others dance. Drinking an energy
drink. Eating a piece of last year’s fruitcake you couldn’t remember who gave to you and forgot to present
as a gift to someone else.
With the average of age of collectors in their 80s, can we be far off?
Hopefully, for your sake, you also spent time staring at all the coins you acquired during the past year,
reminiscing about how little you paid for most of them.
Dealers work all day at their craft, usually 6 or even 7 days a week. It is not uncommon for a dealer to
take in a coin show on a week-end after toiling in a shop of home-office all week.
Therefore, when a dealer shows up at your club meeting, he is taking precious time away from his family
and friends and sacrificing leisure time. Most of the time by far, they do not sell enough to make it worth
their while. We should learn to appreciate them more.
So like some club bulletins say: “Remember to support the dealers that attend your club.”
At a recent coin show, a couple of dealers wound up at a bar and consumed a few bottles of champagne.
They got talking to the waitress and found out that she was going on vacation to Las Vegas the following
One of the dealers explained to the waitress that he had just returned from Los Vegas and because he
liked her, he handed her a $100 chip from Aladdin Casino as her tip. Needless to say, the waitress was
If you have any thoughts about this idea, e-mail us at [email protected]. The person sending us the most
interesting comment will receive a dozen different video arcade tokens and some Canadian 25-cent
casino tokens. We will tell you in the next C.N.A. E-Bulletin what the end result was of the above
scenario. You might be surprised.
Hey, spouses, I know we are a bit late for Christmas, but if you are still sitting there wondering what to get
your fanatical coin collecting husband as a belated Christmas present to replace those ties or the
underwear you bought him, let us make a few suggestions. Since we don’t want to bore you non-
collecting spouses with a lot of minor details, we suggest you pick some or all of the following, go to your
local coin store and simply ask for it without worrying about details. All you need to know is that it will
make your hubby very, very happy.
1. BU
2. 36 Dot cent or dime (no quarter, though) 3. The new 3 pound Austrian gold coin (do tell them the 3 pounds is the weight, not the denomination) 4. 55 Double Die BU 5. CU $1,000 note 6. The largest gold bar by Johnson Matthey 7. 1911 Canadian Dollar (any metal content will do)
Now isn’t that simple! You don’t need to know anything else, because coin dealers are very
knowledgeable and will understand. Just bring your credit cards and chequebook. You might need both
depending on your ultimate choices. And we can promise you that you definitely will not be heard saying
the following to him:
1. I was pretty sure you needed that, but now that I see your face, I was clearly wrong.
2. What do you mean, cheap?
3. You should have married someone thoughtful.
And what numismatic object would you like to receive from your spouse, and why? We award prizes only
for funny answers sent to [email protected].
Jerome Fourre, a driving force behind the Canadian Tire Coupon Collectors Club (Canadian Tire “money”
is known as Canada’s second currency) issues this invite: “If you are in the Ottawa, Ontario area or if you
don’t mind driving, you are invited to attend our meeting on February 20. Once again Bob Bonneville will
offer the needed facilities at the Canadian Tire Store at 1820 Merivale at Hunt Club in Nepean (just
outside Ottawa). Registration at 9:00 am for a 9:30 am start. Everyone is welcome, it is not important
whether you are a member or not. There will be an educational session given by Club Vice-President
Lucien Levesque.”
Ted Bailey, owner/operator of the South Western Ontario Numismatic Show (SWON), informs us that his
next show is being held on February 6 at the Fairgrounds in Paris, Ontario. What we have always liked
about this show is the number of juniors that turn up, and if we were told that half the town shows up, we
can believe it! Dealers and collectors who wish more information can contact them at (866) 747-COIN or
[email protected].
Roger deWardt Lane e-mailed us: “You may like to refer Canadians visiting South Florida for the winter,
that there are two local clubs in the Hollywood - Ft. Lauderdale area. Go to my web site and
click on Hollywood Coin Club or click on the Ft. Lauderdale Coin Club for dates and directions to
meetings and shows. If you have time you may wish to read some of the
Adventures of Mutt and Jeff also on my site.” - Well, Roger, considering that about 6 million Canadians
spend winter in Florida, we are pleased to pass it on.
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions that you want to pass along to us at [email protected]?
Both the best serious and humorous ones will get prizes, thanks to donations of a quantity of collectibles
catalogues from Bill Cross, owner/manager of Charlton Press.
We made a few serious ones:
We will attend more club meetings this year.
We will visit more coin shows and dealers.
We will do more volunteer work for the hobby.
We will do a better job of promoting numismatics.
Okay, your turn!
Torex® is moving to The Radisson Admiral Hotel, Toronto Harbourfront, 249 Queens Quay West, in the
Admiral's Ballroom. The bourse will be located on the 3rd floor, while meetings will be held on the 4th.
There is plenty of underground parking available, and public transportation is available right at the hotel's
The Fedor Website you will see the following: “The Admiral is a small, personal hotel on the
exciting and always buzzing Harbourfront. It's only a short walk to Queen's Quay shopping and the
SkyDome, and there's a light-rail connection to the subway system outside the door. Rooms are
handsomely furnished in naval motifs. The hotel affords spectacular views over Lake Ontario to the
Toronto Islands, and dramatically impressive views of the city office towers to the north. Commodore's
Restaurant has equally stunning views and serves Continental cuisine."
For information on Torex, go to for all Torex updates! Or telephone Brian Smith at (416)
The special 2005 Torex hotel room rate is $139 (single or double occupancy, taxes extra). For
reservations, call 416-203-3333 or toll free at 1-800-333-3333 and ask for the special rate for the Torex
Coin Show.
For information on the Torex auction and auction catalogue, contact the official Torex auctioneer Moore
Numismatic auctions at [email protected].
You know what we did before Christmas? We picked up a copy of the CN Journal, official publication of
the Canadian Numismatic Association, looked at some of the ads, went to the dealers’ Websites and
ordered some coins, both for ourselves as well as some numismatic friends with whom we exchange gifts
each year.
Then we checked our incoming e-mails and couldn’t decide what to purchase for our non-numismatic
friends. For example, we didn’t know if we should purchase “The Finest Rolex Replica Watch” or “The
Real Replications Watch” that were offered by two different companies. What is a “real” replica anyway?
Is that the opposite of an imitation replica?
Or to whom do we give C-i-a-l-i-s? Although we know of a couple of people who could use Valium, we
wouldn’t dare.
We also didn’t buy the watch that promised 25% off. The last time we bought one of those over the
Internet it lost 15 minutes every hour.
Or the cable TV adapters that gives us free Pay-per-View, like the one of our neighbors has and who is
currently trying to convince a judge that he does not want to receive a bonus of free room and board for
six months.
We simply purchased a quantity of Proof-Like sets for everyone. The coins look great. And a set is a lot
cheaper than, say, a nice vase or an oil painting.
Although we cannot possibly list even a small fraction of all the coin shows taking place in North America,
I don’t think anyone can object if we single out those that support the C.N.A. in various ways and go
beyond the call of duty in other ways.
So we take this opportunity to thank the Canadian Association of Numismatic Dealers and the CAND
Show organizers, Terry McHugh and Rick Simpson. First of all, they provided us with a complimentary
C.N.A. Information Table at their Show on January 29-30 in Hamilton, Ontario. The C.N.A. Executive
Secretary, who manned the table, tells us that it was the most financially successful Information Table
manned by him since he took over that position in 2002. It produced a number of new members, people
paid for their membership renewal, payment was received for two life memberships, three CNA/NESA
Correspondence Courses were sold and a few donations were received. That has got to add up to time
well spent!
What they did for young collectors really made them stand out from most other shows. They chartered a
bus to bring 31 juniors and 19 chaperons from the Franklin Coin Club (of the Franklin Public School in
Kitchener, Ontario) to the show. A Young Numismatist Table set up by CAND made numismatic books
and supplies available to juniors at between 75% and 95% discount.
The coordinator for the bus group was Chris Boyer, who also assists the Franklin Public School’s coin
club with their meetings and bulletin. They meet over lunch hour every second Friday. If you are in the
Kitchener, Ontario area and would like to make a 30-minute presentation to a group of around 100 kids,
please e-mail Chris at [email protected] to obtain available dates of meetings, age range and
You can visit our Website at without telling us who you are or revealing
personal information about yourself. We do not collect any information whatsoever when you visit the
Website. If you choose to contact us via e-mail or through the “Submit” button on the web pages as a
result of your visit, we will only use it to respond to you.
Cookies are text information files that your web browser places on your computer when you visit a
Website. The C.N.A. does not use such "cookie" technology to obtain information from you as an online
This is as anonymous as it can get!
Until the 10th!
Your C.N.A. E-Bulletin Editor
The Canadian Numismatic Association is a not for profit organization devoted to serving those
who enjoy coin collecting/numismatics by promoting fellowship, communication, education and
providing advocacy and leadership for the hobby.

If you have a comment to make, or would like to submit an item for publication, email: [email protected] To subscribe to the E-Bulletin email: [email protected] If you have questions about our privacy policy, email: [email protected] To learn about the benefits of membership or to join the C.N.A. visit our website at: For a complimentary copy of The CN Journal, email your name and mailing address to: [email protected] Any submissions, comments or information sent to us will be shared with subscribers unless indicated otherwise. We reserve the right to edit submissions for publication.


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